#its kinda anti varchie
cosmicmadwoman · 7 years
Adam and Eve Chapter 10: Love Letter
hello! I’m sorry it’s been so long, my bf was visiting and he lives far away so i was devoting all my time to him while he was here :) Without further ado, chapter 10:)
Read from the beginning: https://archiveofourown.org/works/11360046/chapters/25427913
Summary: Archie dumps Veronica, Betty searches the Lodge house and Betty and Jughead have lunch with RJ
Rated: M (a little spanking)
Word Count: 5077
Betty was dreading today. Today was the last day of school before winter break, that was a plus, but what was pressing in her mind was snooping through her best friend’s house as she was supposed to be comforting said best friend during a break up. She knew how harsh is was too lose Archie-- he was well sculpted and sturdy, like a thoroughbred, but he wasn’t mature and often selfish. She didn’t regret her time wasted loving Archie, because it made loving Jughead more special. He was everything Archie couldn’t be, understanding, poetic, selfless and multidimensional. She hoped Veronica would gain that clarity when she found a new man, as she surely would.
The blonde had trouble concentrating on her classes and Veronica was noticing. The two were lab partners in chemistry and Veronica heavily relied on Betty to do the brunt of the work, but Betty’s mind couldn’t focus on the names of the chemicals and which ones didn’t go together.
“If I had known you were going to zone out today, I would’ve actually paid attention,” Veronica nudged her shoulder playfully.
“Sorry, V. Stuff has just been-- well you know. Has your dad arrived yet?” Betty asked gently.
Veronica’s face cracked and revealed a bit of sadness, but she quickly pieced herself back together and busied herself with rearranging the test tubes by size.  “He’s going to be there when we get to my apartment. I’m excited for him to meet you, at least. The only true friend I’ve ever had.”
Betty gave her friend a soft smile and buckled down, scanning her notes. Veronica was clearly hurting and Betty needed to stop making it about her.
Once classes got out, Veronica was pretty much glued to Betty’s side. Archie wanted to speak with Veronica alone, and Archie kept shooting eyes at Betty for her to leave them alone when they were sitting in the student commons, but Veronica had her arm tightly looped through Betty’s.
“Maybe you can meet him sometime, Archiekins,” Veronica said.
“Huh?” Archie wasn’t pay attention, just thinking of an escape route.
“Uh, I don’t think so,” Archie said firmly. He glared at Betty again.
Betty unwrapped herself from the raven haired girl, “Archie, do you want some privacy?”
Archie responded with yes simultaneously as Veronica said no. Veronica reached for Betty’s hand as the girl stood up. Betty stood there awkwardly, Veronica clutching her sweaty palm. The girl’s lip trembled and Betty realized that Veronica had known this was coming.
“Just say it,” Veronica whispered.
“Ronnie, it’s not you, it’s me--”
Veronica scoffed, “And to think you could be more original. We are all going through shit Archie, I get it. I don’t know if you really mean to leave me, or you’re just confused, and I’m so sorry about your dad, but  don’t need a boyfriend that gives up when things are hard. I’ll still be here for you if you need me, though.”
She was quite level in her speech and Betty wondered how long Veronica had seen this coming. She stood up, balanced her purse on the crook of her elbow, and linked arms with Betty again. Veronica gave a dramatic wave goodbye and swept Betty away into the black SUV Smithers was driving.
“Is everything alright Miss Lodge?” Smithers asked, looking at her through the rearview mirror, obviously seeing her red eyes from the few tears she let fall when she spoke with Archie.
“All is well, Smithers,” she replied. Veronica brushed some invisible lint off her skirt, an excuse to shield her eyes from Smithers’ concerned look.
Betty dipped her head and whispered to her friend, “How long did you sense a break up coming?”
Veronica looked up and patted Betty’s knee like she was a young, niave child.
“Archie isn’t very subtle when he gets a wandering eye. He is fiercely dedicated when he is caught up in the emotions of teenage romance, but once the trance is broken, he started scoping other girls out. This was going on even before Fred. I think I’ve had time to digest him leaving me,” Veronica explained. “But that doesn’t mean I’m not upset. We are still binging with Ben and Jerry tonight.”
“But he shouldn’t have done it today of all days….” Betty trailed off, allowing Veronica to surmise what she meant herself.
“Men aren’t known for their mindfulness for a reason, Betty.”
Smithers gave the girl’s their privacy until theyreached the lavish apartment complex. Smithers opened the car door and helped each girl out before he spoke, “Mr. Lodge is eager to see you.”
“I bet he is,” Veronica replied in a gravelly tone.
Smithers escorted the girls to the elevator and gave a curt bow when they entered. The girls were silent, both brains consumed of thoughts about dads, ex-boyfriends, current boyfriends and mystery.
Veronica paused at the door and turned to Betty. Her delicate hand rested on the golden knob.
“I haven’t seen him for months,” Veronica whispered carefully, “I don’t even know this man.”
Betty placed her palm on Veronica’s caped shoulder and squeezed lightly. “Then get to know him.”
“I don’t know if I want to.”
Before Betty could open her mouth and say, you don’t have to, just because he’s your dad doesn’t mean he’s your family, but Hiram must have heard them outside, because the door swung open and he emerged, arms wide open to embrace his daughter. Veronica’s body was rigid against his hug and her smile was strained when he pulled away and examined her face.
“You look so… mature,” Hiram admired. “I’ve missed my baby girl!”
“Missed you too, Dad,” Veronica said half-heartedly, which Betty didn’t think Hiram noticed, and if he had, he was choosing to ignore it.
Hiram gestures towards Betty, “And who is this young lady?”
Betty stretched out her hand, cautious to keep her palms closed until she shook it. Hiding her scars was second nature to her. “I’m Betty Cooper. I’m a very good friend of Ronnie’s.”
“Best friend,” Veronica corrected and smiled genuinely at Betty.
Hermonice came up behind Hiram and leaned on his back, placing her chin on his shoulder. It was all lovey dovey, but all forced Betty noticed. The person Hermione really had feelings for was dead, and that had Hiram sitting pretty again. It seemed like a solid motive, killing Fred so Hermione would stay with Hiram. But that story didn't link up with the footprints, unless Hiram hired Hacksaw, which he had done before. Yet the heels, that still didn’t add up. She was weary about searching Veronica’s place, but the more she thought about, the more she acknowledged Jughead was right.
“Betty is Alice and Hal Cooper’s daughter,” Hermione said sweetly, but with a hint of something else.
Hiram arched is highbrows and pursed his lips like he had just sucked on a lemonhead candy. “Delightful.”
Veronica crossed her arms. Why were the roles so reversed in Riverdale? The children were forgiving and kind, but the adults were all about blood and money. Specifically, family blood and family money. If they cared about family so much, why did Veronica’s parents did everything to push her away?
“Can we come in now? My feet are killing me in these new Jimmy Choo boots,” Veronica pushed past her parents and flopped on the immaculately white couch. Betty joined her awkwardly and sat up incredibly straight, afraid pressing her back onto it would leave stains and secrets on the sofa.
“What’s for dinner?” Veronica untied her heeled boots and rubbed her feet with shaking hands. Betty gave her a quick side hug, trying to transfer strength to Veronica.
“Your father and I are picking up taking out from the french restaurant and Greendale. Your father wants to stay in tonight, but wants good food, and the world knows I can’t cook!” Hermione joked, eyes sparking, but it looked likey were sparkling with tears and not happiness.
If her dad made her mom so miserable why did she stay? Veronica remembered her mom saying it wasn’t that simple, but that term was always a concoction by adults to excuse their selfish behavior, it seemed to Veronica. Maybe she would start saying that to her mother; she doubt Hermione Lodge would accept that reasoning for anything.
“Does dad want to stay in to hide from the media?” Veronica pressed.
Hiram took a deep breath and sat across from his daughter on the matching white sofa. “That is why Riverdale is so great honey, we don’t have to worry about that here.”
Veronica scoffed and murmured, “Sure.”
Hiram looked over at his wife angrily, and jerked his head towards their scowling daughter. Hermione looked started, like she was just woken from a deep sleep, “Veronica, don’t talk to your father like that,” Hiram glanced again wanting more; “You should be happy your father is home.”
Hermione's voice was robotic but Hiram was pleased with her response.
“I am,” Veronica drawled carelessly, “It’s just hard to go to back to normal after you’ve been in jail for months and I couldn’t see you.”
“You know he didn’t want you to see him like that!” Hermione chimed in.
Veronica began to brim with tears, “Yeah, whatever. Betty and I are going to my room.”
The raven haired girl sat up and took Betty by the hand to drag her along to her bedroom on the other side of the apartment. Veronica slammed the door and winced instantly, perhaps frightened by the power of her emotions.
“It’s going better than I thought,” Veronica sighed against the closed door.
Betty chuckled at that and Veronica joined in. It wasn’t necessarily a joke, but Veronica recognized how odd it sounded. Veronica was out of the shadow of her father’s spell, she didn’t want to be around him.
“Your dad seems like he has quite the hold on your mom,” Betty observed, moving to Veronica’s bed and motioning for her to join her.
“It’s always been like that,” Veronica said sitting down, “I thought it was because she loved him so much, but I think it’s because she fears him.”
The girl nestled deeper into her pillows and closed her eyes, clearly not grasping the implication of what she told Betty, who was already slowly beginning to suspect her father.
“I’m so exhausted, I wanna sleep and escape this shit. I’m sorry Betty, do you mind? You’re welcome to watch TV or do stuff on my computer,” Veronica lifted her head only slightly from the pillows and talked desperately. Veronica often used sleeping to escape and it was more than perfect timing for amaetur slueth, Betty Cooper.
“Of course, V,” Betty smiled. She tucked the covers over Veronica and kissed her forehead. Veronica is the real Sleeping Beauty. She kept her dress on, her makeup and pearls, and began to drift off quickly with her best friend beside her. Betty kept up the charade of scrolling through her phone until she heard the whispering snores of Veronica.
The blonde slipped out of her friend's bedroom and gently padded across the hall, waiting at the curve where the wall of the hallway and living room met. She hated the word eavesdropping, she preferred to think she was ‘accidentally listening to someone’s private conversation for the sake of gaining knowledge without the person’s permission accidentally’ when she eavesdropped.
“I know it’s not what you envisioned when you got the news you were coming home, but Ronnie’s been through a lot since you’ve been gone. The move, the murders, the… the business situation,” Hermione was obviously choosing her words delicately.
There was a silence, not a comfortable one, but a silence filled with hurried movement she couldn’t see and a gasp from Hermione. Betty turned her body slightly and could see Hiram and gotten up and was now clenching Hermione's wrist furiously.
“Tell her to behave, Hermione. I’m her father and she will be happy to see me,” Hiram said through gritted teeth.
Smithers walked in and coughed, causing Hiram to release his grip and brush off his trousers like it was just another day’s work to threaten his wife.
“Forgive me for intruding, but the restaurant called and the food is ready for pick up. Shall I drive you?”
Hiram nodded quickly and took Hermione's hand in a less harsh, but still firm, grip and guided her to the hanging coat rack next to the door.
“That’s alright Smithers, I would like to drive my wife myself,” Hiram replied shorty.
The Lodge parents left in a dervish and Smithers was left alone. Betty felt intrusive on his private moment, as he let his shoulders fall and inspected his white gloved hands. He sighed, the sigh of a man that failed to protect someone he loved, and she realized Smithers wanted to be more than Mrs. Lodge’s butler. Smithers had his own room down the hall from the Lodge residence, and he left the apartment to go there, she assumed.
This was her perfect chance, and she wasn’t going to waste it. Hiram Lodge hadn’t been back in civilization long, but it was clear he kept up on business even from his cell, so his office still could prove lucrative. After that would be the bedroom. Betty wasn’t pressured to work too fast, the restaurant was quite a ways away, but she couldn't dillydally on meaningless items either. She wwished Jughead was by her side, not only because it would be more efficient to split up into different rooms and then switch, combing through to find what the other would have missed, but because he was her partner through everything, and sleuthing without him didn’t feel right.
The study was at the end of the infinite hallway that had the doors to the bedrooms and bathroom. The door creaked when she opened it and she winced at the sound. Upon first impressions, the study was eerily immaculate, not a single corner of a paper out of place in the neat stack. She would have to tiptoe everywhere to preserve its pristineness. She went to the stack of paper first, but they were mostly bills that had to be paid and business memos with economic jargon she didn’t understand. One paper could be useful though, it was an unsigned contract drawn up to buy Andrews’ construction. She snapped a picture of it with her cell phone camera to look over later.
Betty gingerly opened the drawers on the oak desk, careful not to rouse the arrangement of what could be inside. It was just office supplies, incredibly unhelpful, but a bright red pen caught her eye. It was a pen from a Blossom Syrup promotion that happened several years ago, before the Lodge’s had arrived in Riverdale; Betty remembered the promotion because those pens were the best and she used them exclusively to write in her diary. Mr. Lodge must have more connections with the Blossoms than just high school and business rivals if he had been in Riverdale over eight years ago and gone to their promotion at Thorne Hill. Betty took a picture of the pen as well and made a note to look further into the Lodge and Blossom personal and business ties.
The next drawer was locked, but that was no match for Betty, she simply removed a bobby pin from her tight ponytail and jimmied the lock with it. It popped open roughly and it made on of the manilla files’ contents stick out above the rest. She pulled out the file that was labeled P followed by the dates Hiram was in prison. Betty sat on the floor and leafed through them, they were letters, all written delaticaly in feminine swirls. They were all addressed to Hiram and signed with a simple P. She wouldn’t have time to read all of these, so she shuffled through them and took pictures with her phone to read with Jughead later. Just by riffling through them, Betty could tell they were love letters. And last time she checked, Hermione didn’t start with a P.
Heavy footsteps were heard down the hallway and Betty’s body froze. How could they be back so early? Had she lost track of time? She stuffed the file back in the drawer and closed it soundlessly before scrambling under the desk just as the door opened. The person who entered didn’t call out, just simply walked to one spot, breathed out, walked to another spot in the room, breathed out again, and repeated. Betty clamped her hand over her mouth to stop the sounds of  her anxious heaving. If it was Veronica, she could come up and make some excuse, Ronnie would probably believe her in the state she was in, but it wasn’t Veronica; the steps were too clunky and baritone.
Light splattered over her once the chair that was under the desk was pulled out to reveal her shaking frame. It was Smithers and he greeted her with a cautious but warm smile. Betty felt slightly relieved, but she wasn’t about to letter her guard down. He offered her a hand and she took it gingerly and he helped her up.
“You’re a brave girl,” Smithers observed.
“I need to find out what happened to my friend’s dad,” Betty said pointedly.
“Revenge is a tricky thing. There  rarely is one person behind these things, and a lot of innocent people get tangled up in these sort of things,” Smithers said.
“You seem to be more aware of what’s going on then someone would first assume,” Betty said carefully.
“I’ve been a butler to rich people for a long time. They don’t get there by playing nice,” Smithers explained. “If you continue looking into their affairs, I should warn you. They’ll ruin anyone in their path.”
“I’m not scared of them,” Betty proclaimed firmly more to herself than Smithers. She was a serpent now. She had a gun and a leather jacket. Blossoms and Lodges weren’t shit anymore.
“I figured as much,” Smithers smiled fondly, “So I’ll give you a tip. Mrs. Lodge’s has the ledger for Andrews’ construction in the desk in her room. It has a combination lock. It’s Miss Lodge’s birth year. There is something in there you must see. I got a text from Mrs. Lodge that they will be arriving in 15 minutes, so you must hurry. I’ll stall them as long as I can if you aren’t out by then.”
“Are you helping me because you want Hiram out of the picture?” Betty probed.
Smithers looked uncomfortable and tightened his ridiculous tie sharply. “I am also fond of knowledge and justice, Miss Cooper.”
Betty smirked, “Uh huh.”
She scurried out of the room and through the first door on the left to Mr. and Mrs. Lodge’s room. It was pristine in there as well, even the linens were pure white with just a touch of baby blue trim. The desk on the left was black and more modern than Hiram’s, and the combination lock drawer was narrow. She spun the silver numbers to read 2001 and pulled it out easily. The ledger was the only item in there. Betty took it out gingerly, like it was a precious breakable stone, and flipped through the pages silently. Nothing but random numbers until there was something written on the back cover. It was Fred’s handwriting, Betty could tell, and it looked like notes for an upcoming project, like he doodled on the first thing he could reach. It resembled a house, a beautiful cottage by Sweetwater River, and underneath it said Hermione and Fred’s dream home.
There were building a house together? Clearly things were more serious than anyone in town knew. She snapped a picture of that as well and slipped out of the room, winking at Smithers who was guarding the door, and slipped back into Veronica’s bed like nothing was wrong.
Betty was excited when she woke up the next morning. She changed quickly while Veronica was still sleeping (she woke up for dinner, ate, they watched a movie and went right back to bed), gave her a kiss on the cheek and went back to the trailer. Jughead was already up waiting for her on the couch, leafing through a worn copy of Galapagos by Kurt Vonnegut. He bolted up right when she arrived and he looked at her expectedly.
“Well? I’ve been dying to know,” Jughead patted the cushion beside him and closed his book not bothering to save his place.
Betty sat and pulled out her phone, “I took pictures of everything. An unsigned copy of a contract to buy Andrews’ construction, a Blossom Syrup pen from many years ago they he could only get in Riverdale, love letters he got in prison… and apparently Hermione and Fred were daydreaming about a house together.”
Jughead swiped through the pictured and stopped when he go to one on the letters. “Who is P?”
Betty shrugged. “Another mystery.”
“It seems neither Lodge is faithful to their partner,” Jughead observed.
“Rich people never are, it seems.”
“Good thing you’re middle class and I’m poor,” Jughead chuckled.
Betty didn’t think it was funny. She swatted his arm and scowled. “I could have all the money in the world and I would never do that, Juggie. We’ve been through so much together and I can’t imagine being with anyone else. Nobody understands me but you.”
“That’s a cliche.”
Betty didn’t like his answer and continued to pout. “Well, it’s true so shut up. Don’t let your insecurities doubt my love for you.”
Jughead gave her a side eyed glance and shrugged. “I just hate myself a lot sometimes. I still can’t believe a girl like you could ever love me; I often wonder what alternate reality I’ve stepped into.”
“Well, wherever it is, I never want to leave,” Betty whispered and cocked her head to kiss his full lips.
He kissed her back, putting all of his insecurities into a bruising kiss and grabbing her cheek to bring her closer. She knocked his beanie off in one swipe and pushed her tongue in his mouth, exploring the wet cavern like never before, Betty wanting to show him how invested in him she was. Jughead shed his flannel followed by breaking the kiss shortly for his shirt to come off as well. He moaned hungrily in Betty’s mouth when she tweaked his nipples in between her thumb and forefinger. The couple worked together to shed all of their clothes until both were naked, Jughead on top of Betty, his hardness ready and poking at her creamy white thigh. He kissed down her neck and chest and nibbled lightly on the swells of her breast. His hand snaked down to her center and rubbed her clit in long, lazy circles. Betty arched sharply into his touch and Jughead smirked. Her little mewls and moans gave him courage to experiment.
“Can we try a new position?” Jughead asked.
Betty nodded excitedly and Jughead flipped her on her stomach and brought her up to her knees by wrapping his arm around her waist and pulling up.
“Is this okay?”
Betty just moaned in response and Jughead plunged into her from behind, the new angle causing both teens to grunt lowly like cave people. He respected Betty so much, her mind, her sound her brain… but fuck seeing her ass bouncing on his cock, the expanse of her back shiny with sweat, her blonde ponytail begging to be grabbed-- it was all so erotic. He wanted to give her an orgasm so badly, but he wasn’t sure how much longer he could last.
“Slap my ass,” Betty ordered breathlessly, so much so Jughead couldn’t understand her.
He bent over her and whispered in her ear, “What?”
“Slap my ass, Jughead.”
Jughead growled in response and leaned back to give her wiggling ass a joyful smack. It reddened a little, but that wasn’t enough for Betty.
“Again,” she commanded.
He smakced her again she hissed. The stinging only hurt for a moment, but afterwards it was like her whole body was vibrating. Jughead smacked her ass one more time and rubbed lovingly, the combination of lust and love overwhelming her and making her clamp and cum on Jughead’s erection. The sudden tightness had him gritting his teeth and he spilled into her soon after.
“Fuck, that was hot,” Jughead said as he leaned over and kissed her spine. He rolled off and onto the floor, too warm to feel the starchy seats of the couch on his body. Betty joined him on the floor and snuggled naked on his side.
“My ass stings,” Betty murmured.
“Did I go too far?” Jughead sat up slightly and his eyes furrowed in concern.
“No, I liked it,” she smirked.
Once they were showered and dressed, they sat down to paw through the love letters Betty didn’t get a chance to read. There was nothing too personal in them that would tip off who it was, just loving admirations and some gross detailed sex acts that wouldn’t let Jughead or Betty look at Hiram Lodge the same way again. At least the horrible scenes let them know that P was indeed a woman, as he called her sexy mama and unashamedly described how he wanted to ravish her female assets.
“P mentioned conjugal visits,” Jughead pointed out.
“She was probably joking,” Betty snorted.
“We should still see if we can get records of who visited him in jail and see if he received conjugal visits from anyone,” Jughead offered.
“I guess it doesn’t hurt to try,” Betty said.
“Speaking of doesn’t hurt to try… I kind of told RJ we could meet him for lunch today. He really needs some friends,” Jughead said.
“Okay, that sounds nice,” Betty smiled and booped his nose with her finger.
Pop’s was yet again empty, so it was easy to find RJ sitting in the booth alone. He waved happily when he saw them and gestured for them to come over. Jughead and Betty sat side by side in the booth across from him and ordered two chocolate milkshakes.
“Are you excited for break, RJ?” Betty said, starting the conversation off. That was part of the reason Jughead wanted Betty to go so badly, she knew exactly how to do small talk and keep a social encounter not awkward.
“Yeah, I love being home with my parents and the girls, and now Jughead,” he smiled lazily.
“That sounds fun! I would love to meet your foster sisters, I always wanted to a little sister. I can give them makeovers or something!” Betty offered excitedly.
“That sounds fantastic!” RJ clapped his hands together and beamed at the two. “Also, I don’t like to call my sisters foster sisters, they’re more than that.”
“Of course,” Betty nodded, surprised at how good natured the boy was. “I’m sure they need a loving figure like you in their lives. Foster care usually means the child has had trauma.”
“You’re right about that. But that doesn’t define them,” RJ responded shorty.
Betty needed to work to steer the conversation into a lighter direction, “Do you have any fun Christmas traditions?”
The three teens ate and chatted for the rest of the lunch. Betty made sure never to tread away from light happy things, RJ seemed to be really sensitive, and that was fine. She was used to that, as Polly was the same way.
“Betty? Betty?” Jughead said softly, breaking Betty from her troubling thoughts.
“Oh, yes?” Betty smiled.
“I’m going to head to the bathroom then we will head out, okay?”
Betty nodded and Jughead clambered to the back. RJ looked at Betty expectedly, wanting her to talk, obviously.
“Thank you for taking Jughead in. I know he’s not there all the time, but he needs a solid place to land. So, thanks,” Betty said.
“My pleasure,” RJ said and reached out his hand and grabbed Betty’s. He intertwined their fingers and Betty was put off by his claminess. Betty knew he was just being nice, but she wanted to desperately to wiggle free from his grasp. “I got to met you.”
Now it was a little more than being nice, and Betty wrenched free, leaving RJ with a confused look on his face.
“I love Jughead,” Betty said, hoping that would back him off a bit.
“I know that,” He paused breifly before continuing, “But when you climbed through my window that night, all flushed and drunk and horny-- I usually like the innocent type, but you’re incredible. You’re exactly what I’ve been looking for. I’ve been looking in all the wrong places… but you… you’re sweet and innocent, then give your boyfriend a handjob while I’m sleeping across the room,” RJ’s voice is low and husky and Betty squirms in her seat. She didn’t know how to respond. If she punched him like she wanted to, Jughead could lose his foster family, and then where would he go? She needed him here, near her.
Before Betty had to respond, Jughead returned and offered his hand to Betty.
“Ready?” Jughead asked.
Betty swallowed and nodded, standing up quickly and pulling Jughead to the door. Jughead waved goodbye and was pushed into the truck by Betty.
“What has gotten into you?” Jughead chuckled awkwardly.
“RJ is… he hit on me, Juggie. I don’t want to be around him. Please drive,” Betty said.
“I’m sure it was a misunderstanding, I’ll go talk to him,” Jughead offered, but Betty stopped his arm that reached for the handle.
“No. It was not a misunderstanding. He likes how I’m innocent or something… and he heard us that night in the room,” Betty whispered the last part, ashamed.
“He’s an awkward kid, maybe he was just trying to be nice and it came out wrong,” Jughead shrugged.
“There’s awkward and then there is creepy. If you’re not going to believe me we are done talking about this. Either way, that,” Betty pointed to Pop’s like it was a pile of poop with flies circling it, “is never happening again.”
“It’s not that I don’t believe you, Betty,” Jughead said.
Betty just shrugged and leaned over to the driver’s seat and turned the key for him to start the engine. “Then promise me you won’t make me see him again.”
“Of course, Betty, I promise. You’ll never see RJ again.”
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veronicadvalle · 7 years
I noticed some people say Varchie is very physical like it is a bad thing and it got me laughing. I mean they can't even sit, observe and appreciate how good the show is at representing different types of relationships. Bughead is sweet and giddy and innocent. Varchie is hot and sexy and daring. Some people don't want to see another couple portrayed as Bughead cause then it will be kinda monotonous. If you do not want that then please by all means, take! several! seats!
I AGREE 100% 
The core four are all so different from each other, so of course it makes for two very different relationships. 
They both have a very distinct dynamic. I wouldn’t want the two assumedly anchor couples to have the same relationship. That’s simply boring. I love the fact that they are so different from each other. They both have strengths and weaknesses and thats okay. Not everything needs to be a competition.
I understand that not everyone ships varchie. That’s okay. And I know that the nasty people are very few and far between. But, they just hate on every. single. thing involving varchie. Veronica and Archie can’t do anything without being vilified by those few fans. And of course, that translates to “varchie is not as good as our ship because of so and so reason.” In this case, its that varchie sucks because they are passionate and aren’t afraid to show their affection for each other in a physical manner; to those anti-varchie, that means that they lack in emotional depth and support, which isn’t true at all but ya know, what can ya do? 
I just think that a lot of varchie hate comes from within the fandom and from hardcore fans, and that’s the most discouraging part. I wouldn’t care if someone who who barely likes riv/rdale is hating on varchie, but it just sucks that sometimes it feels like I can’t leave my little happy varchie corner to discuss the show (not ships) because there is a risk of encountering so much blind hate. 
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