#its mostly an excuse to get whisper and silver to bond together and see how they'd figure out how to escape the timeloop
mercyofempty · 1 year
my brains getting sick because i havent talked about my silver and whisper trapped in a timeloop au at all its trapped in there
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Balance on the Head of a Pin
Chapter Thirteen
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Pairing: Loki Laufeyson x OFC  |  Word Count: 5992 Warnings: smexy, swearing, angst and heartbreak
Lauren stared at the change in the pendant around her neck with awe. Towel wrapped tightly around her, she touched the web of intricately laced branches which now rested where once the delicate chain had. It was only about an inch wide, maybe two where the branches fell to a point beneath the pendant, surrounding it as if to highlight the golden rectangle. It was exquisite, like nothing she’d ever seen before, but she wasn’t so foolish not to realize there was more going on here than a simple gift.
“Loki, explain this to me?” She tapped it gently with her nail.
He appeared behind her in the mirror, chest bare, towel riding low at his waist. The smile he wore was simply sinful as was the look in his eyes when he peered at her through the glass. Tapered fingers landed ever so gently on the delicate gold filigree, tracing the design with care.
“Isn’t it stunning?” he asked, stroking his fingers up her throat to cup and lift her chin.
His touch made her shiver most delightfully. “It’s gorgeous, but why is it different?”  
Even though he’d followed through on his comment to wash everything, he’d been… mostly a gentleman about it. His soaping of her back, belly, and chest might have been a pleasant experience, but it had just been a washing, one which she’d returned in kind, washing both their hair as well.
It had been fun, actually, to do something like that for him, especially when she’d scrubbed her nails lightly over his scalp and he’d darn near purred with pleasure.
“Because,” he murmured, lightly kissing her cheek, keeping his eyes on hers in the mirror. “You are my Ástvinur, my chosen. As we learn and grow together, as our bond grows stronger the more you accept me for who I am, so does the brúðr steinn.”
“Brúðr steinn,” she murmured, touching the pendant. “Sounds fancy.”
“Very fancy,” he whispered against her ear.
The heat in his eyes had her lips parting on a sigh. “Loki.” She watched, enthralled as he ran his teeth over the shell of her ear.
“That’s four, my darling,” he crooned against her before slowly pulling away, allowing his finger to trail down her neck and over her bare shoulder.
Lauren picked up her brush with a shaking hand and began running it through her hair, hoping to regain some semblance of composure only to have him return to her back and steal the brush from her fingers to do it himself.
“Seeing as how you have enticed me out of bed at this unseemly hour, I think you should make it up to me.”
Arching a brow, she ignored the heat in her face when she muttered, “After the last twenty minutes, you’re gonna whine about gettin’ up early?”
He paused in his brushing to look at her with eyes full of censure. “An act we could have easily accomplished had you remained in my bed.”
She tilted her chin up defiantly. “You’re short-term memory is goin’, peaches. You’re the one who flounced off into the shower.”
“I do not flounce!” he scoffed. With a narrowing of eyes, he dug his fingers in along her ribs and made her squeal. “Oh, ticklish are we?”
“Loki, no!” she laughed when he did it again. “Stop! Stop! Noooo- aha!” Grabbing hold of her slipping towel, she darted out the door with him hot on her heels.
It came as little surprise when strong arms banded her waist, scooped her up off her feet and tossed her to the bed, causing her breath to oof out before being replaced by gasps and giggles as he attacked her ribs with a vengeance. She belted out a peal of laughter as she tried to keep her towel in place, pushing at him to stop. “Stop!!”
Crouched over her, Loki snickered as he captured both her hands into one of his and held them above her head. “Admit I do not flounce, and I may grant you mercy.”
She bit her lip to hold in her giggles. “Fine, you don’t flounce.”
“Very good.” He smiled triumphantly.
“But you do skulk!”
“Why you little…” he growled softly, skating his hand down her ribs.
“Ah haha!” she screamed, twisting to get away, only to finally have her towel come free. “Big bully!” she pouted when he stopped, eyes full of appreciation for her half-naked form.
“Poor baby,” he chuckled, skimming his hand up her bare flesh to caress her exposed breast. “Should I kiss it better?”
Lauren bit her lip while nodding.
The way his eyes went from sky blue to deep oceans as they warmed was enchanting.
Her eyes dropped to his lips, waiting for him to lower them to hers. She sighed and tilted her face up, the anticipation half the fun when his nose brushed gently along the tip of hers, and his breath washed across her lips.
He settled slowly to the bed, his body at her side, arm stretched out to keep hers contained. The softest touch of his lips made hers tingle. They brushed, a whisper, brushed again, brushed and made her whimper a quiet plea.
When they finally sealed to hers, she moaned, arching up, loving the shock of heat which rapid fired through her system with his kiss, with his closeness. Lauren hooked her heel behind his knee and tugged until his weight half pressed her to the mattress. But it was his mouth she focused on.
The silky glide of his tongue against hers. The way he seemed to be able to twist it in the most impossible way. He flicked it over her teeth, discovering every corner of her mouth. He moaned, deeply, and the coolness of his voice along with the magic which lived inside him washed down her throat making her shiver.
The release of her hands saw them flying up to sink into his damp locks as she kissed him unendingly, catching a breath when he let her only to have him dive back in until her lips felt swollen, and the hand on her breast wandered down her side to jack her thigh up around his waist.
His hand was making its way over her ribcage again when a loud growl came from her stomach.
“Oh!” Jumping at the unexpected noise, Lauren flushed with embarrassment.
Loki groaned softly in disappointment as his head fell to her shoulder. “I forget how often you Midgardians need to eat,” he said, sounding distinctly grumpy.
“I forgot how often you don’t,” she grumbled. “C’mon, hun. I’ll make you a breakfast that will have you wantin’ to eat.”
“And just what, pray tell, are we having for breakfast, my sweet?” Loki asked, lips gliding across her cheek. “What could you possibly feed me that would make letting you up worth my while?”
Smiling, Lauren traced her nails down his back. “Mm, you’ll have to wait and see, peaches.”
Nipping at her lip, he sighed, long-suffering and full of irritation. “If I must, but you will simply have to make it up to me.”
“Me? Make it up to a God? Why however, shall I accomplish such a thing when I am just a shy, fair maiden with not but pennies to my name?” She fluttered her lashes, smiling innocently up at him.
He snorted out a bark of laughter before fighting it back to give her a dark look laced with mischief. “By using your own two hands, fair maiden, to treat me as I deserve.”
“And whatever shall I be doin' with my hands, oh gracious God of Mischief?” she asked, a touch breathless.
“Why, what every man desires of his woman,” he murmured softly, eyes drawing down to land on her lips. Leaning closer, his mouth a breath away from hers, Loki whispered, “Bake me a cake, woman.”
Her eyes widened in disbelief as he leapt from the bed, laughing wickedly while escaping back into the bathroom.
“You’re a horrible tease!” Lauren griped.
“But a fantastic flirt!” Could be heard before the door shut tight.
With his chin in his hand, Loki watched Lauren move around the kitchen with an ease born of familiarity. She was at home here, cracking eggs and cutting up peaches, strawberries, and bananas. There were bowls of fresh berries on the long marble island and a cup of steaming coffee at his elbow.
She stood before the hot stove, bowl of batter in her arm, stirring gently while she waited for the pan to warm. A white t-shirt, old and thin from many washings clung to her curves, while shorts made from jeans bared the generous length of her legs.
He was having a decidedly hard time pulling his eyes away from her long limbs and colourful bare toes. The soft pink was most enticing, making him wonder if she would giggle if he nibbled upon them or if a moan would fall from her lips. Her pert bottom in those shorts wasn't helping matters either.
Drawing his eyes up, he smirked a little for her hair really did curl in the humidity already present in the early morning heat. Soft waves fell around her shoulders, caressed her cheeks, and draped down her back. She looked adorably youthful, like the girl in her Gran’s pictures.
She hummed softly while pouring batter onto the hot pan, hery smile small but happy as she did something which obviously pleased her.
Loki sipped his coffee and glanced toward the clock upon the wall, one reading just gone six-thirty, an hour he would not have been awake at without a good reason on any other day he’d chosen to sleep. Still, to watch her cook for him, just him, in a kitchen with whitewashed cabinets and marble countertops, glass front doors and gleaming steel appliances that put the kitchen of Stark’s to shame, caused his heart to clench at the domesticity of it all. 
He could get used to this.
He set his coffee down with a quiet click of porcelain on marble. “Whatever was your sister trying last night with her action? I cannot figure out her motivation for breaking into your room as she was.”
She placed the bowl down beside the stove and took up a utensil to flip the first round of pancakes. A slight sigh escaped her as the smile fell from her lips, and Loki regretted asking. “The belt.”
“Excuse me?” he asked, stiffening in shock.
“The one you made me. It wouldn’t be the first time Cissy took what wasn’t hers cause she wanted it.” Moving toward the big double door fridge, she opened it and took out a small silver bowl filled with cream she’d previously whipped up into frothy peaks.
He stared at her aghast. “She steals from you as well?”
“Borrows, hun. Only she conveniently forgets about returnin’ what she's borrowed,” Lauren muttered, putting the bowl on the counter near the berries before ducking down to open a cabinet and remove a small canister which she placed near the bowl. “That’s how Cissy explains it at least. At which point I get, Lauren Guillemin, why can't you just let Cissy have whatever this one time? ”
“Lauren,” he sighed, scrubbing a hand over his face, unable to believe the audacity and how it was compounded by what was evidently her mother.
“There’s a reason I only brought one bag. I’ve had things disappear before when I brought them home with me. Considerin’ I could smell the booze on her last night from across the room, ain’t surprised she fell against the door.” She shrugged, dismissing it. “She’s doomed to disappointment anyway.”
That Cissy was. The belt and the outfit he’d created for Lauren no longer existed. He could bring it back should she wish it, but he was really beginning to despise this family.
Flipping the pancakes onto a waiting plate, Lauren poured more batter into the pan and turned toward the island where she began spooning fruit over the hotcakes. The canister was opened and a sieve obtained to shake the fine powdered sugar over the plate. Dollops of the whipped cream were added next before she drizzled a smattering of honey over the entire thing.
Lauren set the plate in front of him with a smirk and nudged a fork his direction. “Eat.”
He eyed both her and the plate before arching a skeptical brow. “I have had pancakes on numerous occasions, my sweet. How is this any different?”
She scooped a bit of cream up with her finger, a dab with a drizzle of honey on it and held it out. “You ain't never had pancakes till you've had ‘em with fresh cream and wildflower honey.”
Loki watched her face as he took her by the wrist and brought her finger to his lips, swirled his tongue around the tip, and placed it into his mouth where he sucked it clean with a sensual purr of pleasure. “Delicious. Especially off your skin.”
She gave a slow blink, a sly smile, and leaned closer to kiss him only to suck his lip into her mouth. “It's even better off yours, peaches,” she murmured, flicking her tongue over his lip. “Eat.”
“There's something I'd like to eat,” he muttered, setting her laughing and blushing as she returned to the stove.
When he dug in, Loki had to bite back a moan of pleasure for her meal was just delicious. As he ate, he again watched her move with ease around the kitchen.
Before the pancakes, she’d mixed a large bowl of batter, poured it in pans, and placed them in the oven. The entire kitchen smelled of spiced cake, mouthwateringly scrumptious. She returned to the fridge, took a block of something - the box reading cream cheese - from it and set it on the counter. The oven was checked, and she flipped her own pancakes before turning her attention back to him.
Collecting a piece of peach on the end of his fork, he held it out to her temptingly. She walked toward him, a sway in her hips, leaned over the counter and opened her mouth.
Pulling the fork back, Loki tsked, “Closer, pet.”
Lauren skirted the counter and stepped forward. “Here?” she asked, smiling.
Turning toward her on his stool, Loki slipped his foot between hers, caught her around the waist, and pulled her forward to straddle his thigh. “Here,” he quipped, bringing the peach to her lips.
Her eyes danced and sparkled when she bit the peach off the tines.
While she chewed, Loki stroked his hand down her back, gently cupped her bottom, traced his fingers over the curve and down past the edge of her shorts where he could lightly caress her bare skin. “What would you have us do today, darling?”
Her fingers traced the line of buttons on his white shirt. “Anythin’ long as we’re outta this house.” 
“It has been some time since I rode. Yesterday’s adventure with your stallion reminded me of how I missed it.” Loki slipped his fingers beneath the hem of her t-shirt, dragged them gently over her skin, squeezed her ribs and brushed his thumb over the underside of her satin encased breast.
Plucking a strawberry up between her nails, Lauren brought it to his lips. “We could take the horses out. Go down to the river. We could swim and have a picnic for lunch.”
Sucking the berry from her fingers, Loki hummed happily. “Sounds delightful.”
“I think so,” she smiled, leaning down to kiss him gently, pulling away only when the scent of pancakes got stronger. She returned to the stove, clicked off the burner, dished up and prepared her own small mound of pancakes before taking the seat at his side.
Loki gave her stool a quick jerk, drawing it in close. She squeaked, grabbed for her plate, and made him snicker. A sharp glare was sent his way before she stole his coffee to sip from his cup. He slid his hand up her thigh and gave her a second jerk that saw her sitting nearly on his lap. Not an easy feat to accomplish, but he wrapped her leg behind his hips and settled his hand on her lush bottom to keep her in place.
Perched on his leg, she eyed him with amusement. “I could sit on my own stool.”
“But then how could I do this?” Stealing her fork, he speared a piece of banana, dipped it in the whipped cream and held it before her mouth.
Her lips twitched, fighting to contain her smile. “I could feed myself as well.”
“Oh?” he pouted, rubbing the edge of the banana against her lips. “Pity,” he crooned, pulling the fork away. “Feeding one’s beloved can be such a… sensual experience.” Lifting his foot to the rung on her stool had her sliding down his thigh, the seam of her shorts bumping up in just the right way.
When she gasped at the sudden jolt of pleasure, he tucked the fork between her lips.
“Now, be a good girl, pet, and let me have my way.” He rocked his foot on the rung of the stool, smirking as he watched her eyes darken when the hard seam rubbed and pulled just right.
Lauren reached past him, ran her finger through the last of the cream and honey on his plate and held it before his lips. “Two can play these games, Loki.”
The mischievous light was back in her eyes. He made to lick her finger when she pulled it away and sucked it between her lips, right to the last knuckle. She moaned softly, eyes on his, as she pulled it from her pursed lips, leaving it slick with saliva.
“Flames of Valhalla, woman,” he groaned, feeling the sudden throb and tightening of his core.
“Still want to play?” she teased, leaning closer.
“So many, many games, darling,” he breathed, sinking his hand into her hair.
Her arms went around his neck, and her body softened into his. “You’ll have to teach me all of them,” she whispered against his lips.
“And invent a few just for you, my heart.” He nipped her bottom lip, making her whimper. Stroking his hand up her spine and back down, he rocked his thigh into her core as he played with her lips, kissing and coaxing, leaving teasing bites and tender kisses, contemplating how quickly he could clear the space on the counter to lift her to it.
“Hey, mama! I smell somethin’ delic- oh, shit!”
The masculine voice had Lauren jerking back, but Loki only held her tighter as he turned his head to glare at the interloping male.
“Uh, mornin’, Lafayette,” Lauren mumbled, cheeks as bright a red as the strawberries on her plate.
She pushed at his chest weakly, but Loki didn’t let her go. The man was wearing a look of embarrassment, but there was envy in his eyes when the dark brown of them connected with Loki’s blue. He knew the instant his flared green for the man dragged the hat from his head and held it twisting between his fingers.
“Miss Lauren. Sorry, I didn’t expect anyone but mama to be up cookin’ this time a day.”
This time the push was less weak and followed up with a solid fist to the chest. Grunting, more out of surprise than pain, Loki finally allowed her to escape, dropping his foot to the floor so she could slide off his thigh.
Lauren smiled at him as she did, her hand stroking over where she’d punched him in apology, one Loki accepted graciously with a tilt of his head.
“It’s good to see you, Lafayette! I missed you yesterday when I was showin’ Loki around.”
Loki watched narrowly as she hugged the large stranger.
A big man, Lafayette had the ruddy complexion of a person used to working outdoors. His sun-darkened skin and bronzed hair confirmed this as fact. Bulky muscles were encased in a t-shirt already sweat-dampened and blue jeans with dirty knees, while a red handkerchief hung from his back pocket. Though he hugged back, Lafayette didn’t touch her with his hands, keeping the dirt on them from smearing Lauren’s white shirt.
“Had to run a few errands in town for Teddy, plus pick up more party things for your mama’s shindig,” Lafayette said, pulling back and heading for the sink to wash up. “Didn’t mean to interrupt… uh… breakfast.”
It came out more a question than a statement.
Getting to his feet, Loki prowled slowly toward Lauren where he collected her fingers and brought them to his lips. “Yes… breakfast,” he smiled as he kissed her knuckles. “You should finish yours, love.” From the corner of his eye, he watched Lafayette flinch at the endearment.
“I will, but I want to introduce you first. Lafayette and I grew up together. His mama is Sue Ann.”
“Ah, the lovely woman from yesterday. She was quite charming,” he said, leading Lauren back to her stool with a gentle tug, encouraging her away from the man who clearly had feelings for her.
“Yeah, mama was full of praise for you, too.” Lafayette leaned against the island and looked him over.
“Really? How delightful.” Loki smirked at the assessing eyes and played with Lauren's hair. While the man was almost as big as Thor, there would be little contest in who would win in wits or strength. The man was quite out of his depth.
“Lafayette, meet Loki Laufeyson.” Lauren smiled up at him.
“You eat, darling. I can make my own introductions.” Loki lightly stroked his palm up her arm. The move had Lafayette’s eyes glued to his hand.
“Don’t summon the staff,” she mumbled, reaching for her fork, oblivious to the tension in the room.
“Why ever not?”
“You’d shake the china. It’s fragile,” she warned, returning to eating.
“As you wish, darling.” Loki kissed the crown of her head, keeping his eyes locked on the brown ones across from him.
Lafayette’s jaw tightened.
Chuckling softly, Loki made his way around the island and held out his hand. “As my Ástvinur has said, I am Loki.”
The large hand grasped his, squeezed in the way most men of this world would to try and intimidate a rival. It only made Loki grin. “She did leave out one thing though.” He increased the pressure of his grip ever so slightly, gaining a modicum of pleasure when Lafayette’s eyes widened.
“What’s that?” the man asked, tightening his grip as well.
He gave a slight shrug. “That I am the adopted son of Odin, brother to Thor, prince of Asgard, and the God of Mischief.”
Lafayette’s hand jerked in his. “What?”
“And one of the Avengers,” she said from behind him. “Don’t be so modest, peaches.”
Glancing at her, Loki shook his head. “Are you teasing me, my sweet?”
“Who would dare?” she gasped as if shocked at the very thought.
“Troublesome woman,” he grumbled, removing his hand from the slack one of Lafayette.
“Holy… fuck,” breathed Lafayette, stunned. “I thought you looked familiar but… sheet!” He slapped Loki roughly on the shoulder with a wide grin. “An honest to god Avenger runnin’ round Annandale Farms! Son’ bitch! Good to meet you!”
Loki blinked, surprised by the about-face in the man’s demeanour. “Excuse me?”
He chuckled, evidently amused by Loki’s confusion. “Thought you were some high society fucker Lu brought home with her to screw with her mama.”
Lauren snorted, covering her mouth as she chewed, eyes sparkling with wicked amusement.
“Did you set me up, darling?”
“Maybe, little,” she smirked, continuing to eat. “Kinda got both of you in one. A double set up. Natasha would be proud.”
“The Captain would be horrified at your deviousness, but Barnes would be quite amused.” Loki shook his head and returned to her side.
“Shit, Lu. Still can’t believe you know the Avengers,” Lafayette muttered, helping himself to the coffee.
The timer on the stove buzzed, but when she made to go to it, Loki pressed down on her shoulders. “Sit.”
“The cake.”
“I have it.” Flicking his finger, Loki moved the cake from the oven to the racks on the counter, turning the oven off in the process.
Lafayette jumped, sloshing coffee over his hand and hissing at the burn. “Fuck me!” Shaking off the liquid, he wiped his hand on his jeans.
“I see your mouth ain’t improved a lick,” Lauren snickered. “Don’t let your mama catch you using that language, or she’ll wash it out with soap.”
“Can you blame me? Damn, Lu! He just… and the cake just… and y’all are just sittin’ there all pleased as punch!”
Lauren smiled. “Takes a little gettin’ used to, but then I’ve had the time.” Her hand drifted up to rest against her pendant, hidden by the neck of her t-shirt.
Sitting beside her, Loki nudged her cheek with his nose, kissing the enticing line of her jaw. “That you have, my love.” Hand settling on her thigh, he rubbed circles with his thumb.
The clicking of heels on hardwood coming at a rapid pace had Lauren stiffening. “Yeti.” She tilted her head to the side, and Lafayette scooted around the corner into what Lauren had termed the butler’s pantry.
Arching a brow, Loki squeezed Lauren’s thigh.
“Mama. She and Yeti don’t get on. He’s a bit... brash for mama’s sensibilities,” she snickered, “It’s better if they just avoid each other. She puts up with him cause Sue Ann’s the best cook in the county. Plus he’s got a knack with the gardens no one can compete with.” She shrugged, dismissing it.
Loki hummed his understanding as Magnolia burst into the kitchen, robe flapping and hair in disarray, day-old makeup beneath her eyes, and a piece of paper clutched in her hand.
“Lauren! Have you seen George?” she asked, breathless.
Lauren shook her head. “No, mama. Why?”
“This!” Magnolia shook her fist with the paper in it. “This was left on his bed this mornin’!” Stalking forward on heels which had fluffy toes, she thrust the paper at Lauren, dismissing him altogether.
“Good morning, Magnolia,” Loki smirked, forcing her attention from her daughter. “How your beauty astounds me, transcending from night to day in such a way.” The choked sound from the pantry would be heard by none but him, though clearly, his words amused Lafayette.
“Oh, well, yes.” She patted down her hair and closed her robe. “Thank you, uh, Loki. I do apologize for soundin’ a touch… frantic. It’s just this letter has got me all stirred up.”
“Oh?” He arched a brow, leaning to read over Lauren’s shoulder. “What a pity. Montgomery has been called away. And look, my love,” he traced his finger over the hastily written line, “it appears he has acquiesced to your wishes and will no longer seek your hand.” It wasn’t what he’d wanted the idiot male to do, but at least he was out of the house and away from his Lauren.
She tilted her head, sending him a quick smile. “As it belongs to you, Loki that was only ever goin’ to be the outcome.”
“Be still, my beating heart,” he breathed, kissing her shoulder. The shudder went unnoticed by her mother, but Loki felt the quake of her desire right to his soul.
“But that can’t be!” Magnolia wailed.
“Mama?” Lauren frowned. “Why can’t that be? George knew last night I wasn’t gonna marry him. I made that perfectly clear. Why else would he have stayed?”
Magnolia paled swiftly before an angry flush came to her face. “Why for the party of course! What other reason could there possibly be? Don’t be stupid, girl!”
Going ridged at her side, Loki glared at Magnolia when Lauren flinched at the harshness. “Yes, what other reason could there possibly be for Montgomery to be in this house? To stay the night when, clearly, the reason he was here was moot?”
Magnolia blinked at his vehemence, blinked again when the words sank in and stepped back quickly.  “I… I don’t have a clue what you might be talkin’ about, sir.”
“No? Hm, I thought not.” Lifting his chin, he stroked his hand down Lauren’s spine. “Well, it seems Montgomery has left us. What a shame.”
She eyed him, worry and fear on her face. “I… I guess, yes. Too bad.” Turning on her heel, she fled the room.
Shifting his attention back to Lauren, he had a moment of concern with how still she was, staring at the last of her breakfast, the note clutched tightly in her hand. “Lauren?”
She spread the note out on the counter with both hands. “Loki, I’m gonna ask a question. I need you to tell me the truth.”
“Always, my love.” Stilling the hand on her back, he brought the other down on hers.
She blew out a hard breath, inhaled deeply and asked, “Was my mother sleepin’ with George?”
Everything about her braced as if awaiting a blow, one he was seriously disinclined to give. “Darling…”
“Oh… wow,” she gasped, his non-answer answer enough. “That hurts more than I expected.” Turning from him, she bent over her knees to pant softly.
The pain tearing through her was so intense, Loki could feel it himself. “Please, love,” he whispered, lurching from his seat to gather her close when she nearly slid from the stool. Holding her as she shook, he became aware of Lafayette watching, eyes full of pity before the man slipped away.
They both ended up on the floor, Lauren sobbing into her hands, completely destroyed by her mother’s betrayal. When harsh cries eventually became soft whimpers, he gathered her into his lap. Limp and exhausted, she turned her face into his throat.
“How long?” she whispered.
He sighed while rubbing her back. “I can’t say with certainty.”
“Hazard a guess, Loki.”
The harshness of her voice nearly made him flinch. “If not the beginning, likely near it.”
“Was this what you were hidin’?”
He closed his eyes and held her tight, wishing with all his heart this was not happening, that her family were not these wretched people. He wished almost desperately for Frigga to be alive. For her to meet and mother his Lauren. To fuss and coddle the woman who was his heart. “I’m sorry, elskan min. I’m so sorry.”
Fresh tears soaked the collar of his shirt.
A few minutes later, when the pounding of her heart was not nearly so strong, Lauren pushed back from him, but her head remained bowed, her hair falling down to hide her face. “Why?” she finally asked, lifting her head to look toward the ceiling. “Why?”
He cupped her face, bringing her eyes to his while he wiped at her tears. He’d never seen her so sad, so heartbroken, and twice in less than twenty-four hours she had cried like her soul was crushed over these people. “I don’t know, darling. I don’t know why people are this way. I don’t know why they do these things. I don’t know why they hurt you.” He drew her in until her forehead rested against his, and her fingers wrapped around his wrists. “But I won’t. I will never hurt you. Not ever. I will never cheat. I will never lie. I will never dishonour you or treat you like less than the queen you are. I vow it, my heart. I swear it!”
She whimpered softly, “Loki.”
“I love you, Lauren.” Her lips tasted of tears and sorrow mixed with shame and regret when he kissed her, but he sank past it, sank deep, kissed her and poured out his heart. He wrapped her in his love and his magic until sadness turned to fire and left him breathless on the tile floor.
When she pulled back a second time, her lashes were slow to lift, but when they did, her eyes were full of sweet affection. The sorrow was still there but muted, and a smile was beginning to bloom gently on her lips.
“That was quite the promise,” she said softly, lightly touching his lips.
He nipped gently at her fingers. “And Asgardians always keep their promises.”
She wiped at her cheeks. “I know, peaches.”
Disentangling their limbs, Loki assisted her back to her feet. “What now, darling?” Did she even want to stay? Would she ask to go home?
She breathed out, composed herself, and headed for the cake on the cooling racks. “Now, we finish your cake, make a picnic, grab the horses and get the hell outta this house before I do somethin’ else I regret.” The worry from last night was present between her brows again.
Flicking his hand at the dishes, he set everything to rights from their breakfast. “Your mother seems to have forgotten you made that declaration.”
“Figures. Magnolia ignores anythin’ which don’t fit in with what she wants.”
If there was a touch of bitterness to the words, Loki didn’t hold it against her. Lauren had gathered a bowl and what ingredients she needed for this next step of cake making when Loki moved up behind her and pinned her hips to the counter with his own then wrapped his arms around her waist. “Will you be alright?”
Her hands clenched on the countertop before relaxing to lay flat. “The worst part? I can’t hate her. She’s still my mama. I seriously want to whip George’s behind from here to the next county, and I’m a little… nauseous, but I can't hate her. Does that make me weak?”
Tucking his nose into her hair, he sighed. “No, darling. It makes you far stronger than most. Frigga said nearly the same to me once. She hated what I’d done, what I’d become, but she still loved me.”
Her hands went back to adding things to the bowl before they, again, slowed to a stop. “Do you ever wonder if the mind stone was part of the reason you gave in to the Chitauri?”
“What?” It was such a jump in topic it took him a moment to follow her leap.
“I’ve seen the files. How you used the sceptre on Clint and the others. If you could use it on them, couldn’t the Chitauri have used it on you first?”
“No… I… no.” He pulled away, frowning, shaking his head in denial. “I don’t… my magic...”
“It’s possible, isn’t it?” she asked softly, turning to look at him.
Scrubbing his hands over his face, Loki shook his head. “I don’t know. I don’t think so. My magic is far too powerful.”
“More powerful than an infinity stone?”
He stared at her for a long moment, her question causing his mind to race with the implications. “There isn’t much more powerful than an infinity stone.”
Her brow arched, she nodded casually, then turned back to her bowl. “Hm, ain’t that somethin’.”
He blinked, momentarily taken aback. “Did you just… distract me, woman?”
She bit her lip, but the giggle still erupted. “Maybe.”
“What a tricky creature you are becoming,” he snickered, returning to press himself against her spine. “I like it.” Placing his hands on her ribs, he nipped at the ear her hair was tucked behind.
Laughing softly, Lauren murmured, “I know.”
“Cheeky, girl.” He liked that too.
With her laughter drowning out the sound of her tears from but moments ago, Loki sighed, happy to be her distraction, sneaking his finger into the bowl of frosting, tickling her ribs to make her squeal, and generally being a nuisance to keep her smiling.
When the feeling of being watched registered, he turned his face to the heavens, grinned wickedly, waved his hand and hid them from Heimdall's view.
He could almost hear the Guardian laugh.
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