#its more classic love story yk? kinda? sorta. not really-
With the modern au, can we learn more about how Frank and Eddie got together? If that's alright with you!
i. i'll admit. i kinda. forgot to think about them
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hoescarer · 10 months
i got the chance to info-dump in a discord server and i wanted to post it here because i think itt might be interesting to some..? and. "helpful" in a very specific and dumb way
but in general its just me making observations abt jessica drew (from earth 332) and jessica from the comics and how they are different (ability/power wise) and what similarities they might have
atsv spoilers i think? kinda. sorta. not really.
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in the marvel comics, jessica drew got her spider power stuff from a mix of suffering from uranium poisoning as a child and a weird serum derived from spider venom that a geneticist (her father) used to try and save her.
this causes her to have powers like super strength, better physical durability, superhuman reflexes, contaminant immunity (immunity to things like poisonous gasses and radiation), venom blast, and pheromone secretion (makinf people either fall in love with her or be repulsed by her depending on mood and/or gender). she also gets around by gliding with the collapsible arm wings on her suit.
earth 332 spider woman (the one we see in atsv) has powers that are closer to the usual spiderman abilities than comic spiderwoman like being able to use webs ! however, unlike the common way that spider people shoot their webs (from their wrists) (i think) (dont make fun of me), her webs shoot out of her individual fingertips (awesome) (its cuz shes goated obv).
so im guessing that her origin story is closer to the classic spider person story where they get bit by a radioactive spider. BUT. a couple of comic jessicas powers would make a LOT of sense for 332 jess like:
1. "Superhuman Durability: Spider-Woman's body is somewhat tougher and more resistant to injury than an ordinary human's, although she is far from invulnerable. She is capable of withstanding impact forces that would severely injure or kill an ordinary human with only mild to moderate discomfort."
this would explain why 332 jess is (seemingly) comfortable fighting and going on missions while pregnant. its not just cuz shes SUPER DUPER determined to help the spider society and the multiverse nd whatnot no matter WHAT, but because she knows that neither she nor the fetus will face any harsh and/or fatal injuries.
2. "Contaminant Immunity: Spider-Woman's metabolism rapidly creates powerful immunity to all forms of toxins, poisons and drugs. Her body is immune to radiation."
same as the last one, it seems like itd be helpful regarding her pregnancy. especially if shes going on missions that have things like toxic gasses or encountering villains that yk. can do stuff with poison. of course consuming, inhaling, or generally being exposed to certain things while pregnant can impact the baby greatly so that power would be convenient for that i think.
im not okay :3
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