#its so he can be an asshole abt her disfigurement
reel-fear · 2 years
Actually wait I'm not done why does the fandom always jump to giving Male Characters Super Sad Backstories to explore in fics, videos, etc That canon never even hints to while BA who actually has a tragic backstory never gets explored. Like what if I start saying BA comes from a broken household and her neglectful family was another reason why shes so hostile and struggles to take help. What if I dont wanna give Wasp or Sentinel super sad backstories to make their actions seem more sympathetic,, what if I make their backstories being rich entitled assholes who think they're better than everyone else bc thats what we see manifest in canon. What then?
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dovewingz · 4 years
!!!! oml that snippet abt your ocs? i loved it. ksjdfkdsjf,,, if your willing, can you tell me more? ramble about them, im curious!!
oh my gosh hi thank you sm . i’ve had these ocs since i was like 11 or something?? i started a story called “shadowpath’s insanity” (renamed later to shadowpath’s fate bc the use of ‘insanity’ was bad/wrong!). i started writing a fanfic and worked on it for a looong time before deciding i really didn’t like the story, so i thought i’d started from scratch ! then i was like “actually i dont have the motivation to write and plan a whole book so i’ll just! talk about them on a sideblog!” @wc-shattered-peace is that sideblog, but its been inactive for months because i once again lost motivation to work on the story. about a week ago i started thinking about the ocs a bit again.
cw: parental abuse (poorly done... it needs so much work)
anyways yes OC TIME !!! shadowpath is..... questionable. if i ever wanna remake the story he needs some WORK. he was born with a physical disfiguration on his face. he was rejected by his mother bc of it but then i was like “no thats gross” SO i changed it....
his birth mom is called spottedwing, and She was close w somebody called speckledust (who knew the rest of spottedwings family). theres a whole backstory but essentially speckledust is an awful awful person who resented spottedwing because of some stuff with spottedwings dad. anywayz spottedwing grew up believing if she was “perfect” she’d be able to gain her loved ones’ approval but it never happened.
there is SO MUCH more history omg but basically in spottedwings adulthood, she witnesses speckledust literally murder someone and confronts her. they yell at each other and then speckledust attacks her, but spottedwing defeats and kills her. it leaves her pretty scarred. SO when she eventually has children of her own, she senses a “dark presence” around shadowkit. believing this to be speckle coming back to haunt her, she rejects him. its uhh very messy and 1000% needs work if i ever wanna go back to it but thats the basic story.
shadowkit is raised by patchflower who is a perfect angel. she is literally the best cat ever to exist, i love her so much. shes so loving and supportive and just wants the best for shadow.
more character stuff because this is getting messy:
- rosepaw, who is shadowpaths biological sister. she was told by spottedwing to never talk to shadowpaw but she was like “hm. no. i think hes okay.” she ends up dying for him after he impulsively goes out to attack a badger, by himself, to prove to the clan/spotted hes not weak. (thinking of changing this tho bc rosepaw deserves better)
- i mentioned this in the beech/doe post but shadow has abandonment issues. he blames himself for A LOT of things. he literally does not know how to deal with his trauma so he lashes out constantly and is always angry. he is an asshole and not a good person, but his reasons arent bad. he does some bad bad things but he ultimately starts a recovery journey and becomes a better person.
- speckledust makes a comeback and trains shadow in the dark forest. if it sounds like mapleshade and crookedstar ur right lol i have to assume the og story is inspired by that. shes basically like “hey kill spottedwing lol” and he agrees. speckledust doesnt actually care abt him at all though, shes super abusive and is the main reason for shadows actions . it takes a long time for him to heal from it
- beechleaf (? i think thats his name i forget) is his childhood best friend. shadow was kinda always in love with him. i already talked abt them but eventually, beech leaves burnclan for rockclan, where his mate skyheart lives. shadow breaks after this and starts to push everyone away. it also enhances his abandonment issues. again, he blames himself for it but REFUSES to admit it so he just lashes out
- doesplash is also a childhood friend who had a crush on him early-on. the feelings never fade. her and shadow’s relationship isnt that healthy tbh hes pretty mean to her and shes a pushover. he does rlly care abt her and appreciate her but he doesnt show it and theres no excuse (even if theres explanation). she eventually stands up for himself and breaks off the friendship, which is when shadow realises that he has almost nobody in his life. other than speckledust... and >
- oakpaw! a few moons younger than shadow and quite a bit like beech. shadow projects a bunch of feelings (other than romantic bc he meets oak when oak is a kitten) onto him. another unhealthy relationship... oak is a cheerful sweetheart but pretty bland rn. he has two siblings
- honeyfrost and lionsplash who i can talk abt if ur still interested lol. lionsplash is his father-figure and mentor. honeyfrost is basically his counsellor.
- oh i forgot to mention him but nightbird is shadows biological dad. he literally never talks to shadow. his relationship with spottedwing is toxic and she pressures him into everything. thats no excuse of course, but it is an explanation. he eventually stands up for shadow and breaks away from spotted
- oh my god i forgot ANOTHER CHARACTER... bluepetal. shes an angel as well. shes the medicine cat. shes spottedwings childhood best friend who is in love with her. but she pulls away from the friendship after spottedwing rejected shadow. shes very very sad and hates that she still has feelings for spotted. she tries to support shadow but shadow is kinda mean to her. i love her a lot
again the story needs A LOT of work. im really unhappy with how little me handled the abuse in the story so ! i will be working on that if i ever return to it. i honestly have so much left to say abt the plot HAHA so lmk if you wanna know more
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