#its meant to be read as platonic but if you ship them thats cool
spookymultimedia · 9 months
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Oneshot to go along with it below
Word count: 727
CW: withdrawal, addiction, self harm, underage drinking [they're 13]
Stan was seated on the back porch of Henrietta's house and looked down at his trembling hands. He was going cold turkey for Kyle but ever since he cut off drinking he felt sick. He got headaches, he felt worse, he wanted to die. He needed some alcohol just to get the edge off and feel better. He didn't want to upset Kyle but it was so hard to quit. He turned at the sound of the sliding door. It was Henrietta standing there with a bottle in her hand. He couldn't help but perk up and the thought of her having alcohol.
She sat next to him and sipped the bottle of white wine.
He looked at her wide eyed.
“My Mom already drank half of it. I'm not addicted or anything. Not yet anyway.” She laughed at herself. She held out the bottle and offered it to Stan.
He took the bottle immediately and gulped it. It wasn't as strong as whisky but it was better than nothing. He drank it like it was water. He started to breathe better once the alcohol buzz settled into his alcohol-dependent body. Tears filled his eyes.
“kyle's gonna fucking kill me.”
“He hates that I drink.”
“He knows you have an addiction right?”
“Yeah of course.”
“He sounds like a total dick.”
“He just cares about me.”
“If he actually gave a fuck he would care about you going through withdrawal.”
He hiccupped and wiped his eyes.
“You're not the only kid with addictions you know, you're not alone.” She raised her arm and showed her scars from cutting herself.
Stan glanced at her.
“How do your friends feel about it?”
“They understand. They were scared at first but then they bought me cleaner shit to use and proper bandages so my scars won't get infected.”
Stan furrowed his eyebrows, “but, isn't that just encouraging it?”
“No, they're just creating a safer way for me to cut. It's harm reduction. It's not always possible to just drop out of an addiction immediately so might as well do it safer rather than privately with a dirty pencil sharpener.”
“I guess that's a good point.” He took another sip if wine.
“My friends aren't like yours. I can't always talk about everything with them.”
“Do you cut because you're fat?”
“What!? No!! Why would you say that!?”
Stan flinched, “I donno, I'm sorry.”
“I don't have a fucking problem with my body, society just hates fat people!! I think I look fucking awesome but people see me and assume the fucking worst! It pisses me off!!”
Henrietta took a deep breath and clenched her fists.
“No it's because I just- I get so sad that I feel like nothing. And I just can't seem to wake up from it without cutting myself. It makes me feel alive. I'd rather hurt than sit in the dark abyss of nothingness in my soul. It's so boring doing nothing and feeling like shit. I need to fucking express how I feel or I'm gonna scream.”
“Yeah, I get it. I- I got pressured into drinking because I just needed an escape somehow and that's what they suggested to me and-” he hiccupped “I didn't mean to.”
Henrietta placed a hand on his shoulder.
“I know you didn't.”
“It's kinda fucked up but it’s beautiful I think. Sometimes I take pictures of my wrists because I think it's pretty. With the blood and all. That's fucked up isn't?”
“A little yeah. I can't remember the last time I didn't feel like shit. It's been nearly a year. I don't know when it's gonna stop.”
Henrietta nodded.
“It's weird. I start to feel okay again for a while, I feel really really good, or just get pissy again but I'm passionate and I'm not numb. But then it just comes back full force and I go back to feeling nothing. It drives me insane. I think I'm going insane. These emotions are normal. At least I don't enjoy them. Even when I do feel passionate, it's too much and I can't sleep. Like, at all.”
“It's a lot. Point is, you're sick and you need to just embrace that and treat yourself more kindly. And if Kyle gets pissy about it I'll punch him in the nuts.”
Stan smiled.
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pansy-picnics · 10 months
Okay hi! I first want to apologize for how long this will be, but I just found your page and am sort of new to tumblr.
For one, your art is amazzingggg! Every fandom you're in is heavily blessed. It's especially awesome for myself as a tts geek, to see so many dedicated to creating content. As far as the unknighted ship goes, from what I can tell, and this may be totally wrong so please correct me if it is, you want more people to be in the ship? I 100% agree that the division in this fandom is honestly detrimental to its growth, however, I feel like it keeps the peace in a way.
I myself like new dream and am fine with the poly ship, but, i was speaking with a friend who doesn't ship unkighted and cassunzel at all. They were explaining to me how it seems like most of the unknighted shippers do prefer cassunzel, which is again fine. I'm not sure if that's a fact through and through but the sentiment is there. But it got me thinking about how that perception in itself could disuade newcomers who are more into the Eugene/Rapunzel relationship? As far as division goes, I mean.
Again it's no problem to have favorites, in fact it's actually great that this fandom has so many spaces to include people who have a particular liking to any one thing, but it's rare to see anyone here really neutral on pairings if that makes sense? I know those people exist, but even beyond ships, our favorite characters, platonic relationships, and much more are pushed usually, very individually.
Love Cass? Great there's a ton of blogs for that! Rapunzel? Eugene? Varian? So many blogs for them too with art, concepts, etc! But with this fandom being so tiny- and that other weird anon we shall not mention by name, I think as long as people aren't flat out rude to each other, maybe a little separation is alright. Not everyone mingles well together. Maybe it's for the better?
I hope this wasn't annoying to read oops- but I am interested to hear your thoughts, if you feel comfortable responding.
oh no absolutely and i really enjoy these kinds of discussions!! i 100% agree lol and i’ve never meant to make it seem like i don’t. the distance between the fandom is absolutely what keeps the peace and as much as i SAY i want people to branch out more i know if it actually happened it would probably just leave us with even more division and infighting LOL😭
the neutrality is VERY rare and it’s honestly the only reason i’m so passionate about it, because i’ve never fallen into any of those divisions and it makes it really hard to find likeminded people!!! it’s why i put so much effort into my characterizations and how i portray all the dynamics, it tends to cater to everyone because i’ve never been able to pick and choose favorites myself haha
i would love for more people to find enjoyment in uknighted dream especially, since the dynamic is so important to me, but i totally understand it’s just not everyones thing and thats cool too!! :) i’m a bit surprised about the idea that most of us prefer cassunzel though, i never thought about it that way especially since i’ve never had a preference myself. i do sometimes find myself drawing cassunzel more, but that’s less because i prefer them over new dream and moreso because i feel the need to be super upfront about it…💀 i’ve had a lot of new dream fans comment on my uknighted dream art who seem to COMPLETELY miss the point and/or just disregard cass entirely. when i try to be subtle abt it most people don’t acknowledge it so most of my art is just me like violently pointing to them like LOOK!! she’s in love with BOTH of them!!! THEY’RE KISSING!!!!
as someone who’s been super involved with the uknighted dream community i’ve never felt like any of us really have a “preference”, a lot of us are hardcore cassunzel fans but that’s a given cuz that’s usually what drives us to the polyam ship in the first place. i have seen a lot of people argue that like “its just an excuse to ship new dream and cassunzel at the same time” and like….Yeah???? thats kind of the point??? 😭 i really don’t understand how people make it out to be a BAD thing bc like. the point of fandom is just to do whatever and have fun. so what if we wanna ship two pairings at the same time. why NOT just shove them into a polycule
it’s not like cass and eugene don’t have chemistry either???? they obviously care about each other and they don’t get along solely for rapunzel!!! i can’t speak for all ukd fans obviously but i think in my experience most of us did just start off “shipping two things at the same time” but with all the substance involved they VERY quickly become a set. cass and eugene’s dynamic whether platonic or romantic is really fun to explore and they all bounce so well off of each other i think it’s perfect!! they all just mean so much to me ok. they’re all equals and at the end of the day that’s really what i try to portray most in my work :3
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franeridart · 7 years
None of these strong amazing boys actually needs protecting but is that gonna stop me from trying? Is it?? (the answer is no)
Anon said:Hi! If you haven't already answered this, would you mind listing the tags/ships you aren't comfortable with people tagging your art with?
Ohhhhhh what an interesting ask, I’ve been thinking about how to answer since I got it and?? I’m not sure, so let’s put it like this: generally, if the art is obviously meant as platonic I’d prefer it if you didn’t use the ship tag on it, but as a general rule I don’t actually mind people tagging ships anyway? I know how this site works so if I’m really uncomfortable with the idea of it being misinterpreted as romantic I’m just not gonna post anything with those characters in it from the start
That said, sometimes people tagging ships confuses me a lot??? For example the majority of people who’ve reblogged my latest bnha comic have tagged it with the bkdk tag and? There’s nothing romantic about it?? Bakugou is literally off to kill Deku why is that romantic we just don’t know, bkdk shippers seem to have an understanding of romance completely different from mine haha
Ah, also I’ve been having people tagging my bokuro and akaken arts with the ot4 tag, even if I rarely ever draw all of them in the same place. Please don’t do that. Like. Seriously.
As for the general tags, there’s a lot of tags I don’t understand, but from there to saying I’m uncomfortable with them is a bit of a huge step... the one thing that comes to mind is people trigger-tagging Bakugou’s mom. That’s. Hm. I happen to really like that woman and my drawings depict her in a positive light always, so if people could stop that it would be very nice? That’s about it tho~
Anon said: Bakugou smiling omg bless your soul
!!!!!!!!!!!!! Smiling Bakugou is a happy Bakugou and happy Bakugou is a happy Fran so you can 100% expect more of it 👍👍
Anon said:I'm rooting for Kacchan as his hero name. I feel like it would be a huge step personality wise for Katsuki, just like 'Deku' was for Izuku. I feel like they might become civil with each other and hopefully even friends. For Shouto it would be amazing if he could find a name that shows he's accepted who he is but that he isn't a prisoner of his blood...... even though I have no idea how to show that with a name lol
Ah, I’m sure in the future Bakugou and Izuku will be on civil terms, but here’s the thing anon. Deku was a name with a negative connotation given to Izuku the degrade him - someone Izuku holds dear changed the meaning for him, made it something positive, and Izuku took the name back and made it his own, like a phoenix reborn from its ashes. It was a positive thing because it used to be a negative one, you follow me? It also didn’t have anything to do with Bakugou. Izuku took that name away from him, he didn’t accept Deku as a name to show some sort of positive change in his relationship with Bakugou, it was more about him cutting Bakugou of a source of power he had over him. It was distancing himself from Bakugou, not growing closer
Kacchan doesn’t have anything like that tied to it, it’s just a childish name Izuku has been using since he was four, most probably because everyone used to call Bakugou that - Bakugou doesn’t actually care for the name, or else he would have found a way to make Izuku stop using it. He doesn’t like it, but he doesn’t actively dislike it either, he just does not care, right? So there’s no way him accepting it as the way the whole world knows him as would be some sort of positive change for him, imho
What I meant when I said that I really hope it doesn’t happen is that all it would be for Bakugou is just yet another smack on the growing list of things gone wrong for him - there’s no way Bakugou would willingly accept such a childish name as his hero name just for the hell of it, one thing is growing up and a whole other thing is him making a 180° on his personality like that. So, like, I really don’t want it to happen because I want Bakugou for once to have things go as he wishes, but considering the amount of times the narrative has punished Bakugou and how often his plans have gone on the opposite direction compared to what he was working for, would I be surprised if that choice too were to be taken from him? Absolutely not
As for Todoroki, as I said I have never spent time thinking about his hero name? I kind of assumed he actually wanted to be known as Shouto, but you really never know with him! His character is always going in directions I don’t expect one bit, so his hero name too, if it comes, is probably gonna be something I hadn’t seen coming at all haha
Anon said:I love your ring hc for that last post omg it's perfect
OHHHHHHHHHH I’M GLAD YOU BOTH LIKED IT!!!! I hope you’re having the best days too!!!!!!!
Anon said:dude, your art output is simply incredible, you post something pretty much every single day, and its not even just single pictures, its comics! with lots of poses! and anatomy! ahhh, bless you, youre a gift!!! A GIFT!!! your comics are adorable and funny and so in-character u
Thank you!!!!!!!!! So much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh my gODS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Annnnnndddddddddddddddddddd.............. actually............... I kind of............................. not do much aside from drawing................................. r i p
(The thing is that I draw to make myself feel happy when I’m sad. I’m. Always sad. So.)
Anon said: Fran why are people shipping Todoroki with Kaminari ? i mean the pics are nice but i was wondering if there was an interaction between them ?
They were on the same team during the cavalry battle! And!! That’s about it!!! Horikoshi has doodled them together now and again in his twitter sketches but as far as canon goes that should be the only significant interaction they’ve had. I don’t mind the ship? They could be cute, but I don’t exactly ship it. Then again I lowkey ship Todoroki with Sero so who am I to talk
Anon said:Ao3 dealing with a wildcard
I don’t!!! Understand this ask!!! Anon help me out please!!!
Anon said:BRO, that last comic with Bakugou's hero name is PRICELESS! I know you said you actually would prefer him to have a cool name, but could you imagine if this happened in cannon?! I would DIE of laughter! Or worse, imagine if Bakugou did end up with the hero name Ground Zero, but everyone in the public decides to call him Kacchan ANYWAYS, because it's adorable and if deku can call him that, then why shouldn't anyone else? XD I just can't!
Bakugou spending the rest of his life trying to make people use his actual hero name and failing miserably is the single most rational and canon comment I’ve gotten about that comic I’m not even gonna lie hahahaha
Anon said:As soon as I finished reading your Teacher!Bakugou post, I couldn't help but think of that meme/twitter compilation. The one where the teacher is going over safety procedures only for the students to show how much they love their teacher. Like, one student says they'll avenge Bakugou if he ends up getting hurt while another says they'll go after the perpetrator's kids. This idea is gold~!
The problem here is that I can’t really see Bakugou giving a straight “no you can’t do that” answer to those suggestions oh my god what a disaster lmao
Anon said:I just wanted to say that I love your terushimas and your bokuroos and especially your kiribakus (actually the hole bakusquad) and that I'd love to see tokoyami more in your art style (as he's my fav in bnha)
Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!! More Tokoyami is definitely coming!!! I love him so much and he’s so much fun to draw!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:Hey! I love your art, seeing it on my dash always makes me happy! I'm sorry you have people demanding things from you and not respecting your work, you don't deserve that
Anon you’re so sweet onot fine but I’m used to it? Sadly. Haha.
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