#its like genesis and Every bitch in Dirge of Cerberus and Every turk wasnt enough. he had to make MORE
mejomonster · 2 months
I recognize how i headcanon and intepret the ff7 games is almost Certainly not likely the intended interpretation and probably Not the biggest fan interpretation. But i dont care. Im in my own lane, in the sunshine, having a lovely time. In my lane tifa and aerith like girls and are thrilled when clouds nonbinary ass dresses particularly feminine, theyre even more thrilled to be galavanting together heroically as girlfriends, zack is bisexual (of course) and. Well sephiroth is kind of canonically (id argue) into cloud but its really messy and heavy and woulda been a lot cuter when cloud was a cadet but. Back as a cadet his idolized crush on hero sephiroth was Nothing compared to his actual Friend crush on zack fair.
And yes. As u know. Far as im concerned the game is one massive polycule
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