#its skwistok loving hours
basu-shokikita · 11 months
funny how both skwisgaar and toki ultimately want stable partners that will love them and understand them beyond the superficial adoration they get from fans. partners they can actually connect with on a deeper level besides sex and parties. partners with whom they can talk about their worries and joys and spend quality time with. funny how skwisgaar and toki actually are actually that for each other. two lonely souls that found each other through their love for the same instrument. but it's not just music connecting them, they share the same sense of humor and culture, enjoy each other's company and genuinely love each other even more than their own damaged egos can understand. they're the two halves of everything. life and death. creation and destrution. beginning and end. funny how skwistok look for something that they already have in each other.
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miroyuuu · 3 years
so i expanded my cheer au’s universe to include nathan who’s a football player, murderface who’s on the wrestling team and pickles who’s a baseball player!! 
under the cut is a fuckton of thoughts/ideas developing this au further! there’s angst, halloween costumes, school sports shenanigans n more
also! a song that suits this au!! frankly any mike krol songs suit this au
also yeah i guess this is kind of ‘high school au’ but im still calling it ‘cheer au’ haha and also they look like all their grown adult selves bc thats how i’ve been drawing them and haha just ignore that
anyways THINK ABOUT IT all 5 of them are friends that go to the same school- they’re all popular for their own reasons. 
skwisgaar is popular bc his huge cheer reputation- he is the smart, beautiful, and intimidating school cheer idol- crowds part in the hall for him to walk through (hand in hand w his bf toki ofc.. wearing each others’ varsity jackets :’) toki is popular because he’s super friendly, befriends everyone and all the staff love him too! plus he’s the hot buff cheer idol who doesn’t love that. him and skwisgaar are The Couple of the school- homecoming king and queen every year haha. 
skwisgaar isnt just very skilled in cheer he is also super smart and gets high grades- him and pickles ends up tutoring the rest of dethklok when exam time comes around. anyways skwis is a prodigy- honor student, best musician in band class, cheer idol. the pressure is so much on top of his own perfectionism and fear of failure and insecurity, he often breaks down crying alone in the empty locker room before cheer routines, if he’s missing from their group toki always knows to go looking for him there n to comfort him, straighten out his bow n redo his eyeliner :’) its a routine they both know well- toki is his rock
nathan ofc is a football superstar and the biggest, toughest, scariest student there heh- he has a reputation not only for brutality but for being a star athlete. gets offered sport scholarships left and right. 
pickles is the biggest school stoner and a bit of a baseball star- he’s one of the best players on the team and is their fastest runner. seth is also on the baseball team, and even though he’s far crappier player his parents praise him so much for mediocre accomplishments, while pickles’ skill and hard work goes unnoticed. some games are won solely because of pickles saving the match, yet his parents (who only ever cheer when seth is doing something) attribute the wins to seth :’( anyways pickles hates it and is constantly trying to get seth kicked off the team
pickles is always training and practicing (the other guys keep him company and idk. pitch for him to practice his swings or smth idk i never really played baseball LMAO) but u can imagine the gang all hanging out on the baseball field after hours and just chatting while pickles practices. basically the scene in show where pickles is hitting tennis balls and nathan is shouting encouragement heh
murderface pours all his energy into wrestling- going up against him is terrifying and seeing him threaten you in the halls with a knife is worse. teachers hate him and he skips class with pickles. maybe an angsty angle about his dedication to wrestling tournaments is that his extreme low self esteem and self hatred leads him to placing way too much of his self worth on the success of his wrestling matches.
murderface drives this beaten down pickup truck and picks up pickles every morning and drives him to school bc pickles cant bear being in the car every morning with seth behind the wheel and his asshole friends in the car with him.
murderface is just as bad at driving as seth is but pickles would rather die in a car crash with him than seth.
 toki and skwisgaar do cheer performances at their school’s sport games- and the other guys not on the team for whichever sport it is will come to watch the game too. like nathan’s football games has skwistok cheerleading and pickles and murderface being the loud ass motherfuckers screaming from the bleachers, pickles with the megaphone drunkenly slurring encouraging words to nathan whos on the field, and murderface screaming threats againts the opposing team- pulling his knives out. they are the two lil dudes going batshit in the bleachers front row, waving drinks and spilling snacks all over- they also do face paint of their school’s colors (murderface and his intense competitive school spirit insists on it)
after the games they all run out onto the field and congratulate them when they win :’) after pickles wins a baseball game they run onto the field and nate n murderface picks him up and runs around the field with him on their shoulders heh and of course we get skwistok on the sidelines cheering (and then joining them after their routine is done)
ofc lots of going to parties together and getting stoned in the parking lot
there is also SO MUCH good pickleface and nickles potential in this au.... maybe an ot3 ship with them too heh.
skwisgaar and toki just like in canon cant fucking drive so nathan drives them to school in his black truck and they walk into campus as the football player and cheerleaders combo like in those cheesey high school movies- slow mo with pop punk playing in the background, all the girls going heart eyes at them haha.
maybe they’re even all in a lil garage band together on the side. they all sneak out night to go hang out together and to escape their shitty home lives and ofc to go to parties together heh
ok now HALLOWEEN time where they all go to a costume party together (maybe pickles or nate is throwing it heh) and god. just imagingin all the amazing costume possibilities for them all. all the cute slutty halloween costumes skwis would wear, maybe gorgous glowing golden angel costume. but also before the parties, they all reluctantly go trick or treating together (mostly because toki likse to, and murderface and skwisgaar need lots of candy for their horror movies and snacks routine) also ofc vampire halloween costume for skwis would be sick
sidenote imagine kid skwisgaar in little halloween costumes like a dragon, wizard or even just a lil white sheet with holes cut out to be a lil ghost :’)
 anyways toki in silly cute and ‘scary but not really’ costumes, one year hes a really cools cat, another year he’s doing detailed zombie paint that he asks pickles to apply for him (because pickles also dresses as a zombie with him some years and they twin together that year)
usually skwisgaar and toki twin together on halloween as undead cheerleaders or vampire cheerleaders!! sexy scary is their forte when it comes to halloween.  toki goes over to skwis’s place beforehand so skwisgaar can do both of their body paint. every year they take turns picking the twin costume ideas, sometimes skwisgaar thinks tokis ideas are silly but he goes along w them lovingly bc he loves him. but skwisgaar’s ideas are always perfectly executed with high effort.
if uve read this far congrats i love you
anyways this was just the stuff i was thinking about last night.. please share ur thoughts too if ya have any or just how ya feel abt this au. i am def going to draw more for it and pickles in his baseball uniform is definitely high on my list of shit to draw heh
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wartoothsanonymous · 6 years
Of Wars and Guitars Skwistok
(Part 1) (Part 2)
(Ok, so like. First fic, first part! Insert author’s note here lmao. Enjoy guys)
There sat the band in all its glory. Sober, for the time being, and listening to the robot drone monotonously on about spendage and sales numbers. The only one actually listening was Nathan, much to everyone else’s surprise. There he was, black ink doodling figures and numbers down as soon as their CFO could say them. There sat across from him a kind, until pushed, rhythm guitarist. His phone out under the table like he was still in high school.
‘You ams, very bad ats guitars.’ Sent.
‘You ams crap.’ The lead guitar clapped back. ‘Trys again, Tokis.’
The two scooted further away from each other, no one even close to noticing such a miniature reaction. The blonde swede sighed, rolled his eyes and went back to practicing scales on his guitar. A tension was brewing between the best and second best. Several texts later the meeting was over, everyone went their separate ways in Moordhaus. Pickles had just gotten roughly ten pounds of weed, he took up residency in the living area, rolling spleef after spleef to his heart’s content. Next to him was Murderface, saying something dumb about how he could smoke way more than his drum maestro friend.
The lead singer had a meet up with Dick about new material dethklok would be releasing, a sort of B-sides album would be an unexpected hit given the right amount of work. Alone in his room sat Toki, no doubt plotting something. Skwisgaar had it coming, he just didn’t know it. Soon there would be no shadow for the poor nord to dwell in. On a blank sheet of paper, the rhythm playing fool had written down a list of possible pranks. The first of many being saran wrapping the doorway to his rival’s room. He chuckled maniacally and waited for the rest of the band to pass out.
It took hours upon hours of waiting, many times he wanted to give up. Just admit defeat, but the thrill of the pranks would prevail each time. Finally everyone was out, it was Toki’s time to shine. Like a doormouse he kept silent as he tacked up the plastic cling wrapping in the doorway to the blonde swede’s room. Afterwards he settled back into his room for a good night’s sleep. Visions of the prank’s success filled his dreamy mind until the late afternoon found true results. By that time the sober rhythm-master was well up and trying his luck with one of the many arcade games in the living room of their shared home.
“Whats in hell is goings on,” shouted the freaked out man who’d fallen blindly for one of the many traps set by the slender brunette. “Who puts plastics wrap on doors??”
Everyone bursted with laughter at his complaints, watching as he walked into the main area coated in clear cellophane. He knew immediately who’d gotten him. Things weren’t going to end well for Toki, he’d make sure of it now. Without a word he left again, halfway to remove the layer of wrapping over him, halfway to plan his own pranks. When he was out of the picture, the guys praised Toki on a prank well executed.
“You got ‘im good, dude,” spoke up Pickles. “What’s next, can I help?”
“Pickle,” the blue eyed gent was taken aback by this kind revelation. “I ams would loves your helps!” An alliance was forged that very moment.
In the kitchen sat the angry, plastic-less guitar god, making plans of his own. He chose his pranking buddy, who else but the master of fuckups himself? They dined on Hot Sacks and chatted. Their words hushed and covert to all but each other. Making sure one last time that they were truly alone, the disgruntled Skwisgaar spoke up.
“Yous ams going to help me, Murderface,” the tree-tall blonde had his own alliance forming.
“And what if i don’tsch,” he chomped down on the food before him. “Whatsch in it for me, cause, y’know.”
“I amnents saying, I ams want results first,” an honorable comment. Much to the chagrin of the bassist.
With a grumble of ‘fine’ and a clearing of the throat, they shook on it. The war had truthfully just begun.
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little-murmaider · 6 years
@calliopinot I cannot ignore the siren call of Soft Skwistok so here u go. Based on this adorable art  by @miriena I love a lot AND on the fact I have been playing New Leaf pretty much non-stop for almost two months. I just expanded my house! Two levels! What an incredible fantasy world, where I can afford to be a homeowner.
“You dids it agains today.” Skwisgaar, straddling the line between consciousness and unconsciousness, knocked his forehead into Toki’s back, his loose embrace on Toki’s middle tightening defensively. “No I didn’ts.” “Yes you dids.” Toki, nestled in the nest of Skwisgaar’s legs, did not glance up from the screen of his 3DS. He was trying to earn enough bells to build a new bridge; the argument was not worth breaking his concentration.  “Whens?” “Befores,” Toki said, switching from his slingshot to his shovel in order to unearth a fossil. “Whens befores?” “Whens we was ats de promo shoots for de new albums.” Toki hoped his latest find was the diplodocus chest; that was the last piece he needed to complete the display at the museum. “Ands you saids you was thirsty, so I gots you waters from de crafts services tables. Ands den you saids–” Without a counterargument, Skwisgaar let out a low, brisk hum, then readjusted to rest his cheek on Toki’s shoulder. The cheerful soundtrack of Toki’s game filled the silence that followed. “Toki t’inks you don’ts even realizing you doesing it.” “Mhnghf.” “Just ams a reflex at dis points.” “If you hates it so bads,” Skwisgaar said, his tone sharpening with an edge of annoyance, “I makes more of an efforts to never does it agains. Eh? Ams dat whats you wants?” “Of course I don’ts wants dat.” Setting his console down on his thigh, he reached back until his fingers lightly grazed the crown of Skwisgaar’s head. “Ands I don’ts hates it, neither. I...likes, whens you does its. It makes me feels special.” Skwisgaar’s exhale rippled against Toki’s sleeve. “I,” he said, softly, “likes. Whens I does it, toos.” Drawing his hand slow across Skwisgaar’s jaw and lips, Toki retrieved his console to resume his game. “I gots to meets Beau at hims house ins an hour, so I was ams goings to goes to de tropical islands to catch some beetles. Ams dat okays?” “Mhm.“ “If you’s bored I cans turn it offs and puts on a movies or somet’ings.” “Whatever you wants, baby.”
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