#which makes lia not being there even more depressing tbh
It's slightly cruelly ironic that the most Itzy-like comeback that Itzy has had in ages happened while Lia was on hiatus. I'm so glad that she's able to take a break and prioritize her mental health, but it still feels wrong.
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fangsyouverymuch01 · 8 months
Just friends
Summery: The hero of Baldur's Gate greatest battlefield is now drunkenly returning home from the tavern because your connection to the arcane world is dying, and it has been for months. Adding to it, is your unresolved feelings from a certain vampire you've sworn to forget.
Rolan and Lia, aiding you in your search for answers, are determined to divert your mind from troubles. Unbeknownst to you, this night is destined to change everything.
Pairing: Astarion x f!tav, Astarion x f!reader , Rolan x reader
Warnings: Fightning, sort of depressed reader, drinking, Astarion being a prick
Tags: Slow burn, friends to lovers
Note: This took way too long to write, and tbh I'm scared to publish it. Had a hard time coming up with a plot that would make sense (and yes this is the underdark/menzoberranzan fic)
Nevertheless, hope you enjoy and stick around for more parts in the future.
In front of you is an array of literature varying from books, scrolls and notes. Just like yesterday and the day before that. Picking up yet another scroll and unrolling it, the words painted on it turns into a blur. Arcane symbols dance before your eyes but the contents of the page escapes your fleeting mind and it drifts to past memories of Moonrise Towers. 
“...And all I had to do was not fall for you… Which is where my nice, simple plan fell apart,” he pauses, searching for the right words to continue. “You’re incredible. You deserve something real. I want us to be something real.”
Stunned by his confession, your own voice momentarily failed you. The Elf spoke again, revealing a truth that cut through your heart like a blade.“Being close to someone - any kind of intimacy - was something I performed to lure people back for him.”
Astarion further explains his train of thought, you could see his mouth moving but not a word reached your ears. Sadness, confusion, happiness and anger; the emotions mixed and collided within you. Was your relationship built on lies? Had you somehow forced him to sleep with you? It was all so much.
“I don't know how else to be with someone, No matter how much I’d like to.” 
You’d decided to remain just friends, and it had felt like the right choice. Liberating even, seeing Asterion grow into a person no longer controlled by fear. But now, you wallowed in selfishness due to your aching heart. Now it is the thing that keeps you from focusing on the task ahead. Now it is the thing keeping your from nights embrace, your body twisting and turning when the moon shone through the curtains. Now it is the numb feeling whilst faceless men sing your name between your legs. The decision, made with the intention of preserving your friendship, now felt as liberating as a chain strung to your neck. 
Moreover, you haven't seen him in weeks -  or could it be months? The passage of time blurs and certainly eludes you. Yet, effortlessly, his image flits into your head - bouncy white curls, piercing crimson eyes, a sharp nose and that godsdamn smirk. Interchangeable in your memory - forever young - he remains a vivid specter that refuses to fade.
Breaking your train of thought, there is a tap on your shoulder, a figure crouching over you to peer at the discoveries revealed in the scroll. 
“Found anything of interest?” Rolan spoke, eyeing you from above. 
“Ehm no, just lost in thought.” you replied, attempting to shake off the lingering memories that had clouded your focus. 
“Well, neither have I.” he puffed out a breath of air, “My best bet is to return to the House of Grief for more answers so I could study the mirror you spoke off.”
“I’m not sure they’d warmly welcome me back after my latest visit.” you let out a strained chuckle, struck by a memory of  Viconas lifeless person as Shadowhearts struck the merciless final blow to her chest. 
Since your time in the House of Grief, your bond with magic has slowly dwindled. The once-familiar currents of arcane energy now seemed distant. Magic had been an extension of you, and its absence felt akin to a cruel mutilation and you were desperate to feel magic coursing through your veins once more. Your desperation had led you here - Sorcerous Sundries, for any clue or hope that you might become whole again.
"Anyhow, have you heard from Gale yet?" you inquired, seeking a distraction from your thoughts.
"He deemed Waterdeep fruitless in our search and should be arranging plans to continue in Neverwinter as we speak," Rolan replied, his eyes pacing the floorboards beneath him. "Maybe we should pause our search for today; the sun is setting, and you, my friend, are in desperate need of a drink." His suggestion hung in the air, a respite offered amidst your futile search for answers. 
You had no energy to protest, you truly wanted to go, you really did. But what you needed was to dive into the mountains of untouched texts sprawled in a ring in front of you. 
Lazily tracing the arcane figures, partly lost in deliberation you answer “Thank you for the offer but I shouldn’t, you go and I’ll stay here.”
"Come on, just one drink. It won't solve all our problems, but it might provide a momentary escape," he insisted, recognizing the heaviness in your gaze. "We can resume our search tomorrow with clearer minds. Trust me, it's what you need right now."
A defeated sign escapes your lips “Fine, one drink but no more than that”. 
Laying a victorious touch on your arm, the tiefling grinned, "That's the spirit!" Helping you up, he proceeded, "The Elf Song in an hour; I need to run something by Lia first." With determined steps, he led you away from your search for answers in the pile of books. 
The warm light emanating from the Elfsongs' painted windows cast a glow over your figure as you linger outside the bustling door. The sound of laughter and clinking glasses weave together, that should beckon you inside but it doesn't. Nothing seems to pique your interest these days. The hero of Baldurs Gate was but a mere shell of what bards sang about and the thought of being recognized, of eyes filled with anticipation that lingers for extraordinary tales to be told - you can't stand it. 
Adding to your dread, are the invasive questions about your companions - about Astarion. Head spinning and lips slowly drooping to frown, you instinctively recoil from the entrance. 
With a heavy sigh, you reach into your bag, fingers wrapping around a familiar flask. The cool metal brings a small comfort, and in contrast your throat burns as you gulp down liquid courage. 
Stealing yourself against the prying questions and the weight of everyone's expectations, you push open the tavern door, stepping into the warm embrace of the tavern, where Rolan and Lia await, immersed in their own stories. You offer them a weak smile as you approach the booth. 
“There you are, I almost thought you wouldn’t show but I’m glad to be proven wrong.”
“Come, sit!” Lia urges, patting the cushion beside her. As you settle into the booth, you can't help but notice the curious eyes around you.
Gods no.
Instinctively, your finger twirls and you mutter a spell to cast disguise self, only to be reminded of your uselessness. A tinge of frustration tightens your jaw, quickly masked by a forced smile. You divert your gaze, hoping to shield yourself from the unwanted attention. 
“What’s your poison for today?” Lia asks, a mischievous smile spreading from cheek to cheek. Her breath smells of alcohol; Lia and Rolan had clearly begun drinking ahead of you. Not that you could judge them, having indulged in your trusted flask outside the tavern minutes ago. 
“I’ll have what you’ve had.”
“Coming right up!” Lia responds, her enthusiasm undeterred. She signals the bartender, and soon enough, a trio of drinks arrives at the table. 
Rolan is the first to grip the glass and then clear his throat, “To us,  and Gale - and hope that tomorrow will give us more answers.” 
One drink turns into four drinks, and at some point, you lose track of both time and the units you’ve allowed to warm your gullet. Honestly it’s quite funny, why did you worry so much before? Silly you with silly thoughts! Almost as silly as Rolan’s eyes focused on your neck. He looks funny with his eyebrows furrowed, and a chuckle escapes your lips at the sight.
“You’ll get wrinkles if you keep staring at my neck like that, Rolan.”
“I did no such thing!” he retorts as a flush creeps up on the tiefling's cheeks.
Lia heartily laughs, swaying a bit, and offers her hand to you. “Join me for a dance, will you?” The music in the tavern entices you and despite the blurred lines of inebriation, you take Lia’s hand and step into the lively dance floor.
Lia practically dragged you through the crowded tavern, Rolan following closely behind to his best abilities. The dance floor was filled with twirling bodies, in rhythm with the bard's melodies. Pulling your arm up, Lia spins and chuckles as you reach the bards scene. Rolan, with a playful twinkle in his eyes, reaches the two of you and joins the dance. The world seems to sway with the music and for the first time in a long time, a genuine smile spreads across your face. 
As you moved to the music, you sensed Rolans’ proximity. His hand found its way to the small of your back, guiding you through the intricate steps of the dance. The unfamiliar warmth of his hand against your skin was a stark contrast to the memories of Asterion's cool touch.The bard's music kept on playing, the tunes bouncing off the plucked strings, the odor of alcohol on his breath, and hot uncontrolled bodies clashing against your person -  Gods, its too much. You can't stay a minute longer or you might suffocate. 
“I need some air,” you mumble and offer an apologizing smile, excusing yourself as the dance continues without you. 
“Wait!” a muffled voice calls out, but you pretend that you’re too far off to hear. 
Faces blurred into a sea of strangers, and the lively chatter became an indistinguishable hum. Your breath quickened, and you couldn't shake the feeling of faceless men and women judging your every step. Because now they know - they know that you were no hero of Baldur's gate, just another drunk who couldn’t even cast a simple spell to disguise herself from embarrassment. 
As you stepped out into the cool night air, the contrast between the warmth of the dance floor and the refreshing chill outside sent shivers down your spine. Crouching down you plant your hands to your knees, trying to catch your breath and ease your mind. 
A moment later, the tavern door swung open abruptly, an curly haired man emerging as he wrestled with another almost feral one. The creature thrashed and snarled at the curly haired man as he strained against the frenzied movements. Caught off guard, you stood up in the shadow beside the entrance, your breath hitching again as you observed the scene unfold. 
Seizing the opportunity to make sense of the situation, you assertively approached the struggling men, dagger clutched and ready strike if needed. The curly-haired man's eyes flickered toward you and your gaze met his.
Deep crimson eyes, ivory curls, and are those fangs?
No, that can't be.
"Astarion?" you uttered, your voice a hushed whisper that sliced through the night, your eyes fixed on the elf's face in utter disbelief. There he was, right before you.
Astarion's attention shifted to the rabid man, deftly maneuvering to subdue him. He restrained the creature, halting any further erratic movements. With precision, Astarion extracted a flask from his belt, causing the man's struggles to intensify. Despite the increased resistance, Astarion's actions remained calculated and exact.
With the man momentarily contained, Astarion secured him in place with one hand, the other retrieving a flask. He raised it to his mouth, a subtle glint of fangs emerging as he skillfully removed the lid with his teeth.
"Hello," the rogue spoke, pausing to inject the man with the unfamiliar substance. The feral struggles ceased, and Astarion continued, his tone now imbued with a nuanced warmth, "darling."
Stunned you remain constrained where you stood. This is real, Astarion is here after days, weeks and months of him plaguing your thoughts every waking moment. Your mind races, trying to process the surreal present. A rumble in your stomach seems to pull you out of your trance, nausea spreading in your throat. 
Keep. it. down. 
“Care to help or do you intend to stand there and just gawk?”
Once more the door beside you swung open, a tall figure emerges with swaying strands of long hair catching in the wind, intent on reaching the paralyzed man and Astarion. 
“We said no killing, remember?" he spoke.
"Oh, my apologies, brother. I must have forgotten our little agreement when I was wrestling the feral dog whilst you were nowhere to be seen.”
At that moment, you recognized the man - Leon. His expression remained stoic, though a flicker of irritation crossed his features. "Your theatrics aren't amusing, Astarion. We need to keep them alive; this is not the time nor place for you to display your unique methods."
You finally had a surge to act, fumbled in your bag and searched for any potion or scroll that could help. A glass vial of what seemed to be a healing potion met your fingers, and you pulled it out, unscrewing the cap with shaky hands. 
“Here take this,” you called out, holding the potion aloft, offering a forced smile amidst the charged atmosphere. 
As you step forward to give Leon the vial, Rolan stumbles out the tavern door, tipsy and eyes searching for something in the night. You’d completely forgotten about Rolan and Lia, they’d probably been worried since you hadn’t returned. His eyes widened at the chaotic scene before him, and he instinctively moved to stand in front of you, a protective gesture. His hand flickered with a small flame, ready to defend against any potential threat. 
"What in the hells is happening here?" Rolan demanded, a mix of concern and bewilderment in his voice.
Before anyone could respond, Astarion let out a small laugh, one that you couldn't seem to decipher the meaning of. What was so funny? Rolan certainly wasn't amused, and the flame rose higher from his palm at the elf's dismissive laugh. Leon's gaze moved to Rolan, his hands raising in a gesture of peace, showing that they were no threat to him or you.
“Got yourself a knight in shining armor, have you now?” Astarion remarked, a sly grin playing on his lips.
Knight in shining armor? The words stung, and a spark of anger flared within you. Rolan didn't need to save you nor did you want him to. Opening your mouth to retort, Leon interjected, his voice firm and commanding.
“Astarion, don’t,” Leon snapped at him, a stern edge to his voice. He then looked directly at you, his expression softening. “We don’t want to fight you. Let's find a quieter spot to talk, and we’ll explain everything.”
You nodded, the tension in the air making it clear that this was not the time for confrontation. Rolan, still wary but trusting your judgment, lowered the flame in his palm. With cautious glances exchanged between the group, you began to move away from the chaotic scene, guided by Leon's lead to a more secluded spot where answers awaited. 
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liadavenport · 5 years
Is that ILIANA ‘LIA’ DAVENPORT? Wow, they do look a lot like MADDIE HASSON. I hear SHE is a SEVENTEEN year old JUNIOR who originally attended LUXOR Academy. Word is they are an ARISTOCRAT student. You should watch out because they can be IMPULSIVE and SELF-DESTRUCTIVE, but on the bright side they can also be RESILIENT and INTELLIGENT. Ultimately, you’ll get to see it all for yourself. 
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hi, hi, i’m kara and i’m very excited to introduce you to lia!! also i’m too lazy to write a bio so it’s just some bullet points and, like, i didn’t proofread AT ALL so i apologize if there are any mistakes: 
Shakespearean Studies Statistics Russian Musical Theatre Psychology Creative Writing Astronomy
Basketball - point guard 
okay, so, her parents were married when they were really young, like when her mother was sixteen and her father was seventeen. they were those childhood sweethearts who fell madly in love with each other and didn’t heed the warning from their parents that their marriage probably wouldn’t last. 
when they turned eighteen, they moved to new york city, where their father started going to university for business and her mother’s music career blew up. everyone loved her music ( think the pipes of adele and the style of lana del ray ), mostly because her lyrics were written all by her with help from no one else, with the exception of any collaborations she did with other artists. 
her mom had to take a break from the music world about a year after her career blew up, when she was ninteen, because she got pregnant. nine months later came her first child, braxton jedediah davenport. two years later, on halloween, iliana came along.
with the arrival of a second child, it became incredibly difficult for josephine to continue with her music career, but she somehow managed, although she quit touring as often, onlyl doing so about once a year but she was still as popular of an artist as ever.
as for lia, she was definitely more of a mommy’s girl than a daddy’s girl. her mother gave her everything she wanted, without her ever really having to ask for it. although, she was closer to braxton more than anything else because her brother was the only member of her family she spent time around; the rest of her time was spent with their nannies, because their parents were always busy. 
from the very start, lia was sporty. she liked joining in with her brothers and his friends when they were playing basketball and it became the sport she enjoyed the most. when she wasn’t playing, she was writing or singing and learning how to play the guitar. she was as talented in music as her mother was, though she had no desire to pursue that as a career later on in life. 
even though she was relatively rich, it was never something she tried to shove in the faces of other people. of course it was easy to tell that she came from money because she hated cooking, orders take out more than necessary, and talked about her nannies a lot and the chef that would make them dinner. this was all just normal to her however and she never quite caught on to how obnoxious it was. 
tragedy struck their family when lia was fifteen, going into her freshman year of high school. her brother passed away in a tragic “accident” and lia hasn’t been the same since. everyone knew that her father was involved in some shady business bullshit but no one ever talked about it and both lia and her mother were certain that her brother’s death hadn’t actually been an accident. due to this, her parents’ marriage started to fall apart but they never divorced, which her mother would grow to regret that decision when her father was accused of murdering one of his clients. 
rather than face trial for the accusation and to prove his innocence ( IF he was innocent ), he fled and the only thing he left behind was his money for them to take care of themselves with, despite her mom having plenty of her own. she turned the majority of the money over to the police, but kept the rest to pay for lia’s tuition when she decided to send her to luxor. 
other facts: 
lia’s mother remarried recently and lia is more fond of him than she ever was of her father. 
her mom now owns a chain of bakers in nyc, and runs the one closest to home to her. being a baker had been her choice of back up career in case music fell through and she retired from music very recently. 
along with a step-father, she gained both a step-sister and a step-brother. her step-brother is a senior and originally attended carnifex and her sister has always attended luxor and is a sophmore, a year younger than her. 
lia is a hot mess. in the fun way, but not necessarily in the good way 
she’s incredibly intelligent but she plays dumb sometimes because she just doesn’t care about school?? like, she tries to care but her brother’s death still feels like it happened yesterday to her and it’s altered her personality in a lot of ways.
incredibly comptetive. anything you think you’re good at, she probably thinks she’s better than you at it but won’t say so unless you bring it up first. 
sarcasm is her first language. 
she loves learning new things so she’s fluent in several languages, the two she speaks almost as well as she speaks english are italian and japanese. 
she has several tattoos, the most important one being the one on the inside of her right arm, which is her brother’s birth and death date, with his initials. 
the locket she wears around her neck is one that her brother bought for her when she was thirteen and it has a picture of the both of them in it. she never takes it off because it’s the one thing she has left of him. 
she loves to sing, but mostly only in the shower even though she’s amazing at it and isn’t even really shy. she likes to write, draw, play guitar, and play piano in her free time. 
math is her best subject even though she actually hates it but she doesn’t have to try at it??? which is nice for her. 
she has a scar on her arm from a basketball injury ( at least this is what she tells people but the scar is ACTUALLY from her father a few days before he left. she refuses to tell anyone the truth. ) 
she suffers from major depressive disorder but doesn’t talk about it and refuses to admit it or get help, so she self-medicates with anti-depressants.
is addicted to pain killers and drinks way more than a seventeen year old should 
she’s crazy and she knows it but she doesn’t really give a shit
personality wise, she’s very driven, which isn’t obvious because she doesn’t act like she is?? but she actually has dreams and goals, it’s just that life has fucked with her a lot recently so it’s hard for her to channel that drive??? ummm she’s sarcastic af, super moody to the point that she tends to be very snappy even though her intention is never to hurt anyone’s feelings. she’s blunt, as in too honest but she doesn’t believe in lying?? at least not about anything but herself and how fucked up she feels she is. she’s very fun loving, loves to party-- some people might say that she parties too much. she has major commitment issues but also isn’t a fan of hooking up?? like, she won’t date you but she probably won’t sleep with you, either. she’s extremely trustworthy and is the exact type of person you would want to have on your side. distrusting as all hell and if you lose her trust, there is no way you are getting a second chance because she doesn’t believe in those. she’s 100% that bitch, or at least that’s what she’ll tell you because she’s full of herself sometimes. has resting bitch face 99.9% of the time so it’s hard to tell when she’s in a good mood, or if she’s actually being a brat but she’ll usually let you know and apologize if she’s ever unintentially rude. 
anywayyy, that is all i can think of right now. as for wanted connections/plot ideas, i would love maybe an ex-fling?? someone she met upon starting attending luxor, and for some reason it didn’t work out ( girl has major major commitment issues, as mentioned above ). definitely would love to have her step-siblings here. any friends are always welcome, would love a best guy friend and bestie girl friend for her, someone or two someones she can trust with anything and everything?? excluding her darkest secrets of course. acquaintances, frenemies, unrequited crush, etc. i am so down for anything and everything tbh.
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femaleboysblog · 6 years
yoo, so, i was tagged @weebknj to answer 85 questions n tag 20 ppl 
- drink: water
- call: my dad
- text: @weebknj
- song you listened to: nicky jam x j balvin - x (equis)
- time you cried: today, twice I think??
have you ever
- dated someone twice: no
- kissed someone n regretted it: all the time 😔
- been cheated on: nope
- lost someone special: yea
- been depressed: yep
- gotten drunk n thrown up: uhHHH no
favourite colors
- red
- black
- pink
- purple
in the last year have u
- made new friends: yea
- fallen out of love: yeah
- laughed until you cried: its been awhile I've even laughed tbh
- found out someone was talking about u: yea like......three different people in the past two months
- met someone who changed you: I think no??
- found out who ur friends were: still am
- kissed someone on ur fb friends list: 😔 yes
- how many friends from ur fb friends list do u know irl: i have no idea but most of them???? I don't really care about facebook
- do u have any pets: I have a younger brother
- do you want to change your middle name: which one lol I have two BUT PLEASE I BEG YOU 
what did you do for ur last birthday: my mom bought a small cake, clown noses and marshmallows and it accidentally turner into a minseok themed party 😔
- what time did you wake up today: i didnt sleep lol I've been taking naps here and there to bear the pain 😔
- what were you doing last night at midnight: I have no idea? probably playing cn match land 
- what is something you cant wait for: for me to get better
- what are you listening to rn: jessi - sennuni
- have you ever talked to a person named tom: not that i remember of??? 
- something that gets on your nerves: people who don't respect my boundaries and that sometimes i need to b left alone cause o get overwhelmed and stuff
the most visited website: youtube proba bly
- hair color: black and that ugly orange from poorly-excuted bleach jobs 😔👌🏻
- long hair or short hair: for me? always long hair!! but excluding that I don't really care lmao
- do you have a crush on someone: do platonic crushes count? 
- what do you like abt yourself: i like my eyes and sense of humor 👀 and that I can sing in a bunch different languages
- want any piercings: I want to make my ear plugs bigger if possible 😔 more piercings in my ear lobe and try getting a transversal again 😔 and maybe a septum piercing 😔 
- blood type: I have no idea lmao
- nicknames: lia/peter, jupiter, julinha (little julia), jujuba (jelly beans), gugu, asian raccoon (whatever thats supposed to mean dad 😔) and jupira ( ju + vampire)
- relationship status: beep beep not found
- zodiac: aquarius
- pronouns: she/they
- favourite show: american horror story, orange is the new black, star trek discovery, doctor who etc etc etc
ttw tattoos: i have one already but I want at least two more
- right handed or left handed: both
- ever had surgery: uhh I think no
- piercings: one on each earlobe and some dope 12mm ear plugs 😔 (I have no idea of the right names for alargadores in eng help)
- sports: does internally crying and screaming at the time count?
- vacation: it was supposed to b at the beach but 😔 scd told me to choke
- trainers: idk what does this mean
more general:
- eating: brown (?) rice,sweet potato and chicken
- drinking: those fermented milks that tastes like fruits??? yea
- im about to watch: either orange is the new black (since next season is coming out tomorrow) or final space
- waiting for: me to get better and pull my shit tgt 😔🤙🏻
- want: people to be patient w me
- get married: probably never gonna happen
- career: anything where i can be myself and do what i want tbh even if its singing depressive songs in the bar w some indie cover band lmao
which is better
- kisses or hugs: i lov both
- lips or eyes: eyes
- shorter or taller: taller
- younger or older: older
- nice arms or stomach: I don't really look a these things???? ...personality? lmao
- hookup or relationship: anything that involves me not being close to other people 👀
- troblemaker or hesitant: more troublemaker than I like to admit tbh
have you ever
- kissed a stranger: hmmm yes
- drank hard liquor: ..IuUuuUHhH
- lost glasses: I currently font have a single clue where my glasses are, so
- turned someone down: too many times²
- sex on a first date: whats a sex
- broken someones heart: yea 😔 too many times
- had ur heart broken: yea
- been arrested: no ???
- cried when someone died: uh yea
- fallen for a friend: not that i remember
do u belive in
- yourself: not really
- miracles: uhhhh in my favor? nah
- love at first sight: uhhhh kind of
- santa: nah
- kiss on a first date: ???? maybe
- angels: well, I'm here aren't I 😔
- best friends name: karen, julia and roberta
- eye color: brown
- favourite movie: nightmare before christmas
- favourite actor: idk????? 
i tag @little-xikan @shrexdicc @pantasticjuh @pork-jisungie and anyone whos feels comfortable doing it !
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isobelharrop · 7 years
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Since leaving uni (and during uni, tbh) I’ve found reading for fun incredibly difficult. My attention span is terrible and I fall asleep after a couple of pages. However, I have recently found a solution and that is in the form of graphic novels and manga. So I thought I would write up a list of a few of my favourites; I would love recommendations too (tweet me @isobeljournal)
1. Azumanga Diaoh and Yotsuba&! by Kiyohiko Azuma
It was getting the Azumanga omnibus last Christmas that really got me started down this road. I had never really read a manga before (except the first Yotsuba book which I will come back to) and I guess I had always dismissed them as I’m not really interested in magical stuff or anything like that, which I had imagined all manga was full of. However, Azumanga is the total opposite of anything like that. It’s a “slice of life” manga that follows a group of high school girls, and apart from a few surreal (and funny) dream sequences, there is none of the “weird manga stuff” I had imagined. Just a group of characters who you just learn to love and lugh at a lot, and in the end when the girls graduate from high school, it brought a tear to my eye because I had grown so fond of them, I felt like I was there.
Kiyohiko Azuma is the king of slice of life, not just for creating Azumanga, but because he also created the wonderfully sweet and hilarious Yotsuba&!. Whilst this series has a younger lead character and a younger target audience, it honestly warms the cockles of my heart so much, and each panel is so full of expression (he’s brilliant at showing emotion on Yotsuba’s little face) that even the simplest thing can make me laugh out loud reading it. Yotsuba is a little girl who seems to know nothing about the world, and through these comics we watch her experiencing the world through fresh eyes, led by her dad and neighbours.
2. Isabella Bird in Wonderland (Fushigi no Kuni no Bird) by Taiga Sassa
I found out about this manga just the other week after a holiday to Scotland and in particular, a visit to Tobermory (Balamory) on the Isle of Mull. At a museum there I learned a bit about Isabella Bird, an explorer who had lived there and traveled the world in the 19th century.  When I went on Wikipedia to find out more about her, I discovered that her journey to Japan had been translated into a manga, and I was even more excited when I found an English version available to read online.
I didn’t think that a historical manga would appeal to me this much but I devoured the whole thing in a couple of afternoons. Much like the first two, this book is very grounded in reality with none of the outlandish  “manga” conventions those unfamiliar with the genre imagine it would contain. It is also really lovingly done with real attention to detail (especially in the translation notes) and even tackles the issues of Westerners travelling and colonising the East, whilst still being funny and warm and enjoyable to read. 
Here is a link to the online version, as it isn’t available to buy in English unfortunately.
3. Fluffy by Simone Lia
I was given this graphic novel by a literary agent a few years ago and I really really enjoyed it and it’s one of those books I’ve even lent out to friends because it’s such a short, sweet, funny, and sad book. It looks at first glance like a children’s book but it’s actually an adult graphic novel with quite a lot of substance about anxiety and family and just life, really. Yet it is still light hearted; Fluffy is a bunny (who believes he is a child) with a Yotsuba-like outlook on the world. His exhausted dad/owner Michael tries to balance his bunny looking after responsibilities with an unsuccessful love life and family that is falling apart. A lot of unconventional narrative techniques such as looking into the inside of Michael’s brain or the narration being conducted by a dust particle make it stand out from other similar books (if similar books exist!)
4. Never Goodnight by Coco Moodysson
If you have seen the movie We Are The Best you will know this story anyway, as this graphic novel is written by Lukas Moodysson’s (the film’s director) wife, Coco, and it was the inspiration for the story. I recommend both the film and the book - I like her unique drawing style and the sweet and the funny tale of growing up punk in 1982 Sweden is brilliant on page and screen.
5. Ripples by Wai Wai Pang
I’ve followed Wai Wai Pang on the internet for years and always loved her work, and when this comic came out I was so eager that I ended up being the first person to order it from her shop. The artwork in this Milton Keynes-set detective story is really ingenious and uses techniques taken from detective stories such as maps, collections of evidence, and character info cards to tell the story in a really interesting and visually beautiful way. I also like how the characters are a mix of a humans and animals.
6. Solanin and Goodnight Punpun by Inio Asano
These two critically acclaimed manga’s are a bit darker and weirder than my other choices, and most suitable for adult audiences, however they’re both well worth a read, Solanin in particular if you are in a similar life situation to myself and want to read a depressing story about post-uni life. The art work is beautiful in both, particularly in the backgrounds, which are contrasted in Goodnight Pun Pun in his simply designed main character, who is a bird I think? Or maybe a ghost under a sheet. Either way, it looks great. 
Solanin is a stand alone book, whcih makes it a good place to start and see how you feel about Asano’s work, whereas Pun Pun has more installments which I am yet to read, but I am looking forward to finding out what happens next in Pun Pun’s dysfunctional world.
(7. I guess I should be Annoying and remind y’all that I wrote a sort of graphic novel called The Isobel Journal which you can still buy!! Ok thanks bye!!)
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