#its porty time! 馃帀 (porty)
djtether-selfship 8 months
Playground and arcade
Choose whatever f/o you would like!
Using Porty for both of these since he's my main F/O <3 (also using K_K cuz i want to think about him more!!)
[ Playground: Who is more energetic, you or your F/O? ]
It depends on the situation, in normal day-to-day life Porty is actually pretty lowkey and can be rather tired, making Feng Li the more energetic one! But when Porty, well, porties.. I think its obvious XD
Out of K_K and Benny, K_K is definitely the more energetic one! He's the type to bring Benny cool things and then rant to her about them and how they made him think of her!!
[ Arcade: Is your F/O a gamer? If so, what is their favorite game? ]
Porty is definitely a gamer! He likes open world RPGs and MMOs, and though Feng Li is hopeless with directions (digital and real), she still likes to watch him play. Of course, Porty also keeps OG MK's love of Monkey Mech, but there's only so much enjoyment he can get from playing against Feng Li when the Monkie Kids are out adventuring and stopping villains
K_K games sometimes, but it can get kind of meta since he comes from, well, a digital dark world. He enjoys visual novels though, and he plays dating sims with Benny sometimes. She got him to play DDLC once and he didn't trust her gaming suggestions for like a week afterwards :,D
Sorry these were sort of long, i got carried away lol
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djtether-selfship 8 months
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Did a little djtether art!!! I love them so much
They're watching a movie and porty fell asleep bc he hosted a big party and CRASHED
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djtether-selfship 8 months
Common tags I use!
(mostly for myself)
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F/O tags!
#Its porty time! 馃帀 (porty)
#Bravo bravo! 馃懟 (mayor)
#Whats wrong guy? 鉁掞笍 (ink mk)
#Im a CD Player! 馃捒 (K_K)
for posts with my familial/platonic f/os respectively:
#fuse duo 馃挘
#Popsicles anyone? 馃崙 (wukong)
additionally, for content with my S/Is, Feng Li and Benny:
#s/i: feng li 馃
#s/i: benny 馃惥
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Unique Post Type Tags!
Talking tag: #may's messages 馃崅
Art tag: #may makes 馃崅
Asks I answer: #may answers 馃崅
Asks I asked: #may asks 馃崅
Reblog games I make: #reblog game 馃崅
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Reblog tags!
Reblogs of my main: #main reblog! 馃崈
Reblogs from moots: #moot reblog! 馃崈
Relatable posts I reblog here: #mecore 馃崈
Reblogs of posts assigning other's f/os things: #assigning f/os things 馃崈
Me offering my f/os to the post type above: #f/o assignment submission 馃崈
Imagines and scenarios: #daydreaming 馃挓
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