#its rough I think but I like it and thats what matters <3
reel-fear · 2 years
Saw writing requests open... Little Cyberverse Radio helping Shockwave around the lab..?
Awww! What a cute idea!!! Yess I will gladly write some Father-Daughter bonding between em <3 Great chance to show off Cyberverse Radio some more 2. Note the dialogue might be funky, writing so many characters I haven't written for in forever is hard, who could've guessed. But after watching a lot of clips and episodes, I think I got them decently in character- [also this took so long bc of a family trip, dont worry abt the other writing requestsI am gonna blow through them fairly fast now that the surprises aren't coming so fast. Hopefully. Either way they r still open see #drabblez for more info <3]
The halls of the nemesis were very busy, cons running around trying to get into position for an attack on the autobots, Shockwave as usual would be left in his lab to attend to his work and help anyone who was injured. However, before he could get into position for his job, he had to find a certain bot in the crowd of cons scrambling to prepare for the fight.
Luckily Radio hadn't gotten any less predictable through the thirteen and a half years she had been around, as he looked around the ship he quickly found her trying to blend in with a group of con soldiers. She was doing a rather good job too, that was until Soundwave came over to examine the soldiers and she suddenly shrank in on herself with a nervous smile.
After that, it was all over, despite what Radio seemed to think.
"Dad wait come on please! All I want is to get just the tiniest whiff of battle! That's it! At least let me watch?" Radio pleaded as Soundwave picked her up, honestly she was lucky they caught her every time she attempted such a ridiculous idea. Radio was strong for her age sure there was no denying that, but compared to the other soldiers she was still considerably smaller, weaker and her impulsive nature made it clear to both of her parents she was not ready for battle... Not that either of them really wanted her to see battle at all.
"Forget it kid, you'll be much better off here, in fact if you pay attention to what Shockwave tells you, you might end up learning something." Soundwave purred, amusement clear in his voice as he handed Radio to Shockwave. "Here's your first lesson for the day, don't try to sneak out with a bunch of bots bigger than you. Maybe try to blend in with the smaller soldiers next time."
Radio huffed, the fact Soundwave was poking fun at her was not lost on her as she crossed her arms and narrowed her single optic at him. "I could take those guys... Sides if I tried to sneak out with the seekers Starscream would've caught me even faster than you did!"
Soundwave merely laughed again. "Then maybe you should stop wasting all your energy trying to escape the nemesis and instead look around the nemesis for much better things to occupy yourself with. That is until I get home after kicking autobot aft of course, then you and I are on for some training and if you're good I'll even do some reenactments of my best moves on one of the wimpy seekers, will that keep you outta trouble for now?"
"By all means Soundwave, while I appreciate the help, I am very sure I can keep Radio out of trouble using my own methods. Besides, if you keep feeding into her lust for battle, I doubt this rebellious streak will break anytime soon. Instead of you striking a deal with her every time she does this, I think this time I shall take care of it." Shockwave spoke up, causing both Radio and Soundwave to look at him rather surprised.
"Are you sure? She's a handful, maybe even more of a handful than I am, she makes me proud in that way~" Soundwave purred. "And I don't feed into her battle lust, I just like her being able to defend herself."
"We will discuss that further later. But yes I am sure I can handle her myself, she is not just your sparkling after all, she is mine as well and I think it's about time I step in." Shockwave stated.
Soundwave tilted his helm, seemingly about to add something to the conversation when Starscream entered the room.
"Soundwave, it's time, get your soldiers and get into position, Shockwave be prepared for injured cons, or prisoners depending on how well our battle goes~" She purred before looking to Radio and smiling. "And you little one? Just be good and patient, be a good example okay? You're a born leader after all and everyone follows the leader~" She gave Radio an affectionate nuzzle before her and Soundwave stood up straight, wishing each other good luck on their mission.
Then just like that they were off to fight.
"Now what?" Radio asked, looking over to Shockwave, she half expected for him to just send her off to her room and the other half thought he would force her to clean the nemesis as punishment for her behavior, that was what the seekers did after all...
"Now? You come with me, we have work to do and we cannot waste much time standing around." Shockwave ordered, walking towards his lab. Radio didn't want to admit how suddenly excited she felt at the idea of helping Shockwave in his lab, she just hoped it wasn't the same way she usually helped around the nemesis.
"You're not gonna make me deliver stuff all day are you papa? Like I'm gonna get to help in an actually cool way this time? Cause I hate being the delivery bot, it's boring sitting around and just waiting for orders, and then when someone calls to me they give me an even more boring job to do! How can you make doing something even more boring than doing nothing?!" Radio whined while Shockwave opened the doors to his lab.
"I can promise you right now, what we will be doing will not be boring, I cannot promise it will interest you, but you're not just Soundwave's child, you are also mine and if you are anything like me... Well, then surely it will at least be engaging enough to keep your attention for the day." Shockwave said, a rare tone of excitement in his voice.
Radio was curious but not hooked just yet, she continued to follow Shockwave, a task made somewhat difficult with just how small she was. Shockwave didn't comment on it but it was endearing to him with every step he took Radio would have to quickly take two to stay by his side, he wouldn't slow down though, Radio would've likely complained of being made fun of for her size if he did.
He could also notice her wandering optic, looking at tools, datapads and otherwise with curiosity that made his excitement only grow. Radio came at everything with not only fresh eyes but an excitement to master whatever skills were thrown her way. He still remembers the time Blugeon had been trusted to watch her and by the end of the day Radio was attempting to master sword fighting, despite admitting she would prefer to use her fists.
Shockwave could only hope she would feel similarly about his work.
"Now let me see if I can find something that would be good to assist me in introducing you to my line of work... A beginner class task..." Shockwave spoke, typing on a computer and scrolling by text so fast Radio could hardly read any of it.
Radio simply sat there, looking around the lab and getting excited at the idea of all the things she could do with the gadgets strewn about. Would she get to fire a blaster? Would she learn how to make her own weapons? Or a fighting drone?
"Ah... Here we go, come here Radio, I have a simple task for you." Shockwave purred, gesturing for Radio to take his place in the chair, making sure to stand beside her as she leapt up and viewed the console in front of her.
"Move the claw to your right, up and down, as though it were nodding." He instructed and Radio paused before looking to her dad confused.
"Move the claw up and down, it's as simple as that."
Radio narrowed her optic at her father, but did as he asked, standing on the chair and using her hand to move the claw up and down.
"Did I do it?" She asked.
"You did, I saw the mechanical claw move up and down, now do it again." Shockwave said, keeping a firm expression and stance that locked Radio out of even guessing what he was thinking in that moment. Regardless Radio did it again.
"I don't get it, I think I'm doing it wrong." Radio whined, looking to Shockwave for guidance, this wasn't what he did all day, this was boring! How was this even teaching her anything?
"You're not doing it wrong, you completed the task, but moving the claw horizontally is only step one, now you must move the claw high enough to reach that vial, right up there." Shockwave instructed, pointing up to a shelf that was holding a few vials containing various liquids.
"I can't reach up there!"
"Then I will get you a ladder." Shockwave informed her, before turning around and taking a few steps towards the door.
"But that will take forever! Isn't there another way?" Radio protested causing Shockwave to stop his attempts to leave the room.
He then turned around with an expression Radio was quite familiar with, it was the kind of face he would make to her when he was impressed by her observations. But Radio didn't quite understand what she had said to earn such a reaction.
"Excellent, that is the purpose of science and of being a scientist. It is not just about completing a task, it is about doing it as efficiently as possible."
Shockwave smiled, an honest, amused and proud smile that made Radio relax as he came back to her side. "Any fool can move that claw up and down, and with enough time get it to retrieve what you need, but for a true scientist, efficiency is key, time is precious for us and we cannot afford to waste much of it." Shockwave told her, before pressing a few buttons on the console, causing the claw to grab the vial and hand it to him all within a few seconds. "Do you understand?"
Radio hummed with thought narrowing her optic before reaching over to press the same buttons she had just witnessed her father use, once again Shockwave's optic widened with surprise, but the way he looked at her told Radio he was very happy with her quick learning. Of course the claw didn't bring anything down this time, but that didn't matter to Radio, she now understood what it was about science that got her dad to spend so much time doing it.
"I think I do dad, I really, really think I do." She purred. It was kind of like a race and her competetive nature really liked that.
"Wonderful, now that I have your interest, we can get into the more... 'Fun stuff' I get to do in my lab."
When Soundwave and the others returned from their mission, he was surprised to find that Radio was not merely wandering the nemesis waiting for them. As the cons split up through the various hallways, some going to report on how the mission had went, others going to seek medical attention, Soundwave made his way to Radio's room. Radio was not there either, which was even more surprising, he'd expected her to be taking a nap or practicing moves on a training dummy she'd dragged in there.
Soundwave then realized that Radio most likely fell asleep in the lab, his husband had said he would keep an eye on her after all and Shockwave was very glued to his work, not even a supernova would get him out of his little cave. Besides Soundwave himself could vouch for the fact that despite how much it ticked off Shockwave, the lab did have a few places where if you dedicated enough, you could take a decent nap in.
However as he entered the lab he saw Radio not napping but assisting Shockwave in patching up the wounds of bots in the lab. "Stop squirming, this is Radio's first time with such an intricate operation and if you make it hard on her I will not be pleased." Shockwave said, narrowing his optic at the poor seeker Radio was cleaning the wound of.
"Someone's been very busy huh?" Soundwave purred looking over to Shockwave who nodded to him with a smile.
"I told you I could handle her didn't I? She's found quite an interest in my craft, turns out she really is my daughter." Shockwave purred, the pride obvious in his voice.
"I shouldn't have doubted you." Soundwave admitted before looking to Radio as she finished wielding up the wound she was taking care of. "Looks like you can have fun without seeing battle. Just try not to turn into a big nerd like Shockwave~" He teased, causing Radio to narrow her optic towards him.
"Now I know why daddy says you aren't allowed in the lab." Radio huffed causing both her parents to laugh.
Truly it had been a wonderful day. For Radio and her papa, Soundwave couldn't have been happier to see them so close. Maybe, just maybe, this would distract Radio enough to keep her trouble making low for the next few weeks.
Maybe a month, if they were lucky.
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wishful-seeker · 1 year
Tips on how to avoid being unintentionally ableist
1. When a disabled person says they cannot do something, and you wish to offer solutions, do not make a solution that involves them powering through pain, or something thats not accessible to the disabled.
Disabled person: "washing dishes hurts too much and i cannot do it."
Abled person: "what if you did one dish at a time throughout the day?"
This statement is not respecting that this disabled person just said they "can't". Always respect that. No matter how simple the task would be for you.
Disabled person:" i think ill use plastic silverware so i don't make dishes."
Abled person: "plastic is bad for the environment!"
This statement shuts down the most accessible and disabled friendly option that this disabled person can actually do because of the abled persons personal beliefs. This is not helpful, and ableist.
Better yet, instead of offering solutions, ask them directly "is there anything you need that you do not have that would help you do this?" This allows the disabled person to think about what would work, and they will always have a better idea of what would work than you do.
To add on to this, when we say we have no more energy to solve a problem or do a task, or change our lifestyle, we mean it.
2. If you feel discomfort when a disabled person is talking about their health, good and bad, that is ableist. Your discomfort is coming from a place that deams disabled peoples very existence as a bad thing and you need to fix that.
For example:
Disabled person:" this week has been rough pain wise, ive been through a lot, felt like my body was on fire. Lucky i got new meds though and i think they're helping!"
Abled person: "can we talk about something else, this is a bummer."
Disabled people should be able to exist freely without worrying about your personal comfort. Do you really think its appropriate to tell someone in constant pain that their life is making YOU uncomfortable?
3. Do not treat disabled people as tragedies, do not romanticize their old life or put their current one down.
For example:
Disabled person: "yeah my life is pretty difficult sometimes, ive lost a lot but i still have happy moments."
Abled person: "it makes me so sad to see what disabled people go through :(. You used to love rock climbing and running, i would love to see you move around more again."
This statement is putting more value on the disabled persons abled past, and ignoring their life as a whole.
4. Do not avoid speaking to disabled people because it hurts to see your loved one disabled.
For example: my grandmother avoids conversations with me because it hurts her to see me in pain. While she has good intentions it leaves me being unable to be close to her. This is very isolating to the disabled.
5. Do not stop inviting your disabled friend/loved one out even if they are never well enough to attend. Unless we specifically ask you to stop asking if we can go out, good chances are we want to know you still care because again, disability is very isolating.
6. When a disabled person says certain things in their health have gotten better or worse, do not challenge this because you don't see a difference.
For example:
Disabled person: "yeah things are getting a little better"
Abled person sees disabled person using their wheelchair like usual: "i thought you said you were getting better?"
Better and worse are usually small changes only the disabled experience, its not like abled people healing from a broken arm. Better to a disabled person could mean they can stand for 10 more minutes.
7. Do not expect disabled people to ever be abled again, and again, do not put more value on an abled life.
For example:
Disabled person:"I have been using a wheelchair for 2 years."
Abled person: "oh you're young, im sure you'll be walking around in no time!"
This statement invalidates and ignores the disabled persons current life by hoping they get a more abled bodied life. Its fine to hope disabled people get better, but you don't get to decide what better looks like.
Hope this helps, stay punk.
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prodbyton · 3 months
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✩°🌊⋆⸜ 🎧✮🫧 sungho as your boyfriend !!
requested!! i hope you like it <3
cw. jealousy, smut under the cut!! +18 mdni!!
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☆ he looks like a sweetie and he definitely is, but i have this feeling that he might be kinda crazy and a bit overbearing when he’s in a relationship. he loves you so much it only makes sense that he wants you to only have eyes for him
☆ he has to go everywhere with you. at first you think its cute that he’s so clingy until you realize that he’s giving people death stares and scaring people off from the idea of approaching you at all
☆ he’s still super sweet about it. and he tells you that he just wants to make sure nothing bad happens to you while you’re out and nothing bad could happen to you as long as he’s right at your hip!!
☆ with his need to be with you at all times of course comes with jealousy. sometimes it can be annoying but you don't take it too harshly, because its lowkey kinda cute that he's so possessive over you
☆ he loves when you get possessive though, he always reassures you that he doesn't want anyone else and only has eyes for you but the fact that you think that someone could take his eyes off of you makes him smile. he might even giggle and swing his feet a bit because of it... like ur so obsessed with him >_<
☆ showers you with compliments. has to compliment you at least 20 times a day... with this comes a lot of reassurance!! he loves you no matter what and thinks you’re the prettiest in the world so he has to make sure you know and you never doubt his love for you
☆ loves to listen to you. doesn’t matter what you’re talking about he will listen to every word that comes out of your mouth. might even join in and you both just have a yap session
☆ loves to kiss you. he's always kissing you. loves to hold you in his arms while he kisses you, either holding your waist or holding your face to keep you still while he kisses you. literally addicted to kissing you.
☆ touchy af. his hands are on you always and loves the intimacy of just sitting with you and holding your hands or around your waist. keeps his head buried in your neck when you two are home… loves when you do the same when you two are cuddling
☆ he’s showering you with compliments, but the second you compliment him back he’s so flustered. red af the second you call him pretty or if you flirt with him. he might not admit it directly but he loves it. also he needs reassurance as well!!
☆ sends you pics of him throughout the day, as well as always updating you on where he’s at and what he’s doing and what time he’ll be home. definitely calls you whenever he has free time (you two definitely share locations)
nsfw hcs under the cut!!
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☆ let me just say…. sungho is a FREAK
☆ he’s super loving during sex but he’s also going to leave you weak and unable to walk
☆ he’s a soft dom… but he tends to get a little rough if he’s really in the moment
☆ has a strength kink, so the need to overpower you becomes too strong sometimes and thats when he’s more rough than usual
☆ most days tho he’s spooning you or fucking you in missionary… very intimate and wants to be able to mark you and look in your eyes
☆ possessive king is going to fuck you from behind with your hands behind your back and he’s just pushing you deeper into the mattress whenever he’s in his jealous moods
☆ going to overstimulate you from the foreplay along with him actually fucking you… and he takes foreplay serious. draws out one or two orgasms out of you first before he decides to fill you up
☆ doesn’t care too much about getting head, if you want to do it he won’t decline but he won’t ask for it. prefers to be inside you unless you two aren’t home
☆ he also likes the days where you want to take control, when you make him feel small even though he’s bigger and stronger than you
☆ make him beg and make him cry, he loves it because it makes him seem so pathetic. he’s a pretty crier so definitely call him cute as he’s sniffling from whatever you’re doing to him
☆ likes when you edge him. he gets so flushed and whiny, bucking up into your hand or humping the air when you deprive him of his orgasm that was so close
☆ into being a little risky, not too much but just enough to get you both worked up in public spaces. always coming up with a perfect excuse to whisk you away from everyone else so he can fuck you
☆ he loves praise. will praise you and also loves to be praised during sex. let him know how good he makes you feel and how much you love him <3
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venusandlotus · 3 months
Pick a pile
How will your in laws treat you?
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1 —> 2
3—> 4
Dont forget to leave a like and reblog it if u liked my reading .
Pile 1
The hanged man , page of pentacles , 5 of wands , 10 of swords .
So for this group I felt that some of you might have disputes inside this families , your in laws wont share your personal mistakes or any failures outside this family , its like they try to keep up a decent image of yours no matter what happens inside this family and they wont let anybody know how they feel towards you . Its like if anybody asks them about u they will be like “oh shes doing well ..oh she is having a good time , nothing to worry about” but inside the family there might be some things which doesnt matches maybe it can be religion , ideas , way of livelihood , anything it can be but there might be somthing they wont like fully . So lets u get married to their son / daughter they might go along with their kid’s choices like welcoming u at home nicely / traditionally but i cant sense any heartfelt connection with them and you or any soul tribe connection . Its like even if u werent their first choice they will go along just for their kid’s sake , its not like they will treat you bad or beat you its simply like they will just be ok with you , but there’s likely to be some energy mis match happening there. Maybe both parties (u and them ) may be good to eachother but too much closeness or soul tribe thing cant be sensed here.
Pile 2
The star card , four of swords , ace of cups , nine of pentacles , eight of wands
So for this pile I sense that you bring them some kind of relief here… maybe u are the one who earns in the family or maybe u could be smone who brought their son / daughter a lot of happiness and they might even like you for that , the star card can play out as any scenario but you are likely to be smone who brings them hope , happiness, relief ( some kind of ) to them and its likely that they will be warm towards you and considerate towards you and its likely that u guys may even connect really well . You might he someone whom they are likely to approve of thats all i picked up here. You can also be smone who brought their son / daughter out of depression or smthing , or maybe smone who acts as light to their son / daughter’s life
Pile 3
5 of swords , knight of cups , queen of wands , six of pentacles
So for here i m picking up some heavy emotions , so for this pile i picked up three scenarios here but three of them has heavy emotions to it .So first of all it can be like there will be some kind nostalgia feeling to u , like they can care for you and treat u better than you own parents and second scenario might be that they might treat you little rough that u might even compare them with your own parents and they might be authorative or strict towards you and another scenario is that it might be hard to win them at first but as time passes u guys might get along . Theres sm kind of comparison happening here so it can play out in any way here i think lot of people will take this pile .
Pile 4
Three of swords , 5 of cups , ace of wands , the star card.
For this pile its like you guys arent that close with your in laws but when you guys meet there will be some kind of respect towards eachother , more like one of those relative u meet only once or twice in a year but the energy between you guys is moderate and neutral even if you guys live together in a house you are likely to carry on with ur own life and they will be carrying on with their own lives but when u need them or when they need u you guys will get along well there isnt any quarrel or dispute energy here its giving the energy of people who will be busy in their own worlds but when u guys need eachother u guys do it without hesitation.
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tyunn1ngz · 4 months
hueningkai nsfw alphabet
cw: gn!reader i think ? to the best of my ability anyways and no gender is stated regardless
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a = aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
total softie!!!!!!:( wants to be held and wants to hold u and its just oh-so delicate and tender just two lovers in ur own little safety bubble— giggles w hushed pinky promises that u will meet in ur dreams that night
b = body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
on himself his lips and his fingers— his lips on urs, his fingers in u; his fingers in ur mouth, he’s obsessed w it all, he likes it so much
on u ur thighs and tummy!!! marking u up all over and squishing the skin under his fingertips, rubbing over ur tummy when hes inside u just to watch u squirm and gasp .. ( ;∀;)
c = cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
his cock gets so wet when hes hard n he cums a lot its so cute really especially cuz he’d get so shy abt it <3
d = dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
gets off to ur voice sometimes— like listens back to voice notes u’ll send him even if all u r doing is talking abt ur day and gets himself so hard out of nowhere he loves hearing u
e = experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
a big virgin w no idea what hes doing before u but thats ok!!!!! thats what practice is all abt !!!!!!! more fun for u especially bc hes such an eager learner <3
f = favourite position (this goes without saying)
spooning or riding — spooning is so intimate and he can feel up ur thighs and tummy so nicely that way, or dip his hands to bring u more pleasure to ur sex; and u riding him means u can take the reins and he’s very into that! use him to get urself off honey!
g = goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
silly for the most part, its more relaxing and comforting that way, sex isn’t some performance between u two. but sometimes it feels like his brain just melts and pours out his ears so thats when it’ll seem more serious, bc u’ll have just a soft big eager puppy on ur hands then :<
h = hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
for my own personal bias. No shaving. all his body hair in tact. everyone listen to me bc that is SEXY. his happy trail ohhgod
i = intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
very intimate, has to be touching u at all times it’d be like chopping a limb off if u told him he wasnt allowed to touch u. loves rubbing his cheeks against urs idk thats just a thing in my head
j = jack off (masturbation headcanon)
cracks knuckles what do u guys know abt PLUSHIE HUMPER kai who steals sprays of ur perfume or lets u cuddle a specific one so it’ll smell like u when he fucks it later and cries ur name softly … what do u KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!
k = kink (one or more of their kinks)
nipple play. make this boy cum from just playing w his nipples i swear to god. and when hes more on the dominant sides of things definitely dacryphilia imo
l = location (favorite places to do the do)
just the bedroom !!! but maybe a quickie in the bathroom at a party could be up his alley too whos the say ;p
m = motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
watching u get changed or get ready in general, defo also gets so hard when u do smth as simple as sit in his lap and move a little too much hes just too easy !!!!!!!!!!
n = no (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
nothing too rough and violent, and not heavy on the degradation either. just a tiny bit sometimes but hes more abt praise!! dont b too mean to him he’ll get stuck in his head :( not too fond of too much degradation towards u for this reason too! just a little if its what ur into but he prefers being nice to u its just in his nature no matter how bratty u get w him </3
o = oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
a giver, bc it means he can make u feel good and also be between ur thighs which make for great earmuffs! not very good at it sometimes but his eagerness makes up for it!!!! other times he’s absolutely expert w his tongue its insane
he does love receiving tho!!!!! as much as he won’t admit it bc he thinks it’ll make him selfish for some reason Σ('◉⌓◉’) loves when u take him especially deep— rly makes his thighs shake and u have to keep ur hands on his hips to keep him from practically fucking ur throat >_>
p = pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
gentle but kinda fast ? he gets so desperate and pathetic that he needs it to be faster but he can’t hurt u so he’s gentle by nature. he’ll get a lil rougher when he’s closer to cumming tho or if u rly push for it<3
q = quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
don’t happen often but when they do they’re the hottest thing in the world. he either goes so dumb hes basically melted into ur arms and pleading, almost in tears or! he’s finally treating u like u won’t break and just taking what he wants, whispering how good u feel and how a little part of him wants someone to walk in and see u breaking in his hold :3c
r = risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
a little! nothing crazy but if theres a more tame fantasy u wanna try he’d defo be down, and he’s happy to tell u his own fantasies, even if his face burns up w embarrassment w every word. not too fond on risks, not big ones anyway but little thrills r always fun!!!! ฅ/ᐠ. ̫ .ᐟ\ฅ
s = stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
doesnt last long the first round especially but he’ll go as many rounds as u want. obsessed w how u feel when u cum on his cock so if u orgasm once and its not w him inside u ur gonna be going again and even then it might not be enough he’ll be overstimulating the both of u to the heavens— just be aware of that !
t = toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
lowk vibrator obsession, loves watching u use it, loves using it on himself, loves using it on u, u using it on him— u both using at the same time, pressed up against either side of it and crying into each others mouths .. could also see him loving the idea of having a fleshlight. Gulps. _| ̄|○
u = unfair (how much they like to tease)
teases u a lot when hes in charge just to see ur glassy eyes and pretty lips form a pout, but hes pretty hypocritical bc he doesnt like to be teased and he’ll get so pathetic when u do .. sigh
v = volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
louder when hes closer to cumming, whimpers and gaspy moans that grow louder and higher in pitch the closer he gets, probably likes to stuff his face in a pillow or plushie to keep himself quiet bc he gets so embarrassed but he sounds so pretty :((((
w = wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
never really puts u in ur place when u act bratty but one time he just snaps and ur legs were trembling for a good two days after; good thing he was back to his little angelic self and carried u everywhere
x = x-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
big hes hung asf. personally im a little more interested in the 50 pounds of ass he carries around but ig his cock is also important in this category
y = yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
HIGH! .. once he gets a taste of sex— of you, he is insatiable woooo boy
z = zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
hes not conking out until ur asleep first!!!!!!! so however long ur awake for after all is done, he’s up too!!!! no matter how hard his eyelids try to droop closed ok and if ur not sleepy hes not either (he is but just keep talking ok he’ll keep fighting it off)
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ayeshascorner · 1 month
Some of my controversial opinions, scroll and fuck off if your sensitive idc
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-Daddy kinks aren't weird, if you find them weird then get off of Tumblr cuz ur ass is gonna have a hard life, or ur just young.
-The teacher/student concept with Tom is hot, the age gaps are too although there's a limit, but overall it shouldn't matter as long as the reader is at least at the adult age, idk I really don't care as long as the fic is good
-The usage of "y/n" makes my face contort nd makes me wanna actually fucking die sometimes (MY OPINION, it reminds me of those tiktok POVs 💀)
-Sw in fanfic is okay, I genuinely dont see a problem with it, supporting it is okay unless its romancing SA or r-word and promoting it in any way (Which it isn't so idk who's ass ppl pulled that out of, u gotta make bank some way) <3
-Rough sex in fanfics doesnt= non con (I think everyone knew this already just making sure cuz some bitches r dumb) (another edit: y’all this doesn’t mean that you can write straight up 🍇 or mentions of 🍇 in your fanfic cuz that just isn’t sane, there’s a damn limit)
-If yall want these toll bitches to go away PLEASE I fucking BEG PLEASE stop mentioning them cuz that motivates them, they are petty as fuck. (ion support toll y'all so dont start- cuz I WILL drag your ass if a get accusations 😻😻 I'm not a weird bitch!)
-When someone posts something u dont like, just scroll, no one actually cares about your comments unless its support, like genuinely shut the fuck up, ESPECIALLY if its at the fic writers, they are giving it to YOU not themselves.
-I feel like some of the ppl complaining about the kid problem on here are kids themselves, I mean.. I can tell some of y'all aren't 17+ nd thats fine unless yk what ur getting urself into..
-If your a little sensitive ass snowflake then Tumblr genuinely isn't the place for you (I've said this multiple times nd ill repeat myself even more)
-"He's a full-grown man with a wife!" Shut ur dumbass up, stupidass hoes mad asf over small shit, like okay and? Ya' think were actually gonna fuck him?💀💀
-"🍇 isn't 🍇 if you like it" Your sick, shut the fuck up.
-"G-Guys I dont like the smut😖" Stfu and get off Tumblr.. Its obviously not the place for you 💋
-Last but not least...💀
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Lets not do this, its genuinely stupid...Like why are we comparing races over a man who doesn't even know who we r? Be so fr.. Gtfo my asks if ur gonna say this 💋
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starrluvs · 1 year
summary: bi han thirst because i need him carnally ... so it's just pwp
cw: bi han being a meanie (he calls reader a whore once or twice), dom/sub undertones, piv, afab reader, degradation, dumbification, lowercase intended, minors shoo pls and ty ^^ , i think thats about it!
wc: 551
a/n: this is basically my first post here. so i think whoring out for bi han is a suitable introduction... enjoy <3 ! (also looking for some mutuals on here ^^)
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all you were able to do was whine into the mattress as your lover pounded into you from behind. the fierce impact of his thrusts jerked both you and the bed forward, showing a display of his brute strength and causing the headboard to clash against the wall with his rhythm. 
“bi-han..!” his name was the only coherent thing that could roll off your tongue along with a few pleads of telling the cryomancer to slow down, which only resulted in your head being pushed further into the mattress with a strong, cold grip. “you’re in no place to make orders,” bi-han’s violent thrusts come to a halt and you take the opportunity to catch your breath, “you are meant to obey and take what you are given by your grandmaster, is that understood?” you glance back at him as best as you could with his hand still holding your face down. he looked absolutely beautiful…
his hair was out of its usual bun and was now a disheveled mess that fell to his shoulders with strands sticking to his forehead, and the tip of his ears were tinted with a flush of pink. Knowing only you could see your grandmaster like this made you feel like you had truly won in life. “y-yes, grandmaster…” to no surprise, your obedience caused him to let out a satisfied groan. 
without any more wasted time, bi-han places both of his rough, frosted hands on your hips once again– hard. –and you were sure you were going to see bruises on your skin the next morning that were left on all the places he touched you.
that violent force of his thrusts had returned, except this time he pressed his bigger frame against your back, moving close enough to hover his lips right above your ear. “being used like this…” his breath was cold against your heated skin, letting out occasional groans, “...it’s a privilege to serve and submit to the lin kuei’s grandmaster. isn’t that right, my love?” hearing all the sounds he made along with his deep voice has your mind spinning and unable to concentrate. Perhaps you were truly drunk on his cock– which is something you were used to during your time with bi-han.
as hard as you tried, you couldn't muster a proper response out of your mouth, which was currently hung open with your tongue lolled out, making bi-han scoff. “such a pathetic mess beneath me. are you going to answer my question..?” he licked the lobe of your ear and bit it lightly, “..or do i have to put you in your place?” a shiver runs up your spine… but you couldnt tell if it was due to his threat, or from the close contact he’s been keeping with you. You were able to feel bi-han sharpen his thrusts on purpose, making you squeal out louder than before. “i’m.. honored to serve you, grandmaster,” the words trembled as they left your mouth. but hey, it was the effort that mattered.
you hear bi-han chuckle and hum in what sounds like approval.
 “so my little whore can speak, hm?” for some reason you couldn't exactly read his tone…
“perhaps i may have to go a bit harder, then.”
well shit… Your body was going to hate you the next morning.
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fictioonbanger · 1 year
reader in denial a bit with bestie eren!
eren x black reader
sub eren hinted a bit, alcohol usage, rough sex, facd fucking, smut, profanity.
thinking about how you and eren fuck almost every night, and i mean every night when eren finally realizes you need him as much as he needs you. but you both dont have a title yet, now dont get eren wrong. he would love a title, he wants to call you his, and for you to do the same. you just don’t know how to take it, your bestfriend of childhood being your boyfriend. it was always what you wanted, but how would it seem to others around you both when you denied multiple times already. no one to blame but yourself for digging it deeper and now being a little werry of wanting to admit your feeling for eren.
eren doesnt let you both not having a title keep you away from each other. he loved you, that was a fact and obvious. on the other hand you might say no if someone were to ask if you and eren were dating. eren on the other hand tells the full honest truth.
“nah we not together, but she still mine as i am of hers.” eren spoke sipping his cup of alcohol at the bar him and his friends were at
“so she has you under a leash?” jean chuckled taking his last of alcohol fully and tilting his head back.
eren mean mugged him and spoke up glaring at his snarky comment. “no, she doesnt.. and if she did it wouldnt be too bad.” eren shrugged and his friends laughed he rolled his eyes and looked away. day dreaming about you and how he’d kill to be with you right now.
and thats exactly what he did, except of the killing part. he grabbed his keys off the stand and began getting off the stool. “where ya goin?” armin tilted his head to look at eren from over jean. “hes gonna see his little owner.” jean chuckled to himself at his own joke causing both them to roll their eyes. “its better than being with shitface over here.” eren stood and started to walk towards the door, jean scoffed rolling his eyes and ordering another drink.
you were in your room of your pretty decorated apartment, pink picture frames, gray marbled counters, stuffed animals on your couch and little lights everywhere was how you’d describe your apartment. eren, would say different “ ‘ts too pink, make my eyes hurt baby.” hed mock you and cover his eyes as you rolled yours, the “baby” word going completely over your head. it wasnt out of the blue for eren to call you petnames, i mean you’ve asked him before and all his response is. “what? you dont like them pretty?” of course you’re gonna say you do, thats how you felt and honestly hoped he didnt stop.
you were watching a movie on your laptop snacking on whatever was in the kitchen, getting distracted by a message at 11:12pm. you really knew who it was though, eren comes at this time. not everyday of course but only when hes been out or busy.
eren <3; im at the door ma
you; mhm here i come.
rolling out of bed and straddling through your living room and towards the front door you began unlocking it. finishing then opening the door to see erens slim figure in the doorway. he had already a cracked smile on his face, he couldnt wait to see you. its been awhile and it was his fault, he knew hed have to make up for it. he thought you’d greet him with a hug and a peck on the cheek, the usual. instead you stared at him for a bit before turning around and letting him. not saying a word eren sighed and closed the door locking it then began to walk behind you. he slid his hands on each side of ur waist and put his head on your shoulder from behind. “cmon y/n, im sorry you havent seen me in awhile..i havent been ghosting you honest.” he spoke softly in your ear, he sounded so sincere and pretty upset he hadnt seen you either. “been real busy..you know id rather be here.” he said as you stood in place as he rocked you both softly side to side as he held onto you.
“doesnt matter to me..not like we’re together right?” you looked away to the side, you knew your words were bad. and that they wouldnt effect eren, he listens to all your fits and upsets. doesnt bother him a bit, only about the situation that made you feel that way in the first place. other than that he knows how to get you out that state. “dont be so mean y/n.. you hurtin my feelings.” he said sarcastically removing away from you and fake grabbing his heart. “im serious eren-“ “how about we change that then?” you were shocked at his words, eyes widening and you quickly turning to look at him. “what?” you spoke softly eyes glistening a bit and gazed upon erens face. “can we please change it..” eren spoke up then got onto his knees infront of you, holding onto your legs with both hands. he put his face by your stomach and inhaled your scent he loved so much. “i really want you y/n.. want you to be mine.” he mumbled looking up at you. you were hot in the face, feeling your blood rise up to your cheeks. “i-i want you too ren..” you spoke softer, gazing down at how he held onto you.
and this just made eren so much bolder, your emotion changing quickly at how swift he moved to leaning over you. he held your waist again and peered into your orbs with his green ones, a snarky smile on his face. “you do?” he questioned tilting his head down at you reaching close to your face. your lips barely touching as you breathed in each others air. “badly.” you breathed out, thats all eren needed to hear before sweeping you off your feet. carrying you with both hands on your ass supporting your legs wrapped around him. walking you both towards your opened bedroom noses touching as eren goes in for a kiss. you took in his tongue and slipped past your own, moaning into it and squeezing around eren. he chuckled and laid you onto the bed, he was leaning over your body. humping his hard crotch into your clothed cunt in missionary. he groaned staring at just how your face looks when he makes you feel good.
eren didnt hold back the whole night, putting you in positions you didnt know you were capable of. he fucked you into a babbling mess under him. “ ‘s too much!! cant take i-it ren!” you squealed out as he pushed deeper hitting the spot he hit earlier making you yet orgasm again. your eyed rolled in the back of your head as you released onto him, cum dripping down and sliding his shaft wetting his balls. eren saw this and looked up to were your mouth was open. he smirked and quickly grabbed a fist full of your braids making you do a soft yelp that moved into a low moan. “how bout you clean your mess up hm?” with a handful he moved you up and towards his leaking dick with his precum standing pearly off the tip and your cum that covered it. you willingly took him fully into your mouth without another word, you let him into your throat and placed soft kisses on his tip. feeling your throat once eren couldnt get enough and forced your head onto him more, now guiding you. you loved when eren was like this, when he was in control. he liked when youd do it to, but pleasuring you more was his ideal choice. you licked him up and jerked him off while doing it making erens toes curl. he tried to move away at a point but was stopped by a hard hand on his thigh that kept him down. “m-m gonna fuckin cum..” he seethed out through his teeth as his hips started to move on his own fucking your face as you kinda took control. he was eager to nut and his hips had a mind of their own chasing his high. you took him fully one last time in your throat as erens hips buckled. he grabbed ahold of your head pushing it down one last time as he came into your mouth. moaning a loud mess and breathing ever so heavily, he caressed your cheek hand leaving your head, wiping away the tears that poured while he face fucked you.
“this means you’re mine now yeah?” eren thumb was still wiping under your eye, tilting his head he slowly moved it to your plumped lips parting them and making way for his thumb. you took it into your mouth and gave it a soft suck as you kissed it after
“mm yeah.” was your response, and it couldnt have made eren happier hearing this. causing you both to go into your 7th round? counting yes.
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Henlo :) okay so um hcs for the gang with a reader who comes from a family thats rlly rocky, so they dont rlly experience love so when they get it its confusing for them? Like experiencing cuddles for the first time?
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A/N: Thanks for requesting this! I’m super sorry for the delay, things got kind of hectic around here- hope you enjoy these!
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Honestly? The Curtis brothers are probably the only ones here that have experience with familial affections and just affections in general?
Darry’s grown up with two parents who love him and is pretty used to the affections that come from that
When he meets you? Who doesn’t have that? Who’s never had that with their parents?
He takes it slow, he’s careful in how he holds you, not wanting to make you uncomfortable and he tells you that he loves you
Gives you all the compliments, asks you about your day and how you feel about different things, he really just does anything he can so that you know that he cares about you
Not exactly the best with his words like Ponyboy is but he knows that it’s important for you to hear that someone cares and appreciates you
Sodapop is very perceptive and already sort of knows what’s wrong when you sort of tense up when he tries to hug you or throw his arm around your shoulders 
He’s a very tactile person, he likes to be touching you, so if you’re not used to being touched or don’t exactly like being touched, I’d talk to him about
Sodapop won’t care, he doesn’t mind either way and would be happy to work towards a happy medium for the both of you
If you’re not used to being hugged and stuff? Sodapop kind of dials in his affections, being a little gentler with you
Hugs, cuddles, holding hands, he’s always going to give you the option to pull away from him
He doesn’t want to overwhelm you, he really just wants to show you that he loves you and if being held all the time doesn’t make you feel loved, that’s no problem, the two of you can work something else out!     
Ponyboy isn’t a very touchy person? At least my version of Ponyboy isn’t, so tensing up during cuddles and stuff doesn’t really register with him at first until you say something
Pony’s big thing is words if you couldn’t tell- I mean, kiddo literally wrote a whole book and gave it to a professor
So hearing you kind of talk down about yourself? Leftover habits from being told that your opinions don’t matter? That kind of sets him off
Expect tons of compliments and gentle reassurances from Ponyboy, all sweet and genuine remarks
He loves you, he loves hearing your thoughts and your parents were crazy for telling you that you didn’t matter
You do matter, and Ponyboy’s gonna make sure you know that <3
My version of Dallas had a rough homelife back when he was in New York, his dad was a deadbeat, mom died when he was younger-
So for you to come from a rocky home and not be used to affection and kind words? You and Dal are kinda the same
He doesn’t entirely know how to show you that love he has for you?
Like it’s not second nature to just take your hand or kiss you before he leaves, y’know what I mean?
So like, if you guys were a seesaw of uncertainty about affection, I don’t know if seesaws are just an American thing but I hope not cause you guys would seriously be missing out, the seesaw would be perfectly balanced in the middle, completely flat
Over time though, the two of you get a bit better, relaxing into each other and showing each other a little more love! It just took you a little bit of time 
Yeahhhhh so Johnny has a pretty rough homelife too so I have a feeling the two of you are in the same boat here
The whole not knowing how important you are, uncomfortable during physical affections, yadda yadda yadda, you guys know what I’m talking about
I think the relationship you have going with each other is good though! It’s good for both of you!  
Johnny gives those vibes that he’d definitely be the hype man for everyone else while putting himself down
So he’d shower you in all the compliments, in all the pretty words and everything you could ever ask for, paired with a few gentle kisses pressed to your cheeks
Every aspect of this relationship would be so calm and laid-back, you’d be so good for each other because you’d finally be able to show each other what real love should be <3  
Okay so I take back what I said about the Curtis bros, Two-Bit’s mom definitely loved him like a mother should and I can’t believe I overlooked that- 
She works two jobs for her kids and I can’t believe that I forgot how hard she works for them
He’s also very touchy? Like Sodapop, he likes to be touching you so he’s kind of taken aback when he realizes how confused you are by it
He’s like ??? and pulls away very slowly, looking at you and trying to figure out what’s going on in your head
And I swear, if you say one thing bad about yourself, no matter what it is, Two-Bit is immediately correcting you, telling you you’re perfect and that he cares in his own Two-Bit way
“Whaddaya mean you don’t care? I wanna know what you wanna do, doll. Where do you wanna go to dinner?”
Steve, another very touchy boy, does his best to slowly ease into physical affections with you
He’s not trying to make you uncomfortable or overwhelmed, he just really wants to hold your hand when you’re walking around the drive-in together
I suggest having a conversation with him about your less than satisfying homelife? Steve’s got his own shitty household, and I think he’d be pretty understanding 
He gets a little sad when you talk about how you think you don’t matter? It hurts him to think that you don’t think you’re important
Steve looks at you like you’re his whole world, he just can’t believe that someone could tell you that you’re not good enough
Gentle reminders that you’re enough, you’re more than enough and that he loves you are given in the form of extra dates, extra compliments and extra loving!  
The reason Tim is so forward with his affections and compliments is because he stops being able to function the second those nice things turn back on him-
So yeah! Both of you don’t really know what to do with gentle affection because you both had rocky homelives
But! You’re working on it, both of you, you’re slowly relaxing into each other, slowly realizing that this is what love really is and this is how it’s shown
And as for your self-worth? Tim makes sure you really know he cares about your opinions
He’ll ask what you’re doing, what you want to do and what you don’t want to do, what you like about this and what you don’t like about that
It’s not overly obvious? But his questions are definitely him trying to see what you want and trying to do whatever you want so you can the chance to be heard 
Curly Shepard had a messed up childhood no matter what sort of background you headcanon him to have so I think he’d understand where you’re coming from
Hesitancy to be wrapped in a hug or to have someone hold onto your hand?
Confusion when you’re given compliments or trusted to make decisions for something?
Curly understands what you’re going through, he’s got the same thing going on himself sweetheart <3
Together though, I think the two of you would be really really good, you’d do a lot of good things for each other and sort of build each other back up
By the way, it’s hard to not feel special when you’re with Curly because he’s always calling you by little nicknames and giving you what he’s got, saying sweet things and all that good stuff <3
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emoisthenewemu · 1 month
⋆˚✿˖°𐙚 cw: daddy kink, ex! levi x reader, SMUT, PORN W VERY LITTLE PLOT, p in v, female body parts, oral on both ends, squirting, size kink??, dumbification?, general nastiness almost 9K words of nothing but smut, rough sex, and i think thats mostly it!!!
⋆˚✿˖°𐙚 lol so if anyone is interested i might write a pt 2 w levi and a pt 3 threesome?? This also derived from a levi fic im working on i might just post that here too. Its so funny how my first work on tumblr is an ERWIN SMITH smut of all things but here we are. He makes me so feral
.  ˚  .   ✧   ˚  .   ✧   ˚   .  ✧  .   ˚  .
You did not expect anyone to follow in your angry march away. In fact, you preferred that no one did, especially Levi. But he seems to be completely repulsed by you these days so you are sure he would do no such thing. Erwin did wait about a minute before taking off without a word, clearly just as unimpressed with Levi as you were. All the man wanted was to blow off some steam, but that was now ruined all thanks to the petty squabble between the former lovers. He was sick enough of hearing all about it from both sides and now it was following him outside of work. Smith did manage to sneak a pint for the trek underneath his coat, managing to finish it long before arriving back to headquarters. And his poor friend was in so much pain that it made him hurt too, he tried to avoid this, to warn her that Ackerman does not have the emotional intelligence for a relationship. He does not know how to be soft and sensual.
Like you deserve to be treated.
It would be inappropriate to admit that Erwin had thought about what it might take to satisfy a woman like you. In more ways than one. But he wants to ignore it and follows up the stairs silently, waiting until you reached the floor of your office/living quarters to call out your name. "Y/N"
"Not in the mood commander" You grumble, not wanting to hear an 'I told you so' from him of all people. You have always admired Commander Erwin, he was a man with principles and honor. A loyal and courageous leader, easily one of the best the Survey Corps had ever seen. Everything about him was impressive; a long list of accomplishments throughout his professional year, he was well educated and had a hefty amount of titan kills under his belt. Another thing which could be considered impressive would be the sheer size of the man. He towered over many with big burly shoulders and a deep, rich voice. His muscles would pop out of his undershirt (something the female scouts would never fail to notice) and his hands were large enough to make regular things appear miniature. You would be lying if you said you hadn't imagined what lay underneath that uniform. But it would be absolutely scandalous to sleep with the commander of all people.
However, you somehow did not find anything wrong with sleeping with the second highest ranking member of the Scouts. That was not your goal of course; to sleep with a powerful man. It just sort of happened, after years of the slow torture that was getting to know Levi and be close with him. Your relationship was similar of that to his with Hange-mostly comprised of shit talking and poking fun at each other. It was like that for years and sometimes things did get intense, growing more into argument territory rather than their usual lighthearted bickering. But you always made up, if not with a verbal apology then with little gestures. Levi always checked the straps of your gear before expeditions, made sure you stretched and ate beforehand. Whenever you found yourself in battle, he somehow always managed to be right behind just in case things went South. And it was not until you were able to lead a squad of your own that Levi had to admit he absolutely hated to be apart from you.
That was how you knew he loved you, it made keeping things so secretive okay. As long as you knew Levi cared for you, that was all that mattered. But as time passed you could not help but wonder if it was purely physical for him, judging by the way he began to completely ignore you in front of others. All it took was some light teasing for him to begin to stray away from your touch. And it hurt that something so small could be enough to stop all that was happening between the two of you. That seemed to be the beginning of the end, it was not long after that the man pulled you into his office and insist the two of you keep things professional from now on. That it was a mistake. He said it so coldly, as if he had not let you sleep in his arms two days prior.
But you played it cool and managed to make it all the way to the stairwell before hot tears began to stream down your face. You refused to let him see how much it hurt, wanted to make it seem as unimportant as he did.
That was only a month ago, so when Erwin initially invited you out to the pub you were weary of being in the presence of Humanity's Strongest Soldier. But Erwin insisted that one of his most hard-working soldiers should put the paperwork down for just one night and let loose. He also promised to not leave your side, aware of the weird tension between you and Levi.
Erwin was not dumb, and happened to be the only person who caught on to you and Levi. Noticing the stolen glances and sly smiles sent from across the room. It wasn't until you accidentally sent down a paper that was meant for Levi on the commander's desk. A paper with a not so subtle note at the bottom containing such foul things that he did not dare to even repeat them as he scolded the two of you for being so careless. You had never seen him so angry, nor had he ever spoke to you so harshly. It was so harsh you almost cried, hiding your face the whole time in utter embarrassment. The two of you promised to never again let your 'nighttime activities' affect your work. And he left it at that, choosing to never bring it up again. He intended on never involving himself between the two of you again.
But tonight as Erwin saw the pain which clouded your eyes, it made him want to make it all go away. How desperately he ached to make you forget all about Levi and scream his name all night long instead.
"I am not here to make you feel dumb" He reassures, closing your bedroom door behind him. You watch him intently from the other side of the room, a clenched jaw as he plays with the loosened collar of his shirt. The drinks were making him sweaty, a tiny droplet catching the light as it dripped down his chest.
The very last thing you should be worried about is how utterly sexy your commander looks at a time like this. You don't consider yourself the type of woman to move on so easily. But how can you not be enticed by a sweaty, hunky man standing in your bedroom, only there because he is worried about your well-being? Not what is beneath your clothes. In fact, he makes a show of averting his eyes as you begin to undo the bodice of your dress. He has always been so respectful and good to you, always made sure to ask your opinion on important matters because he valued your input. That was arguably the hottest thing he had ever done; respect you entirely. "Forgive me if it is not my place to say this, but I believe you can do much better than Ackerman"
You laugh, letting the strings of the corset hang as you silently pray he will give in to look at the way your breasts threaten to spill from your dress. "Is that so?" You raise a curious eyebrow. "Any better options?"
Erwin finally looks back over to you and he silently curses at your undone dress which is practically begging to just be ripped off. He swallows thickly, focusing on the middle of your eyebrows as to not look anywhere else. "None come to mind. Though I do hope you'll find one more willing to communicate his emotions"
"Hm" You kick off your boots, wondering if the tension is not just one sided. If he feels the heat too which eats at your whole body. So neglected, and feeling so unwanted. You put on your nicest undergarments today in the hopes that Levi would be taking you home. You just want someone to take care of you, soothe the uncomfortable ache between your legs. You have enough on your plate as is, dealing with the newest recruits to the Scouts. They were already starting fights and complaining about orders and it was supposed to be your job to whip them into shape. And you were exhausted, drained from feeling like a single mother with a group of disobedient kids who just had to question your every order. You needed some stress relief desperately. It is obvious with the way you rub your tired eyes, hunched over your bed as you stare at the floor. "And you? I still find it hard to believe a man like you has no lady waiting for you to come back home every night"
His posture eases up but his body remains pressed against the door, almost like he is afraid to step any closer. He imagines there is an imaginary line which starts at the wardrobe in front of him, and should he cross that line he does not trust there will be any going back. In fact, he should have left the very second his impure thoughts started. "A man like me?" He sounds almost proud, that charm of his is beginning to kick in. He loves talking to ladies, can wrap them easily around his finger. "Im awfully busy you know? Don't have enough time to dedicate myself to a woman the way they deserve"
"Poor Commander" Your sweet voice makes him weak in the knees, his resolve faltering with every second. "You're a good one, so strong and brave. You take such good care of all of us. I think you deserve to have someone take care of you"
You're such a good little soldier, the Commander has always thought so. You have always followed every single order with a sweet smile, obedient and looking to please. He wants to thank you for being so perfect, for worrying about him when the original intent of following you was to check on your feelings. And by now it is obvious that you are teasing him, not even bothering to hide the way you clench your thighs every time he speaks. And you, the little minx you are, can tell that you're getting to him. Finally cracking that iron-tough exterior. It's evident with the way he cannot look at your eyes more than a few seconds, gaze constantly darting down to your chest and exposed thighs. He is clearly battling inside of his mind and you are dead set on breaking him.
He clears his throat, beginning to tap his foot anxiously as he looks around almost comically. As if there were anyone else he could look over to in this room that would convince him to get the hell out of there. Commander be damned, that was not even a concern on his mind right now. His main worry would be how upset Levi would be if he ever found out his most trusted comrade slept with his woman. But at the same time, that makes it all the more enticing. He wished he could rub it in the smug bastard's face that he has his beloved practically begging to be fucked by him. How he wants to make you scream so loud Levi hears it.
"Y/N" It's almost painful to speak, the way he is actively holding himself back from moving. He refuses to take even a single step. "It would be very inappropriate to let something happen between us"
"Mmm....but that just makes me want it more" You whine and he brings his fist up to his mouth in an attempt to conceal the curses slipping out. You feel like you are almost there, so close to getting what you desperately want. You sigh dramatically, making a point of throwing yourself back onto your bed. "No one is forcing you to stay Erwin. I couldn't keep you from leaving if I tried"
You're right, he is a grown man and if he had any kind of self control he would be marching right out of there. But right now, his chest is warming up and his mouth is watering at the sight of your dress bunching up dangerously close to your most sacred area. Now on your side, you look him up and down. You cannot help but laugh at how tense he is, almost as if he was afraid of you. "Oh Erwin, stop looking at me as if I'm trying to corrupt you"
His pants are beginning to grow tight, his own body betraying him as he finds himself growing uncomfortably hard. He attempts to clasp his hands in front of himself in an attempt to conceal the forming tent. The man lets out a deep breath, looking up to the ceiling. His mind is made.
He wants to ruin all other men for you.
Erwin finally crosses that line, stepping forward and gesturing for you to sit up. You obey, watching intently as he kneels in front of you. "My only concern is that if I start I may not be able to control myself" He admits, hands tracing the skin of your ankles which hang over the bed. The position makes it so that he is placed in between your thighs, his body beneath you as he looks up with wide eyes. He is so handsome it's almost unfair, you bring a finger to trace his sharp jawline. "A woman like you should be cherished"
His rough hands bring up one of your legs, relaxing back on his heels as he goes to place a soft kiss to your calf. He catches a glimpse of your white, lace panties and it makes him groan. After all of this teasing, you now find it hard to speak-too entranced by how soft he is being. It is a complete contrast to the way Levi makes love to you-as if every time would be the last. Erwin is taking his time, kissing and licking up your legs so sensually that you find whines leaving your lips. But he stops at your inner thighs much to your dismay.
You pout, looking down at him expectantly. "Don't worry princess" He coos, seeing your frustrated expression. He knows you are impatient, he is too but it has been far too long since Erwin had the opportunity to pleasure a woman. He will be damned if he does not enjoy every second of it, if you don't finish multiple times then he will be rather disappointed. Perhaps it is one of his kinks, getting nice sweet girls all worked up-to corrupt them. You just feel so heavenly, he wants to make you turn absolutely filthy. "You'll get what you want. Good girls are patient"
You're so unbelievably horny you could cry. You want to beg him to just fuck you already but that would be way too desperate. You still would like to keep a semblance of respect for yourself, as if the act you found yourself in was not disrespectful enough. Commander Erwin is sliding your dress down your shoulders, making you sit up a bit so he could pull it down your thighs. It almost feels unreal, that the most respected man in the Regimen is on his knees for you, ready to take you entirely. Finally, he kissed your-gasping into it you could not help but pull him closer by the shirt. Your hands fumbled with the buttons, finally getting a chance to run your nails down those chiseled muscles you had only dreamed about up until now.
His tongue presses into your mouth, running his hands down your side as he tries to touch every bit of skin available to him. He is so good, kiss tender yet passionate. You can feel how badly he wants you, the way his head moves in sync with yours as low groans escape his lips. As desperate as you were a few minutes ago, you hate the thought of his lips leaving yours, grabbing hungrily at his biceps as she shrugs his shirt off. Erwin began to fumble with the buckle of his belt, ripping it off and throwing it to the side without a thought. When you finally pulled apart, you were about to complain until he stood up to take his pants off.
You decided to keep things going, slipping off your bra to leave you in only your panties. His eyes darkened at the sight, going back on his knees and immediately latching his lips onto your chest. Soft moans escape your lips as he finds one of your nipples, sucking softly at the skin as his hand gropes the other. You buck your hips into his, using one of your hands to play with his hair. "So good Erwin" You praise, reaching your other hand down to the place he needed to be touched the most.
You cant reach enough to wrap your hand around his length, but you can feel the tip rubbing against your fingers as you desperately try to grab more of him. He is thick, and you cannot wait to see how long he must be. When he finally pulls off of your chest to look up at you, you smile. Reaching down to kiss him, he allows you to jerk him more through his underwear-you notice it is too much for just one of your hands to hold. It makes you so anxious to feel him inside of you.
"You're so beautiful" Erwin compliments, his beautiful blue eyes taking in your entire figure. "I've always thought so"
"Wish I knew that sooner" You tease, aware that this cannot go any further than what happens tonight. Neither of you are in any place to be in a relationship. But it feels so incredibly good. "But I have to admit I have thought of this more than I should. You are one of the most handsome men I have ever seen"
It feels good to be complimented, it only makes him want to devour you even more. So he decided he has had enough of the teasing, he wants-no. He needs to taste the real thing. He wordlessly pulls down your panties, wrapping his arms around your knees to pull you closer. And he looks up at your pretty little face one more time, before diving in between your legs. One lick up your slit is all it takes to completely ruin the professional relationship the two of you had spent years building. He should be ashamed of himself, being in such a high power position and still succumbing to his own nasty urges.
It is so wrong, he moans into your pussy at the thought. It should not be making it so much better, the thought of how naughty he is to be licking up your pussy like a man starved. His tongue flicks between your folds, going up to circle your clit before going back down only to repeat his movements. Every time he reaches your clit, your hips bump up and it is not long before he pulls you so flush against his face that he cannot lick anywhere that's not your pussy. He shakes his head side to side, moaning again as he makes out with your folds. "Tastes so good" He groans before diving in, this time focusing on that little nub directly. You moan loudly, beginning to pant at the way he sucks right on your clit. He stops to flick it with his tongue, loud noises of slurping and sucking so obnoxious anyone in the nearby rooms could hear. "So sweet" He pulls apart again, unable to process how fucking good it tastes. If he had days he would dedicate the night to just eating your pussy, the fucking could wait for later. "Pussy's so good princess"
He moves his tongue lower, finding your entrance and prodding at it softly. He settles his face deeper between your thighs, grabbing the soft skin as his large nose bumps up against your clit, making your eyes roll to the back of your head. God, his nose, so prominent and strong. The absolutely filthy thoughts you had about riding the man's face and using it to rub your clit against just like he was now. It was all so much, so good as your moans grew louder. He was fucking your entrance with his tongue by now and you could not help but bounce against his face, desperate to have more. The pleasure was starting to build, Erwin could tell by the incoherent words which spill from your lips.
No longer were the soft whines and moans which got him so worked up in the first place. Now you were talking complete nonsense, but that did not matter to him. That was only more encouragement for the man to keep going, oh how he wanted to fuck you stupid.
"Fuck!" You panted, hands gripping at the sheets, his hair, his shoulders, anything you could hold on to as your lower body bounced against his face. Nose still rubbing against your clit as you wonder how he could even breathe with his face so suffocated between your thighs.
He couldn't but he did not care. He was willing to die between your legs as long as you finish on his face. He needs it, he is dying of thirst and only your juice can give him some relief. "Please" He mumbled, going back up to focus on your clit and shoving a finger into you. You moan loudly and he begins to rock the digit into you, making out with your clit so sloppily you can hear the saliva sloshing around. It is so dirty it makes your eyes roll back, mouth forming into an 'o' as he picks up the pace, adding another finger. "Please cum on my mouth princess"
"Ohh yess baby!" You gasp, unable to think as the pleasure continues to build, overwhelmingly so as your legs begin to shake due to how fast the man fingers you. "Im-im..."
You cannot finish your sentence due to your release, and Erwin is going absolutely feral. He slurps up every drop, moaning about how good it is, that he can't believe you were hiding this perfect pussy from him all these years. He supposed he is to blame for that but he is far too in the moment to worry about any of it. When he pulls apart his face and chest are soaked, hair sticking to his head as he let out heavy breaths.
You managed to lift your body up, reaching out for his touch. He grabbed your hand and kissed it sweetly, almost as if that obscene scene which laid before you minutes ago never even happened. "Mm come here baby" You murmured softly and he obliged, giving in to the kiss you pulled him into. It was slow and sensual, tongues slowly greeting each other again as you held his face in your hands, enjoying the taste of yourself on his tongue. "Did so good" You mumble into the kiss, gasping when he bites your bottom lip.
"Thank you sweet girl" He mutters, going to kiss and bite at the skin on your neck. He breathes in your scent, tasting the salty sheen which now covers your whole body. His kisses are hot and needy, his hands going to grip your ass.
"Get on the bed please" You asked nicely, desperately wanting more praise. It sounded so incredibly good coming from him, was the best kind of encouragement you could have ever hoped for. You thought so highly of him, and you needed to make him proud. If you were going to ruin your relationship then you would at least hope he would be imagining your lips wrapped around his cock, thinking back on it fondly. Like you said, he took such good care of of you and this was simply returning the favor. "I wanna taste you now"
So he finally unveiled himself to you entirely, cock springing out as he pulled his underwear off rather impatiently. It slaps the skin of his stomach, a glossy sheen covering the tip as the rest of it looks angry-red and swollen, begging to be touched. He is so unbelievably thick that it makes your mouth water, thinking about how you will have to open your mouth as wide as you can to take him entirely. You slowly wrap a hand around the base, squeezing slightly as you prepare to take easily the largest cock you have ever seen. "You're so big" You almost whisper, pressing a chaste kiss to his knee.
Erwin senses some hesitation, reaching out to caress the side of your face so sweetly. He knows he is going to lose any sense of composure the second he feels your tongue, and he just hopes you are prepared to take him the way wishes. "But you can take it darling" He coos, thumb going to rub your soft lips. They part slightly, taking in the tip of his digit to suck on it lightly. He shudders at the feeling, imagining your lips wrapped around another part of him. "Such a good girl, gonna choke on daddy's cock for me right?"
You moan at his words, nodding so excitedly it makes him laugh. You are too precious really, he can't wait to ruin you. He wants to make you cry on his cock, shake and finish until you can't take anymore. "Yes daddy" His words are all the encouragement you need to finally take him, just allowing the tip into your mouth at first. Your tongue flattens against the tip, licking and tasting all of the precum which surrounds the head. Taking a deep breath, you move further, an experimental bob of your head as you find you mouth completely stuffed. And you're just about to reach halfway, how in the hell is this going to work?
Erwin's hand places itself in your hair, gently helping guide you further down. His noises are heavenly, and all he can do is stare down at you. Watching you take it intently, body shuddering as you begin to speed up the pace at which you bob your head. He thrusts slightly, smiling at the small gags leaving your mouth. But it's not enough, he needs you to choke on it, gasp for air as spit drips down your chin. He wants tears falling down your eyes as a bulge forms in your throat. This was all it took for any kind of respect to be thrown out the window, you've got him started now, feeling insatiable as he desperately wants to use you as a fucktoy. "Look at you" The blonde man groans, chest heaving and glossy as his thighs clench with the way you refuse to use your hands around him. Only your mouth, up and down gagging every time you take him in your throat. "Look so fucking sexy with my cock in your mouth"
You moan around his length, clenching your thighs together as you yearn for his touch once more. You can hardly breathe, the scent of his musk invading your nostrils as his pubic hairs tickle your nose. You are so completely enveloped by all things Erwin Smith, everywhere you look, touch, taste. And it is driving you crazy, unable to think about anything but your big strong commander who deserves to be praised. You need him to feel worshipped as you finally swap your mouth with your hands, choosing to suck on his balls instead. The act emits a growl from the man, panting above you as he cannot form any thoughts with the way you guzzle up his balls. You're moaning, sounds of slurping and spit as he can see the mess forming on your face. Jerking him hungrily as your tongue dashes across the two sacs, so eager to please him. "So fucking dirty" He curses again, an occurrence so rare it makes you moan. And he slaps your chin softly, not hard enough that it hurts but firm. "Who knew you were such a slut?"
You moan, going back up to take his member back in your mouth. You only bob a few times before coming up with a 'pop!', pleading eyes looking up at the man in front of you. His lips curved into a sly smile as he admires just how sloppy you look. Lips so swollen from taking his dick and a few strands of hair stuck to your chin from all of the spit. "Fuck my mouth please" You have no shame, you're almost whining as you grab his hands to hold your head. You look up with wide eyes, his excitement evident as it seems there is a newfound twinkle in the man's eyes. "Please daddy" It angers him to think about how obedient you must have been for Levi, he needs to remind you on what exactly you were missing out on.
"Such good manners darling" He compliments before lowering your mouth back onto him. His whole body tenses, groaning at the way your throat convulses around him as he pushes your head further down. "So sweet asking daddy for permission. I didn't even have to train you first"
You can't speak back of course, in fact he wonders if you can even process what he is saying with the way he thrusts up into your mouth. And the noises are so obscene, gargling and gagging-the sound of Erwin's pants and moans filling the room. It is too good to be true, his thrusts pick up the pace as spit falls freely down, pooling on his thighs as he massages the inside of your throat. Poor thing, it will be certainly bruised after this and he reminds himself to have a hot cup of tea prepared for you the next morning. Praises leave his mouth as he uses you, balls slapping against your chin as his hands begin to pull on your hair. You focus on breathing out of your nose when you can, swallowing every time he shoves himself all the way to the back. It drives him crazy, he moans loudly every time you do it and that is enough to keep you going. Your eyes are crying, unable to stop the tears from flowing as you choke on his cock.
It has been a very long time since Erwin had the sheer bliss of a woman's mouth wrapped around him. And he cannot remember if it felt this good the last time, he wonders how he went so long without it. Maybe it's just you, so willing to take him and let him do whatever he wants. It makes his cock twitch, release nearing as he finds himself proud he even lasted this long. As much as he wants to prolong it, toes clenched and chest tightened as he refuses to spill out-he decides to give you a break. You deserve it, with how well you've taken him. "M'cumming darling, you better swallow all of it" He growls, slapping your cheek softly as you moan excitedly-ready to swallow his seed. "And say thank you"
Those are his last words before finally spilling into your mouth, jaw slack as he moans loudly into the night. His hips rock softly, chasing his high and it makes his body shudder. You clean all of it up, careful to not spill as much as a drop and you make a show of swallowing to prove you won't be letting it go to waste.
"Thank you" You hum, giggling softly because things will never be the same.  You wish you could brag to all of the other women who admire him just as much as you do.
He pulls you up by the hand and you get on the bed, humming softly when he embraces you, wrapping an arm around your waist before settling his forehead down on your shoulder. He kisses the skin softly and you melt into his touch, running your fingers up his back. It is so intimate, a complete opposite from the filthy things that took place moments prior. Your lips meet again, moving slowly and tenderly as you both grab at any skin available. You feel hungry for more, carnal desires completely overriding your body as you want to beg him to take you. Levi is not even a thought in your mind as you crave Erwin and Erwin only.
He can tell you need him with the way your tongue impatiently explored his mouth, hand going to grab his half-hard member. Stroking it softly you whine into his mouth, leaving his lips to place kisses trailing down his neck. You suck at his earlobe softly, emitting a groan from the large man. He stops your movements by grabbing your wrist. "Lay on your back darling"
You nod, moving back onto the bed and opening up your legs to give him a view of the thing he craved to feel the most. The sight alone is enough to make him fully erect, ready to fuck you the way you deserve. He kisses up your body, starting at your hipbone and following up your ribcage until he reached your neck. His big hands run up your legs, greedily as he takes in every inch of your body. He can't stop touching you, fingers grazing the soft skin of your stomach, going to trace over your nipples and collarbone. "Please Erwin" You beg, yes you love the way he is looking at you as if you were the only woman on Earth. You feel adored, so confident under his soft eyes that you are not even worried about covering up. You feel no shame, only desire for the man situated between your legs, shoulder muscles flexing as he wraps both arms around you. But you are going to go absolutely insane if he doesn't fuck you soon.
"You're too good to be true princess" He sounds sincere, nuzzling his head into your nape as he rubs his cock against your slippery folds. You whine, grinding down on him before trying to grab it and put the damn thing in yourself. He stops you like it's nothing, choosing to pin your wrist above your head. "I need to ruin you"
With those harsh words, he finally pushes the tip inside, groaning immediately at the sensation. He does not bother to wait for you to catch up, sheathing himself entirely as you claw at his back-you open your mouth to gasp but no noise comes out. It's as if his cock is strangling you, filling you up in a way you could have never imagined. "Take it" He whispers, bucking his hips softly and ignoring the way to try to paw his hips away from you. It's too much to handle, your pussy feels like it might split open from all the pressure. Tears well in your eyes as you try to relax, taking a deep shaky breath that makes the man shudder. You look so cute trying to relax when his dick is molding your walls to his size, and the way you cry out with every thrust makes him want to give you more. "Fucking take it" He mutters, groaning when you try to push his hips away again. "Stop running and relax"
You whine, bottom lip shaking as he pushes himself inside again, choosing not to move so you can become more accustomed to the feeling. And even when he is not moving, you still whine and dig into his back as if he were actually fucking you. "It's just so big. Y-you didn't even go slow" A tear falls from your eye and you don't even know how screwed you are.
He's not listening to your complaints, all he sees is a whiny whore that needs to be whipped into shape. But he will do it, by the end of the night you'll be more than prepared to take his cock at any time. He is about to scold you, but he notices your walls beginning to relax, your chest no longer raised as if you could not lay down comfortably. "You're the one who begged for it slut" He thrusts again and you both moan, your arms go to wrap around his neck. His face is pressed into your chest, bodies flushed entirely against one another as his slow but powerful thrusts invigorate your every sense. "And now-" He stops to give another hard thrust and you practically scream at the feeling. It causes him to cup his hand around your mouth, angling his body into a new position. He pulls your hips down, your body going down slightly so that you are more flat on the bed. "You're gonna take what daddy gives you, okay?"
You nod and that is when the fun truly begins. You really had no idea what you were in for, going and teasing your commander just for the fun of it. Because you were messy and horny and needed to be stuffed. You did not know it would result in the most in-depth and passionate fucking of your life. He needed it even more than you did, the stress of his job and the constant questioning of his morals was beginning to drive him mad. He did not feel like a person anymore. He was a martyr, represented every single soldier in the Survey Corps. The public could point and blame him whenever an expedition went bad, every loss of life was his fault. He was a devil.
The only thing devilish about the man was the way he fucked, no mercy, using every bit of his strength to get exactly what he wants. You cannot do anything but moan and cry as he pounds into you, unaware that all of his anguish was being poured into you. He feels the most alive he's felt in years, he never wants it to end. He wished he could fuck you until his heart stops. His movements grow faster, the mattress loudly squeaking and you wrap your legs around his back. You cry out his name as he watches your breasts bounce with every movement.
"S-so good daddy" You whimper into his ear, clinging to his body and trying to pull him even closer as if it were possible. "Fuck! Feels so good!" Your hips are trying to meet his thrusts sloppily. Too preoccupied to think, you dig your forehead into his shoulder, moaning whatever words you can make out. When you bite down on his shoulder he cannot stop the moans which leave his mouth. His noises are the hottest thing you have ever heard, so deep and guttural. You suck on his adam's apple, pussy clenching due to his desperate noises.
"Gonna cum inside this messy pussy" He manages to speak, and the sight of your juices splattered across his abs make him want to finish that very moment. He wants to watch the glistening skin as you gush around him but he knows he won't last with such a filthy sight. He just needs a little bit more before he lets it all go completely. Erwin slips a palm beneath your head and cups the crown of your head, groaning because you're now fucking him back, desperately clawing at his back muscles as you try to guide his pace into you. He moves up to catch your lips but cannot find it in himself to kiss you when he feels such ecstasy. You moan into each others mouths so desperately as he rocks into you. You continue to fuck down on his cock, thighs beginning to shake.
"Mm! Mm! G'na...fuuuck" You cry out as your orgasm finally arrives. It rocks your entire body and you go limp, unable to form a single thought as Erwin chases his own high.
Luckily, the way your walls squeezed him in the second you came was more than enough to encourage his release out of him. His toes curl as he finally lets himself finish, panting into your skin as his cock twitches inside of you. Both of your bodies are slick with sweat by now and he keeps himself inside of you, letting all of his weight down. His head rests on your chests, mewling in delight when you bring your fingers to scratch his scalp. "What do you say darling?" He reminds as he remembers a hand still remains tangled in your hair, pulling you closer to press a lazy kiss on his lips.
You kiss him back longer then expected and he leans into your touch, causing his cock to slip out. You both whine at the sudden loss of contact. It almost feels wrong to not have him plugging you up. "Thank youu" You remember and he laughs almost mockingly. His thumb grazes your lip and he pulls you closer to kiss you again. His tongue teasingly introduces itself into your mouth before pulling out completely. He remains close, hot breath ghosting against your skin. "Mm, thank you so much daddy"
He kisses you again, so hungry it makes you whine-suddenly aware of his seed which leaks out of your swollen pussy. "You're so adorable" You meet with another sloppy kiss and when you suck on his tongue excitedly his dick springs back to life.
"Again" He orders, a newfound burst of energy as he shoots back up. Resting back on his haunches, he pats the bed. "On your knees"
You're staring at him like he is insane. Of course you want him again, you feel so empty without him. But you would also like to be able to walk tomorrow. Your arms are barely strong enough to hold yourself up, shaking with the way you lean back on them. You are a very busy woman, have important drills to run with the newest recruits and the thought of flying around through the trees in your ODM gear makes you want you cry. You are so sore already, your poor pussy feels like she was abused. Not to mention you have to walk an almost comical amount of stairs just to get outside in the first place. "B-but I have drills to run tomorrow" You pout.
Erwin laughs at the scared look in your eyes, so mean as he rolls his eyes dismissively. "I'm certain you'll live" He mocks and it makes you pout even harder. "Don't be a brat, I thought you were a good girl"
"I am!" You insist and you look so cute it makes his dick twitch in anticipation. He needs you again, and he will have you again.
"Hmm, I'm not so sure" He teases, fingers running up your thigh to meet your pussy. "Thought you want to make your Commander happy?" He asks, using a finger to clean up some of the cum that was now dripping inside of you.
When he pushes it back inside, your leg twitches and the man smiles wickedly. "I do Commander!" You whine. "You deserve the best"
He raises an eyebrow expectantly and you get the hint, flipping your body over and arching your ass up into the air. He is very obviously pleased, placing a harsh slap to your ass. He does it again, watching the way your flesh ripples with each smack. You yelp the fourth time he does it, this one harder than the rest. "Good girl" You smile at the praise, glad you are back in his good graces. You'll take him as many times as he likes-so long as he never looks at you again with that disappointed look in his eyes.
He lines himself up your entrance, entering slow this time. Your velvet walls suck him in so greedily it's hard to move, but he manages with a few curses escaping his lips. He throws his head back with the next thrust, obsessed with the squelch of all of the juices leaking out your sloppy pussy. "Ohh my" He moans, eyebrows furrowing as he watches his cock disappear into your tiny hole. The way you tighten around his limb makes him think you are fighting the urge to run away from it. He notices your dainty hands clawing at the sheets, your face scrunched up as you moan loudly.
The sound of clapping begins to arise with every thrust, he grabs your sides to keep you in place, his hips piston into you at an unrelenting pace. You can't even think. "Oh! Oh! Oh!" You cry each time the tip brushes your cervix and Erwin is in a trance of his own. His eyes are glued to the creamy ring forming at the base of his cock, ears so focused on listening out for those nasty noises exiting your cunt.
He moans unabashedly as he drills into your poor cunt. He is too focused on the lewd noises exiting your pussy that he does not notice the way the headboard slams against the wall. The wood is old, creaky and likely rotting by now. It also has taken quite enough beatings already from your late night escapades with Levi, you aren't sure it can handle much more. But you don't dare to try and stop him, you're too fucked out to speak anyways. You gasp when he hits a certain spot that makes you see stars.
"Right there princess?" He groans, pulling himself almost completely out before snapping his hips right back into the same spot, earning the same reaction out of you. "Daddy takes good care of his girl right?"
Your eyes are almost crossing with the overstimulation. His deep commanding voice, the way his balls slap your clit with every thrust, his fingertips digging into your thighs so tightly they're sure to leave a mark and his filthy fucking words are going to be the death of you. You take a deep breath, eyes squeezed shut at the delicious mix of pain and pleasure. "Yes daddy! Yes! Doing so good!" You're a mess, drooling into the sheets as it seems the man has finally met his goal. You are ruined. Your words are growing borderline incoherent, repeating the same things over and over. "So good! S-so big! Mm-so strong!"
Erwin is practically lifting your bottom half completely off the bed, drilling into you as if his life depends on it. The 'pat pat pat' of skin slapping together makes him feel absolutely feral, his eyes stuck on the way your body moves with each calculated thrust. "Yes!" He chants like a prayer, growling when your pussy begins to squeeze him. And the way you whine, cry, and slobber beneath him makes it seem like you haven't been fucked good in a while. "What would Levi say if he saw his pretty little slut bent over for her Commander?" He slaps your ass and you squeal. His thumb goes to press against the rim of your asshole, teasing the flesh lightly as he pulls your pussy back onto him.
"Ahh!" You moan, fully intending to answer his question. "Oh he'd be so mad!" You giggle and another thrust makes you cry out again. "F-fuck cant imagine"
"Does he fuck you better than this darling?" The man spits on your pussy, leaving a stinging sensation with another rough slap to your ass. The skin is red and he hopes to god a handprint will be left over to commemorate this blissful night. Your eyes are rolling to the back of your skull, whining like a bitch in heat as he rubs against your g-spot. You cannot talk, pussy squeezing his cock that is currently abusing your hole. And when he stops, going to press his palm flat against the side of your head you want to cry. Slowly fucking yourself back into him, you shudder, overstimulation creeping up as he hits every spot perfectly. "I asked you a question slut"
Truth is, you are afraid to answer. Things with Levi are just different. And not in a bad way, you have cried around his cock multiple times and he has certainly pleased you in the past. With Erwin drilling into you, you want to scream that he is the best you've ever had and ever will. But you also fear the repercussions, should Levi ever find out you said that you will be punished for God knows how long. But Erwin absolutely needs you to fuel his ego, he needs to fuck you better than Levi ever can. So he angles your hips a bit more and thrusts hard, keeping his tip pressed against your cervix and rubbing the spot lightly. You scream at the sensation, eyes beginning to well up from the pleasure. His hand pushes your head deeper into the bed, picking your hips up even more as he used you like a doll. "Is this all your good for princess? Nothing but a tight fuck-hole"
You cry out garbled moans of his name as he fucks you so meanly. In this moment he has full control, and you will do whatever he says. "S-so much better than Levi daddy!" He almost stops to confirm if he heard that right but he decided he would much rather fuck the confession out of you again. So he does, arching your back even more and fucking you harshly into the mattress. The bedframe is back to being thrown against the wall again, loud creaks matching his every thrust. "Your dick is so good daddy! Best I ever had!"
That is exactly what he needed to hear to lose the little bit of composure left in his body. His groans and movements are starting to become borderline animalistic. The sight is so obscene, if anyone were to walk in they would come face to face with the shock of their life. He does not worry about the noise, the only other person with living quarters on this floor is Hange and she's no snitch. Especially if she knew the Commander was involved, he was more than positive she would look the other way. The only other person he can think of who would come up here is Levi and by God he hopes he does. The thought makes his balls tighten, Levi listening on the other side of the door as his sweet girl cries around Erwin's cock.
"This pussy is mine now" The blonde commands, fingers digging into the flesh of your ass. "I'm going to take you wherever I want whenever I want okay Soldier?"
"Y-yes commander!" You're fully sobbing by now, tears streaming down your face. You look sooo pretty, Erwin thinks. It is making all smart thoughts fly out the window, oh how he needs you to scream out his name.
"Say my name" The man orders, cock still stuck inside you and moving at an unrelenting speed. His stamina is almost as impressive as his cock. "Let them all know who fucks your cunt this good"
"Yes! Yes!" You nod beneath him, still pressed into the sheets as you try to ignore the loud 'CRACK!' coming from your headboard. A few more calculated thrusts are sure to make the thing fall apart. "Ohh Erwin! So good! Erwin!"
"That's it sweetheart" He moans freely into the air, hips snapping into yours. "Let them know how good your Commander fucks you"
You continue chanting his name and the second your eyes squeeze shut, walls clamping down on him the bed finally breaks. It crashes down as his cock continues to plunge into you, for some reason seeing the wood crack right down the middle makes Erwin go even harder. He desperately hopes Levi can hear the depraved noised which fill the room. Your head is growing dizzy, gasping for air as your thighs begin to shake. You try to warn him of your upcoming release but it comes much faster than anticipated, you sob as your juices spray his abs. His big heavy balls are coated with your liquid and he admires the way it almost glows with the light. And this time around he doesn't even have to remind you to scream out "Thank you! Thank you!"
"That was a big one princess" He moans, chasing his own release as his thrusts grow sloppy. His hands grip your hair even harder and you hiccup as he leans his body into yours, fucking your pussy almost lazily. The sight of you squirting will never leave his head after this, he fully intends to see you do it again. "Oh so good" He moans, finally shivering as his cock twitches. Slapping himself against your pussy he finally cums, spraying your womb with his seed. Unfortunately, thanks to Levi he is aware that you are on birth control. It's almost painful to think he has no chance of getting you pregnant, but he still imagines your stomach swollen with his child.
He pulls out, finally relaxing as he lays down beside you. Both of your chests going up and down as you try to catch your breaths. You are an absolute mess, sprawled out across the sheets-still on your stomach. Your head is facing the opposite way, in its own pile of tears and slobber from being fucked so dumbly. His cum drips out of you, a heavenly sight that he cannot tear his eyes away from. But he wants to feel you close, the man brings out a hand to trace up your spine. It makes you shiver with delight. "Let me hold you darling"
You wordlessly turn over to face him, welcoming yourself into his strong, warm arms. Your head rests on his chest, bare bodies pressed together as he softly plays with your hair. Your hands rests on his chest, feeling his heartbeat drum against your palm. Erwin kissed the top of your head softly, he feels so welcome in the comfort of your bedroom. He intends to sleep with you in his arms, and just maybe he will stay tomorrow night too if you let him.
"Erwin?" You ask hesitantly, the post-orgasm clarity kicking in as you take in the weight of your actions. You fucked your Commander, what now?
"Yes my darling?"
"What am I going to tell them about my bed?"
Levi is quick to make it to your room next morning. He is up bright and early, intending to catch you before you make your way down to the mess hall for breakfast. He also hopes that maybe he'll get some make-up sex out of this. He even showered the second he woke up. He knows he is an idiot and getting shitfaced last night was enough to make him realize he loves you. It is the only reason he acted so out of his character, no respect or second-thought for your feelings. He regrets it all and is fully prepared to do what it takes you make you officially belong to him.
He is at the end of the hall, only a few steps away from the staircase when he heard your door open. He hears you giggle, it makes his heart drop. He cannot remember the last time he heard your sweet laugh. And he is utterly puzzled when he sees you push Erwin out your bedroom door into the hall. You say something he can't make out and Erwin obnoxiously laughs at your words before the door closes in his face. Levi is utterly shocked as the wheels in his head turn, noticing that Erwin is still in the same clothes he wore to the Pub last night. He was not in Uniform, instead he had a few of his shirt buttons undone, the fabric very obviously wrinkled and not neatly pressed like his clothing always was. He also appears to not even be showered yet, he looks like he has just woken up. Worst of all is the God-forsaken, smug smile on his lips when Erwin finally catches sight of Levi who remains in his place at the end of the hall.
"Good morning Levi" The blonde greets.
"Erwin" Is all the raven-haired man says, that same unimpressed look on his face as always. "Were you just leaving Y/N's room? Did you sleep there?" He has no shame in asking, he needs to know.
"Oh we were just having a conversation! Don't be ridiculous" He walks closer to Levi, who remains with his arms crossed. "It seems she is need of a new bed-frame"
Levi's eye twitches, he knows that shitty thing is on it's last legs. He's partly to blame for that. "And why's that?"
Erwin sighs, slapping a hand on Levi's shoulder. "Don't worry about it. I'll take care of it" Levi immediately throws his hand off and the man continues inching towards the staircase. "Just get back to work Captain!" Levi rolls his eyes, watching the Commander begin his descent down. "That's an order!"
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sugar-omi · 1 year
PLSSS I BEG OF U COVE HOLDEN X FEM!READER NEWLY MARRIED AND R JUST SO LOVEY DOVEY AND CANT GET ENOUGH OF EACH OTHER let me stop with the caps anyway as i was saying newly married cove and fem!reader on their honey moon to (insert place with nice oceans and views but you can take them anywhere you want) and they’re just sooo IN LOVE ITS DISGUSTING HOW IN LOVE THEY ARE you can add spice and intimacy if u want 🤷🏾❤️‼️
IM SO SORRY I TOOK SO LONG TO WRITE THIS ITS BEEN SITTING IN THE DRAFTS FOREVER.... im gonna blame it on my demon cat, its his fault he always wants to play outside i wanted a cat not a dog wtf !!!!! anyway here you go anon i loved writing this sm bc i have been thinking abt honeymoon hcs for awhile mmm<3333 also i jus wanna say cove is very much a "grabs your stomachs n prbly shakes it" man, like yk how your boyfriend is always grabbing your stomach idk at first i thought it was weird like "wtf is he grabbing your stomach n shaking it" but now i know. n cove does it ok i wont explain it but he also rubs anywhere, hes tracing your body n making shapes w his fingers on you, hes just so TOUCHY eta: I JUST REALIZED THIS LIKE 70% SMUT BUT UM.... ANYWAY 😁😁i hope you like it anyway, also added a hc's i forgot at the v bottom <3333
tags : fluff, step 4/wedding dlc, fem/afab reader (could be okay for masc/amab/nb readers as well if you ignore cove calling you 'wife' once), buff tatted cove, headcanons at the very bottom below the nsfw
+ NSFW (at the bottom), fem/afab reader, rough raw sex, creampie, missionary, v horny cove <3
perhaps i should make a part 2 with all the times n places cove fucks you during your honeymoon, mmm thats a good idea write that down write that down
synopsis : you and cove on your honeymoon to the bahamas !!
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surprise to literally no one, you two pick the Bahamas for your honeymoon
it wasn't a hard pick. it was just a matter of where had the nicest views, open hotels, and safest locations, and with how cove got more starry-eyed with each solidified detail, the Bahamas was your destination.
if it wasn't for the fact that you just had an eventful wedding full of love from friends and family, plus the plane trip, cove would've dropped everything and ran for the glittering water.
once you're checked in and changed from your flight clothes into something a bit more dressy but comfortable, you and cove make your way for some much anticipated dinner.
when you're seated, the silence between you two is so easy and filled by the bustle of the restaurant.
across from you, cove is watching you with his chin hiked atop his clasped fingers, easily looking like a puppy.
"what? what're you staring at?" you laugh, taking a dip if your drink to uselessly wash away your fluster at your husband's blatant staring.
cove already has a rosy tint to his cheeks and if he was younger cove would've caught fire at being caught staring. instead he just grinned cheerily and happily, with a gaze of a man sick with love. "just admiring my wife."
you can't help but tuck your head a bit, flustered by his direct compliment. God you're in for a long marriage.
thank god, you think distantly.. a lifetime of being flustered by each other no matter how long you're together doesn't sound to bad at all.
while you're eating, you two respond to your family blowing up the "[Last] - Holden family" group chat, that was so courteously made by your snickering sister and cousin leading up to your wedding.
after a lovely dinner (only after you reassured cove that you had a few days to try out everything on the menu before the trip was over) you two took a well deserved nap together with cove tucked into your neck and your fingers in his hair. <3
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okay listen... would it be bad to say you planned your wedding around your honeymoon
there's a reason!!!
i imagine you and cove (mostly cove) wanted to rent a house on the beach, or at least close to it, but i imagine its hard to snag one so once you finally got a place the wedding just fell around it
while you're in the bedroom sleeping, recovering and recharging, cove still gets up early to go play around on the beach.
not without a fight though!
when he wakes up the sky is still navy, and he flips over, feeling antsy to start the day and your activities.
but there you are, laying next to him in one of his shirts that you've stolen and your face is still scrunched up a bit from cove's movement which makes him settle down.
cove reaches to stroke your cheek, running his hand over your hair and he admires the way your face relaxes from the touch...
he feels like kicking and screaming right now, now looking at his ring(s) and remembering that you're married and you're his and he's yours and...
he's going to bawl his eyes out again.
so instead of crying and watching you until you wake up, which definitely won't be for another hour or more at least, he slowly untangles himself from you and the sheets.
it kills him a bit to do so, wanting nothing more than to be close to you every second of the day but he also wants to make you feel special today. he also can't stay in bed that long, he's too much of a busybody to do that..
so when you finally wake up, after much struggle and a lot of stretching, you drag yourself from the bed and tame your wild hair before you find your husband.
cove is leaning on the porch overlooking the beach, a random song playing lowly on the radio that you left on last night.
he whips around when you tug open the sliding door and abandons his orange juice to pull you into his arms and cove's rocking you two back n forth, kissing your jaw and cheek and he's holding your hand and compliments you.
"you look so pretty..."
"nice ring, your husband is really lucky." he says it with a smirk and you both laugh.
when he finally snaps out of his daze, totally bewitched by the warmth of the sun, view of the beach accompanied by the sound of waves and the way you lean into him had cove in a trance.
he leads you over to the kitchen where he insists you sit and watch while he makes breakfast.
in the end, you do end up spending most the day at the beach house. so when lee shoots a series of text asking about your day and if you did anything, you respond with a picture of you two buried in the blankets and a christmas hallmark movie on the TV, you laugh at her spam about how you should be enjoying the sand and waves instead of a out of season movie and respond with a meme.
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the next day you spend a lot of it outside, and i even imagine you rent a boat to take out for the day or smth like that and it reminds you of when lee took you all out on a boat, but this time it was just the 2 of you
let me just say.. everyone even 5 miles away can tell you're on your honeymoon
cove is always looking at you
whether its to see how you react to a good joke
or you're telling a story and he's watching in admiration at your mannerisms while you speak
or you're at the booth ordering ice cream for the both of you
or even better, he's trying his best to capture you imagine as you walk back to him, squeezing out your slip/coverup that blew away and you laugh at him for capturing this moment instead of helping you.
"stop laughing! haha, it's not funny! *swats at him with the coverup* im taking your shirt to cover up with!"
many many pictures and videos of your honeymoon. they're mostly of you
or your shared favorite:
you're on top of cove and his eyes are closed so he doesn't notice you're recording him.
"you've gotten more tan. y'know that reminds me of when we were kids, you had such bad tan lines!" you laugh, the camera shaking.
he squints at you, squeezing your hips when he realizes you're recording him. "i did not."
"you did, i saw it. you had different tan lines from your shorts!" you tease loudly and giggle, thinking about the varying darkness of teenage-cove's tan lines because of how some of his swim shorts and pants hung lower than the other bottoms he'd wear.
cove jumps up a bit, laughing as he sputtered. "you saw that?!"
"yeah! you were the one with your v-line hanging out all the time, mister "i don't like wearing layers'!"
his look is full of love, and so is cove's hands running up and down your hips and back. but he's still smug when he says it and the wide smirk on his face makes you wanna kiss it off him.
"well you were the one looking, i didn't hear any complaints.."
you hit his shoulder, "you're so smug, you brat!", the camera shaking from your laughter.
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cove is very handsy during this time
something about being married now has him seeking you out and keeping some form of contact between you
whether its holding hands, locking arms, or kissing you in public
he's always pulling you into him, wrapping a arm around your waist...
but when you're at the beach house.. well i hope you keep the curtains closed for the most part especially in the bedroom because clothes are pretty optional/limited during your honeymoon
usually cove's sex drive is pretty average, or low (i feel like at this point his drive matches yours but it's always a little lower depending on how high yours is, but thats for a different post okok)
so it surprises you how.. horny he is
he surprises himself too honestly
but he just wants to be close to you so bad!
you look so beautiful, and so happy... and now you're married and its like when he was a teenager all over again
the sun is coming through the windows, warming up your naked back.
you hum, enjoying the warmth and you feel the bed shift and now there's lips on your forehead, and cove's hand is running up and down your spine, rubbing soothingly across your shoulders.
"g'morning, y/n..." cove's gravely voice sends a shiver down your spine. "mmm, hi.." you tilt your head to the side, letting him kiss your cheek and the back of your neck.
you peak at him, still sleepy but enjoying the warmth and attention. you try to stretch your body, stretching out your legs and with how cove is leaned over you, your butt brushes against him and makes him gasp, his fingers squeezing your shoulder reflexively.
"at least let me brush my teeth..." you laugh, sitting up and after a second of looking at your clothes on the floor, you grab the robe on the chair beside you and lazily wrap it around you and shuffle to the bathroom.
cove is looking at you, you can feel his gaze and the second you disappear behind the door you hear him shuffling around before he comes behind you, dressed in nothing. cove didn't walk around naked often, only if he was walking around your bedroom finding his clothes for the day, but man was it a treat.
he wraps his arms around you, his hand rubbing your stomach and the other is wandering.
"c'mere..." you mumble, grabbing cove's toothbrush and sitting on the counter to brush his teeth for him. he lets you, and you laugh throughout the process because its a funny thing to do but you get through it and he spits in the other sink beside you before he picks you up and carries you back to bed.
on your way back to the bed, your lips find his shoulder and you add onto the array of marks already bloomed on his neck.
cove lays you down on the bed, shuffling your bodies closer to the pillows, tugging off your robe as you fumble around and throwing it somewhere. you're definitely making him clean up the room after this, but first..
you bring him in, letting your tongues tangle together and cove stretches his arm, looking for the lube and a rubber.
"ah-" cove sits up, and he looks back at you sheepishly. "there's no more.. um..."
you grin, already looking forward to cove's reaction. "that's okay. just fuck me raw, won't be the last time. right, covey?" you tangle your fingers in the sheets and get comfortable while you watch it sink in.
it isn't the first time, but fuck it always turns cove on and it makes him impossibly horny.
cove curses and he moves down, pushing your legs up and he kisses your inner thighs, sucking on the skin very close to your cunt that his cheek brushes against you and you whine, your hands finding his hair.
cove teases you a bit more, but he's teasing himself too so his mouth happily finds your cunt, grinning at the way you jump when his tongue runs over your sensitive clit.
even though cove ran a pleasurable train over you last night, your cunt sensitive but still pulsing with need.
your leg is shaking in cove's hold, his hand holding up one of your legs to give him easy access to your wet cunt but he happily lets your other leg shake on his shoulder, your foot bumping against his side and toes curling as he thrusts his tongue in and out your twitching insides.
he kept tongue-fucking you, his thumb petting your clit and he mumbled praises against your cunt as you came, your slick pooling on his tongue.
you buried your face in the pillow, always left twitching after cove sucks your soul from your body. you peak at cove spreading the lube on your sexes, lining himself up and sinking into you.
"ah fuck..."
cove looks so attractive like this, sunlight streaming in through the sheer curtains and leaned over you, shaded by the broad expanse of his torso and caged between his arms.
"cove!" your nails dig into his shoulders, your mouth falling open with a sharp moan when cove snaps his hips, burying himself inside you.
cove tucks his head into your shoulder, both of you panting and pulling each other closer even though the air between you two is balmy and hot.
"i'm gonna move..." cove kisses your jaw, tearing himself away from you to show you his flushed face. you whine when cove picks up your lower body, stuffing a pillow under you and the movement makes his tip bump your insides.
cove throws your legs over his shoulders and grips your hips in his hands, kissing your ankle that has your anklet hanging on it.
you throw your head back and moan loudly, cove starting a rough pace from the beginning.
you're so sensitive from last night, and cove abusing your insides again has tears coming to your eyes. "oh fuck! please, cove-"
you reach for him and cove offers his hand and intertwines it with yours. you don't know exactly what you're asking for, for him to be more gentle? a kiss? for cove to fuck you harder?
you just want more of him, to be closer, to be one with him...
"its okay, that's it.. good girl." cove shushes you, putting his free hand by your head to lean over you, your legs almost flush with your chest as cove practically mounts you.
something about the sharpness of cove's eyes and his flushed face makes you want to mess with him, so you bring his hand up to your mouth, wrapping your fingers around his tattooed wrist and sucking on his middle and ring finger.
cove groans, watching the way your tongue slides around his wedding band(s). "you.." cove pushes on your tongue, thrusting his hips up to bump against the spongy spot deep inside your cunt.
your eyes roll into the back of your head when cove picks up the pace again, his hips rolling back and slamming against your butt hard, making your body bounce, pushing his cock deeper against your walls.
while you're moaning and crying out so sweetly, cove squeeze's his hand between your bodies to rub your clit, the proximity of your bodies not leaving much room for anything more than tight circles against the poor sensitive nub.
"cove.." you huff, feeling your cunt gush more slick and adding to the wet, loud squelching. "cove, kiss me, please. oh fuck- oh fu-" cove's lips cut off your mindless babbles, muffling yours and his loud moans as he fucks you with shallow thrusts.
he breaks apart, panting and stealing small kisses in between his sentence. "i'm- *kiss* oh god- i'm gonna *kiss, kiss* cum.."
you whimper and hook your shaking leg around cove's back, the overstimulation makes you want to pull away but you're so close and you want cove to make you cum, and to finish with you. to finish inside you.
"cum inside!" your nails scratch down his back. "please, cum, cum inside-"
cove whines into your neck, the rhythm of his thrusts falling apart as he comes closer to finishing. he rubs faster circles on your clit, and when your fingers drag down his back as you cum, cove's hips push your body deeper into the bed as he fills your cunt with his thick cum.
he leans lifelessly over your body, panting into your neck and pressing kisses into your shoulder as he sits up to give you a kiss.
"i'll..i'll run us a bath, okay?" cove smiles dozily, stroking your hips. you blink, trying to regain your vision from your orgasm.
"and carrying me to the bath!" cove nods at that, accepting the fact he's basically rendered your legs useless for the morning. "and you're making breakfast too." you grin at him. "its punishment."
cove kisses your cheeks. "mm, trying out new methods?" cove teases.
you smack his arm and push him away, breath hitching when he pulls out.
cove watches out his cum starts to leak from your poor, twitching cunt and before he can get any bright ideas you put your foot on his shoulder and nudge him. "stop looking!" you tug the sheets over you and cove gets up with a sheepish laugh. "okay, okay!"
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is very very whipped for you
does anything n everything you ask the whole trip
when he goes out and it comes up somehow, he'll tell anyone and everyone he's on his honeymoon w his lovely spouse <3
if you do any underwater activities like snorkeling or smth, you're holding hands underwater <333
yes you hold hands everywhere you go, he's so in love with you he just has to be close to you
if you're not holding hands than he's trailing very close behind you or you're at least wearing his shirt
every young person is ither inspired by your relationship or is sick of seeing you at the beach, go HOME
the old people love you and talk your ear off in the middle of the store, telling you stories of their marriages and tips on how to have a long happy marriage
when you tell them you're childhood friends/lovers though they laugh and tell you you already have it down then since you've known each other so long!
when you finally get on the plane to go home, i hope you rmbr to get some foundation or at least tell cove to wear his hair down and a t-shirt instead of a tank top because his neck and back/shoulders are Marked Up
liz and lee tease you about how glowy and refreshed you look <3
cove is very flustered if any of your friends or family see any marks or scratches
or even worse if someone asks if you had a good wedding night, etec
if you want to have kids n give birth, liz also jokes that shes too young to be a grandma for real (you sputter n tell her you and cove arent her kids n shes exaggerating!!)
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speakofthedebbie · 2 months
by popular demand (re: one person) some radioapple fic recs!! (i hope thats what you meant lol most of the fics i read are just radioapple)
Bedtime Rituals to Try out Before the Next Angelic War by @miribalis
just yes. thousand times yes. so basically my boy luci has some sleep troubles and that somehow leads to a qpr with al look its been a while ok just read it
Managerial Liberties by the same fella
these two tags explain it pretty well
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something that sticks out to me about this is that charlie is actually (reasonably) cold to adam and like. im actually surprised with how little ive seen that. i mean i dont think id be exactly buddy-buddy with my besties killer either. only 3 chaps as of writing but already looking to be a radioapple classic
im not sure if its meant to be read as such but it kinda feels like a squeal to bedtime rituals in a way (edit: not meant to be read as such, just the same vibe)
devils don't fly (don't expect me not to fall) by @corgiss
also just yes. basically a really not cool joke evolves into a blossoming romance because why wouldnt it. (man if i had a nickel for every radioapple fic that had a masquerade that was sabotaged by the vees- *gets shot bc i cant mention osas yet*)
i’ll hold you close (i’ll stay the course) by the same fella
the entire time i was just going "yas king! put that egotistical flatscreen in his place!!". basically luci reminds the overlords who he is and vox shows he can be more of a threat than he lets on.
ykw fuck it just the entire series (i didnt mention i would give anything to not give a shit (but i do) and my perfect rock bottom (my beautiful trauma) because the first one sounded a lil too angsty and ive gotten enough of that from other sources [pointedly glares at Quietly, It Slips Through Your Fingers, Love {also coming up later!}] and the second is (mostly) smut and ive been trying to step back from that because "ive seen worse" isnt a valid excuse for that torture actually)
Of Saints and Sinners by the forever amazing @morningstarwrites!! (if you see this i have a serious question: is this your first time ever writing a fic? because how do you get so much right the first time- [not even beginners luck could explain this level of skill])
i could sing its praises until my death bed but ill hold off so i can explain whats happening. basically after burning down a meeting room several times, luci and al make a deal ("not a deal!", luci laments to the void): they will attempt to be civil and maybe even friendly, and by the end luci will owe al a favour. whats the favour? read it yourself dammit! seriously, 10/10, i am foaming at the mouth till friday (depending on how this goes, that might be tomorrow or today)
Quietly, It Slips Through Your Fingers, Love by Starlit_Rainfall (no tumblr in sight, so AO3) (i. urgfgh. what happened. i was just smiling over the fluff while crossing to go to school. where did it go. where did it gooooo)
if thats anything to go by, the last few chapters have been rough. the fluff feels so far away that i cant even explain what happens. luci was waxing poetic about swimming in maple syrup for al, i remember that much. also emily is there (fallen) tho we havent seen her in a sec. if you read it, warning for the gut punch of angst that starts chap 32 "She/Her" (though the chapter before that, "Should Alastor Know By Now?" ends pretty rough too)
Freely We Serve by @romanaxe
i dont remember how i managed to stumble upon this but im having a great time. basically alastor is a new sinner fresh in hell (but time doesnt matter and the whole cast is still here) and thinks "what better way to gain power than be the personal assistant of the heartbroken king of hell!" features a 6(?) year old charlie and a morally dubious lilith (also i loved eepy al X3)
A Family Forged in Hellfire by Green_Ghostwriter (once again, no Tumblr, so AO3)
this ones a bit newer (10 chaps), is so far mostly exposition and the slowburn pot hasnt even been put on the stove, but as just a hazbin fic in general i see the potential. basically its a 1920s au where heaven decides little charlie doesnt deserve to be raised in hell and is sent to earth with a "foster" family where her actions in life will determine witch realm she will return to after death. her "parents", al and minzy, are given false memories so they can claim the girl as their own and gee i wasnt kidding when i said it was a lot of exposition. erm honestly explaining anymore would tech be spoiling so go read it!
The Red Thread That Binds Us by @scun-gilli
{{future me prefacing this by saying i have no idea where i was going with yesterdays thought process, all you need to know from it was im on chapter 27. also scungilli your comment is making me very worried 😟 well theres no mcd tag so im sure itll fine, right? RIGHT, SCUNGILLI??}}
basically its a king x kings guard au where al and luci grow up together and only grow closer after a. certain life event for al (its fine guys trust :)) [she said, like a liar]) then al is sent of for royal guard training school (ik its not called that i forgor 😭) but dw he comes back. just watch out for graphic depictions of injuries (i think thats this fic) angst and a sneaky eve bc radioapple fics are allergic to happiness (or maybe im not looking hard enough lol) (also im really tempted to make the friendship bracelets they had 👀)
somewhere down the line by kj_crwm (AO3 link)
this one starts off as human!alastor/lucifer but by the middle(?) its just regular radioapple. basically al is encountered by luci while finishing off a job who agrees to keep quiet. luci just keeps on showing up, reveals hes the devil to which al us just like "lol ok" and eventually they get in a relationship (ooh lala 👀) but they break up after saying some hurtful things to each other (oh nono 👀) with luci promising al they will never cross paths again. if you watched the show then well. you know that doesnt happen 😂 most human!al radioapple have al summon him (no hate to them) so this was an interesting change of pace
cannot stress it enough but this is a WORKING list i WILL be coming back to it bc these are purely the fics i could think if off the top of my head. IN FACT, if any of you have radioapple fics you love, SEND THEM THE FUCK IN! i am one person whos only been in this fandom for 4 months, and reading fics/shipping radioapple even less, theres bound to be some ones i missed that you think are Worthy™️! and if theyre nsfw then at the very least it shouldnt be the main focus
EDIT: so sorry anyone who reblogged this before had to see the disgusting unedited version. literally just found out that tumblr doesnt apply edits to reblogs. what the fuck
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sweetzscore · 6 months
What if I fakeposted about my ocs. What then
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🛸 ang3l-baby follow
Me: [after talking about aliens n space for 3 hours] I dunno I just think they’re kinda neat
🌌 cosmicgirlthing follow
Your record is actually four hours
🛸 ang3l-baby
Sometimes I just black out and talk about doctor who a lot too
32 notes
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💣 emooooeeeekid follow
Ive had girlfriends before which is really weird because I am the most idiotic loser ever. Bitch what do you see in me
🌌 cosmicgirlthing follow
This is true you are very much a loser
🎬 samthehotdog follow
I second this
💣 emooooeeeekid
Listen here you little shits
128 notes
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🎬 samthehotdog follow
I’m very publicly intersex and my favourite thing about this is that I am a high schooler and my classmates get rlly confused all the time and its so funny
🎬 samthehotdog
I like to ask them why they’re so interested in my dick (or lack thereof) and they usually just combust or something
💣 emooooeeeekid follow
high schoolers are very invasive an insensitive so I like to give them the funniest answers possible
I once told a kid that when I was born they asked me if I wanted a dick or a vag and I couldn’t decide so they gave me one of those multicolour pens where you click down the things to get the new colour
🎬 samthehotdog
That. Is the best thing I have ever heard
241 notes
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🍊 bowser-jrjrjrjr follow
Theres so many fucking fags at my school I hate this stupid place
🌌 cosmicgirlthing follow
What are you doing on this website
🍊 bowser-jrjrjrjr
Stfu tranny
🛸 ang3l-baby follow
I go to OP’s school and I can confirm he is very stupid and mean and nobody with any sense actually likes him
🎬 samthehotdog follow
339 notes
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💣 emooooeeeekid follow
Vent under the cut
read more
💣 emooooeeeekid
Fuckin got you didn’t I
🌌 cosmicgirlthing follow
Go fuck yourself
💣 emooooeeeekid
Don’t mind if I do
🧢 jord-the-trans follow
There’s something wrong with both of you
63 notes
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💣 emooooeeeekid follow
>be me
>have a crush on a guy
>guy likes someone else
>other guy is homophobic, used to be my friend but dropped me when I came out
>dont have the heart to tell my crush
Hes gonna get his heart broken either way and like :((( UGHH i just want him to like me
🎬 samthehotdog follow
Oof thats rough pal
🧢 jord-the-trans follow
Yeah Im real sorry abt that Val :(
A little off topic but I didn’t know you had a crush?
💣 emooooeeeekid
Haha nope. No crush here. I dont have any crushes nosireee
🌌 cosmicgirlthing follow
Real subtle mate
42 notes
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🛸 ang3l-baby follow
Im just gonna make it clear right now if you don’t think that straight aces are lgbt i need you to get the fuck off my blog right now
🌌 cosmicgirlthing follow
are you vagueposting abt your boyfriend’s haters
🛸 ang3l-baby
Die mad
402 notes
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anonymous asked: wait you have a boyfriend ???
🛸 ang3l-baby follow
Actually @:reedinthemarsh isn’t my boyfriend he’s my wife
🍬 reedinthemarsh follow
When did we get married also when did I transition???
🛸 ang3l-baby
It’s only a matter of time
💣 emooooeeeekid follow
26 notes
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💣 emooooeeeekid follow
My parents think that me being non-binary might be confusing for my little brothers but I explained it to them once and they immediately understood, said “okay” and then asked me what my 2nd favourite colour was
13 notes
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🌌 cosmicgirlthing follow
URL check
Cosmic: nope
Girl: nope
Thing: sure why not
100 notes · View notes
plutopitou · 2 years
◇ Haven’t I given enough?
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keigo takami | hawks x female reader
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genre: nsfw smut, angst
Keigo struggles to find a way to cope from being forced to be a trained soldier by the hero commission. Luckily you have a few screws lose and are more than willing to be that beacon of hope, no matter the cost. | 18+ MDNI
word count: 4.3k
warnings: he's mean (◞‸◟) but hot to me, toxic relationship,? VERY rough sex, smut, dub/con, keigo has issues- so does reader and they are obsessed with eachother -oop degradation (not for the lighthearted), dumbification, overstim
this is my first post on here and i haven't written in a long time so bare with me :) i think it came out nice tho <3
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Keigo has always had the commission on his back. Being raised inside of a facility that is cut throat and grabs you by the hair and force feeds you, not because they have to- but because they can. To express their own dominance like a cat baring their claws or a bird flexing their wings to show off how big they are. Poor little Keigo didn’t have a choice in the matter either, being so young he already knew if you disobey authority you have your work cut out for you.
He was always a people pleaser from day one. Daily motivation sourcing from the look of admiration by the adults, impressed by his quirk and drive for success. But the look was not admiration, but instead it was insulting. They never seemed to be pleased by his hard work and it pricked Keigo in his head constantly.
“You’re not working hard enough,” and “you can do better” they said.
Day after day his big doe eyes became heavier and heavier until they were keen enough to cut. There wasn’t a way to say “no” that didn’t end up in some type of penalty, ultimately equating the word “no” as something negative and taking a life as something positive, because who was there to tell him what was going on was bad and not right?
A baby bird only eats whatever its mother feeds them, whether thats food or garbage.
After Keigo’s first kill as a pre-teen, he hunched over and threw up at the mental anguish of being groomed to be a killing machine. It was one person after the other being a perfect sacrifice to perfect his skill, not at will but from demand. Keigo began to revel in the superiority of finally having the upper hand against someone, finally feeling powerful and knowing his own skill set by developing his quirk to be the best in the game.
Overtime he liked seeing the redness of blood camouflage with the tips of his red feathers and the string of apologies flowing from someone’s mouth, begging to spare their life. He got off on the picture of him standing big and tall on top of their weakened body.
But it was only fulfilling in the beginning.
He has bright vermilion wings with sharp eyes to match and it was not something you could easily look away from. It is a type of stare he developed over time that was molded to make you crack under pressure and confess anything. A type of stare that is enough to make you cry and plead a sorry even if you didn’t know what you were sorry for. A look that is masked underneath his laid back exterior he shows to the public.
There is a reason why he’s number two.
To the public it’s just Hawks, the number two hero, a man that helps elderly women cross the street and gladly holds onto your groceries with one of his delicate but strong feathers so you don’t feel inconvenienced. So you can experience a better day. He will gladly take a couple scratches and lose a couple quills for humanity so they can go home to their family and enjoy their night. But whispers travel and the villains know exactly what he is that he conceals, which makes his patrols smooth sailing. He is type of person the worst people warn to never cross paths with.
He is the glorified punching bag of society that is painted in expensive jewelry with a special title made just for him: a Hero.
But who gets to make the number two hero’s day better?
It’s not the little kids sprinting to him, looking up from his knees with bright eyes begging for an autograph. It was him pinching your nose, feeling your body trying to gasp for air while he rapidly fucks your throat, taking it all for himself.
It was never the men and women with tears in their eyes giving their thanks for saving their life. It was always the tears springing from the swift slap to your face trying to squeeze out one more apology from your stupid mouth for not listening to him.
And it is definitely not the plentiful of stupid fucking awards given to him at hero galas by the committee he is forced to accept to keep his image pure. Because is there anything actually fully pure about hero work?
Keigo felt himself slowly starting to lose his stability in the center of chaos. The feeling of murder is so short lived- he needed more than that. He didn’t like how long he had to wait until the commission had him go on another undercover expedition. That was always the rule by them: he can never kill unless authorized.
Society already has their special person to tear down and build back up as they pleased, who was going to be Keigo’s?
You, of course.
You were so willing to give up everything you had ever owned, have and thought of for the slight chance of his attention. Such a little stalker for Keigo, trying to figure out his patrol schedule just so you can see him work with a charming smile on his face. Reading fanfiction about him on websites dedicated to his heroics, touching yourself at night thinking about his sweet whispers telling you how beautiful and good you are for him.
You just knew he was such a kind and humble man in person like he executed himself on TV. You had seen over the years of heroes’ facade falling down, exposing themselves for being the corrupt and selfish person everyone had hoped they weren’t. But no, not Keigo, being the number two hero and being so young yet not much older than you, you saw him from a different light.
That is why when you willingly let yourself fall backwards down a 20 story building, you did not do it out of fear and intention of taking your own life. You did it out of joy and the safety of knowing he would be right there to catch you- because he is a hero.
For the seconds it lasted, it felt nice to flow through the sky and feel weightless. As the gravity of the earth clutches onto your body and forcefully pulls you down to your demise, it somehow did it softer than cutting a knife through butter. You let go of the breath you had been holding when you are swept up mid-air into a pair of strong arms grasping your body into his warmth. He smelled like fresh air and linen with a puff of mint coming from his lips. You peel open your eyes to see him in his glory, doing what he does best- saving people. The sun setting right behind him giving his body a glow of authority like a god. Your god.
Hawks gets you back to the ground and helps you stand still with a small comforting smile. “Take this as a sign, sweetness. Go home.” He says like its another day and pats your hair in place before turning ready to take his leave. His touch leaving a tingle from your head down to your back, you wished to have his hands on you forever.
“Wait!” You yell for him. Pulling out the letter you had handwritten for him days earlier, a confession letter. You shyly run up to hand it to him and take in his look of confusion before pushes up his visor and reads the front, ‘To Hawks ♡’.
Inside the letter was years worth of admiration and pent up love you have for what other people consider a stranger. But Hawks was no stranger to you. It only took a couple days to plan your meeting with him because you had full confidence he will be there when you fell, as it was meant to be. It was a love letter confessing you will leave everything behind for him, no matter what it took you wanted to be there to catch him if he fell too, even if you didn’t think you had the strength to keep him up. You would do anything he asked without question because he’s such a great person and deserves it the most.
‘I will lie for you, die for you, and kill for you, even if you don’t love me back. A hero needs a hero, too.’
Keigo thought it was almost too perfect.
His first thought, “this has to be some type of trick?” maybe the commission trying some sort of test on him as an evaluation? But when he looks into your dazed eyes, he knew. They were practically swirling with a heart in the middle. He thought there was no way someone has a screw loose enough to launch themselves to death in the smallest chance in being caught to give a little letter to their rescuer with a smile.
He has seen crazies before, not to this extent but close. Being in the work force for years now, his fanbase has exponentially grown as he climbed up the rankings. His female fanbase having the most growth, it was never surprising to come back to his agency with his interns bringing in a couple large boxes a week worth of love letters filled with undergarments, perfume, gifts or even money. Keigo of course has had his fair share of women in the past, none ever lasting as long because they couldn’t handle what he had to give. And what he had to give left these women bruised, crying and begging for more even if they didn’t have any more space left to take.
Your eyes, no matter the shape, still hold a roundness of naivety and innocence. A type of innocence that is special, one you dont see in a lot of people. But you have that factor. You have it all, and he wanted to be the one to take it away and give it back, force it to you.
Keigo almost wanted to laugh right in your face.
You watch as he pulls his visor back down with a small side grin, his shiny leather gloves putting the letter in his jacket pocket to keep it safe. “I’ll see you, alright, Birdy?” Pushing his wild, blonde hair back, Hawks gives you one last glance with golden eyes before taking off, the flap from his big wings pushing your hair back, leaving you alone as the sun finally sets.
But how could you have ever known?
Hawks didnt waste any time finding you again and getting ready to break you in. He loves the idea of it; a cute girl like you, so needy and desperate for him to go as far as jump off a building in the risk of him catching you. Because to you he was the perfect man on paper, on TV, and in person. You read everything there was to know about him online, you read every article, watched every single interview from the beginning to present of his career, there weren’t any warning signs that would have prepared you for who he was.
You wondered if his smile while being a hero was fake, if it was practiced beforehand to make sure there weren’t any marks for people to suspect. Since you’ve known him, the only time you’ve seen him smile with authenticity is when he’s crouched over your completely fucked out body, you still lowly whining how you can take more when you can’t even lift a finger.
How could a hero ever begin to act like this?
“You couldn’t have known” he murmurs against the back of your ear. His cruel and sadistic nature was intense, his words were pitched at you so fast, you couldn’t fully comprehend what he was saying.
Not through how much you couldn’t breathe with him fucking your throat with his index and pointer finger. His favorite part of your body was your throat, anatomically it’s the most vulnerable but so soft to the touch, so easy to control your life source and take it away if he wanted to.
Keigo knew what you were the moment you locked eyes with him and gave him that silly little envelope with confidence.
A pretty, stupid little fan that didn’t know any better, a girl who trusted strangers and was so willing to throw away her life away for a man before it even started. The first time he fucked you he felt himself getting hard just beginning to think of all the things he can do to you, looking at you like you were a new play set and didn’t know where to start first.
“Aw, look at you.. my precious baby can’t breathe?” he coos, “Yeah you can, c’mon try harder..” Keigo fucks your throat with more swiftly, his fingers squelching from the pile up of saliva in your mouth. You’re desperately pawing onto his forearm trying to stabilize yourself against his front. The feeling of butterflies in your stomach is overwhelming and every push into your mouth you feel yourself getting wetter and wetter. You felt so small against him, so vulnerable, thrashing your hips against his cock trying to get away from the faint massage against your bladder and pussy from his other hand, trying to push you over the edge.
Keigo loves you like this, he loves being the one to restrict you. He knows exactly how you like it, he knows you like to pretend you don’t, feigning innocence like you always do when in reality you’re just a little bitch desperately trying to get more and more from him like every body else.
You begin to choke on his fingers, gagging as they dig themselves in your throat trying to fuck with you, and you can hear Keigo’s smug attitude, “Yeah, that’s fuckin’ right..” he groans out.
He finally pulls his fingers out your throat when he thinks you’re about to throw up and you hunch over gasping for any air you can catch, coughing with spittle dripping down your chin. Keigo holds you by your mid section keeping you close and pulling your head back to his chest. You want to act out, you want to fight back and hit him, slap him in any way you can because you love the fight, you live for riling him up until he finally snaps and yells at you, insulting your morality and fucking you in the process.
You can’t get any words out, your mind feels like a foggy and cloudy afternoon, still trying to catch your breath and Keigo playfully taps your cheek with his hand still covered in your own spit. “On your back.”
However you want to stay and prolong this moment as much as you can. Your body already feels weak like jelly and you want it to feel weaker. You barely have the strength to turn around and sit face to face with him, completely disobeying his words.
“Kei.. I want to stay up here.” You sigh into his collarbone, wrapping your arms around his sides, teasingly grinding your pussy onto this bare cock. You just wanted to stay by him, so close to his handsome face so you can kiss him- feeling his light stubble graze your cheek whenever you wanted. But he knows that glint in your eye. You look up to see that gaze. That special one perfected to make you crack under pressure and profusely apologize. It was enough to make your stomach tie knots.
Since Keigo was a little boy, he suffered with imposter syndrome and never felt a sense of fulfillment or accomplishment until he took a look at everyone else and saw how much better he was.
How he was only 18 at the time he started his career and a person that was a hero for decades could never compare to his mental resilience and physical expertise. He always felt inferior until it dolled on him that Japanese society was counting on him to feel safe. Keigo wanted to take back his sense of inferiority he developed as a kid and inflict it back wherever he could. Fortunately, there just so happened to be a pretty girl who was oh, so willing to let him.
No, she didn’t understand everything he had to go through to get where he was now, she would never get it. She doesn’t have to kill people to survive, she doesn’t have to live with the knowledge that millions of people count on her to live a normal life so they stripped her of her own.
She can live her life making mistakes without care, but if Keigo ever did, it’s blood on his hands. He is blamed for it all. She won’t ever have to deal with that.
But at least he can make her feel it.
“You wanna fuck with me, huh?”
You see his jaw tick in anger and his closed grin does nothing to cover it up but make it worse. He snaps.
You can almost feel his anger wash over you and it feeds you the energy you need to take what he’s gonna give you whether you like it or not, and you always like it. You pull back to try and console him. “Kei..”
Keigo quickly grips your jaw with force, smile gone and pulls you close. “This is what you wanted, wasn’t it?” He shakes you. “Huh? You like this shit don’t you?” He locks eyes with you searching for an answer, mocking how pathetic you look. “Hmm? Does it make you feel good, baby? Letting me manhandle you, knowing I’m gonna use your body however I want to?” You puff out a little whine in response to his accusation.
He quickly lets go and pushes your head back onto the bed, forcibly turning your body around. Pulling on the roots of your hair he pulls you up holding onto the softness of your neck after pressing a soft kiss to your head. “Remember this, birdy, this is for me. This is all so I feel good..” he pants against your neck teasing your folds feeing your legs twitch at every graze of his fingers. “Such a pathetic little bitch letting me treat you like this, throwing away your life for me just to get fucked like you don’t matter..”
That is what you did, isn’t it? You always had a choice after you stupidly jumped off a 20 story building. He showed you exactly who he was and still, you ended up at his mercy, crying for more of his callous treatment because you can’t get enough.
You sniffle and whine at the intense pleasure caused by his rudeness. You pant as his calloused fingers ravage their way down to your opening, your pussy anticipating Keigo just fully shoving it inside you. “Kei.. I’m sorry. Please, please, make me feel good. I’ll be good I swe-“
He swiftly swats the side of your face, breath hitching at the surprise, your cheek tingling from the sensation leaving you lovingly lightheaded. You shut up and take whatever he has to give you with nothing less a smile on your face. You wish he’d just shove his cock anywhere he pleases just so he can forgive you, just so you can hear that sweet rumble of praise from how good you are for him. Because Keigo’s approval of you is just as good as his degradation, both are enough to make you cry out of joy.
More tears follow the last, not because it hurt but the desperation for any part of him to be inside of you kills you inside, you’d die for it, and he knows that.
He stiffles a cruel laugh. “Aw, you cryin’? Don’t start crying now, you’ll turn me on too much..” After so much anguish he pushes his fingers inside of you, mercilessly going in and out, not giving you time to prepare. You yelp and cry inadvertently trying to crawl away from how overstimulating it feels, yet you just fall chest down ass up onto the plush bed, holding onto his freehand by your head like a clutch.
The only sound in the room coming from your drooling pussy squelching over and over, each jab drenching and pulling his fingers inside even more. Keigo curses at how warm you are, he can feel it. He knows exactly how your masochistic body likes to operate. Purposely taunting and arousing him until he’s forced to jackrabbit the fuck out your pussy until you pass out and still continue- fucking your passed out body till he sees creamy white spill out, moaning while forcing every drop of cum he has left right in your pretty womb with a nice low groan of pleasure. You both know you don’t have to say it to want it.
The feeling is so intense you’re just a babbling mess- no pure or smart thoughts, just mumbling out of pleasure to mumble. Your eyes are limp and dazed looking at the dimmed sky from the window, gripping onto Keigo’s wrist next to your head as if the bed will swallow you whole if you let go. You sense that potent feeling of an orgasm about to let loose, your babbles become load moans. The sound of your sloppiness getting louder with your voice. Keigo grazes his sight down your sheen body and curses as he finally pulls his hand out your sloppy pussy, leaving strings of your arousal. He can feel how agonizingly hard his cock is just from touching you, tip leaking white and ready to give to his sweet, bumbling girl.
He drips down spit to your pussy for good measure and looks back at your head to see you giving him the most loving look he’s ever seen in his life.
Keigo would never admit it, but it’s the first time he’s ever received and reciprocated such an intimate gaze. He puffs a nice low groan, looking down biting his lip as he finally pushes himself into your warmth, watching you slowly swallow him with white all the way up to the base of his big cock.
“That’s right sweet girl, I know you want it, I know your whore pussy wants it so bad- let me give it to you..” he leans down and grips your neck with a threatening squeeze, “This is all you’re good for,” he lowly hums, hissing as he gives another rigorous thrust. “You don’t wanna let me go n’ I won’t give us up, birdy, as long as you cum for me, alright? Let me use you- take care of you..” The feeling was almost too much for Keigo, he had never imagined someone that was good enough for him, that there was someone that could be a pillar in his completely fucked and screwed up life others curated for him.
After every thrust your pussy leaves a white ring and squelches as an invite to shove himself right back in even harder than the last, to make your response louder than the before.
Inbetween the moment you still find the energy to confess your love to him but can barely get halfway before he quickly covers your mouth and gives his last powerful thrusts into you. Huffing and groaning not being able to hold back how good you feel while you fuck him back in desperation like he knew you would, like you always do.
Practically drooling with whimpering sobs and tears behind his strong calloused hand, at last your selfish pussy grasps onto his cock as you orgasm feeling liquid slosh everywhere, your yelp into Keigo’s hand not able to contain yourself. Your hips desperately trying to get away as Keigo continues to fuck your overstimmed pussy in an effort to breed you like you deserve- moaning at you completely drenching yourself with him.
He feels himself coming to an end, holding back his hiccuped gasps- using his free hand to hold and massage your pelvis directly to his. “Oh fuck, baby, that’s right- take it, take it..” he gives you everything he has in exchange for all of you- cumming with a choked grunt in your neck, filling you with his seed like he promised he would, not letting a single drop escape.
Your whole body feels tingly with the last sprinkle of dopamine in your body, shuddering as you both collapse.
It didn’t take rocket science for you to know there was just something deeply unhinged about Keigo, as he’d probably say the same about you. You can tell intimacy was something very new to his life as he tried to shut you up before you can finish your sentence. However, you didn’t really mind much.
Keigo being your first in everything, you swore to yourself and him in that letter you will hold him up even if you didn’t think you had the strength to. You want to know more about his uprising, the stories he doesn’t tell in “exclusive” interviews- you are much more than a stupid fan and did not care if he thought of you as naive.
A slight wind chill comes through the crack in the window cooling off both your bodies. Keigo grips your jaw with need, pulling your head back to share his first kiss together filled with passion and little butterflies all over your body that leaves you wanting more. He lifts up an arm and gently pets back your hair and rubbing your head in the process letting you rest right next to him.
Even with how callous Keigo can get to leave you completely speechless and subdue you, you will take every slap, kiss, and word because the sick part of you wants it more than air itself. As for Keigo, he needed to find something he can tear and build back up, having no way to cope with the consistent pressure of the world and wanting a way out for a moment.
He loves to tear you down, but wants to keep you extra close and pay attention to every detail as he builds you back up,
to make you just as perfect as you were before.
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Oh my gosh that’s it! My first story in over two years since my senior writing class haha. I hope you all enjoyed, feel free to let me know your thoughts or writing critiques- i always want to get better.
Please reblog and like, thank you ʕ⁎̯͡⁎ʔ༄
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tyunkus · 1 year
WAIIT kumi you said to an anon that you usually see someone as either sub or dom exclusively i need to know your opinions on txt (other than beom cos you said beom’s a true switch which is so so true)
OOPS nono i meant like its usually clearer to identify sub or dom LEANING but not necessarily exclusively either does that make sense HAHA i think all of txt could do both but i think everyone (but beomgyu) would do one or the other more often
yj - sub! like 60 sub/40 dom. dont get me wrong he is a WONDERFUL SEXY AMAZING dom he leaves you absolutely wrecked n drooly when he doms but alsooo. like seeing how hes an only child + he was clearly babied for so much of his life + he acts like THAT around his members i cant help but think he leans into subbing more often..... he loves the attention! loves being spoiled and broken and treated nice n rough <3 something about having you treat him like one of your toys or some precious jewel makes him so fucking hard <33 give it to him pls <3
sb - dom... but only slightly so. maybe 55/45.. i think since hes the leader he would be more inclined to dom since that would mean assuming a role hes somewhat already used to? likes giving out directions to you, seeing how eager u are to obey when he tells u to get on ur knees and suck his cock.. also likes having the final say, watching ur face crumble when he says youre not allowed to cum. power dynamics stuff like that hes into. but also that just makes it all the sweeter when he subs and lets you do all the thinking <3333
bg - again. switch. very 50/50 in my opinion. either way he goes HARRD! firm believer in treat others the way u want to be treated meaning... if he doms and hes so mean and nasty and pervy and slaps you around and spits in your mouth he'll expect the exact same treatment from YOU when hes a sub. be mean to him!!! as mean as he is to you!!! he fucking loves it
th - i thinkkkk dom, 65/35. similar to soobin he likes having a lot of control and power in vulnerable situations like this, he has a very clear way of doing things so for him its more convenient to be in charge and ALSO he just likes seeing how easily you bend and twist yourself to please him. heart swells seeing how good you are for him, how well he's trained you....... but again like soobin it just makes it that much hotter when he subs because like <3 you got your hot sexy dominant bf to be all whimpery under u <3
kai - sub! 70/30!!!! kai is the most "malleable" i think... like the only thing thats on his mind is pleasing you.. so if you feel like domming he is more than ready to sub, start begging to taste ur pussy and whatnot.. i think hes just very into pleasing u no matter what so power dynamics dont really matter that much to him! and even if you just wanna be a lil subby instead you will most likely end up in a subxsub situation than have kai be the dom ykwim HASHJKH just both of you brainless sweethearts grinding against each other and drooling into each others mouths.... dom kai is hot too though especially since its more rare.. opens up the possibilities for size kink n size training anything to do w size actually hehe
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taraprince · 2 years
the nsfw abcs are so good 😩 can u do one for mello please 🙏
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❗️nsfw warning❗️
OFC I CAN 🤭🤭 i’m so glad you like them <33
// GN reader, might mention pussy once it twice i don’t remember//
A (aftercare) - mello isnt exactly the greatest at showing affection, but he tries his best to assure your comfort after sex, especially because he knows he can be rough sometimes all the time
B (bottom or top) - hes happy with anything as long as hes getting laid. If you wanna ride him, then be his guest. If you want him to tower over you while he fucks you stupid, hes fine with that too.
C (cum) - most of the time, he tries to pull out before he cums; however if you ask him to cum inside you he’ll obey without hesitation. He doesnt like wearing a condom, he wants to feel your heat right up against him, but he’ll do so if you ask him to <3 oh my god hes so pretty when he cums, shouting your name as his stomach flexes and his hair falls in front of his face ahhh.
D (dress up) - he doesnt mind dressing up for you, but he goes absolutely feral when you dress up for him. If There's anything that gets him hard fast, its you straddling his lap in a skimpy lace set he got for you that points out your curves so beautifully.
E (experience) - though he's a god at what he does, he actually doesn't have a lot of experience. Once he got out of Wammys, he never really got with another person before, making you his first time (which just makes his love for you even stronger)
F (fav position) - he loves loves lovessss having you ride him. He adores how prettily your thighs and chest bounce as you try to take all of him inside you. It drives him insane when he sees how your face contorts so lewdly before you cum all over him. “Cmon, you can take all of me, yeah? I know you can, just a little lower~”
G (goofy) - he’s pretty focused and serious during sex, and youll never really find yourself laughing; however sometimes he purposefully uses cheesy pick up lines when the tension is thick and you cant help but giggle a little.
H (hair) - he has a little bit of stubble down there, but he tried to keep it maintained. He doesnt really care a lot, he just wants to keep himself presentable for you. He doesnt mind what you do, if you dont want to shave then thats fine by him. Sex is sex, whether theres hair or not.
I (intimacy) - hes a bit more rough than passionate, but he does know how to make the knot in your stomach twist and turn. Every so often, when you two are having sex he’ll slow down and tell you how much he really loves you and how much he loves seeing you stuffed with his fat cock
J (jack off) - oh my god constantly. As much as he wants to take him time with you and do unspeakable things, hes just so busy with kira and near on his back all the time, so he doesnt have a lot of free time. He often resorts to pleasuring himself to the thought of how pretty and tight you are for him.
K (kink) - besides constant praise (and a hint of degradation if your needy), hes pretty vanilla. Hes definitely covered you in chocolate and licked it off you a few times, but thats only on special occasions. If he ever walked in on you with your hands tied behind your back (dont ask how its possible ok let me dream) and presented so openly for him, he’d go wild, losing almost all of his self control.
L (location) - if you want to fuck him, it doesnt matter where you two are, he’ll do it. His personal favorite out of all the places you two have done it at is on his couch at work. He loves the rush it gives him thinking of one of his dear coworkers walking in and seeing how good you can be for him and only him.
M (massage) - since he cant always be intimate with you, he often gives you massages because thats close enough, right? He really goes crazy for any type of skin to skin touch you two have because hes a man whore
N (no) - he seen and done it all really, or it feels that way at least. He cant really think of anything he wouldnt do; as long as your happy hes happy. He knows he doesnt show it very well, but he really does care a lot about you.
O (oral) - god he loves it when you sit on his face. The feeling of your plush thighs squishing his face can just make him cum over and over, but he keeps his composure so he can enjoy it a bit longer. Hes also such a fucking whore for you when you give him head. Bucking his hips, gripping your hair tightly, telling you over and over how fucking amazing your mouth feels around him. You two have for sure 69d on multiple occasions.
P (pace) - he adores roughly pounding into you (or guiding your hips quickly up and down), seeing your face twist and mewl at how good his dick feels. If you ask him to slow down, he’ll just go faster until you cum and your body goes limp.
Q (quickie) - lovess them. Yes, he loves being able to fully worship your body properly, but he just doesnt have time. he often has you against the wall of his office, rattling the wall with how hard hes rutting into you.
R (risk) - all for it 100%. Though he very protective of you, he loves the idea of fucking you silly in public with the high chance that someone could see or hear. Hes for sure fingered you in a restaurant before, and he had to remind you to keep quiet before someone heard you moaning like such a slut. “Fuck, your so loud and im only using my fingers. If your good and keep quiet for me, when we get home i’ll give you more. Sound good~?”
S (stamina) - he usually lasts about 3-4 rounds. Hes a tough man, but you make him weak in his knees when you open up so willingly for him, just begging him to ruin you from the inside out.
T (toys) - he owns a pair of handcuffs, a vibrater, and probably a ball gag. He thinks you look like a sexy fucking god/goddess when he uses his toys on you, with you squirming and mewling under him while he fucks you silly with just a few pieces of plastic and rubber.
U (unfair) - he’ll tease you with his words constantly, but once you two are in bed he cant help but just tear you apart, no time to mess around. “I see you over there getting off to my voice, rubbing your pretty thighs together. Why dont you just come over here and spread them open for me to play with, hm~?”
V (volume) - hes loud and proud. He almost WANTS people to hear how good hes getting it. He whimpers and moans when he cums, groans and mewls when you take control over his tired body (his sounds alone could make you cum over and over, and he knows it)
W (wild card) - mellos kind of a secluded guy, and as much as you think you know everything about him, theres always gonna be something that hes keeping secret. Which is exactly why it surprised you when he subtly mentioned his desire to be covered in hickies and love bites. Of course, he got what he wanted (and you may have escaped with 1 or 2 or 5 of his own marks across your body)
X (xray) - hes pretty average length, about 8, maybe 8.5 inches, but he still manages to drive you absolutely feral with the way he fucks you.
Y (yearning) - hes a raging manwhore and nothing anyone says can change my mind about that. Your always on his mind, your pretty lips both of them,your plush thighs that feel like cotton candy in his hands; he can daydream forever. You two usually have full on sex (not counting quickies) about 3-4 times a week.
Z (zzz) - hes out quick when you two are finished. Hes tired after a long few hours of countless orgasms <3
AN: AH i love doing these sm 🤭 can you tell i went with a theme on this one🙏 THX FOR THE ASK I RLY APPRECIATE IT💍💍💍🫶🫶🫶
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