#its not in the compilation but my favorite scene is where leo is by himself and receives a message via weapon and
turrondeluxe · 1 year
who do you think is 2003 Leo favorite Brother?
leo loves his family and all his brothers but in 2003, leo has a lot of instances where we can see that he has an specific soft spot for mikey that truly makes me feel like mikey is leo's favorite sibling :]
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pendulum-sonata · 8 years
Arc V (and multifandom) Fic Recs
Ok, I’m so so sorry that only today I got to do this, I fully intended to do a post for every day, instead as usual here you have me squishing everything into a single post TT.
Sorry none of them will be sorted by content or ship but I will mention if there are major ships in the why you should read them part >.>
(I will post the recs for other fandom under read more) 
Arc V:
Universe in Motion by timahina
A very funny and interesting look into what the friendship between Yusho and Leo would have been like and how Reiji owns his existance to Yusho’s ...interesting priorities and matchmaker talent :’D 
Catalyst by  timahina
Robustshipping A canon divergent fic where Kaito decides to go and storm into the Fusion dimension all on his own in his thirst for revenge and ends up bewitched by a pretty smile... A must read if you’re into emotionally constipated jerkass Kaito paired up with no-nonsense but still lighthearted Asuka.
Child of the Universe (Series) by seasalmemories
A Prodigyshipping series of fics that also acts as a characecter exploration for Reiji and Serena after the war, if you thought that no gripping emotions could come off a story about two emotionally constipated people then you were mistaken.
Just the Draw of a Card by seasaltmemories.
This is a drabble compilation of the author’s different writting prompts on Tumblr and the like, it’s a good place to start with her style with her style of writting and rare pairs abound! so if you’re lucky enough you might find what you can’t find anywhere else!
the adult who stands at the top of the tower  by  Celestos
This was my gift for the YGOME16 exchange, and what a gift it was! It’s a very gripping and angsty look at how Reiji forced himself to grow up and turn into the CEO that we all know in the series
Run. by clockwork_spider
An AU where Leo establishes himself and his army on Heartland and invades the fusion dimension
Ok, I must admit I have yet to read past chapter 1, but seeing as I rather like the style of writting of the author and it’s been recommeded to me by people who know me and my tastes I have hopes this fic achieving the impossible: making me care about the Xyz trio.
Across the Dimensions by  sketched_daydreams
Another drabble compilation (completed now) that focuses on different characters, per chapter, some a canon compliant and other are divergent but they all have one theme in common: children dragged into war.
Your Hands in Mine by Bunny Wings
A sweet one-shot about hand-holding between the dimensional counterparts, the author manages to reflect their personalities on each scene just like the nature of their relationships.
Ascend by pendulumprince
A vey early Reiji-centric fic (back when we still didn’t knew where he stood) i which we get to see him through the eyes of his mother, I think it was the first Arc V fic I ever favorited, and reading back now it never ceases to amaze me how spot on the characters are.
Other Fandoms:
beautifulgarbage by  Celeste Goodchild (Utena)
A collection of one-shots that go into detail into different characters and relationships on the series, particularly Utena, Anthy and Akio, the author clearly likes Mikage too since he’s a recurring character but not in a shoehorned way.
Shutdown by  fetch-thranduilion (Heat Guy J)
In a perfect world this is what the series sequel should have been like, the characters are all spot on, there are lots of relationships and questions solved and finally everyone earns (this time for real) their happy ending.
Anatomy of Affection by  Moriyasha Neko-hime (Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro)
A very interesting look into the relationship between the Demon detective and his human companion, one in which they are both at loss of the true nature of their relationship and in the case of Neuro he has no idea what affection is to begin with.
Alice in Chains by Subtle Serenity (Bleach)
Ulquihime fic, back when I was part of the Bleach fandom, because I foolishly believed that Orihime development would stick stick after the Hueco Mundo arc... well either way this is an AU fic where the Winter War happened waaay before canon and the Arrancar are sort of refuging (cough feeding cough) in the human world and Orihime stumbles into the worst possible situation, very dark fic, very much deserving of its M rating.
If you like dark, twisted rleationships you’ll like this one.
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iowamusicshowcase · 7 years
"Lyrics, Life and Love are the foundations of the artist known as Dominique Morgan. Since age 7, this storyteller narrates tales of the heart; recalling personal trials, tribulations and chronicles of passion. This 12-time Omaha Entertainment & Arts Award nominee has been deemed by Encounter Magazine as '…one of the most celebrated R&B artists in the Midwest.' Composing hit songs like 'In My Zone' (from the album Party Soul by Jus.B). Mr. Morgan has composed over 400 songs of expression throughout his music career - with albums like Loveaholics and Love Chronicles, Dominique eloquently translates life’s pain into musical memoirs of strength and courage." = from his home page "Dominique Morgan got into the music scene very early on and knew that music was what he was meant to do with his life. In 2005 he began to work at Icon One Music as a member of the writing staff, Penfluence while crafting songs for his own project. He spent years contributing to other artists projects until he was featured on the Icon One Music Christmas compilation Icon Onederland in 2009... This entire time he was writing and producing songs that would come to be his first project 'A Thin Line Between Love & Hate' in 2011 and that same year he won Performer of the Year from Brainstorm Promotions one of the largest LGBT promotions companies in the Midwest." - from his ReverbNation page "'I’m gonna be so honest with you right now it will piss…you…off. I started writing music at seven. Music just comes to me. I don’t read music. The shit just happens and I just go with it and I just go with it ‘til I can’t go anymore.' "Dominique Morgan, orator of the aforementioned, was a show choir kid at Benson High. At age 14, he came out as gay to his family, “who were cool with it.” He left home during his senior year, 'making a stink about being grown,' and followed friends to UNL, where almost no one knew he wasn’t enrolled or that he got by sleeping in cars. Bad checks led to prison. "That was before 2009. Now he is one of the metro’s most celebrated R&B recording artists and a prominent activist. Morgan recently headlined at the Baltimore Pride Celebration, which he described as a highlight of his career... "An unguarded man expressing his pain and hope on- and off-stage, Morgan brought himself and his fans to tears during an acoustic set with Kevin Sullivan of Bells and Whistles during the 2015 OEAA nominee showcase at Reverb Lounge. His album, Loveaholics Anonymous, is a well-received tribute to the highs and lows of romance, earning him three nominations for best R&B artist, album of the year, and artist of the year. A holiday album, Dom’s Favorite Things, launched in late 2015. If the past is prologue, the next act for this Omaha original could be biblical. What comes after a year like that?" - from the article, "Dominique Morgan: Fusing Reinvention and Love 
with Activism and Music", by Greg Jerrett on the website, OmahaMagazine.com 'R&B and soul singer-songwriter Dominique Morgan, 33, has emerged as an urban music force with multiple Omaha Entertainment and Arts Awards nominations for his Love Chronicles album. "His tunes of love and loss come from personal experience: an abusive relationship, homophobia, both parents passing, incarceration. "Alfonzo Lee Jones, founder-president of Icon One Music, the local label Morgan records on, says the artist has 'absolute determination.' "Music is Morgan's passion and sustenance. When he bravely came out at 14, he leaned on music for solace. "'It was an important part of my secret life. I spent a lot of time in my room listening to music. No one knew this was my salvation, this was my safe space,' Morgan says. 'I was very closeted about music. I didn't sing in front of people. But I had this desire to perform. I wrote songs in a notebook I hid under my bed. I was just very insecure and being a performer is the ultimate exposure.' "He got up enough nerve to sing in Benson High's mixed chorus and to audition for its Studio Singers show choir. "'I was frightened to death to audition. I didn't know how to dance in time, I didn't know how to read music, I felt so behind.' "He made the cut anyway. "'It was the first time I had been chosen for something and somebody saw something special in me. That experience was amazing. It opened me up to discipline, group dynamics, being a leader.'... "While incarcerated his father died suddenly. He'd been Morgan's only regular visitor. Morgan stopped calling home. Hearing freedom on the other end only made his confinement worse. 'It was too much for me.' "He turned to music to cope. "'It was like this wall burst in my head and these words, these songs, these melodies just flooded out of me. I thought, One day I want to sing my songs. Music kept me going. It was my saving grace.' "He wrote the songs in long-hand, with a pen, in notebooks and on kites (internal request forms). He utilized mics and mixing boards in prison music rooms, buying access to the gear via handmade checks he covered with the $1.21 a day he made working in the kitchen. He earned a culinary degree he uses today as a caterer. "In a prison talent contest he revealed music chops he'd kept on the down low. The prospect of using those chops on the outside kept him sane. After serving eight-plus years, he got out February 2009 and cared for his ill mother until she died that December. "'It was devastating.' "His youngest sibling, Andrea, came to live with him. "He tracked down Icon One's Alfonzo Lee Jones and began writing songs for the label. Jones admires 'the soul and feeling Morgan puts into his writing,' adding, 'Dom paints a vivid picture with every song he composes. You can feel the emotion. That's powerful.' Morgan says in Jones he's found 'more than a producer – he's like a brother to me.'... "His music took off as a recording artist and live performer, he says, once he stopped trying to position himself as a gay singer-songwriter. That transition came with his outreach work for the nonprofit LGBT advocacy group, Heartland Pride. "'I am a singer who happens to be gay. I can still be myself through that but I let the music speak for itself.' - from the article, "Dominique Morgan's voice will not be stilled", by Leo Adam Biga on the website, The Reader
Home page: http://ift.tt/1zCnHy3 Facebook: http://ift.tt/2zP2GY2 ReverbNation: http://ift.tt/2a2cF4I
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