#its like its saying: itzy is back and they're here to stay
It's slightly cruelly ironic that the most Itzy-like comeback that Itzy has had in ages happened while Lia was on hiatus. I'm so glad that she's able to take a break and prioritize her mental health, but it still feels wrong.
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sanapotta · 3 years
0.0 is not your typical debut
It's been about a week since NMIXX debuted with their single AD MARE and to say that it hasn't been received well would be putting it nicely. My first reaction had me feeling overwhelmed and underwhelmed at the same time; suffice to say I was disappointed. BUT, since then, I've thought about it more, viewed the MV a couple more times, and have come to a new conclusion.
Okay full disclaimer: I am a total JYP girl group enthusiast (I mean I think my user and feed gives that away pretty easily). That said, I never let that overshadow my honest opinion. Nothing I am about to say comes from a place of company loyalty (lol if that's even a thing).
Most kpop fans would agree that debut songs are usually the vehicle to set precedent for what you can expect from the group. Look at Dalla Dalla for example- Itzy came out with this great concept centered around loving yourself that has stayed relatively consistent in their 3 year career. Their debut was able to solidify their sound, look, and individualism in one fell swoop. The song has a great topline and catchy hook that infests your brain. And that is why its considered one of the most successful/best debuts in recent memory, as far as I know.
If we judge 0.0 based off these criteria, it falls short on almost all those things- the song is extremely hard to comprehend and the girls don't feel characterized in the video. But you are absolutely shocked the second you hear those guitars come in and you start to realize the song goes down the I Got a Boy route rather than Dalla Dalla. I'm not saying shock value was the main goal here, but it is a component of the larger picture.
On subsequent watches of the MV or if you watch their studio choom, it is undeniable that these girls are fully capable of executing a range of concepts OUT THE GATE. The lyrics in the first verse state "It's just a teaser," and the overall theme I take away from all of the lyrics is that they are provoking. As if they're telling the listener, "you better not take your eyes off cuz we're about to do some shit." I'm not saying the lyrics are good per se, but that's the vibe I take away from them.
As the sign of the donut shop indicated, NMIXX's identity seems to be reliant on NOT having a core concept that drives each comeback. 0.0 has set the precedent that NMIXX can switch between the girl crush and "cute" concepts as they please, as well as the GENRES they focus on. To me, this was the main objective. Think about it- JYP has the money to be able to take this risk to try something new; the fate of NMIXX isn't stringent on every comeback like smaller companies would have to consider. Whether or not that risk ends up paying dividends, only time will tell.
Bottomline, we shouldn't be judging this debut the same way we judge others. I believe JYP are taking a different approach and are using the debut as a vehicle to grab attention more than solidifying any core identity. Will we be looking back in a few years thinking this was the start of something legendary, or will feelings stay the same? I have no clue. The only thing I can state for sure is that these girls have what it takes to be top tier.
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