#its like having a slaher AND a monster hunter game at the same time how cool is that
prototypelq · 10 months
DMC Questions Anon here!
A Devil May Cry spinoff that is set to be led by one the female cast has been announced, and they've asked you to make the game. Which of the women of Devil May Cry will you choose to be the main character? What other characters will you want to appear? What's the plot of the game? (You can also go deeper into gameplay mechanics if you desire.)
Hi, dear DMC questions anon!)))
I think my answer is quite obvious) (psss it`s gonna be Patty)
Contradictory I`d like to say some words about other ladies as protagonists:
Lady can get her chance to Finally Get Some Characterisation. This woman is middle-aged and her character has been 'teenage girl with a rocket launcher' The Entire Time, This Is An Actual Crime. Her only bit of character is (1) throwaway line in 5, ONE. Lady has been dealt a very bad hand by the franchise, but if she were to have a spinoff game, maybe she could have gotten at least a good goodbye arc, though it`s hard to give a proper goodbye to a character if she never had any arc in the first place. Lady is kind of doomed by the series at this point, very little can save her, F.
Trish and Lucia are equally good choices here. Both of them have...some character, also they are both demons and demonic culture or lore could have been explored. They have a very basic foundation (which is much stronger than Ladys), but its strong enough to jump-start a good story and give them some light. Personally I would prefer Lucia, just because I like her more.
Now, onto my favourite DMC girl)
As a major cerified Patty Propaganda enjoyer, I would love to see nonsexualised young adult version of Patty! There, however, are some additional reasons why I'd love to see more of her:
no power creep. Patty is not a Sparda, and Spardas are known to suffer from insane power creep, and she just wont be able to handle that. Patty can explore the more down-to-earth struggles of a modern world where demons are an actual thing. She can handle like domestic demon problems or some small infestation, but if she steps into something she cant handle she Needs to get out of there and call in backup (her adopted dad/cousin/uncle will handle everything very thouroughly). DMC is never really afraid of the demons, they are basically a dummy for the player to practise on, and can only make you anxious if youre playing on a harder difficulty. Well, base game difficulty is actually always a DMD mode for Patty and I think that could be a very interesting lens to look through
This same lens can be used to show other human demons hunters or armorers like Nico! 3 Spardas, 2 demon ladies and one rocket launcher schoolgirl cannot handle every possible demon problem, theres gotta be other hunters.
Patty is canon to be a descendant of a sourcerer, and this is a Great segway into gameplay. Because I think Patty's possible gameplay should be V's upgraded and expanded theme and moveset.
Has anyone here seen or heard of Astral Chain???No? Yeah me too, its a nintendo exclusive. Wanna know what it is? A Platinum Game slasher with Pet Demon control, where you have Multiple demons to choose from, you can use them for Mobility to platform around, and customise and it has a banger soundtrack!!!
I believed V has something really good going on when starting out DMC5, and was a little dissapointed when I realised how shallow he is compared to other characters. He is still fun and very very unique to play and I think his gameplay should be improved upon and Astral Chain Proves that too.
Give Patty some magic stuff to bind demons with, let us have a variety of summons to choose from (I Will go through the entire game with a pet Cerberus, just as I did in 5, thanks for asking), but Patty herself should have her own moveset and toolkit. She can't possibly get into melee range with any demon as human speed cannot compare, but she could use some guns (courtesy of Dante probably), and spells or potions. Personally I was not a fan of Breakers', well, breaking mechanic, but it would work really well for an actual human demon hunter who needs additional powerful thingies like that in battle. Also Would love to see Kyrie being proficient in some rare Order magic or stuff like that, they Had to have some other spells or scrolls around, and its a reason to see Kyrie in game) (like how could Nero leave her alone otherwise, she has to have at least some defencive options, and seeing as devout she was I think she could be quite good at them, maybe she just doesnt like exterminating demons herself)
My only issue I dont have a solution for is how to make this sort of theme seem related to the DMC series, as a human protag will be a significant downgrade from sparda powerhouse-losers. Limiting enemy numbers or screen will make the gameplay less interesting, and giving it fast pace like the other entries might destroy the illusion of 'human' demon hunter, who is not as capable as sparpda bois. Buuut that's sort of problem for the game designers to handle and not me soooo I'm gonna use that excuse yeah
tldr: I would choose Patty, she can give the game a down-to-earth viewpoint of how an average DMC series people handle demons, and her gameplay can be an expanded version of V, with some inspiration from the Astral Chain and some original moves mixed in
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