#its not neo but im glad they didnt forget about the HE girls
vtuberconfessions · 1 year
...Idol has officially redeemed themselves in my heart.
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blazingstarship · 9 months
🎶You could be my whole world,
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If I could be your satellite🎶
X (hope this link worka cause this number is taken off from spo.tify and y.ou.tube)
In the six months gape between events, holidays were spend at Martha’s place since the boys were busy to settle in their messy new place in Neo Domino. This place holded lots of memories for them, for everyone. Its where the past meet the present. Its where our second chance of love bloomed all over again.
S: Ironic isnt it?
Y: What?
S: To meet again at Martha’s place. Its thanks to her I got in contact with Kiryu and later you.
Y: Martha’s home is the place everyone comes together.
S: Yeah, it sure does. It feels good to be back here, back to you all…back to you. E-even my timing was…very good. Not.
Y: The timing was bad, but Im still glad you were there during my recovery.
S: I’m still happy you haven’t forgotten me. I was really worried when … you know… you went off in the chopper and faced the girl who everyone wanted to set you up with but also hurted you in the last duel you had with her.
Y: You are still not over that duel?
S: I got me so frustrated you have no idea. I cant stand anyone who dare to hurt you…without a good reason.
Y: smirks And whats for “a good reason”?
S: I can tell you whats not, you trying to reach out a helping hand and they whip you…hard…multiple times. I still dont get it.
Y: shrugs There is not much to understand, it happened.
S: I think I never will understand. I Just…I dont like to see you in pain. I care about you, Yus.
Y: After all these years, you still do?
S: I never stopped.
Y: Shar.
S: I know, I know. Sorry.
Y: What? No, I think its … amazing.
S: Its silly. I mean… Its been…2,5 years?… Stuff happen, changes… Feelings can change too. I just…never forgot you.
Y: And I haven’t forgotten you either or our promise. Twice.
S: Really?
Y: You are hard to forget. You are very stubborn, you know that?
S: blushes and cracks a sly smile. Thats what makes you like me…right?
Y: I cant deny that I dont.
S: smiles nervous Oh hey…look at that…a mistletoe. I-I know its cliche… but I always wondered what’s like to be kissed under a mistletoe.
Y: chuckles You mean, you never have been kissed under one before?
S: No…have you?
Y: Never have been interested.
S: Oh…whispers not even with me? Ofcourse not… no one wants to.
Y: Are you interested?
S: Maybe… but I-I dont wanna be pushy. Its just…I wanna know what makes it so special to be kissed under that kind of thing.
Y: There is only one way to find out.
S: You…you wanna?
Y: blushes as he placed his hand on her hip, pulling closer. You arent talking me out of this.
S blushes Not trying to.
S: keeps smiling and staring in his eyes.
Y: What?
S: Nothing…just processing the moment…I didnt know you could be so romantic.
Y: Only takes the right person to be with.
S: Agreed. So… are you interested in me?
Y: In you?
S: Yeah… as… you know…
Y: No tell me.
S: You want me to say it, dont ya?
Y: grins You got my full attention.
S: Okay…interested as…dating material?
Y: Well…Im currently not trying to save the world and I may have some free time to go out and explore.
S: Sounds good. Does this exploring maybe include….checking out the ice skating rink downtown?
Y: With good company, sure. Are you interested?
S: It may so happen I am.
Y: How sounds, Friday seven o’clock?
S: nods Its a date…right?
Y: nods Yeah.
S: Just..just checking…I cant wait🥰 Also speaking of checking…. Maybe you should check yourself before we go on table.
Y: confused Something on me?
S: Hmmmm maybe a shade of red…. and Im not talking about your sweater…. or the blush on your cheeks😉
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yyxgin · 3 years
👁👄👁 bar my day was wild
apparently, my passport didn’t work or something the first time so i had to come BACK home to get it so the regional manager or whatever could scan it. it’s okay bc he got me an uber and back,, no bus ✨ frankly i was exhausted at the back and forth but no one was mad at me considering my gm said it was okay to bring it tomorrow (which clearly it wasn’t) but i’m happy. it went smoothly and the food runner was lovely to me 🥺 and the deputy manager (? god that’s definitely not her title but i’ve forgotten it bc brainrot) knows a girl i went to highschool with?? also i think she’s impressed w me for being able to handle the spice idk. we ate together. i like everyone there. i forgot to thank the chefs for my food so i’ll make sure to thank them first thing tomorrow as it was delicious 😭❤️
the tree sounds so cool!! i bet that lets off lots of energy into your room. it sounds like it’d be good for concentration and calming. honestly i want to get some more as i initially bought tumble stones as they were more convenient for me. my emerald is cool though,, that’s just in a rock 🤘🏼
chenle is such a mood honestly. i saw the video of him dancing for a fancall i think? apparently someone said they can understand why the neo’s smoke and i just 💀💀💀 i cannot w some people they crack me up 😫👋
i’m gonna watch a movie,, i think i’m gonna go with pegasus. or the old town girls. either way!! my mum did walk in on me watching anime and said ‘wow ice cream and cartoons. what more could you ask for?’ and that’s the most on brand she’s been in ever tbh.
i think imma keep it short for now. don’t forget to tell me how your day goes (i’ll ask, don’t you worry) ~ 🌻
DUDEE my id never works when they try to scan it for some reason ?? but like i never do anything w it bc i dont really care tbh🤡🤡 im glad no one got mad at u bc the lady at the post office really glared at me the last time like,, its not my fault😔 im already socially anxious stop stressing me out.
omg the manager knows your classmate from high school thats so cool ?? damn world is a small place😳 also im impressed w your ability to handle spice as well bc i am a big baby and i cannot eat spicy things at all😭💔 my brother brought a spicy pizza home one day and i took a bite and cried my eyes out, like,,,literally, bc not even drinking milk helped. i DIDNT EVEN KNOW IT WAS A CHILLI PIZZA BC THE MFERS USED ONLY CHILLI POWDER AND I DIDNT NOTICE IT 😭
i honestly dont know if it brings me energy but i like looking at that tree??? my grandma got it for me so thats probably why. my friend was into crystals for a while and went around with an amethyst stone but then she kind of lost interest i guess😔
THATS SO TRUE THO LIKE IF I HAD FANS LIKE NCTZENS I WOULD SMOKE TOO. like doing dances for them ?? i saw someone teaching a tiktok dance to mark the other day and he looked so dead inside. also jaehyun looks like he doesnt want to be there in 99% of his fancalls and i honestly do not blame him.
ooh i've never heard of those movies !! make sure to tell me how they were if you watch them 😎 also i am really bad at watching anime but my friend recommended one to me so i'm looking forward to watching it after i finish the dramas i'm watching rn !! my mum also calls them cartoons😔 my brother on the other hand always assumes its hentai.
my day hasn't really been good but thats okay😔 i just have to be a lil grumpy about it and then it'll be fine dksks tell me how your day was !! i hope it was good :)
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