#midnightcradle writes
midnightcradle · 4 years
Winter Days
It’s winter! Even if it doesn’t really feel like it where I’m from. Here’s some headcannons of the vamps during winter! A little short and not very well written but I hope you enjoy!
Arthur adores winter time in Paris
He has the cold air to thank for your pink cheeks and nose
After you get back from running errands in town, he’ll seek you out
“You’re so cold, love. Come to my room and I’ll warm you up.”
Despite his teasing tone, Arthur will do what he can for you to be warm
He’ll make you hot chocolate, help you to a bath, and cuddle you in bed after
“Your fingers are freezing.” He’ll say and take your hands and bring them up to his lips to kiss them until they’re warm again
Jean wouldn’t admit it, but he hates the cold
He can never seem to get warm no matter what he does
You take notice of how cold he is because of the way he shivers
You only have one solution: cuddle him
You’ll pull him into your room and wrap him in the many blankets on your bed
He’ll protest while his cheeks turn red
At least he’s warming up
Be the big spoon so he can warm up faster
He loves being cuddled by you, despite his contrary words
Napoleon takes you out on a “winter date” as often as he possibly can
He’ll take you outside to build snowmen or have a snowball fight
When you get too cold, he’ll take you to a cafe to buy hot chocolate and any other sweets you want 
On the walk back home to the mansion, he’ll lend you his scarf if you’re cold
“Is that not enough, nunuche?” He’ll tease when you continue to shiver
He’ll put an arm around your shoulder and pull you close to warm you up even further
“If this doesn’t work, I’ll have to resort to kissing you.”
Theo is surprisingly thoughtful during the winter
He’ll do whatever he can to keep his Hondje warm
He’s not one to sleep in, but he’ll keep you in bed for as long as he can
Your warmth is too difficult to let go of
He’ll tell you to stay in bed while he brings breakfast up
“It’s too cold outside of the covers, so let me feed you.” 
He’ll feed you breakfast and join you under the covers after
Le Comte
With Le Comte by your side, it’s nearly impossible to feel cold
Well before winter, Le Comte stocks your wardrobe up with beautiful winter attire
Coats, long sleeved dresses, scarves, you name it
Besides the warm clothes, Comte will always be there to warm you up himself
His favorite way of warming you up is by leading you to the thermae
“A nice bath will warm you right up, cherie”
He’ll step into the bath with you and wrap his arms around you to “help you get warm”
Really, he just loves touching you
He’ll pepper kisses along your shoulders and back as he helps you wash up
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midnightcradle · 4 years
Drunk Ikevamp Headcannons Part Two
Be sure to read part one for more vamps! I hope you enjoy part two!!
As a pureblood, it takes a lot for Leonardo to get even slightly tipsy
But on the rare occasion that Leonardo is drunk, he’s incredibly needy and clingy
“Cara mia, sit here with me.” He’ll say and pull her into his lap
Begs for kisses and caresses and can’t get enough of them
Don’t deny him of anything or he’ll pout for the rest of the day
Will pout until he gets what he wants
Surprisingly really good at puppy dog eyes
Once he shows those eyes, he can practically have anything he wants
Just like Leonardo, it’ll take a lot for him to get drunk
Le Comte is always calm and composed, never flustered or uncool
When drunk, the tiniest gestures from his significant other will have him weak in the knees
A simple kiss, hug, or smile will turn his cheeks the cutest shade of pink
“Ma cherie, how you make my heart race.” 
Super honest when drunk
He’ll talk about everything he loves about her to any poor soul who’s around
“She has the sweetest smile, you see. And the sweetest voice. She has this spot on her neck that really makes her sing-”
“Okay! That’s enough out of you.” He’ll be pulled away and be put to bed almost right away after that
“You’ll stay with me, right?” He refuses to let her go all night
It’s well known that Mozart is a happy drunk
You can expect endless smiles and giggles from him 
He’s openly sweet to his love when he’s drunk
He’ll stay by her side and make sure she’s okay
He’ll feed her dessert and refuse to let her do anything herself
“Are you tired? We can go to bed if you’d like.” 
Once in bed, he’ll hold her close
He’ll stroke her hair and watch her closely, waiting for her to fall asleep first
When stroking her hair won’t work, he resorts to singing her lullabies 
Mozart has the voice of an angel
He’ll sing to her until they’ve both fallen asleep
Everything Sebastian does is always so methodical and done with care
He keeps his feelings and secrets hidden
When he’s drunk, he spills his own secrets
His feelings for her are so overwhelming that he just has to tell her
Instead of flicking her on the forehead, he reaches out to stroke her hair
“How are you always so beautiful?” He whispers 
His fingers travel from her hair to her cheek, down to her lips.
“I wish you were mine. One day I’ll make you mine.” 
Vincent has never felt possessive of her before
But seeing her drinking and laughing with everyone else, he can't help but want to keep her all to himself
He makes his way across the room to her and slips his arm around her waist
“Oh, hi, Vincent!” She smiles up at him, and he just can't help himself
Knowing all eyes are on them, he kisses her hard
He’s proud of the blush that spreads across her cheeks
“Sorry. You just look so beautiful.” He says, but he’s not sorry at all
He clings to her side, refusing to let her go anywhere without him
He will physically separate anyone who comes too close to her
Poor Arthur didn’t stand a chance against Vincent’s strength
Shakespeare rarely has the desire to drink until he’s drunk
He knows all too well the feeling he gets when intoxicated
He feels incredibly lonely, more than usual
The only cure to this is to seek out her companionship
He’ll head over to the mansion in search of one person
His sweet maiden always has time to talk to him 
She’ll invite him to her room for tea, only pure intentions in mind
But Shakespeare needs more than just tea
He’ll sit closer to her than usual and come up with any excuse to touch her
He’ll purposefully brush her hand when reaching for the milk, or brush her hair away from her face
He’d never allow himself to do this when sober. His stained hands are not worthy of the feeling of her soft skin
Dazai isn’t any different when drunk, if we’re being honest
He’s completely aware of his actions as if he were sober
He uses this to his advantage, of course
He’ll do things simply to make Toshiko-san squirm
He’ll invite her out to the balcony for some “fresh air”
Only to gaze at her until she blushes
He’ll step closer to her until she’s close enough to touch
“Dazai-” She stutters as his fingers brush her ear
“There we are. It was just about to fall out.” He smiles after fixing her earring
“Oh- of course. Thank you.”
Dazai can’t help but lean in a little closer “Don’t tell me you’re disappointed. Did you want me to do more?”
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midnightcradle · 4 years
Drunk Ikevamp Headcannons
As the title suggest, here’s some headcannons on how some of the vampires are when drunk. Hope you enjoy!
It's not easy to get Theo tipsy, much less drunk
Thanks to Arthur’s help, Theo comes back to the mansion with a slight sway in his step
He claims to feel fine, but the flush on his cheeks says otherwise
At the sight of his Hondje chatting with Sebastian in the kitchen, his brows furrow angrily
“Oi, Hondje.” He wobbles over to her side, grabbing her by the waist and surprising her with a deep kiss.
For the rest of the evening, Theo clings to her side. 
Theo isn’t just clingy when drunk, but jealous, too. 
More than usual
He stares daggers at anyone who asks for her help, talks to her for too long, or at anyone who even looks at her. 
Will pull her away from anyone who is too close
Jean has never been a big drinker
When he sees his Mademoiselle drinking with the residents of the mansion, he surprises everyone by joining in
Not a glass of wine later, Jean is already drunk. 
His cheeks are tinted a sweet pink and he smiles unabashedly
When intoxicated, Jean becomes surprisingly affectionate
He’s not afraid to kiss his ma cherie, hug her, and hold her 
He’ll do it in front of the others without a second thought
Once alone, he’ll run his fingers through her hair, pepper kisses all over her face, and whisper sweet nothings into her ear
Isaac is normally soft spoken and seemingly timid
But when he’s drunk, that all changes
He’s brazen, bolder than anyone has ever seen him
One thing that surprises nearly everyone is how flirty Isaac is, and how good he is at it
He puts Arthur to shame
A huge tease
He’ll go in for a kiss, then stop an inch before kissing his love
“Tell me what you want.”
Will make her voice her desires with a smirk on his face
Napoleon is romantic without even trying
He’ll give his Nunuche random presents 
These gifts can range from anything from a necklace to a rock he found on his way home
No matter the item, Napoleon can make it seem like pure gold with just a few words
“This rock reminded me of you, it’s small but strong. Just like you.”
Random gifts are often paired with random dates
A picnic on the roof of the mansion, a sleep over under the gazebo in the garden, or a late night walk to a field of flowers 
Napoleon can make these random dates a hundred times better than a date to a five star restaurant 
Arthur is super sweet when drunk
He craves his sweet bird’s attention
He won’t be happy until her arms are wrapped around him
Is the little spoon when intoxicated
Arthur opens up and voices his most secret thoughts
He’ll go on and on about how much he loves her. He’ll go into detail about what exactly he loves about her
Might even cry about his love for her, too
Play with his hair, he’ll beg for it
He can’t get enough of his dove’s affection
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midnightcradle · 4 years
Fears Headcannons
Here’s some headcannons of the Ikevamps with an MC with a fear of thunderstorms, ghosts, the dark, and bugs. Hope you enjoy!
Theo understands your fear all too  well. He has his own fear of cats, after all.
 When a pretty bad thunderstorm hits and he notices your hands shaking, he knows exactly how you’re feeling
Without asking any questions, he takes your hand
Theo gathers an assortment of blankets and pillows on the way to his destination
He leads you right to the cellar of the mansion and ignores your questions
He sets up the blankets and pillows in a corner and flops down, tugging you down with him
“You’re scared of thunderstorms, right? It’s not as loud down here.” He opens his arms wide, “So I’ll cuddle you for as long as you need.” 
He’ll play with your hair and distract you with stories from his childhood
You and Theo stay down in the cellar together for quite some time, even after the storm has passed
Mozart finds thunderstorms incredibly annoying
The cracks of thunder disturb him while writing music and while playing 
He’ll roll his eyes and seek inspiration for his music elsewhere
This leads him right to your room
He’s surprised to see you in bed with the covers over your head. Sleeping this late in the day?
When he calls your name, you let out a yelp
Only then does he realize what’s going on
Just like you helped him overcome his fear of carriages, he wants to help with your fear
He’ll lead you right back to the music room and sit you down at the piano bench beside him
Mozart will play you your favorite songs in hopes of distracting you from the thunder and lightning
He’ll even teach you to play a few simple songs
Vincent very much enjoys thunderstorms
Dark clouds and heavy rain make him feel at peace somehow
But when you come into his room with tears streaming down your face, he’d do absolutely anything for the storm to go away
Vincent doesn’t really have any fears, so it’s difficult for him to understand your fear
Despite this, he’ll comfort you however he can
He’ll pull you to his chest and tell you to listen to his heart beating instead of the thunder
Kisses, cuddles, and sweet words will distract you from the storm outside
Theo thought it would be funny to tell you that the mansion is haunted one night as he passed you by in the hallway
It was a joke, of course. Or was it?
Joke or not, you're now on edge
While cleaning up in the library, you hear the floor creak behind you and a shriek escapes your lips
“Sorry, luv. Didn’t mean to scare you.” Arthur gives you an apologetic smile as he wraps his arms around you
Arthur didn't think much of it. He thought he just happened to startle you
But as days go by, he notices that you're acting differently. 
One night he decides to visit your room to ask you about it
His footsteps echo in the empty hallway, and when he stops outside your door he hears a whimper from inside.
“Darling, are you alright?” He opens the door and is surprised to see you in bed with a blanket over you
“Oh, Arthur! I thought you were a ghost.” 
“So ghosts have been distracting you this whole time? I’m rather jealous.” He frowns
That night he decides to lavish you with love, leaving no room for anymore thoughts of those pesky ghosts
His name is all you’ll be thinking about
Dazai had no idea you were afraid of ghosts until he told a ghost story
He took your silence as interest, and told the scariest story he could come up with
It wasn't until he finished that he realized the fear in your eyes
“Toshiko-san, it was only a story. Like a fairytale.” He reassures you, but the damage is done
His story has made you paranoid as can be, flinching at every little noise you hear
Dazai feels guilty, of course, and decides to take you on a date into town
He does everything he can to take your mind off of the ghost story
He’ll take you on an extravagant tour of Paris, showing you every nook and cranny
At the end of the day, you’re so tired and content with your date that you forget all about the spooky story
Once you’re asleep in his arms, he’ll stroke your hair and whisper a sincere apology
Shakespeare’s place is a little eerie, especially at night
Strange things seem to happen, too
One night while enjoying your tea, a book falls from its place on the table
Another night it’s the sound of something moving around upstairs that startles you
Shakespeare doesn't think much of it, but your mind starts to spiral
The breaking point is your teacup falling and shattering, when no one was anywhere near it
“Shakespeare,” You grab onto his sleeve nervously. “Your house isn’t haunted, is it?”
Your question makes Shakespeare laugh
“Forgive me, my dear. But you needn’t worry.” He stands and crosses the room to pick something up
And settles down a warm furry bunny onto your lap
“This is Puck. No ghosts at al, just a naughty bunny” 
He sits beside you and pets your hair while you pet Puck
The Dark  
Comte picks up on your likes and dislikes pretty quickly
He strives to make you comfortable and happy
He notices that at night you always carry a candle while walking the hallways
Almost instantly, he has more lanterns installed in the hallways 
He gifts you the most beautiful candelabra for your room, with lavender scented candles to go with it. All with the hopes of easing your fear of the dark
And when you spend the night in his room, he keeps a couple of candles lit throughout the entire night
“I hope these candles will make you feel more at ease, ma chérie”
“I always feel at ease. And it’s not because of the candles, it’s because of you” 
Napoleon thinks your fear of the dark is pretty cute
Especially because of the way you cling to him at night
But in order to help you conquer your fear, he tries to put you in situations that might help
He’ll take you on long walks at night
He doesn't mind how hard your grip his hand, or how many times you need to be reassured that everything’s okay
He’s there to show you that the dark can't hurt you and that there’s nothing to fear
At the end of the night, he’ll reward you and show you that good things can happen in the dark 
Isaac doesn't really understand your fear
He’ll ask you to tell him about it, and he’ll listen intently as you explain your fear
Even though talking about your fear out loud makes you feel ridiculous, Isaac reassures you that there’s nothing to be ashamed about
Ever since learning about your fear, Isaac makes sure that he’s there for you whenever you have to face the dark
Everyday he’ll make sure he’s by your side before nightfall
When it’s already dark out, he’ll meet you in your bedroom so you don’t have to walk to his room in the dim hallway
To make you feel more comfortable at night, he’ll leave the window wide open to let the moonlight in
And if that’s not enough, he’ll pepper your cheeks with kisses to distract you from your fear
Your fear of bugs doesn't go unnoticed by Sebastian
While gardening together, you can’t help but scream when a bee buzzes by your ear
And when a beetle nearly lands in your hair, you’re nearly in tears
Sebastian does his best to calm you down by telling you these bugs won’t harm you
He sends you back inside where it's safe from all the bugs
He’ll prepare you a snack and a cup of tea to calm your nerves
Sebastian promises that he won’t let any bug come near you while he’s around
Jean heard your scream coming from the library and he bolted 
He went in with his hand on the hilt of his belt, prepared to fight anyone who would dare make his Mademoiselle scream like that
He lets out a sigh of relief to see you unharmed and alone in the library
“What is it, Mademoiselle?” He asks
His heart drops once more when he notices the tears in your eyes
“Spider,” you manage to say 
The spider in question is nothing but a daddy long leg, but Jean fixes a stern look on his face 
“You’ve frightened her.” He’ll pick the spider up and set it back down outside
You can count on Jean to get rid of any bug in your path
Leonardo had brought a walking stick bug into his room after finding it outside
He made a quick sketch of it and let it crawl on his hand and up his arm
When you came into his room, you smiled and him and walked closer to see what he was sketching
“A bug?” Your smile quickly turns into a frown
“It’s called a phasmatodea. See?” He gestures with his chin to where the bug rests on his arm
You let out a gasp and nearly fall over in your haste to get away
“Cara mia? What’s wrong?” 
You dash out of his room without replying
“Sorry, buddy. It seems like she’s afraid of you.” Leonardo chuckles and takes the bug back outside to where he found it
Even though the bug is long gone, you refuse to enter his room for nearly a week
He doesn’t mind, though. He’ll wait as long as it takes for you to feel comfortable again
It just means that he gets to spend more time in your room for a change
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midnightcradle · 4 years
Ikevamps and a Spanish Speaking MC Part Two
Part One. I didn’t expect part one to get as much attention as it did, so thank you!! Here’s part two, hope you enjoy!
Napoleon’s French tends to come out when he’s sleepy.
“Napoleon, go to bed.” She tells him
“Pourquoi?” He grumbles back
“Cómo que porque” 
They both love finding similarities in their respective languages. 
Napoleon wouldn’t say he’s fluent in Spanish, but with her help, he comes to understand the language more and more
His cheeks will be as red as an apple when he hears her speak Spanish for the first time
He loves it, and she catches on to this. 
Teases him whenever possible
Call him “mi cielo” and he’ll absolutely melt
Say anything and he’ll melt
Isaac listens intently to her Spanish, remembering everything she likes
He surprises her one day by placing a cup of coffee in front of her and muttering “Cafe con leche” 
He’s learned that saying a few words in Spanish will earn him endless kisses
Spanish is music to this man’s ears
He loved MC enough already, but when she called him “cariño” , his heart grew 3x in size. 
Will learn the language just to see her blush
That way he can whisper sweet things to her in Spanish
Will call her every sweet nickname you can think of
What surprises her the most is his accent- or lack of one when speaking Spanish
Speaks it perfectly, almost better than she does
Don’t expect less from Saint-Germain
Does his best at making her feel more at home with new recipes
Learned how to make pan dulce, his favorite being conchas
The amount of things this man has learned to make for her sake
Pupusas, arroz con leche, pozole, you name it
All to see her smile 
“Sebastian, que rico!” A million praises fall from her lips
“Todo para ti, querida” All for you, my dear
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midnightcradle · 4 years
Third of December
A while ago I wrote something that was heavily influenced by the song “Heather” by Conan Gray. It’s super short and not that great, but if you’re in the mood for angst, here you go!
Theo’s mind often wanders back to the third of December. Arthur had invited him out drinking, and while at the bar, Arthur had spilled his drink all over Theo. As an apology, Arthur let Theo borrow his jacket on the way home. “I think you wear that jacket better than I do, old boy.” Arthur had said with a frown. His cheeks were pink from the cold air and all the drinks he had at the tavern. The cool breeze ruffled his hair, and the moonlight made him glow. Theo’s heart raced uncontrollably at the compliment. He knew Arthur didn’t exactly mean to compliment him, but Theo was happy nonetheless. 
That was the night before she wandered into the mansion. Theo should have told Arthur his feelings then. Maybe then things would be different now. He would regret that night for the rest of his life. 
The day she arrived, Arthur’s heart was already hers. He was absolutely mesmerized by her. She would walk into the room and his eyes would follow her everywhere. He couldn’t blame Arthur. She was beautiful. Her smile was brighter than the sun. Her voice was like honey. Truly a sight for sore eyes. You’d have to be a monster to hate her, but Theo did. He hated the way she had Arthur wrapped around her finger. He hated her for coming into the mansion when things were going good between him and Arthur. 
The jacket Arthur had let him borrow was now wrapped around her shoulders. The sight of the pair walking hand in hand was too much for Theo. The breeze that once felt pleasantly cool was now freezing without Arthur by his side. Theo imagined himself in her place. Holding his hand, walking through town with Arthur’s arm around his shoulders, kissing him under the full moon. Why would he ever kiss him? He wasn’t nearly as pretty as she was. 
The day Arthur told him that they were officially a couple, Theo’s heart shattered. He was expecting it, but he never could have prepared himself. “Arthur, I-” But what could he say- I love you? He could tell him his feelings, lay them all bare. He could tell him how happy Arthur makes him. How much Theo loves to hear him laugh. How badly he wants him. But what kind of friend would that make him?  “I’m so happy for you both. I wish you the best” A lie. Theo really wishes that he were her.
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midnightcradle · 4 years
I desperately wanted to write something in honor of Arthur’s birthday. It’s pretty short, but nonetheless I hope you enjoy!
Arthur’s back was beginning to ache from being hunched over his desk for hours. His hand was cramped from all the writing, but he refused to give up. He had spent all day at his desk writing like he was running out of time. Writing before his ideas escaped him. He had only just realized that the sky outside was now dark and littered with stars. “Has the day gone by already?” Arthur rubbed his tired eyes before getting back to his nearly finished manuscript. 
Arthur was lost in his world of writing when she knocked on his door. “Arthur?” Her voice was filled with worry. She stepped into his room without being noticed. Thinking she could surprise the author, she snuck up behind him as quietly as she could. “You smell incredibly sweet today, dove.” Arthur grinned as he set his quill down. 
She’s disappointed, but wraps her arms around him anyway. She can feel how tense he is, how tired he must be from writing. “Arthur, won’t you take a break?” She cooed “Ah, but I’m nearly finished.” 
“You’ll have time tomorrow.” She kissed his cheek, hoping to distract him. Her kisses made their way from his cheek, to his ear, and down to his neck. She felt him relaxing under her touch. “You know I can’t say no to you, love.” Forgetting his manuscript, he picked her up and walked over to the couch, setting her down on his lap. “I know.” She smiled and cuddled up to her boyfriend. Her smile suddenly turned into a frown. “You’ve been working yourself too hard, Arthur.” “Mm, but-” “I worry about you. You didn’t come out of your room all day.” “Did you miss me, luv?” His words are teasing, but he watches carefully for her reaction. “Of course I did! I missed you so much,” Her lips formed the cutest pout “And for that I should punish you.” That interested Arthur right away. What kind of punishment could his sweet little bird give him? “As punishment for leaving me alone all day,” She gives him a sweet smile “You have to stay in my arms for the rest of the night.” She wraps her arms around his neck and rests her head in the crook of his neck. And so, the author accepts his punishment and enjoys being held by his love. 
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midnightcradle · 4 years
First Date
In celebration of Theo’s route being released today! I hope you enjoy a bit of a different side of Theo.  Theodorus Van Gough hadn’t been this nervous in his entire life, or afterlife. The thought asking her out on a date was hard enough. But actually going on said date might be worse. Of course, on the outside Theo always seems calm and collected. No one would ever guess that he’s nervous. You could even say he seems indifferent. But that’s far from the truth. Theo can’t help but pace around his room as he figures out what to wear. “This is ridiculous.” He mutters to himself. “Stop thinking so hard.” As if sensing his unease, there’s a knock on his door. “Broer? May I come in?” The sound of his older brother’s voice calms Theo. “What do you think?” Theo gestures to his outfit nervously. “You look great, Theo.” Vincent walks over to ruffle his brother’s hair. “Vincent, I spent ten minutes on my hair.” Theo had worked tirelessly in an effort to tame his hair.  “Just be yourself. There’s no need to be nervous.” With that, Vincent pushes Theo towards the door. “Isn’t it time to go pick up your date?”
Theo’s heart would not stop racing as he walked towards her door. He should have bought flowers. Or chocolates. Perhaps both. Oh, how could he show up empty handed? Ignoring his worried thoughts, he knocks on the door before he can change his mind. Her door swings open, and there she stands. “Hi, Theo!” She beams up at him. Words fail him as he takes her in. Her hair is beautifully styled and she looks amazing in her outfit. “Ready to go?” Is all Theo can manage to say. He almost rolls his eyes at himself. What he really wants to say is how amazing she looks. But with the blush threatening to bloom across his cheeks, that’s all he can say. His curt words don’t faze her in any way. She nods excitedly and follows Theo out of the mansion.  Theo had thought long and hard about where to take her. He thought of taking her out on a picnic by a lake, or dinner at a small cafe, but all of his ideas weren’t good enough. She deserves a spectacular first date, and that’s what Theo was going to give her. He had to pull some strings, but he had finally prepared a date worthy of his Hondje. The carriage pulls up in front of one of the most popular restaurants in Paris. Thanks to Le Comte, they were able to get a reservation. “We’re eating here? I was just talking to Sebastian about this place.” “I know.” Theo smirks, feeling incredibly pleased with himself. He had asked Sebastian for any suggestions on what she might like. The waiter leads them away from the main dining hall and up the stairs. They reach the rooftop where there’s a single table set up. “Oh, wow.” Her voice sounds mesmerized. Theo had spent that whole morning and afternoon setting everything up. He had hung up a few lanterns and set up candles around the table. He put flowers in the prettiest vases he could find. And finally, a canopy of plants and flowers surrounded them from above on a structure Theo had worked hard to build.  Looking at it now, he realizes that it might be a bit much for a first date. But with just a glance at his Hondje he knows he made the right move. Her eyes are sparking as she takes in the sight. “Theo, this is beautiful.” She whispers in awe as he pulls her chair out. “I thought you might like something like this.” The meals brought up to them were exquisite, Theo knows now why getting a reservation was so difficult. When their desserts were brought up to them, Theo felt her gaze on him as he cut into his slice of cake. “Why are you staring so hard? You don’t have to beg for a bite.” Theo’s eyes meet her shocked ones. He lifts his fork to her lips. “Go on, Hondje. Say ‘ahh’.” Theo watches in delight as her cheeks flush pink. In return, she leans forward and takes a bite out of the cake, all while making eye contact with Theo. Now it was his turn to blush. 
After dinner, Theo suggests taking a walk in the gardens of the mansion. Their hands brush a couple of times as they walk, and Theo can’t figure out if he should hold her hand or not. What if she doesn’t want to hold his hand? Then she’d be uncomfortable the whole time. Should he ask? But then he’d come across as- Before he can even finish his thought, her hand wraps around his own. After a moment, Theo laces his fingers with hers. They walk together in a comfortable silence and come to a stop at the gazebo. Theo turns to face her and opens his mouth before he can stop himself. “You look beautiful. I’ve been meaning to tell you that this whole night.” Theo is surprised at how nervous he feels saying that. But the smile she shows him was worth the trouble. “Thank you for tonight, Theo. Dinner was incredible. And it came with such an amazing view.”  “The rooftop was a good choice-” “No- I had a perfect view of you.” Oh. There she goes again, making him blush when it should be the other way around. He should have held her hand first. He should have said something cheesy like that. Well, this time, she won’t beat him to it. Without another thought, Theo tilts her chin up and leans down to kiss her. When he pulls away, she lets out the most sweet sounding sigh, and he just can’t help himself. He kisses her again and again, only pulling away regretfully when he feels his fangs threatening to come out. “Let me walk you back to your room.” He takes her hand once more and leads her back inside the mansion. He gives her one last kiss before wishing her good night, then walks back to his room in silence. Asking her out on a date was hard enough, and now Theo wonders how he should ask her to be his girlfriend. 
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midnightcradle · 4 years
Yellow Tulips
Ikevamp MC & Saint-Germain Hello! This was the first angst-type thing I’ve ever written. It was a lot of fun to write and I hope you enjoy reading! Warnings: angst
Le Comte de Saint-Germain watched her from where he stood on the balcony. She was down in the garden, smiling to herself as she tended to the flowers. He had noticed how much she enjoyed the garden, so he once gave her seedlings to plant. “What kind of flowers will bloom?” She had asked. “You’ll just have to wait and see, ma chérie.” She had planted the seeds and tended to them each and every day without fail. And she always smiled while doing so. It was her smile that had drawn him in. Her smile was always so bright, so pure, and so beautiful. She had given him a smile the first time they met. How wonderful that smile had been-
“Arthur!” Her voice rang out from the garden. “Hello, there, luv. Ready to go?” He offered her an arm which she gladly took. Le Comte watched silently as the pair climbed into the carriage that would take them into town. “Ah.” Comte let out a sigh before he turned to go back into the mansion. He hadn’t meant for this to happen. He had only meant to watch over her. It was his fault that she ended up in the mansion, after all. It was only fair for him to look out for her. Le Comte made sure that she was comfortable in the mansion. He’d make sure she had enough clothes in her closet, made sure that she enjoyed the food that was provided, made sure that no one was to lay a fang on her. But the more time he spent with her, the harder it was to deny his feelings. He never meant to fall in love. But how could he not? As she eagerly planted the seeds in the garden, she had unknowingly planted the seeds of his love for her. His love had blossomed in turn with the flowers. 
Despite watching her fall in love with someone else, his love for her never wavered. It was enough for Saint-Germain to see her smile. Arthur Conan Doyle was often the source of that dazzling smile of hers. All he had to do was say a few sweet words and she’d be in the palm of his hand. It was the same for Arthur. Anything she said or did had him completely captivated. Comte would watch them from a distance, glancing at the woman any chance he got. Although the way she looked at Arthur made his heart ache, Comte couldn’t help himself. Pitiful, really, the way he loved her despite her heart belonging to someone else. 
“Le Comte!” Her sweet voice called from outside his door, followed by a knock. “I’ve been waiting for you, ma chérie.” He opened the door to his room with a smile. The scent of tea filled the room. “And I’ve been looking forward to having tea with you.” She smiled sweetly back at him. This was le Comte’s guilty pleasure. He’d have tea with her a few times a week. It had been somewhat of a tradition ever since she arrived. It was the same every time. She would tell him about how her day was, and Comte loved to hear about it. Having her so near filled his heart with joy. “The seedlings you gave me have finally begun to bloom!” Her eyes lit up with excitement. “They’re beautiful, Comte. I had no idea what would become of them. Those little yellow tulips brighten up the garden perfectly.” “Ah, how wonderful. I’m glad they’ve finally started to open up.” He smiled, but it didn’t quite reach his eyes. The day he picked the seeds out was a dark one for him. That was the day she and Arthur had finally become a couple. The day Saint-Germain would regret for the rest of his life. If he could have just said something, if he could have told her of his feelings before then, perhaps things could be different. Perhaps she would smile for him, and him alone. He would hold her in his arms and tell her everyday how much he loved her. He’d spoil her rotten. But it was too late for them, for now her heart was Arthur’s. “Comte?” Her voice brought him back to himself. “What do the flowers mean?” Of course she was curious. And of course he’d never tell her the truth. Yellow tulips symbolized hopeless love. And his love was the most hopeless of all. “Yellow flowers represent friendship.” Try as he might, he couldn’t force a smile this time. He picked up his tea cup and took a sip, knowing that the love of his life would never be his. 
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midnightcradle · 4 years
Okay so Theo is quickly becoming one of my favorite vampires, and this just ended up being a short ramble about how much I adore him. Hope you enjoy!
Theodorous Van Gough trudged his way back to the mansion, exasperated beyond belief. The art gallery he had tried to secure had been a nightmare. It took him longer than expected to close the deal, and by the time he was done the sun had long since set. The moon was now glowing in the sky, a thousand stars glittering around it. Theo was frustrated, and one look at him would tell you that. When he finally arrived at the mansion, he was met with silence. She’s probably asleep by now, Theo thought. The thought of not seeing her frustrated him further, and he stomped his way to his room, slamming the door shut behind him. But there she was, sitting on his couch like a loyal pup waiting for her owner to return. “Hondje?” The surprise was clear on his face. “Hi, Theo! Welcome back!” The smile she gave him was so bright. The clouds of anger and annoyance surrounding Theo started to clear away almost at once. “It’s late. Why are you still awake?” His tone was sharp. Though he was happy to see her, he couldn’t help but worry about her. His tone didn’t faze her. She could see right through him. She knew how tired he really was, how he probably wanted nothing more than to go to bed. But she couldn’t let him fall asleep when he was angry. She’d do anything to prevent it. “I just missed you.” She cooed, mainly just to tease him. It had worked. His cheeks flushed slightly, and his brows knit together in feigned annoyance. “Come here.” He grumbled. He slipped his arms around her and pulled her close to his chest. She pulled back slightly to cup his cheeks with her hands. “I really did miss you.” She whispered before pulling him down for a kiss. And just like that, the tension Theo had been holding began to disappear. Her kiss had been like some sort of remedy for his heart. It helped, but he craved more and she knew it.
She tugged his hand and led him over to the couch. She took a seat, and he moved to sit beside her until she shook her head. “Here.” She patted her lap, and once again Theo felt his cheeks blaze. “Miss me that much, knabbeltje? I leave for a few hours and come back to you wagging your tail for me.” He muttered to distract from his pink cheeks. Despite his words, he gave in and laid his head in her lap. His hondje hummed in approval. When they were both settled, she tangled her fingers in his soft brown hair, scratching his scalp gently with her nails. She knew he loved this. His soft sigh told her as much. Theo closed his eyes and reveled in the feeling of her touch. She took the opportunity to gaze at him, to admire how long his lashes looked against his cheek. His skin was so smooth it was almost like porcelain. Everyone always went on and on about Vincent’s angelic looks, but Theo had them, too. The scowl he usually wore just distracts them from his looks. But boy, is he beautiful. “Enjoying the view, Hondje?” Theo opened his eyes to find that a beautiful shade of pink had begun to dust her cheeks in embarrassment. She was too flustered to quip back with a response, so she settled with scrunching her nose up. Theo raised an eyebrow before breaking out in a laugh. A real laugh where the joy lit up his whole face. It sure wasn’t like him to laugh so hard, but he could always count on his Hondje to brighten his mood and lift his spirits. Without her, he would have still been in a haze of irritation. But in a matter of minutes she had managed to turn his entire day around. Shaking his head, Theo sat up to capture her lips in a kiss. He did his best to put his feelings into the kiss, to let her know how grateful he was for her. His actions spoke for him more often than his words did. “Yeah, knabbeltje, I missed you too.” He stands and scoops her up into his arms and takes her to the bed. Without saying much more, he cuddles close to her, intending to hold her close all night. 
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midnightcradle · 5 years
To the Future Queen
In celebration of Jonah’s birthday! A short fic that might be a little late, but I still managed to finish it in time. Hope you enjoy!  Happy birthday, Jonah!
His parents had told him that today was a special day. It was his tenth birthday and the extravagant party that awaited him was one Jonah was all too familiar with. He’d arrive and be forced to greet every last guest, giving everyone a smile that never quite reached his eyes. 
Everyone at that party would be there for the future Queen of Hearts. Not for Jonah Clemence. The nobles of Red Territory were only there to scrutinize his every move under pretense of celebrating the child’s birthday.
Jonah looked himself over in the mirror, making sure every last hair was in place. He had to look absolutely perfect, otherwise people will scoff and assume he’d become an awful queen. He practices his smile and pretends not to notice the stiffness of it. At the sound of a soft knock at the door, Jonah finally turns away from the mirror. “Jonah! It’s me!” The door opens to reveal his sweet younger brother. His dark purple hair stands up in places and Jonah can’t help but go over to smooth them down. “I have something for you.” Luka says. The bright eyes that match his older brothers’ gleam with excitement.  Jonah’s reply is cut short as his mother shouts for him from downstairs. It’s time to go. Both boys hold in their sighs as they head downstairs. At least Luka will be there, Jonah thinks to himself. Usually his brother is left behind. But Jonah had put up a fight this time. It was his party and he wanted his brother there. He needed him there.
The atmosphere at the party was exactly as Jonah had expected it to be. Everyone was well-dressed, sipping their drinks and chatting about nothing of value.  All eyes are on the birthday boy as soon as he arrives. He’s sure to stand up straight and plasters that practiced smile on his face. “Thank you for coming.” And other forms of pleasantries come out of his mouth as he goes from guest to yet another guest. Shaking hands with the men, bringing up the women’s hands and placing a kiss on the back of them with a charming smile each time.  Although Jonah is only ten, he’s forced to be much older. But this is what it means to be the future Queen of Hearts.
After a short eternity of greeting guests and trying to keep up with pointless conversations, it’s time for cake.  Jonah walks over to the center of the room where the extravagant cake has been placed. The cake is piled high and frosted with an unholy amount of chocolate. “I’d like to thank everyone for joining me today.” Jonah addresses the room with his practiced smile. “It means a great deal to me. I appreciate you all,” He ends his speech there. He can’t bring himself to speak more empty words. “To the future Queen!” Someone cheers, and loud voices cheer back. His mother cuts into the cake and hands Jonah the first slice. Chocolate cake, great. He picks up the fork and almost drops the plate when his mother slaps his hand away. “Not for you. Serve everyone a slice first, dear, or you’ll look ungrateful.” His mother chides with a cold tone. “My mistake.” Jonah mutters before going off to do what his mother commanded. The evening had finally come to an end. Jonah was absolutely exhausted. Even though it was his party, the boy hadn’t been able to enjoy himself one bit. Now the boy enters his room with a heavy sigh and falls onto his bed. “Some birthday.” He groans into his pillow. The parties that the Clemence family throws are always like that, but this was the first time Jonah had been so involved. Usually he could sneak outside with his brother for the duration of the boring parties. But now that he was older he had to start acting like an adult. Today was his first taste of how his life his life would be from now on.  “Jonah?” Luka’s soft voice fills the room. “I knocked, but you didn’t answer.” He says and crosses the room to where his brother is.  “Sorry, must have been lost in thought..”  “I wanted to give you this before.” Luka hands him a neatly wrapped box. “But I think now is a better time.” The mere sight of Luka’s gift fills Jonah’s heart with so much joy. Leave it to his sweet baby brother to turn his day around. Jonah carefully unwraps the box and gasps at what’s inside. “A cake!” Jonah’s voice is full of awe. “A strawberry cake. I had a feeling the party wouldn’t have good cake, so I baked you your own.” Luka shows him a proud smile. Jonah can’t form a reply. Instead, his eyes fill with tears as he stares down at the beautifully decorated cake. It’s a small cake, piped with pink icing and decorated with sliced strawberries on top.  “Come on, try it!” Luka helps him cut a slice.  “Luka, this is amazing!” Jonah exclaims after taking a bite.  “Happy birthday, Jonah.”  That day, Jonah had received a plethora of extravagant gifts, but none of them compared to this. Luka’s gift was the best one of all. 
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midnightcradle · 5 years
For the First Time- Harr Silver
I noticed that there’s a lack of Harr content, so here’s this! Harr Silver would be lying if he said he hadn’t been looking forward to today. And yet he tried to convince himself that the pounding of his heart was from the trip down the stairs, and not from the soft knock at the front door. Harr took a deep breath in hopes of calming his nerves before opening the door. And there she stood. The mere sight of her set his heart racing once more.  “Hi, Harr.” Alice gave him a bright smile. A single smile from her and he’s like putty in her hands. “I’m not too early, am I?” Alice’s smile fades when Harr doesn’t respond.  “Oh- ah, no. You’re right on time.” Harr stammers. Harr leads her inside to the kitchen. On the counter sits a brown basket filled up with lunch and several treats.  Harr glances once at Alice and his mind is off and racing. A picnic in the woods? Alice deserves so much more.  Suddenly, he wishes things could be different. He wishes he could hold her hand on a walk through the Central Quarter, to show her off to the world. And after a walk, they’d go to the most acclaimed restaurant in all of Cradle. They’d be dressed in finery, smiling lovingly at each other from across the table. That’s what Alice deserves.  “I’ve been looking forward to our picnic for days now!” Alice’s sweet words bring Harr back to himself.  I’ve fallen in love, Harr thinks, I’ve fallen in love for the first time Harr can’t help but reach out to run the back of his hand across her cheek softly. His actions cause a light dust of pink to form across her cheeks.  “Me too.” Is all he says, but the smile on his face says a whole lot more.
Although a stroll through the forest isn’t the same as a walk through the Central Quarter, Harr enjoys it all the same. They hold hands and chat about nothing and everything. Soon enough, the Lake of Tears comes into view. And with that, so does the picnic spot Harr had set up. It was a simple set up. A blanket sprawled across the lush green grass, flower petals all around, decorating the area like sprinkles on an ice cream cone. This is too much, isn’t it? Harr thinks, his thoughts beginning to spiral. Before his thoughts could get any further, Alice grasps his hands. “Oh, Harr!” Her voice is airy with wonder. “This is amazing!” She looks up at him, her cheeks tinted pink, eyes brimming with happiness. When their eyes meet, Alice is compelled to push up on her tip toes to kiss Harr’s cheek.  I cant get over the way you love me like you do. Harr’s heart thrums sweetly.
Harr and Alice’s picnic is filled with sickly sweet actions, from feeding each other strawberries, to lingering touches when brushing crumbs off of each other. Before they know it, the sun has begun to set. They could have stayed there all night, and as much as he’d like to, Harr decided it was time to get going. He didn’t want to keep her out late.  As he got up, he noticed the faint frown on Alice’s face. She wanted to stay as much as he did. His heart swelled at the realization.  “Come on, let’s get going.” Harr slips his hand into hers and twines their fingers together, pulling her closer than necessary.
Their walk back through the Forbidden Forest was a leisurely one. So much so that the sun was no longer in the sky, and the moon was accompanied by countless stars in the sky. When Harr’s tree house finally came into view, his heart began to thrum nervously. He doesn’t want to let her go just yet. They’ve spent all day together, he knows, but if he could just have her for a bit longer. “Alice.” He hesitates for a moment. “Would you like to stay a little longer?” “Yes!” Harr had just finished talking when Alice replies enthusiastically.  Harr set the picnic blanket down over the grass once more. They had collected the flower petals, and Harr spreads them around as he had before. But this time, they begin to emit a soft light, each in a different color.  A small gasp escapes Alice’s lips. She looks up and realizes that Harr’s single gray eye is now a deep red color.  “Harr.” She struggles to find the right words, any words at all. How can he be so amazing? Always doing things that make her so unbelievably happy. And he doesn’t even seem to realize it.  “Come.” He tugs on her hand to pull her down onto the blanket. She lays her head down his chest and snuggles closer, seeking his warmth. “Look.” Harr points up at the night sky and begins telling her about constellations and the stories behind them. Alice looks. She looks up at him, not up at the stars. The light from the glowing flower petals dance across his skin, making him shine. It’s like he’s an angel, Alice thinks. She reaches out to brush his dark hair away from his face. Harr continues his story, unfazed by her touch. Encouraged by this, she lets her hand wander down to trace the curve of his brow, then the edge of his jaw, and finally, her thumb brushes over the swell of his lower lip. At this point, Harr had finished speaking. Alice places her hand on his cheek and turns him to face her properly. She smiles and pulls him close, kissing him softly. His hand comes up to caress her cheek. When they pull away, they’re both smiling like idiots.  “Look there.” Harr points up to the sky again, and this time Alice obeys. Harr’s gaze remains on her instead of the stars.  I’ve fallen in love for the first time, and this time I know it for real. Harr kisses her forehead before telling her about another constellation.
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midnightcradle · 5 years
Happy Birthday, Luka
Here’s a short fic for the birthday boy! From when Luka was a child.  Warning: its a little sad. Hope you enjoy!
Young Luka Clemence reluctantly began to open his eyes as the bright sun pulled him from his slumber.  “Good morning, Luka.” The young boy whispers to himself as he sits up in bed.  He glances around his bedroom. The room is small, possibly the smallest room in the house. At a glance, Luka’s room is barren of any decoration and lacks comfort. But Luka doesn’t mind, he doesn’t need much anyway. As soon as he’s dressed, he heads off into the kitchen to make himself breakfast, for no one else would bother to feed the child.  “Scrambled eggs and toast. Again.” Luka sighs to himself. So far, his cooking skills lack creativity.  “I’ll have to learn how to make something else.” Luka picks his plate up and heads to the dining room.  He holds his breath as he steps inside, trying to make himself as small as possible to avoid upsetting his parents. Almost immediately, his parents stop their conversation and exit the room, as if Luka’s very presence disrupts the atmosphere.  Any other day, Luka would have been able to shrug it off. But today? They didn’t even spare him a glance, not even a whisper of a word. Any other day, Luka’s older brother would have been there to keep him company, even if he had long since finished his own breakfast. But alas, Jonah had left early that morning, something about being busy training for his future position as queen, despite still being a child.  But that’s alright. 
Luka had spent his entire day alone. He tried to convince himself that it was fine, that he didn’t mind. But now, in his sad excuse for a room, a sad tear rolls down his doll-like face.  “Crybaby.” He repeats the word the children of Red Territory often call him, wiping the tear away harshly. The sound of running footsteps catch Luka’s attention. The footsteps come to a stop at his door, and are followed by rapid knocking.  “Luka! It’s me!” The door flies open, and his older brother comes rushing in. “Jonah, you’re back-” The words had just left Luka’s mouth when Jonah rushes over and attacks him in a hug.  “I’m so sorry I couldn’t spend today with you.” Jonah’s voice is solemn and his expression is sorrowful.  “It’s okay.” “No, it’s not.” Jonah’s guilt is obvious, but his expression brightens as he remembers something. “Here.” He hands his brother a carefully wrapped present. “For me?” “Of course. Happy birthday, Luka.”  Jonah and Luka sit together on the floor, both eager for the gift to be unwrapped. Luka’s small hands unwrap his single birthday gift carefully, making sure not to damage anything. “A cookbook!” Luka’s golden eyes are suddenly full of wonder. Just this morning he had been thinking of learning something new. Jonah must have read his mind.  “It’s filled with so many recipes. Breakfast, dinner, and even desserts! I was thinking we could try making some together.” “Tomorrow?” “Tomorrow.” Jonah nods his agreement. Without warning, Luka throws his arms around Jonah. “Thanks, big brother. You’re the best.” The two brothers spend nearly an hour looking through the cook book before finally deciding on what to make for breakfast. Then finally they bid each other good night, 
Luka Clemence climbs into bed and tucks himself in, for no one would do that for him. His smile from earlier still lingers, content with the day’s events.  “Good night, Luka.” The boy whispers to himself before closing his eyes. “And happy birthday.”
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midnightcradle · 5 years
Not Another Bug - Luka x Alice
A note: The desire to write this came from my own fear of bugs, especially the jumpy kind. After an incident where a cricket landed on me and i cried I wanted to write something sorta cute for comfort Tagging: @lovingikesen and @otomegamesaremydrug​ thank you both for helping me decide on writing this for Luka!
Clamor from the training troops in the courtyard drifted in through the kitchen window. Luka Clemence looked up and spotted Seth and Fenrir among the soldiers. There was a pout on Fenrir’s face as Seth pestered him, but they were both clearly enjoying themselves. Luka couldn’t help but smile at the sight. Turning away from the window, Luka continued his preparations for lunch when a scream startled him out of his routine. Usually, the screams and screeches in the Black Army come from Seth, but this isn’t one of his dramatic shrieks. The scream is much too high to belong to Seth. A second scream followed by the sound of things hitting the floor resounds from above the kitchen. “Alice” Luka bolts through the kitchen doors and races off to Alice’s room. His heart pounds wildly as he begins to imagine what horrid things could make her scream like that. Has she injured herself? Or has someone broken into her room to snatch her away? After what felt like an eternity, Luka finally reaches Alice’s room. Before he can reach the handle, the door flies open. Alice rushes out and bumps right into Luka. He catches her by the shoulders in order to steady her. 
“Alice! What’s wrong?” Luka looks her over quickly and sighs in relief when he finds no injuries. But her whole body is shaking. “Luka- it’s in there!” She finally looks up at him, and his heart clenches at the sight of tears in her eyes. And suddenly he’s furious. What could bring her to tears like this? What terrible thing could make this sweet woman tremble in fear? “What’s in there, Alice?” He tucks her hair behind her ear in an attempt to calm her. “It’s-” Her gaze slips away from his and she chews her bottom lip. “A bug” “A...bug” He can’t help but repeat her shy admission. “A jumpy one! It just- it landed on my vanity while I was brushing my hair.” Alice quickly tries to explain, but her voice comes out flustered and panicked. “I’ll get it.” Luka’s voice is calm and she looks up in surprise. He will? He’s not afraid of the bug? But it’s a jumpy one- Luka tells her to stay put and he walks into her room.
Luka takes a look around at her tidy room- save for the area around her vanity table. The chair is knocked over, probably in her haste to leave. He picks up the chair as well as Alice’s hairbrush. Setting the hairbrush onto the table, Luka notices the “jumpy bug” in the middle of the table, making a soft chirping sound. “You’re a cricket.” Luka’s brow furrows and he brings his hand down in an attempt to pick it up, but the little bug hops away from his hand. “Sorry.” Luka’s voice is nearly a whisper, “But you scared her, so I’ll have to get you back outside.” Gently, Luka scoops the cricket up and cups it in his hand. “This’ll make her smile again.” He says more to himself than to the bug.
After releasing the cricket outside, Luka had almost forgotten about the incident. Almost. He couldn’t forget the look on his beloved’s face, or the way she had trembled. So, he had decided to make her forget all about it by keeping her busy in the kitchen and making sure she was always in good company when he had to leave her side. By the end of the day, Alice had her usual beaming smile on her face, her eyes shining whenever she spoke to her friends.
Luka had bid her good night some time ago, and now, the Jack of Spades sat in bed with a book in his lap. He was so caught up in the words on the pages that he almost missed it. The soft footsteps outside coming to a stop at his door. It’s the quiet knock on the door that manages to tear his gaze away from his book. Luka’s brow furrows immediately. The knock is all too familiar to him, of course. But she should be sound asleep by now. The door opens without a reply from him. “Luka?” Alice’s soft voice is followed by her head peering past the door and into his room. “What is it, Alice? Is it another cricket?” Luka sets his book down and crosses the room to meet her. He takes her hands in his and beckons her to sit on the couch. “Not another bug, no.” Her face flushes, only slightly, but Luka notices it. “But when I entered my room, I just knew I couldn’t spend the night in there.” Too scary. She keeps the last part to herself in fear of sounding even more childish than she thinks she sounds like now. “Okay.” This single word speaks final decision. Luka tugs on Alice’s hand and pulls her up, only to lead her over to his bed. And by doing this, Luka answers Alice’s unspoken question. Of course she can spend the night in his room. She doesn’t even have to ask. He wraps his arms around his girlfriend as she snuggles into his chest, her relief and gratitude clear on her face. Tenderly, Luka peppers kisses on her face, attempting to kiss away her fears at last. His hand rakes through her hair as gently as if it were gold. In no time at all, Alice is asleep. Her breathing is soft and even, and it coaxes Luka into a peaceful sleep with the woman he loves in his arms.
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midnightcradle · 5 years
Tense- Zero x Alice
I started writing this with a pure mind, but somehow this ended up sounding slightly sensual. Hope you enjoy anyway!
The Red Army’s Ace of Hearts, Zero, was out overseeing his troop’s training. Training is a regular occurrence for the Ace. He usually enjoyed helping his fellow soldiers, even if it was tiring. But this week, it’s been exhausting.  His superior, the Jack of Hearts, had been too busy with a task from their king to train his own troops.  So the task had fallen to Zero. He was to train the Jack’s troops along with his own. Training double the amount of men than usual was proving difficult. Overseeing that many people was wearisome, but not impossible.  Zero was not only overseeing them, but he trained amongst the troops. Sparring with them, demonstrating combat, all the while giving each individual soldier advice and guidance. 
Training was not the only thing that the brilliant Ace was occupied with. After the hours spent training soldiers, Zero would attend meetings with the rest of the Red Army officers. Each officer would give a report on important things such as supplies, citizen life, and other things the Red Army was in charge of. These meetings would occasionally go well into the night. 
Perhaps the most tiresome thing Zero has to deal with each day is Edgar Bright.  Edgar often enjoys pestering Zero about one useless thing or another.  “There’s my precious protege.” Edgar’s chipper voice only irks Zero even further. “What do you want?” In response to the Jack’s smile, Zero’s face remains as stoic as ever.  “Just wondering if my troops are being good boys for my best boy.” If Edgar was in a particularly vexing mood, he’d annoy- or, as he puts it, “keep him company” while Zero does the rest of his tasks for the day. No matter how many times Zero would tell him to leave, Edgar would remain by his side like a duckling.  Zero often complains, but he truly does not mind his friend’s presence. 
Paperwork always awaits Zero at the very end of his day. Everyday, he has to finish a written report on the events of the day. The verbal report he’d described to King Lancelot was also to be included. Zero struggled to keep his handwriting as neat as it was when he started writing.  After finally finishing his report, Zero sinks down onto the couch in his room. His eyes close and his head rests against the sofa.  I haven’t seen Alice all day, Zero thinks. I haven’t seen much of her all week. The one thing he desires now is to see her sweet smile and listen to her ramble on about her day.  His thoughts are interrupted by a knock on the door. Unfortunately, not even a knock on his bedroom door can force the exhausted Ace to get up. “Come in.” His voice is so obviously weary.  “Good evening, Zero!” The song-like voice of Alice rings throughout the room.  Like an angel answering his prayers, she steps into his room. At this, Zero nearly jumps up to greet her, but Alice stops him before he can. “I brought tea.” She sets a cup down in front of him, smiling all the while. As Zero brings the cup to his lips, Alice can’t help but study him. His eyes are red, likely from the lack of sleep he’s gotten all week. Not only that, but she’s noticed that lately his shoulders are tense, and his steps drag along the floor when he walks. He’s overworked. “Hm.” Alice sighs in frustration. “What is it?” Zero’s crystal blue eyes focus on her.  “Oh, I forgot something.” Alice gets up from her seat next to Zero. “I’ll be right back, it’ll just be a moment.”  She’s out of the room before Zero can even think to stop her. Just a moment. Zero sips the rest of his tea rather impatiently, eager for Alice’s return.
Alice’s steps had almost turned a run in her haste to get back to Zero. She hadn’t forgotten anything. She had marched right into the King of Heart’s study to plead her case for Zero. Determination took over as she practically scolded King Lancelot about how hard Zero has been working, how exhausted he so obviously is, and how he deserves a day off. King Lancelot had listened patiently to her speech. When she was finally done, the cool expression on his face made her think she was ridiculous for blathering on like that. But surprisingly, he had shown her a kind smile and agreed with her. But instead of one day off, he agreed to give his Ace the entire week off. Now, Alice pushes the door to Zero’s room open once more. 
Zero’s head is once again thrown back against  the couch. When he hears Alice come in, he sits up and shows her a dazzling, yet tired smile. Oh, Zero, Alice thinks, is there anything more I can do for you? Instead of taking her usual seat beside Zero, Alice walks around the couch until she’s behind him. “What are you doing?” Zero turns to face her, but she places her hands on his shoulders to keep him in place. “Shh.” She whispers “Let me do this.” Her hands begin to work at the knots in his shoulders. Zero is too tired to protest, so he simply nods and lets her do as she pleases.  The room is quickly filled with the sound of Zero’s sighs and groans as Alice’s hands massage his tense shoulders.  My poor Zero, Alice’s heart aches at the thought of how hard he’s worked himself lately, You always work so hard, you’re so strong. Her hands move from his shoulders to the buttons on his shirt. She tugs on his shirt, just enough for the tan skin of his shoulders to be exposed.  Tentatively, she plants a soft kiss on his skin, and she’s rewarded with the sound of a small gasp. He makes no move to stop her, so she kisses him again and again. She peppers kisses along his once tense shoulders, hoping to chase the rest of the tiredness away. Zero shivers as she kisses the back of his neck, and continues to cover every inch she can. Her kisses are like magic, they have seemed to revitalized him. “Come here.” The deepness of his voice surprises him. Alice obeys, and Zero pulls her onto his lap, enfolding her in his embrace. I’d love to stay like this forever, Zero whispers in his heart. “I intend to.” Alice’s giggle makes him realize that he’d voiced his feelings out loud. Alice gently brushes his hair out of his face, “You’ve got the whole week off.” “What? How-” “It doesn’t matter how.” She wraps her arms around her hardworking boyfriend.  Despite his curiosity, there’s a brilliant smile on his face. You’re going to be staying in my arms all week.” Alice promises. She’s already thinking of all the ways she can spoil him. “I look forward to it.” Zero’s smile shines brighter than the sun, and the two seal their promise with a kiss, looking forward to the week to come. 
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midnightcradle · 5 years
New Partner
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A quick little fic for this wonderful event Learn about my cradlesona here! Tagging: @lovingsiriusoswald, the mastermind behind this event, and @theundyingskeleton, thank you for the encouragement
Being a new student at a new school seemed intimidating at first, but Kairi had fit in just fine. She’d finished her first year at Cradle Academy without a hitch. The students at the academy didn’t seem to mind that Kairi was not even originally from Cradle, they all welcomed her warmly. She had made plenty of friends in her short time attending school.
In her English class, she was lucky enough to be seated next to one of her best friends, Fenrir Godspeed. The two of them have a lot in common- maybe even a little too much. They’re both incredibly intelligent, but hide it with their carefree attitudes. School had only been in session for a week this term, but Kairi and Fenrir had gotten in trouble three times already. Each time they’d gotten off easy, managing to talk their way out with charming words.
Now, the class listens intently while taking notes on their professor’s lecture. Kairi’s pen flows seamlessly across her notebook when Fenrir leans over to whisper an incredibly terrible joke. Try as she might, Kairi can’t contain her laughter. When her giggles escape her, heads turn to look over at the troublesome pair.  “Miss Kairi, master Fenrir.” Their professor halts their lesson and takes a step towards their shared desk.  “Oh, you fool, look what you’ve done.” Kairi whispers, her laughter gone.  “Care to tell us what’s so funny?” Their professor’s say sternly, making the entire class hold their breath. “My apologies, sir.” Kairi’s voice is sincere, “It won’t happen again.” “Indeed it won’t.”  The words hold a sense of finality, and Kairi’s heart begins to pound nervously.  “Professor, I’m sorry-” Fenrir hastily begins to speak, guilt eating him alive. It was he who made Kairi laugh, after all. “Miss Kairi, if you could gather your belongings.” He steps away from their desk and Kairi shoots a glare at Fenrir. “Mister Seth, if you would be so kind as to switch seats with Kairi.” The professor shows Seth an apologetic smile. “Oh, so I have to move seats and you get Seth as a partner?” She scrunches her nose up at her now ex partner with jealousy. Begrudgingly, Kairi gathers her things and crosses the room to Seth’s seat. Her heart drops as soon as she realizes who her new partner is.  “Hi, Luka.” Kairi says as she takes her seat. Luka nods his response and turns back to his notebook. Great, my new partner already hates my guts.  “Well, now that we’re all settled.” The professor begins once more. “Don’t forget that your partners will remain constant for the rest of the term, and we have a multitude of projects you will be working on together.”  Kairi’s heart skips a beat the thought of working with Luka Clemence for the rest of the term.   Kairi makes a silent promise to be the best partner she can be no matter what it takes. And secretly, she hopes to get closer to her new partner. 
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