#its sebastian sitting with his legs crossed while looking at mia and its my favorite part of the movie
midnightcradle · 4 years
Fears Headcannons
Here’s some headcannons of the Ikevamps with an MC with a fear of thunderstorms, ghosts, the dark, and bugs. Hope you enjoy!
Theo understands your fear all too  well. He has his own fear of cats, after all.
 When a pretty bad thunderstorm hits and he notices your hands shaking, he knows exactly how you’re feeling
Without asking any questions, he takes your hand
Theo gathers an assortment of blankets and pillows on the way to his destination
He leads you right to the cellar of the mansion and ignores your questions
He sets up the blankets and pillows in a corner and flops down, tugging you down with him
“You’re scared of thunderstorms, right? It’s not as loud down here.” He opens his arms wide, “So I’ll cuddle you for as long as you need.” 
He’ll play with your hair and distract you with stories from his childhood
You and Theo stay down in the cellar together for quite some time, even after the storm has passed
Mozart finds thunderstorms incredibly annoying
The cracks of thunder disturb him while writing music and while playing 
He’ll roll his eyes and seek inspiration for his music elsewhere
This leads him right to your room
He’s surprised to see you in bed with the covers over your head. Sleeping this late in the day?
When he calls your name, you let out a yelp
Only then does he realize what’s going on
Just like you helped him overcome his fear of carriages, he wants to help with your fear
He’ll lead you right back to the music room and sit you down at the piano bench beside him
Mozart will play you your favorite songs in hopes of distracting you from the thunder and lightning
He’ll even teach you to play a few simple songs
Vincent very much enjoys thunderstorms
Dark clouds and heavy rain make him feel at peace somehow
But when you come into his room with tears streaming down your face, he’d do absolutely anything for the storm to go away
Vincent doesn’t really have any fears, so it’s difficult for him to understand your fear
Despite this, he’ll comfort you however he can
He’ll pull you to his chest and tell you to listen to his heart beating instead of the thunder
Kisses, cuddles, and sweet words will distract you from the storm outside
Theo thought it would be funny to tell you that the mansion is haunted one night as he passed you by in the hallway
It was a joke, of course. Or was it?
Joke or not, you're now on edge
While cleaning up in the library, you hear the floor creak behind you and a shriek escapes your lips
“Sorry, luv. Didn’t mean to scare you.” Arthur gives you an apologetic smile as he wraps his arms around you
Arthur didn't think much of it. He thought he just happened to startle you
But as days go by, he notices that you're acting differently. 
One night he decides to visit your room to ask you about it
His footsteps echo in the empty hallway, and when he stops outside your door he hears a whimper from inside.
“Darling, are you alright?” He opens the door and is surprised to see you in bed with a blanket over you
“Oh, Arthur! I thought you were a ghost.” 
“So ghosts have been distracting you this whole time? I’m rather jealous.” He frowns
That night he decides to lavish you with love, leaving no room for anymore thoughts of those pesky ghosts
His name is all you’ll be thinking about
Dazai had no idea you were afraid of ghosts until he told a ghost story
He took your silence as interest, and told the scariest story he could come up with
It wasn't until he finished that he realized the fear in your eyes
“Toshiko-san, it was only a story. Like a fairytale.” He reassures you, but the damage is done
His story has made you paranoid as can be, flinching at every little noise you hear
Dazai feels guilty, of course, and decides to take you on a date into town
He does everything he can to take your mind off of the ghost story
He’ll take you on an extravagant tour of Paris, showing you every nook and cranny
At the end of the day, you’re so tired and content with your date that you forget all about the spooky story
Once you’re asleep in his arms, he’ll stroke your hair and whisper a sincere apology
Shakespeare’s place is a little eerie, especially at night
Strange things seem to happen, too
One night while enjoying your tea, a book falls from its place on the table
Another night it’s the sound of something moving around upstairs that startles you
Shakespeare doesn't think much of it, but your mind starts to spiral
The breaking point is your teacup falling and shattering, when no one was anywhere near it
“Shakespeare,” You grab onto his sleeve nervously. “Your house isn’t haunted, is it?”
Your question makes Shakespeare laugh
“Forgive me, my dear. But you needn’t worry.” He stands and crosses the room to pick something up
And settles down a warm furry bunny onto your lap
“This is Puck. No ghosts at al, just a naughty bunny” 
He sits beside you and pets your hair while you pet Puck
The Dark  
Comte picks up on your likes and dislikes pretty quickly
He strives to make you comfortable and happy
He notices that at night you always carry a candle while walking the hallways
Almost instantly, he has more lanterns installed in the hallways 
He gifts you the most beautiful candelabra for your room, with lavender scented candles to go with it. All with the hopes of easing your fear of the dark
And when you spend the night in his room, he keeps a couple of candles lit throughout the entire night
“I hope these candles will make you feel more at ease, ma chérie”
“I always feel at ease. And it’s not because of the candles, it’s because of you” 
Napoleon thinks your fear of the dark is pretty cute
Especially because of the way you cling to him at night
But in order to help you conquer your fear, he tries to put you in situations that might help
He’ll take you on long walks at night
He doesn't mind how hard your grip his hand, or how many times you need to be reassured that everything’s okay
He’s there to show you that the dark can't hurt you and that there’s nothing to fear
At the end of the night, he’ll reward you and show you that good things can happen in the dark 
Isaac doesn't really understand your fear
He’ll ask you to tell him about it, and he’ll listen intently as you explain your fear
Even though talking about your fear out loud makes you feel ridiculous, Isaac reassures you that there’s nothing to be ashamed about
Ever since learning about your fear, Isaac makes sure that he’s there for you whenever you have to face the dark
Everyday he’ll make sure he’s by your side before nightfall
When it’s already dark out, he’ll meet you in your bedroom so you don’t have to walk to his room in the dim hallway
To make you feel more comfortable at night, he’ll leave the window wide open to let the moonlight in
And if that’s not enough, he’ll pepper your cheeks with kisses to distract you from your fear
Your fear of bugs doesn't go unnoticed by Sebastian
While gardening together, you can’t help but scream when a bee buzzes by your ear
And when a beetle nearly lands in your hair, you’re nearly in tears
Sebastian does his best to calm you down by telling you these bugs won’t harm you
He sends you back inside where it's safe from all the bugs
He’ll prepare you a snack and a cup of tea to calm your nerves
Sebastian promises that he won’t let any bug come near you while he’s around
Jean heard your scream coming from the library and he bolted 
He went in with his hand on the hilt of his belt, prepared to fight anyone who would dare make his Mademoiselle scream like that
He lets out a sigh of relief to see you unharmed and alone in the library
“What is it, Mademoiselle?” He asks
His heart drops once more when he notices the tears in your eyes
“Spider,” you manage to say 
The spider in question is nothing but a daddy long leg, but Jean fixes a stern look on his face 
“You’ve frightened her.” He’ll pick the spider up and set it back down outside
You can count on Jean to get rid of any bug in your path
Leonardo had brought a walking stick bug into his room after finding it outside
He made a quick sketch of it and let it crawl on his hand and up his arm
When you came into his room, you smiled and him and walked closer to see what he was sketching
“A bug?” Your smile quickly turns into a frown
“It’s called a phasmatodea. See?” He gestures with his chin to where the bug rests on his arm
You let out a gasp and nearly fall over in your haste to get away
“Cara mia? What’s wrong?” 
You dash out of his room without replying
“Sorry, buddy. It seems like she’s afraid of you.” Leonardo chuckles and takes the bug back outside to where he found it
Even though the bug is long gone, you refuse to enter his room for nearly a week
He doesn’t mind, though. He’ll wait as long as it takes for you to feel comfortable again
It just means that he gets to spend more time in your room for a change
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littlegrrl7 · 4 years
A Dance for Three
Ikemen Vampire Big Bang 2021
Pairing: Comte/Leonardo/MC
Smut with plot 18+ NSFW
Masterlist for 7 chapters 17k words
read on Ao3
Chapter 2- Temptation
 The stiff crinoline of Niamh’s skirts crinkled in the tight confines of the carriage. She crossed her legs again in a rustle of mauve taffeta and starched black lace, drawing Leonardo's attention. Comte had picked the day dress for her to wear on the outing. The neckline was a low oval that left her feeling like the tops of her breasts were on display, like an offering. The day was far too hot for a wrap, but she had brought one anyway, draping it over her shoulders for some bit of modesty. She could feel his eyes skim over her quivering flesh at every bounce of the carriage. Niamh struggled not to blush, but it was an uphill battle.
 Suddenly, the carriage pitched backward, tossing her into his lap. Apologies log-jammed in her throat as her face pressed against his broad chest.
 Niamh breathed in.
 Ahhh, the scent of him, that sweet tobacco and clove that clung to his skin. Her hands fisted in his lapels, trying to right herself.
 “Easy, cara mia, the road can be rough here. Would you prefer to sit next to me? I’ll hold you steady.” Leonardo's strong arms lifted her, seating her next to him on the poorly sprung leather bench. Leo held her close, his arm casually laid over her shoulders, drawing Niamh into his chest. She breathed in again, god how she had missed the virile scent of his skin. They had never gone beyond a single passionate kiss; Leonardo had put up too many walls. But she had missed him holding her close.
 “Thank you.” She settled her gloved hands awkwardly in her lap.
 “Is there a reason you wanted to come to town with me today, Niamh?” He lit a cigarillo and slid the small window open, flicking the ash out of it.
 “We haven’t spent much time together lately. To be honest, I’ve missed your company.” She looked up at him, her pale blue eyes so earnest. “We never did speak of what happened.”
 “Did you feel a need to? You seem content.” Leonardo lounged, long legs stretched out before him. He inhaled again, blowing the smoke out a small window.
 “I am... we are. But you didn’t expect me to remain in this time, did you?” She was still looking up at him, but he slid his eyes away, gazing out at the passing streets.
 “Comte is a good man and my oldest friend. You make each other happy, it’s enough for me to be happy for you.” She didn’t miss the small bitter twist to his lips. Niamh studied his profile a moment, from the sweep of his ash-brown hair to the tenseness of his jaw. Inevitably, his gaze returned to hers.
 Her breath hitched at the longing in his burnished gold eyes.
 “The two of you have a good thing,” Leonardo continued, taking her hand. He brushed a light kiss over her knuckles, warming the silk of her glove, “I know he will always cherish you.” Then he released her to gaze again out the window and said no more. The only sound within the carriage was his inhaling as he took the soothing smoke from his favorite vice into his lungs.
 Niamh watched Leonardo fix things from a park bench across the way. His usual crowd of admirers surrounded him. That familiar ache had never gone away, the loss of him. She closed her eyes for a moment remembering the first night she had met Leonardo. She had been in such a panic, stirred up over her predicament. Falling back in time two hundred years into a den of vampires? It had been too much.
 Then he had kissed her, surrounded her in his comforting warmth, and her plight didn’t seem so bad. Niamh remembered the feel of his broad chest pressed to hers. The safety of Leonardo's arms around her like corded steel, lifting her to him. The softness of his lips caressing her mouth, teasing her lips open. And oh, the taste of him, virile strength, she had melted against him, her body surrendering to his whims.
 But he had asked for nothing but her companionship. They had so many good memories together. But he had never let their relationship progress, even when it was obvious they both wanted more.
 Her eyes opened, and she watched as another person thrust some broken thing at him to mend in the park square. That was him, fixing the broken, always giving, never taking anything for himself.
 Not even her when she offered.
 Niamh blinked back tears at the familiar pain of the night he turned her down. Oh, Leo had been gentle enough, but he still made it clear she should return home. It was Comte who found her crying in the gardens later that evening. Comte, who gently took care of her, who soon confessed his love to her, who eventually asked her to stay.
 Niamh gazed up at the bright blue summer sky of Paris, watching the birds flit from tree to tree in the park. It had been over a year; she loved Comte, he was a sweet, attentive man.
 But she never forgot her feelings for Leonardo.
 “Cara mia,” Niamh looked up, and he stood before her haloed by the sun, his ancient golden eyes so warm. Leonardo held out his hand to her with a smile, “Let’s get you some lunch, yea? You can’t be ogling me all day on an empty stomach.”
 She swatted at him with her tiny purse. “The conceit! I wasn’t ogling you.” Niamh placed her hand in his, relishing the warm roughness of it. So different from Comte’s smooth gentleman hands.
 “Scusa,” he grinned that jackass smile of his, tucking her hand into the crook of his arm as they strolled down the street, “and what would you call it?”
 “Merely appreciating a master at his work.” She glanced sideways at his handsome profile, a grin tugging her lips.
 He patted her hand consolingly. “If that is what you would like to call it-“
 His grin got wider.
  Leo paused, studying her a moment as she huffed at him in mock affront. She had always been adorable. He loved getting Niamh all stirred up, seeing her fiery side lit. Unconsciously he steered her toward her favorite outdoor café, one they had been to many times. Sweet memories of the two of them flitted through his head as he held the chair out for her. Leonardo’s eyes roamed again over her figure; his fingers lightly brushed her bare shoulders as he pushed her chair to the table.
 “You look lovely today, Niamh, that dress is an attractive color on you.” His eyes weren’t on the mauve dress, but on the way the black lace framed the mounded curves of her breasts that swelled over the cusp with each breath.
 “Thank you, Comte picked it out this morning.” She picked up the menu, her eyes moving over the script.
 Leonardo busied himself with a napkin in his lap.
     Comte, what are you doing to me? Why send the woman you love out dressed like a tempting confection?    
 He breathed in. Niamh smelled of crisp linen and lilacs. After breakfast she must have bathed, eradicating the enticing scent of her morning pleasure to be replaced with the sweet innocence of her own perfume. Leonardo’s eyes skimmed the bare curve of her neck, the skin unblemished. At least Comte had healed her before sending her out into society. It wouldn’t do to have lover’s marks on display in public for all to see. His gaze wandered downward, wondering if the stiff cloth of her expensive dress hid any private marks. Visions of undressing her filled Leonardo’s thoughts. His lips covering her flesh where Comte’s had, tasting him on her skin, that heady mix of arousal and possession overtook him, and he could feel his cock stirring. It pressed uncomfortably against the confines of his pants.
 “Are you getting anything, Leonardo?” Her eyes were still on the paper menu, pink lips pressed together in thought. He remembered the pillowy softness of her lower lip as it was sucked. Leo shifted in his chair, sliding the napkin over his tenting trousers.
 “Dessert, the apple tarts here are delicious.” It wasn’t the sweetness that he desired, but it would have to do. He gave her up, a decision he would have plenty of time to regret. He might as well enjoy the day with her, pretending for a short time that Niamh could be his again if only in his mind.
 Her meal came and with it the blissful peace of not having to make conversation. Of being able to covertly watch those luscious lips accept food, watching her enjoy each mouthful. Niamh’s expressions of pleasure were so unrestrained he could only imagine if she was like this in public how much more so she would be in private.
 In his room...
 Straddling his lap while he made love to her.
 Leonardo tore his eyes from her, spooning another bite of the apple tart into his mouth. It tasted of ash. Nothing had brought pleasure since he denied himself her. He looked out into the park with its perfectly groomed pathways and rose hedges. Couples walked conversing, children played; it was an idyllic afternoon to spend with someone you cherished.
 He cleared his throat.
 “Comte tells me you are thinking of restarting your travel tour business?” Leonardo covered the rest of his dessert with his napkin, leaving it unfinished. Niamh raised one perfectly arched brow.
 “It’s a consideration, I was going to start with guided tours of Paris and see where it goes from there.” She finished her meal, taking a sip of her drink. “I’m trying to talk Comte into hiring a few maids. It’s ridiculous to expect Sebastian and me to manage the entire mansion and its residents. That should free me up to pursue my own interests.”
 “Would you be giving these tours yourself?” Leonardo paid for the meal, then taking her hand, he tucked it into the fold of his arm. They'd walk along the river, Leo decided. Somewhere it was quiet so he could enjoy her company alone for a short time.
 “Well, initially, yes, but eventually I would want to manage a staff.” Niamh looked down at the cobbled path, her dainty black boots peeking and disappearing from her voluminous skirts as they walked. They were as fashionable as everything else she wore, Comte made sure she wanted for nothing.
 “Scusa, cara mia, but there are parts of Paris that are quite unfit for a lady.”
 “Well, I wouldn’t be giving a tour of those parts, silly.” She gave him a playful swat, and his heart fluttered. Niamh’s blue eyes sparkled brighter than the June sky. “Besides, I could always ask one of the residents to come along, I am sure Napoleon or Jean wouldn’t mind escorting me.”
 Her skirts rustled seductively against his legs as she walked beside him. The scent of Niamh’s perfume cradled his senses, igniting his fantasies of being tangled with her in the throes of passion. Her breast brushed his arm, where she leaned into him, and every nerve felt inflamed. The tingling of desire chased around his body to tighten things low in his groin.
 “I would do it,” Leonardo’s voice came out edged with need. He turned to face her, pausing them under the long, secluding branches of a willow tree. His burnished gold eyes didn’t hide the affection he still held for her.
 “That is very sweet of you, Leo.” Niamh smiled again, and it held all the warmth of the summer sun. Impulsively, she stood up on her toes, brushing an affectionate kiss over his cheek. “I could always count on you.”
 Leo turned his head, capturing her lips; he shouldn’t, she wasn’t his to kiss. But she was there, and his, if only for this moment in his mind. God, she was so warm. The taste of her was even sweeter than he had remembered. Leonardo brought his hand up to tenderly cup the back of her head, his other hand pressed the small of her back, holding Niamh close.
 To his surprise, she didn’t pull away or resist. She melted against him, her mouth opening to his gentle pressure. Her hands gripped the lapels of his jacket, she teased and tasted and then moaned so softly against him. Leo explored her slowly, feeling every bit of her, sucking Niamh’s pouty lower lip, as he had dreamed of doing. He took a breath, leaning his forehead against hers.
 This was his oldest friend’s lover, he shouldn’t-
 Niamh threaded her hands through his hair, pulling him back down to her. Her mouth angling over his, greedily. Sharp teeth grazed his lip, and he let out an anguished cry before she soothed him with her tongue. Leonardo buried his hands in her strawberry blonde hair, ravaging her lips, and she returned his attentions passionately. He leaned her back against the tree, pressing his full body to hers. Niamh’s thighs opened, and he stood in the crispness of her skirts, desiring the fabric gone so he could feel the press of his flesh against hers.
 “Leonardo…” His name traveled out on a breathless gasp. How many times in his fevered late-night fantasies had he dreamed of his name on her lips as he pleasured himself? And now here she was in his arms…
     But she’s not yours…  
 An annoying voice echoed in his head, he couldn’t do this. Leonardo reluctantly pulled away from her heated embrace.
 “Apologies, Niamh, I forgot myself. Let me escort you back to the carriage to take you home.”
 In her eyes was the same disbelieving look she gave him the night he said he wouldn’t be her lover. Her face flushed as anger replaced it. She took a step away, straightened her clothing, then the stinging slap came.
 He deserved that. Leonardo turned his face from her. He let the pain of it coat his cheek and stab into his heart.
     She’s not yours, and never will be.  
 Niamh's leather shoes clacked an angry staccato against the cobblestone path as she returned the way they had come. Reluctantly he trailed after her, damn Comte to hell for ever putting him in this situation. And damn himself for not showing a modicum of restraint when entrusted with another man’s woman.
 When they reached the carriage, Leo put out a hand to help her up, which she ignored in favor of awkwardly wrestling with her skirts. She sat ramrod straight, eyes ahead as he watched her from the door. With a long sigh, he asked the driver to take her home, repeated the address, and closed the door, watching the carriage depart.
 Maybe he was a coward, but he couldn’t sit for over an hour with her in that tight, confined space. He couldn’t smell her perfume on his clothing, taste the heat of her passion, and pretend nothing had happened. This made the previous kiss they had shared pale by comparison. Leo raked a hand through his hair. He had undoubtedly botched this. He should have continued to stay in the shadows.
  Niamh stared out the carriage window as they pulled away. He wasn’t coming?
     It was all just fine.  
 How could he kiss her like that? What right did he have? And dammit, why the hell did she kiss him back? It would have been easy enough to pull away, to act shocked, to laugh it off. To do anything but what she had done.
 She melted into his arms like she belonged there.
     Damn it.  
 Niamh tapped her fingers along the wood frame of the window. How was she going to tell Comte this?
     Oh, by the way, I snogged Leo today. It was every bit as delightful as I thought it would be. Tea? Baguette?  
 Perfect, just perfect. Comte was loving, attentive, romantic, he fulfilled her every need - why on earth would she ever look outside her relationship with him?
 To something that was…
 She crumpled the delicate fabric of her skirts in her hands, unconsciously turning them into a wrinkled mess.
 She wouldn’t mention it. Niamh doubted Leo would say anything. It was a mistake, an error. She was only human, after all.
 She could still feel the heat of the passion he held for her in his kiss. The way his large calloused hands had stroked over her, pressing her body firmly to his. Leonardo’s sweet tobacco scent still clung to her clothes, overloading her senses with desire for him.
     Just perfect.  
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mnthpprt · 4 years
Chapter 26: Buongiorno Principessa
I wake up to Lumière scratching the window. I glance at Leonardo. He is still asleep. I carefully untangle my body from his and tip toe across the room to let the cat in. He meows at me and bumps his head against my arm from the table, asking for attention, so I pick him up and carry him to the bed.
The second I let go of him, he starts purring and curls up next to Leonardo’s face. I watch, amused, as Lumière begins to lick the man’s hair, which gets caught in his rough tongue, causing him to jolt back and try to push it away with his paws.
My laughter wakes up Leonardo, whose eyes flutter open, and he sleepily pulls me onto the bed and holds me tight against him. Displeased, the cat jumps down and lays on the pile of my clothes on the floor, earning another chuckle from me.
“Buongiorno, cara mia,” Leonardo purrs, kissing my neck. I turn my head for my lips to meet his.
“Good morning,” I smile. “I wish I could stay, but I’m late for work.”
“Nooo,” he frowns. “But you feel so good, principessa. Please don’t go.”
I softly pry his arms from my body and pull away before giving him a quick peck on the cheek.
“Sebastian won’t be happy. Besides, I’ll see you later. You never seem to have any trouble finding me.” I turn to my clothes on the floor, which Lumière has turned into his new bed. “Sorry, little guy, but I need to take that. Go find another bed.” The cat stares at me for a few seconds, as if assessing if I am being serious, but eventually gives in, leaping away with a annoyed meow. “Thank you.”
While the clothes on the top have dried overnight, the bottom of the pile is still damp. And now they are covered in cat hair, too. I remember it’s laundry day, so I better take these to Sebastian before he starts.
Leonardo gets up and pulls me into a kiss before I reach the door. He’s making it harder for me to leave, but my will pulls through. I step out onto the hallway wearing nothing but his large shirt and my shoes from last night, carrying the rest of my clothes in my arms.
“You’re late,” Sebastian states when I walk into the kitchen, not looking up from the coffee he’s pouring. “I went to wake you up, but you weren’t in your... Oh.”
He raises his eyebrows when he finally sees me. I casually throw the clothes into a basket and take the coffee from his hands, sniffing the steam that rises from the cup. Sweet caffeinated ambrosia.
“Is that... Is that Leonardo’s?” he stammers. My gaze falls to the tiled floor as I blush. “Oh my god! Tell me everything!” He scrambles to pull a small notebook from his back pocket, along with a ballpoint pen, getting ready to write.
“I’m not telling you shit about my sex life, you weirdo!” I scoff, mockingly offended, but then a smile creeps onto my lips. I take a cautious sip of the hot drink and twirl away from him, giggling. “It was great. That’s it, Seb. That’s all you’re getting.”
“How long have you two been a thing?” he asks. I climb onto the counter, innocently dangling my legs in the air.
“About a week. But we didn’t... you know... until last night.”
“I can’t believe I missed that,” Sebastian mutters. To be fair, I don’t know how he didn’t notice earlier, either. He knows everything that goes on here. He scribbles something in his notebook before putting it away and handing me a muffin. “Here, try this.”
I bite into it without question, and let out a little pleasured noise. It’s blueberry, my favorite.
“This is bomb,” I announce with my mouth full, pointing at the muffin. I wash it down with some coffee before I continue. “Sebastian, I fucking love you. This is officially the best thing I have ever eaten.”
“You’re welcome,” he chuckles smugly.
I keep eating as he returns to his task. After I finish, I jump down from the counter and set the empty cup by the sink.
“I need a bath. Gotta go,” I say, blowing him a kiss from the door.
Later that day, Dazai comes to find me in the garden. When I see him approach, I stop trimming the hedge and climb off the step ladder, leaving the large shears on top of it.
“Good afternoon, Akari-san!” he greets me cheerfully. As usual, he calls me by a completely random name. I have given up on trying to correct him.
“Dazai,” I smile. “Can I help you with anything?”
“I can’t seem to finish this poem, but that’s not why I came. Perhaps some other time.”
“Oh? Then what is it?”
“Le Comte is waiting for you in his study,” he says. Weird, I can’t think of what he might want to talk about. Maybe he found out about me and Leonardo.
I thank Dazai and head inside. Before I knock on the door, I hear le Comte humming a melody inside. I feel bad for interrupting. His voice is angelical.
“You wanted to see me?” I say when he invites me in, gesturing for me to sit. There is a tray with two empty cups and a tea pot on the small table by the hourglass. I get comfortable on one of the armchairs, crossing my legs.
“Tea?” he offers, and I accept. He pours some in a cup and hands it to me. “I realized we haven’t spent much time together during your stay. I would be a terrible host, were I not to spend some time with my guest, don’t you think, ma chérie?”
“I guess,” I shrug, still unsure of where this is going. He definitely knows. “Is there anything in particular you’d like to talk about?”
“Well, I am aware of your and Leonardo’s relationship.” There it goes, straight to the point. “I am happy for you two. My dear friend certainly seems brighter.”
Oh, thank God.
“I am glad to hear that, Comte,” I smile. “I must admit I was nervous about you finding out. It’s a bit of a... complicated situation, and I don’t really know how to go about it, to be honest.”
He thoughtfully sips his tea before speaking again.
“Anaïs, do you wish to stay here?” I don’t answer. Instead, I bite my lip, pondering my options. “I would like you to know that you are welcome to stay at the mansion for as long as you like. However, once you go through that door, it will disappear from your time, and you will never be able to access it again.”
“I don’t know,” I finally sigh. “That means I don’t necessarily have to go back in a week, right? It will open again?” He nods. “I do want to stay longer, but... Forever is a big commitment. There are people that I care about in 2020, but I have come to care about you all, too. I know I would miss you if I left.”
Le Comte sighs, a sad smile on his lips.
“I dread the day that you do,” he says softly, “but the choice is yours and yours only.”
There is something in his voice that I can’t quite place. It sounds like regret, but there is more to it, somehow. Damn these pureblood vampires, always so hard to read.
“I guess... I’ll have to wait and see,” I conclude.
“There is no rush for you to decide, ma chérie. How was the exhibition yesterday?” he changes the topic, his charming smile returning to his face. “It is a shame that I could not attend.”
“It was great. Theo has so much talent for these things, all the pieces displayed were amazing. And Vincent’s paintings were beautiful, as always,” I recall, thinking of the portrait he made of me. “Oh, and I met Émile Zola! He was there too, and he loved it. We even talked for a bit, but I feel a little bad. The poor man doesn’t know what’s coming.”
Le Comte tilts his head, a curious expression on his face.
“What do you man, ma chérie?”
“J’Accuse,” I simply answer. He nods, understanding exactly what I am referring to. Four years from now, Zola will publish an open letter in a newspaper, denouncing the antisemitism and injustice of those involved in the Dreyfus affair. He will be brought to trial and sentenced for libel after a long and messy judicial process.
We discuss that for a while, during which I finish my tea. He serves me more, and I thank him, before he asks me about my life in the 21st century.
“I would like to know more about you,” he says. “I saw you roller skate. Competitively?”
“I used to, but I quit when I began working.”
“You are a chemist specialized in antiques conservation, correct?” I nod. He chuckles. “Ah, I was wondering what you spend so much time researching in the library. Leonardo told me.”
“Yeah, he’s been helping me with it,” I smile. “I like to borrow his genius every once in a while.”
“What about your family?” he asks, and immediately apologizes when he sees my face change. “Forgive me, I do not mean to pry.”
“No, no, it’s fine,” I reassure him. “My family is complicated, at best. My sister is the only one I keep in contact with, but we don’t talk much. She just started university this year, in Milan. She would swoon if she saw the dresses you’ve given me,” I chuckle. “She studies fashion design.”
Though our relationship is strained, I am as proud of her as an older sister can be. Despite the fallout with our parents taking its toll, I will always care deeply about her, and I must admit that seeing Vincent and Theo be so close makes me a bit jealous. 
“My friends are a different story, though,” I continue, unprompted. “I guess you could call them my chosen family.” Le Comte listens attentively, clearly wanting to know more. “There’s Jack and Carlos back in London. I shared a flat with them as a student, and we are still very close. Then there’s Mila.” I look up at le Comte, suddenly remembering something. “I’ve been meaning to ask, if I go through the door would I return to the same time that I left? Or will it be a month later?”
“It’s hard to tell,” he answers thoughtfully. “When I use it, time passes on the other side, too. But as a pureblood vampire, I can come and go as I please, within the door’s rules, of course. A human going through it is something unprecedented, so I truly do not know what would happen.”
“Damnit,” I mutter. When he gives me a questioning look, I explain. “You know, when I came here? I was supposed to pick up Mila at the airport the day after. She’s going to be furious when I get back.”
“Pick her up?” he asks. “I was under the impression that you were just visiting Paris.”
“Well, yeah, but I come so often I practically live here,” I laugh before sipping my tea. Le Comte mimics me, waiting for me to keep talking. “Mila is my oldest friend. She’s French, but I met her in my hometown when her father worked there for a few years. She lives in Montparnasse now. She had to travel somewhere right before I got here, so she left me her car and the keys to her apartment, which I was going to stay in anyway. Hence, well, me picking her up when she came back from... New Zealand, I think it was? I have no clue,” I conclude with a chuckle.
“She sounds like an interesting person,” le Comte chimes in. I laugh.
“She is. I think you would like her.” 
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mnthpprt · 4 years
Chapter 29: Seeking The New Normal
When I enter the dining room, Isaac and Napoleon are both there, as well as le Comte.
“I am glad to see you are feeling better, ma chérie,” he greets me, looking up from his plate. “I did not want to bother you while you rested.”
“Thanks,” I say with a smile, sitting down next to him. There is an extra plate and cutlery on the table for me. I assume it was set in case I woke up. “What’s for dinner? I’m starving.”
“Boeuf bourguignon and vegetable flamiche,” Napoleon chimes in. “Sebastian’s out getting rouge, so I made dinner today. Here, try this.”
He scoops a slice of flamiche onto my plate, and I immediately cut a bite sized portion and bring it to my mouth.
“Holy shit, Napo, this is amazing,” I moan with my mouth full. I quickly chew and swallow before speaking again. “I had no idea you could cook.”
“What can I say, I’m good for more than just sword fighting,” he winks before changing the topic. “I am so sorry I did not visit you, Anaïs. I tried to as soon as I got back the other night and found out what happened, but you were unconscious. You should be more careful, nunuche.”
“Hey, j’suis pas nunuche!” I complain in French with a laugh. I know he uses the word as a term of endearment, so maybe it means something else to him, but in my time it translates to stupid or silly.
“You are, though,” Isaac mutters. “What you did was reckless and stupid,” he quietly scolds me, his eyes fixed on his food. Le Comte awkwardly clears his throat. I can tell he agrees with Isaac, but he’s too polite to say it.
“Look,” I say. “I already got the talk from Leonardo, okay? The last thing I need is you all acting like concerned parents. I am a grown woman, and I’m fine.”
To signal the end of this conversation, I angrily shove a forkful of beef stew into my mouth. Napoleon and le Comte exchange a look, but I ignore it, choosing to focus on the delicious dinner instead.
“So, Anaïs, I would like you to go into town with me and Isaac when you feel well enough to leave the mansion,” Napoleon says. Isaac looks up from his plate, and to my surprise, he doesn’t protest. “We thought it would be a good idea for you to get out, and there’s something we’d like to show you.”
Isaac nods quietly. Okay, now I am really intrigued. I wonder what it is. I better heal quickly, then. Suddenly, a thought pops into my head.
“What day is it today?” I ask. Le Comte tilts his head.
“Thursday, why?”
“Shakespeare’s new play premieres tomorrow,” I explain, relieved that I didn’t miss it. “I promised him I’d go to the opening night.”
“Ma chérie, are you sure you’re well enough?” I nod. “In that case, you’ll need a new dress.”
“Oh, no! There is no need, I can just wear this one.”
“I insist,” he smiles. “It is the least I can do. Please, my chérie, allow me.”
“Okay,” I sigh. “Thanks, Comte.” I turn to Isaac and Napoleon. “I guess I can go with you two and leave before the play starts, no? Do you think I could make it in time?”
“I don’t see why not,” Napoleon shrugs. Isaac, who has been quietly listening, resumes eating, and I mimic him. The table is taken over by a comfortable silence as we finish our dinner.
Afterwards, I head to the library, hoping to see Leonardo. I want to let him know I’m feeling better. I find him smoking by the window, sitting cross legged on the armchair, absorbed by whatever’s in his notebook. I wrap my arms around him from behind and start kissing down his neck.
“Surprise,” I purr into his ear, before walking around the chair to sit on his lap. “What are you working on this time?” I ask, recognizing the look of concentration on his face.
“A self-winding watch,” he states. He does not say anything else. No romantic greeting, no ‘cara mia’. I lean into him, begging for attention, and return to laying kisses all over him, but he gently swats me away. “I’m busy, cara mia.”
Ouch. Normally, he’d be all over me by now, and have no qualms about leaving whatever he was doing aside, but this... His attitude, though gentle, is unusually cold. I don’t know what I did wrong, but I know he would not tell me if I asked, so I resign myself to believing he is just busy. With a displeased sigh, I climb off of him and pull out a random book from the shelf to pass the time.
For the next hour or so, I quietly watch him from the table as I pretend to read. Leonardo glances up once and catches me, but quickly goes back to pretending I’m not even there. It hurts. He does not say a single word, and I eventually get bored of this stupid game and leave him to his own devices, opting to take a bath instead. I need to clear my head.
“Mind if I join?” I ask, approaching the water. I was hoping to find the thermae empty, but I don’t mind the Van Gogh brothers’ company. If anything, I need a distraction.
“Uh... You don’t mind that we’re here?” Vincent stammers. I shake my head and look at Theo for approval.
“Come on in, hondje,” he says, rolling his eyes. I coincided with him and Arthur not too long ago, so he is already aware of my lack of bashfulness when it comes to nudity. I take no pleasure in showing off my body, but I think it would be silly to miss out on bathing just because a boy might look at me. 
I discard my robe and step into the warm water next to them. Like last time, Theo does his best to ignore me, while Vincent shuffles closer to gently lift my arm.
“Is that...?”
“Yeah,” I say simply. I don’t often see the back of my arm, so I tend to forget that tattoo is there at all.
“You weren’t kidding when you said I was your favorite,” he laughs. “Why did you get it?” I turn my back towards him so he can better see it, and his fingers lightly trace the black and grey flower.
“Well, I wanted a sunflower,” I explain, smiling, “and I just happened to really like yours. But color washes me out, so that’s why I got it in black.”
“It looks... different,” he mutters. “I like it.”
Theo, who has been relaxing with his eyes closed a few feet away from us, perks up to glance at me. I lift up my arm to show him the tattoo, and he nods, pleased.
“You have good taste, hondje.” Of course he would say that. It’s his beloved broer’s piece, after all.
“I know,” I chuckle. I hear a splash, and my eyes widen when I spot something moving behind him. “Um, guys...” I tap Vincent’s shoulder, slightly panicked. “Why is there a racoon in here?”
The racoon, meanwhile, gives me a blank stare and continues to splash water onto its face with it’s little hands.
“Brush! You’re not allowed to be here!” Vincent exclaims, swiftly standing up and climbing out of the water to pick up the animal in his arms. I look away, amused, to give him some privacy. He seems to have forgotten that he is, indeed, completely naked. “How did you get in, buddy?”
He runs out into the hallway like that, cradling the racoon like a baby. Seconds later, he returns. Alone.
“You have a racoon,” I state, incredulous, as he sinks into the water once again, nodding with a bright smile. I raise my eyebrow, confused. All I know about racoons is that they like getting in people’s trash and are considered a pest in some places. “Uh, okay... Why?”
“Why do I have him? Well, I found him as a baby and the mother never came back, so he just stuck around,” Vincent explains. “His name is Brush.”
“Aw, that’s adorable! Like a paintbrush?”
“No, like that thing that you and Sebastian use for cleaning,” he corrects me. Oh, he’s serious. I can’t help but start laughing uncontrollably, earning a glare from Theo.
I finally calm down, feeling a bit lightheaded. Must be the heat from the bath, making the blood loss I suffered much more evident. I ignore it.
“Theo, do you know Émile Zola? He was at the exhibition the other day,” I change the topic, remembering the encounter.
“I know of him, but him showing up was a surprise,” he says. “Why do you ask?”
“He said he wanted to write about it,” I explain. “Specifically, Vincent’s portrait of me. We had quite an interesting conversation about it, actually.”
Theo narrows his eyes. I can practically hear the cogs turning inside his head, wondering how he can make a business opportunity out of this casual acquaintanceship.
“I suppose I could put you in contact with him,” he finally concedes, thoughfully. “I’m too busy to meet, but if he wants to know more you wouldn’t mind to go in my place, would you, hondje?”
“Not at all,” I reply with a smile. The slight movement of my head makes the world around me start spinning, causing me to grip the edge of the pool. “I better get out, I’m getting dizzy.”
“Do you need help, Anaïs?” the older brother offers, reaching for my hand.
“Thanks, Vincent, but I think I’m fine.”
I manage to climb out of the water and slip into my bathrobe before making my way out, wobbling slightly. The fresh air of the hallway hits me, reinvigorating compared to the hot steam of the thermae. I slowly walk back to my bedroom and throw myself on the bed, nod bothering to get dressed before I fall asleep again.
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