#its my first snape fic so be kind plz
ensnapemysenses · 2 years
Teacher Appreciation Day
Snape fic SFW
Gender-neutral terms used for student, unspecified house alliance!
Summary: A first-year muggle born Hogwarts student decides to get their favorite professor a gift for teacher appreciation day.
Please be kind as this is my first ever Snape fic! I apologize for any errors you may find and I hope you enjoy it! :)
Word count: 1,113
The last class of the day is drawing to an end as Snape is sitting at his desk watching his first-year students panic as they finish up their potions. The students can feel the stress begin to rise in the classroom as everyone is scrambling trying to present their best potion to the professor. The booming voice of Professor Snape interrupts their concentration.
“Times up! Stop what you are doing and bring a vial of your potion up to my desk now,” Snape says clearly annoyed that his students seem to be struggling with making the potion today even though it is a pretty basic one.
As the students are putting the vials of their potion on his desk, Snape begins to tidy up his papers from the lesson glancing up for a moment to see that the class is emptying pretty quickly. His thoughts begin to wander to what book he is going to read over the weekend. His train of thought is interrupted by a student that says, “Professor Snape? Do you have a moment?”
He looks up to see that one of his best first year students is speaking. They always do fairly well in his class and he doesn’t mind teaching them like some of the other dunderheads. “I suppose I can spare just a quick moment,” Snape says though he is very annoyed at this inconvenience as it postpones his afternoon plans ever so slightly. He takes a seat at his desk as they walk down to stand in front of his desk
“Hi, Professor Snape!,” they say visibly excited to be speaking to their professor, “In the muggle world we have a celebration called Teacher Appreciation Day and I was just wondering… have you ever heard of it?” Snape is very confused at this interaction but he doesn’t show it. Instead, he decides to show annoyance because he is very annoyed that this student seems to want to engage in small talk with him and doesn’t have any actual questions pertaining to his potions class.
Raising an eyebrow Snape responds, “I am not aware of this… “celebration” that you are referring to, no.” Why would this student even be bringing this up? What do they want with him? All he wants to do is end this conversation and carry on with his day but instead, the student continues talking and he can’t help but roll his eyes a bit.
“Well… It’s a day where we let our teachers know that we appreciate them! Actually, that day is today!” The student pulls out a gift neatly wrapped in brown paper and tied with a dark green ribbon and holds it out to Professor Snape before continuing. “Potions is my favorite subject, sir, and… you are my favorite professor so I got you a little gift to let you know that I appreciate you, your class, and all that you do here at Hogwarts!”
Snape stares at the student making sure that he doesn’t reveal any emotions on his face. Did he really hear them correctly? Did they just say he is their favorite professor? Surely this is a joke and there’s a prank in the box waiting for him. He makes no movement to receive the gift as he doesn’t want it if it’s just going to embarrass him. The student smiles a bit and takes a step closer to the desk as they continue speaking.
“I want you to have this gift, Professor Snape. Thank you for being a wonderful teacher and for teaching me how to properly brew potions. I am so happy that I get to learn from such a well-esteemed and respected potions master!”
For a quick moment, Professor Snape's guard is let down and the shock of this encounter shows on his face but he quickly returns back to being emotionless. He slowly takes the gift from the student and places it on his desk. “Are you going to open it?,” the student asks him before continuing, “I really hope you like it.”
Professor Snape clenches his jaw and unties the dark green ribbon and unwraps the brown paper to reveal a black box. As he opens the box he braces himself just in case this is truly a prank the Weasley twins put this poor first-year student up to.
Snape slowly lifts the lid of the box to reveal a black leather journal with the initials S.S. on it in silver foil as well as a beautiful and elegant matching silver pen. Professor Snape slowly and methodically examines the journal and pen turning them over in his hands a few times and opening the pages of the journal to inspect them. After a few minutes of silence, he begins to speak being extra careful to not show any signs of emotion.
“While I do not fully understand this muggle celebration day, I am honored that you think of me as your favorite professor here at Hogwarts as there are many other more… popular choices to choose from.” Wanting this awkward encounter to end as soon as possible Snape continues, “Now if you don’t mind I’ve got to get going. I have a meeting with the Headmaster I must attend and it is of the utmost importance I am not late.”
The student nods and simply says “I hope you like it, Professor! I will see you during the next class!” They promptly leave the classroom turning around at the door to give him one last small smile before exiting.
With a flick of his wand, Professor Snape closes and locks the door to his classroom as soon as the student is gone. He doesn’t actually have a meeting with the headmaster he just wanted an excuse to end the conversation with the student before he let his emotions get the best of him. He cannot show any of his students he actually cares about them as he has a reputation to uphold.
Snape smiles a bit as he takes one last look at the journal and pen before carefully placing them in a drawer in his desk. He’s never been one to seek recognition from his students and this is the first student he’s ever taught that has been brave enough to tell him that he’s their favorite professor. It is quite the shock for him to process but he is so grateful to this student for speaking up and giving him this gift. Perhaps he is actually liked and this journal and pen will serve as a reminder of that from now on.
Snape takes a deep breath and carefully composes himself as he heads out of his classroom and heads to the lake for his afternoon walk. He surely has a lot to think about today.
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