#its so perfect for his insta girly look
l8tof1 · 2 years
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miles i hope you’re letting lewis borrow that sweater
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hhawque · 10 months
Ahhh boy! I’m usually not a text post girlie but this Doctor Who special has grabbed me and forcibly yanked me out of seclusion lmao
I have some thoughts about bi-generation. I’ve enjoyed reading other people’s takes, so here’s mine. Fair warning: it’s a bit critical, so if you enjoy the plot point and don’t want to read criticism, keep scrolling! I’m genuinely glad you’re happy :)
Thoughts below the cut:
So, first things first: I totally understand why they did this. Since the Disney deal, it’s no secret that the executives want to revamp the show and bring it to a wider audience. They’re even calling what would be season 14 “season one,” marking a reboot similar to 2005. But “character with millennia of trauma and extreme repression” isn’t exactly a Disney-friendly mascot for this new era.
Basically, I think the writers backed themselves into a corner. Starting off with the Time War, the Doctor’s traumas and repression have increasingly become a key part of their character in the NuWho era. But that doesn’t fit with the new vision. They had to fix this somehow.
Hence, bi-generation: one Doctor processes the trauma, while the next one goes off to continue the adventure.
From a new branding perspective, this makes perfect sense. But from a writing perspective, it feels unearned.
And here’s the thing – I know Doctor Who isn’t supposed to be some deep show, or some masterclass in emotional writing. It’s supposed to be about whimsical adventures in time and space, and I love that! It’s goofy and offbeat in its bones, and I do enjoy that we seem to be returning to those roots.
But what I didn’t really enjoy is that the new Doctor’s progress feels shallow. It’s just like, bam! Trauma healed! Everything’s good now!
I dislike this for the reason I dislike the “insta-love” trope – you get all of the results without any of the work. You don’t get to feel the impact of it, since it all happens offscreen.
The truth is that there was probably no satisfying way to resolve this issue. Healing takes time, and time, ironically, is what this show does not have. The reboot/rebranding is happening now, not in a season or two. So in that sense, I do appreciate that the Doctor, in some way or another, got time to heal at all. I could easily see them pulling some kind of “he healed through mindful regeneration!” thing, which would’ve pissed me off to no end.
Some other more minor things: I wish there was a concrete reason the bi-generation happened. Spontaneous plot points like that bother me for the same reason “insta-love” does – all the results with none of the buildup. It also feels kind of stale because we’ve seen something like this before with Tentoo.
However! There were also a lot of things I liked about the episode: Here are some:
1) The Doctor and Donna’s relationship. I’m so, so thrilled that a platonic relationship was finally represented as a deep, powerful and healing force. In popular media, those kinds of relationships are usually romantic or construed to be romantic, but the canon leaves no room for that, which I deeply appreciate.
2) Neil Patrick Harris was great as the Toymaker. I especially loved the Spice Girls song and dance routine. It felt so whimsical, yet so menacing.
3) I kind of said this already, but I am glad the Doctor got to actually heal in some form. That last scene of him with Donna’s family, now his family, made me sob lmao
I am excited for the future of the show! Ncuti looks fucking awesome, and I think he’s going to bring a fresh vibe we haven’t seen before. Doctor Who is a comfort show for me, and overall I am happy with the direction it seems to be going in.
TLDR: I don’t like bi-generation because it doesn’t feel emotionally earned, but the next Doctor looks amazing and I’m excited for this new era :)
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ak8shi · 4 years
Jobs that the HQ Boys would have in college
a/n: I’m tipsy and idk what this is.,,,,many thots head full
ATSUMU: oh my god… he would work at Lulu Lemon and also be a campus rep for the brand, he looks really good in the clothes ig,, 🙄his manager fucking hated him for the first month of working there because they put him on the floor thinking he would attract people with his athletic build and good looks but he was so judgmental towards the customers, they had to put him behind the cash register LMFAO😔😭, he’s still judgmental behind the counter about the colors people pick for things but he knows he has to stfu to keep the job.. when dudes check out and have anything longer than 5.5 inseam shorts he always mumbles under his breath about feeling bad for the dude’s girlfriend 💀
BOKUTO: ALSO a Lulu Lemon rep but more of a floor/customer service person lmfao, HE SELLS things like CRAZY, people just listen to him and his expertise when it comes to the apparel because he’s so enthusiastic about it and looks so good in it, he’s the type that has 5 million different random jobs here and there : I can see him working at the campus gym as an instructor or just someone who oversees the machine area, LMFAO he’s the one who organized recreational games and sometimes referees rec volleyball!! He loves it and people ask him for advice all the time. He also stands outside of hollister shirtless on Black Friday LAMAKISKSMS, He ALSO is sponsored by one of those companies that delivers snack packages directly to college dorms HE IS SO CUTE PLEASE
SUNA: He has a job at his college campus’ library! He literally loves it because he doesn’t really have to talk to anyone besides the elderly ladies who work with him and the occasional lost underclassman, and he can do his homework on the job. Girls go to the library that he works at specifically to stare at him, and the twins come in to annoy him often too (that’s the only way they would be in a library setting) GIRL he has to KICK them out for being so loud god. He also gets the occasional offer from the campus’ student ran fashion magazine to model but he’s too embarrassed and knows he would get absolutely CLOWNED if he accepted🥺. He also ubers on the weekends sometimes and he as a 5 rating because he’s hot and never makes weird conversation with his passengers
FUTAKUCHI: MAN he would work at the mall at one of those hair kiosks LMFAOO Listen, he’s honestly the perfect person for the job because he’s pushy, confident, and h*t… when people would usually object on getting their hair done by some random at the mall, they usually say yes to him because…. Its him ugh I hate him ALSO HE’S ONE OF THOSE SKETCHY PEOPLE ON FACEBOOK THAT SELLS SCAM BEAUTY PRODUCTS (“hey girly,” PLEASEMDMF)
OSAMU: He would work a typical bus boy job in college tbh, you usually have the start from the bottom in the restaurant business and he likes the fact that the hours are pretty flexible, and that he can show up hungover as fuck and still do an okay job. Occasionally his friends will pay him to cook a meal for them, or bake something that they can impress a girl with (sometimes he purposely burns the baked goods 😭LMFAMDM) Works late a lot of times and you can catch him downtown in the parking lot scarfing down his dinner at 2 am
SHIRABU: I have no idea why this one was so obvious to me but he 100% works at a Starbucks on campus lmao, his pre-med self is just always stressed and needs coffee to stay awake, and honestly he kind of enjoys being a cunt to all the students he encounters as an outlet for his frustration (sir…💀), He’s constantly screaming at Goshiki behind the counter, and he honestly doesn’t have the patience for any Karens or those girls who complain about their order because they ordered something they didn’t mean to. He’s genuine and friendly to his regulars though and if you tip he’ll put an extra shot of espresso in your order😙
KUROO: Also another obvious one for me, he’s giving me paid lab member by day, bar tender by night vibes from a million miles away. He honestly gets offered the job in the lab because of his grades and immense understanding of chemistry in his classes and labs, and he loves it!! God.. he’s really so nerdy and you can’t tell me this man doesn’t get published multiple times in academic papers bc he DOES! The lab is great and everything but he’s only there for a few hours per week, so he seeks out a nightlife job at a bar, let me tell you that’s where he cashes out,,, 🤑 like he gets tipped really well because he’s good at conversation while not being creepy, he’s HOT as FUCK, and he makes the drinks actually strong. Truly everyone and their mom’s favorite bartender !
ARAN: THIS MAN,,, he’s so photogenic and good looking there’s not doubt in my mind that he would be an influencer on campus (Atsumu really wishes he was him lmfao💀), he has ALL the sponsors and also a huge social media following. Fashion nova men, skincare brands, athletic programs, he has so many sponsors and basically most of his Instagram is payed placement , He also promotes a lot of campus merch and bars!! Like there are definitely pics of him popping bottles with his boys on his insta and he looks so good please😈
SEMI: he would work at a piercing or tattoo salon, and honestly it happens unintentionally ?? He went in for a tattoo and he was looking at the jewelry on display and was like??? this would be so cool to be able to pierce someone!! SO he apprenticed with a worker and had a lot of his friends who wanted piercings come in for practice, also he’s the type of dude that is great at calming/reassuring people who are nervous or anxious before getting a piercing or tat, loves to play his guitar quietly in the background when he’s not busy helping a client🥰 also volunteers at the animal shelter a few times a month bc he loves animals 🥺
SAKUSA: this one is making me laugh because he would definitely work a teleprompter job thinking it would be fine since he doesn’t have to touch or interact with anyone but he ends up hating it because of how rude the people are 💀😭 he somehow gets stuck with the most obnoxious and rude clients he really can’t take it, (the way he has to repeat himself forty times... no) he brings a huge thermos of coffee to the office when he has to work and he leaves with a huge headache every time
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joyofbebbanburg · 5 years
Wrote this for @amofbebbanburg
My amazing sister. Now it's not spell checked or anything I am actually recovering from wisdom teeth removal so super tired, alot of pain and falling asleep alot so bare with all my mistakes and fuck ups
Love you girly.
Also I do not own any pics or video.
You were an actress for the hit show Vikings.
You got act along some some great people but theres one man in particular you enjoy working with..in fact you play his love intrest. You bare his children in the show and everything.... Alexander Ludwig.
You were madly in love with him and it seemed as if he loved u back that even the fans picked up on this during interviews or just when you both are out together or posting about eachother
Some where super sweet but others...were not.
Some wanted Alex with someone better in their eyes and some loved you guys.
You and Alex had basically became a couple but with no label
You knew for a fact he was not seeing ot talking to anyone, and he knew the same was true for you.
But fans decided to break you guys apart. They had no idea that you and him didnt have a label.
Some fans made fake edits that looked real but if you looked close enough you could see it was edited or they used old pictures and edit those to make it look up to date.
They posted them everywhere after you latest interview with Alex. (Think of the video of travis placing his hand on the glass looking like hes grabbing Kate's butt )
Alex had put his hand on the glass so fans blew saw it looked like he was touching your butt. You caught him and laughed while playfully pushing him and he pulls you close and kissed your head but kept you in his arms.
This is what pissed some fans off and the pictures where released
You and Alex had just finished an interview where they asked if you guys were a couple and you both smiled and just said
"We have alot of fun with eachother. Shes my best friend and I can share the world with her." Alex said
"And I feel the same hes my best friend and I share everything. My whole world with him. So take that as u may" u had smiled
After the interview you and Alex went out for lunch and then back to his hotel room to relax a while.
You both ended up in a heavy make out like normal...you just wish you knew what you and him were.
But you were not turning down a make out or anything more from him.
You guys did feel like a couple so maybe you were but no label. Maybe he assumed you both where together alrrady.
He eventually got up to take a shower and you scrolled thru Instagram.
That's when u saw the pictures
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"Omg Am Is not who Alexander needs. He knows it too because he was caught kissing this beautiful woman and it's not Am" a fan shared some edited pics. Then u saw the video
You jaw and heart dropped.
It looked so real.
What if u assumed wrong..what if he only saw you as a fuck. What if you were nothing more than someone to be with until he could see this woman again....
Your eyes watered
You quickly wiped them away though. You guys never had a label so you can't be upset but you can stop this before you get hurt worse.
Alex steps out the bathroom after his shower and he drys off but stays naked.
"Hey actually I need to head back to my room. I'm just not feeling well and I dont wanna get you sick " you lie and stand up grabbing ur bag
"Hold up let me walk you" he says jumping up and throwing on pants a shirt.
"No it's okay Alex you dont have too. I can get myself there. No worries. Really don't wanna get you sick hun especially if ur gonna wanna see ur other girl after this press tour ends tomorrow. You dont need to be sick." U fake a smile and get out of his room fast an lock yourself away in your own room.
Alex stood there shocked. You said he had another girl....but he didnt. He only had you. He only loved you. No one else but you.
He sat on his bed and scrolled thru insta when he also saw this pictures and captions..he knew u had seen this but these where clearly fake. Because in these pics be does have his tattoo on hid arm and he has a new on that no one has seen b4 and hed use that to prove to you he loves you
He called you but u never picked up. He text you and you replied one time.
"Alex look I think you should finally commit3to your girl. Honesty if I knew you were seeing someone...I wouldnt have been with you. But I was and I fell for you and I need space know so we can be friends again later...but just friends...I wont the the whore everyone thinks I am by being with you. Because that's not the person I am. I had a great time with u Alex but I'm the one who ended up burned...goodbye " you sent to him and blocked his number and sobbed
Alex couldnt text you or call and he was panicking. He knocked on your door but u ignored it.
You refused to see him unless work related.
"Am it's not real....its just you...always has been and you'll see I'm telling the truth. He says and you hear him walk back to his and You sighed.
Alex placed back and forth until he made a choice
He went live and waited for enough followers..mainly you.
You joined but only for a bjt.
Enough to hear him rip a new one on the fans who did the edits
"I know the people who made the ed ih ts are here and in want to say. You guys are sick. Trying to ruin peoples lives just because you dont like a person you dont even know!
She was my girl...and I had the perfect woman..but because some fans hated that ymthey had to ruin things...I was going to show her tonight something special..it would have made us official but...we couldnt because sof you people who made the edits...Amqnda baby I know you watching ..please just look. " he says and he lifts his shir my his bicep (the other one)
Ut was your name in runes and u teared up.
" it's always been you...so come here babygirl " he says and ubbo ln red to his room and knocked.
He turned off his live and opened the door
"Alex .....you..love me?" U ask and he chuckles
"Yes baby. Only you..now come back I cant sleep without my woman next to me" he says.
"ur woman?" U asked
"Yes ur my woman now " he smiles and yall share a sweet kiss.
"I love you..only you" he says and brings u in to have a sweet passionate kiss.
You weren't sure how things would go in the future but right know its looking pretty damn great. Your happy where your at for now.
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theboobserweight · 6 years
Hi to whomever is reading this. I had a moment of confidence where i felt like i was ready to share my story, share what makes me me. And that’s exactly what i am going to do with this blog post.
This story isn’t a pretty one. And i am not going to use any names, and wont go into much detail. But if you want to know why i am the way i am. What’s made me who i am. Keep reading.
So my real name is Kimberley, yes that’s right. The legal spelling of my name isn’t even with a Y. But there were 2 other Kimberley's at my school so I decided to change it to spelling it with a Y and I’ve been spelling it that way since I was 7.
My childhood was great. I have the world’s greatest parents tbh. I am closer to my dad than anyone, but we’ll get to that.
See my mom doesn't like alternative. She wanted me to be a girly girl, but my dad didn't mind as long as i was happy. My mom didn't. so I grew up alot closer to my dad.
At the age of 13 I started to rebel. My dad had raised me on rock music since i was a child. My first ever concert was Bruce Springsteen haha. I started to go in that rebel direction. When i started secondary school, it was a brand new school and we were the only year there. The top. I was the only alternative person. Which brought on a mercy of bullying. Being called ugly, fat (Which i was bigger), goth and everything else. But i tried to focus as much as I could and let it go. 
By time I was 15 I had tired of the bullying. it lead to me having a physical fight with a boy in the cafeteria of the school. Safe to say i didn't get bullied after that lol.
College was better, i started to find myself. My dancing was going amazing. In fact at the age of 17 i competed and WON the under 18 European dance hip hop championships :) (Little fact about me for you there) I was on top of the world. But that didn’t last long.
See at the age of 17 i had met a guy, on Myspace. And i fell in love. He seemed perfect to me, I would do anything for him. I was a mug. Let me tell you and example. See I lived on the edge of Essex near Lakeside shopping centre, and he lived and worked in Romford. I would drive my car to his house to pick him up and drop him off to work. And then do the same when he had finished. I was stuck. He cheated on me several times, manipulating me to believe it was my fault. And i believed him, and forgave him. That’s when the relationship started to turn toxic. I wouldn’t realize it until i was 24 but I was being emotionally abused. But more so, I was being physically. But at the time i thought that was what love was. And even more so, I thought that with love you gave everything to the person you loved. Even if you didnt want to. And i dont like to mention the word so I’ll use the single letter but he R’d me several times. And i thought it was out of love, i thought he loved me. And i let him do it because he led me to believe that if i loved him i would let him do whatever he wanted to do to me.
It took me time, but i eventually cut ties, due to the help of my best friend. I had to do it by text out of fear what would happen if i did it to his face. And i had to get her to push the button to send the message. Still to this day i remember what he text back to the 3 page essay i had sent him. 6 words. “Whatever makes you happy i guess” He would try to get back with me eventually. Again trying to make me believe that it was my fault. But I didn’t let him.
It would be at this point in my life, 2 days before i was due to go away on holiday for my birthday that I would try kill myself for the first time. Luckily my cousin was there to stop me.
I started my 18th birthday depressed. In new york of all places, trying to have fun but i was shook. I came back, surrounding myself with some incredible people. And everytime he would try contact me, my friends would answer the phone. Even down to a good friend of mine pretending to be my bf lol!
I tried to live my life as well as i could after that, trying to find myself. I didnt know what i wanted to do with my life. I didnt know if i could go into another relationship. My confidence was gone. That girl I was before him was no where to be found. 
I started working at my local cinema. And these were the best 3 years of my life. Ups and downs, highs and lows but easily the best time of my life.
I was 19 and I met a guy whilst i worked there and we started dating. I tried my hardest to let my guard down with this guy. But it just wasnt working. I couldn’t even let him kiss me and I didn’t know why. And I was kind of lucky that it wasn’t working. You see.. this guy was only dating me cos he had a bet with several other people that worked there that i didnt get on with to see how long it would take him to get me into bed. Safe to say, being friends with the manager works in your favour, cos i got them fired.But once again the confidence i had built up was now back to zero.
I just got on with my life after that. I didn’t think about dating or anything like that. I weren’t living for anything. I was just working and enjoying my life as much as i could.
At 21, I was lucky enough to go on holiday with my BFF and her family to Vegas. That was alot better than my 18th birthday.
At the end of 2011, i met a guy through a mutual friend and we got on really well. We stared dating, and for the first time in a long time I thought i had built my confidence back up. But that guard I had was lingering in the background. I was trying to push him away and he didn’t realize. Until I did. I hadn’t ever considered how much my first relationship would impact my future relationships until this guy. We could kiss, and make out for hours. But if it even tried to go further it would cause me to have an anxiety attack. I couldn’t let him touch me, at all. And it’s then i realized I had a problem. That relationship ended because he chose to cheat on me and get back with his ex.
So record so far. 1 guy abused and R’d me. 1 guy dated me for a bet. and 1 cheated. Not a good track record for a girl aged 21 huh?
And thats why at age 21 I would again attempt to kill myself. This time seeking comfort in a friend after ODing.
I gave up after that. I focused into different things. I decided dating wasn’t an option for me. I had to find myself, i had to find that confidence again.
And that’s when i started wrestling. A good friend taught me that the perfect character in wrestling is the person  you dont have the confidence to be in real life. Alas, Kymmie was born. Kymmie oozes confidence, she believes shes untouchable. And that was the girl i wish i could be in real life. Not this depressed, anxiety driven shy girl that everyone just thinks is a bitch cos she wont talk to them.
At the age of 26 i did eventually meet someone that would change my life. A guy that I am able to call a best friend. He changed everything. He made me find me again. My guard dropped the quickest it had ever, and I opened up. And for the first time in a long time, I could say that I was becoming me again. And at 26, 8 years after the guy that destroyed me, and made it so that no man could ever touch me. I finally let it happen. 
Fast forward to 2018, and I’m currently 28. My confidence right now is amazing. I still have alot of work to do, but I am learning each day to love myself. I do love myself. I have the greatest friends in the world.
I have taken a hitus from wrestling due to a back injury sustained on a horrible decision i made last year. But i will continue next year.
I have my instagram as a way to help me build confidence in how I look. Alot of people assume that due to my insta that im easy and i’m a slut. I can tell you right now, hand on my heart, that i am 28 and i have slept with 2 people. I dont count my rape as me loosing my virginity at all. It is very hard for me to be sexual with someone and let that wall down. And I am in no way ashamed to admit that I was 26 when i lost my virginity.
My depression and anxiety still exists within me, and it comes out often. I may seem confident, and untouchable. But I’m honestly not always on the inside.  If you honestly think I look confident, believe me when i say that 80% of the time that is fake, and I am actually hiding behind a mask. Like most people in life do.
If you see me at shows, or anything. And i havent approached you to say hi, Its not me being stuck up. And it isn’t me being a bitch. Its because i’m too shy and nervous to say hello as much as i want to. And my inner demons, due to my anxiety are messing with me. So please dont hesitate to come say hello.
I am working on being more confident around people, but its a process, and it will take some time. 
But that is my story summed up.
If you are still reading by this point, then thank you. I hope this gives you some sort of insight to who i am and why i am the way i am.
The last thing I will say is something i learned the weekend. And that is to make sure you surround yourself with positive people. I have recently cut some of my family out of my life (not my immediate) but this is due to them always been negative on the things i do, and i dont need that. 
I choose to surround  myself to positive people, those who boost me and those whom i can boost to.
But thank you for taking the time to read this. If you want to reach out and talk to me you are more than welcome to. My inbox is always open. 
Have a great day!
Kisses xoxo
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designerkj · 5 years
Fall outfit inspo will soon be everywhere on social media. From comfy knits to luxurious leather, how do you choose the right fall fashion look for your personal style? We have 29 stylish outfit ideas that will make you the envy of everyone in your office and on your Instagram feed! Love layers? You’ll find outfits featuring denim and leather jackets, cardigans, and cozy plaid scarves. Obsessed with footwear? Whether you love to rock fun sneakers, sexy heels, or chic boots, there’s an idea for you. Keep reading to learn more about how to put together your ideal autumn look!
29 Insta-Worthy Fall Outfits You’ll Love
1) Sleek and Chic Monochrome Black
Source: danceinmycloset.com
An easy way to make an impact is to go monochrome. An all black outfit like this one looks amazing on everyone! Keep it looking more chic and less goth by adding metallic details and simple lines.
2) Grown Up Tee Shirt and Jeans
Source: thevivaluxury.com
Update your jeans and a tee with this look. Thin stripes in neutral colors, cuffed hems, and heels make this look more adult. Top it off with a classy wool coat to keep out fall’s chilly winds.
3) Update your jeans and a tee with this look. Thin stripes in neutral colors, cuffed hems, and heels make this look more adult. Top it off with a classy wool coat to keep out fall’s chilly winds.
Source: thestyledpress.com
Autumn means it’s sweater weather time! A comfy knitted cardigan keeps you warm without overpowering the rest of your outfit. When it’s layered over a pretty peplum top, this cardigan looks stylish, not sloppy.
4) Gym To Street Casual Style
Source: polyvore.com
No time to change between your workout and errands? Try this stylish outfit! Knotting the sweatshirt keeps its slouchy silhouette from overwhelming your frame, while the sleek black leggings are a fall outfit favorite!
5) Fun and Bold Fall Accessories
Source: shop.nordstrom.com
Use a white cable knit sweater and jeans as a base, then add your favorite fall accessories to make your outfit pop. Here, a cozy plaid scarf and tall riding boots look perfect for apple picking or a hay ride.
6) Extend Your Favorite Summer Look
Source: thefashionguitar.com
The light blue tones and causal denim of your favorite summer looks can work into fall. Just swap your tank for a sweater and sandals for pumps and you’re good to go!
7) Add Visual Interest With Textures
Source: amazon.com
Not everyone can pull of a crazy print or wild colors. If you want to add visual interest without straying from a neutral color palette, try this look. A marled cardigan layered over a waffle-weave top looks perfectly eclectic.
8) Grab Attention In Dark Green
Source: revolvechic.com
Match the signature color on your pumpkin spice latte cups by wearing a deep green. It stands out against the warm tones of fall leaves and will make your Instagram pics look poppin’!
9) Tap Into Your Inner Rock Chick
Source: fashionstyle-navi.com
Torn jeans and a moto jacket look tough yet stylish for fall. Just remember to keep the fits snug to avoid looking like you belong to a biker gang. Add some oversized sunnies and sparkly jewelry for a girly touch!
10) Casual Friday Polished Fall Faves
Source: stylelovely.com
Comfy yet fitted jeans, a simple button-down, and a chic overcoat look polished yet effortless. Add a big bag so you can go right from the office to your weekend at the lake!
11) Save Your Feet In Sneakers
Source: fashion-agony.com
Heels aren’t necessary for a chic fall outfit. A clean pair of sneakers that don’t look like they’ve been through a war can be a fun, statement-making accessory. Pair with dark jeans and a top to make them pop!
12) Dress Up Your Favorite Sweatshirt
Source: elclosetdegiuliana.com
Feeling chilly at the office? A sweatshirt can look work appropriate when topped with a colorful blazer. Dark jeans and sleek slip-on sneakers will give you a cool girl vibe without looking like you rolled out of the dorms.
13) Don’t Shy Away From Color
Source: blogdajulianaparisi.com.br
Stand out in the crowd of leather fall jackets by choosing one in a bright color. When worn with an otherwise all black and white outfit, this look will make you the most stylish girl on the street.
14) Transition To Fall With A Scarf
Source: trendsgal.com
Stuck on what to wear when it’s too cool for summer clothes but too warm for winter attire? Grab a simple long-sleeved tee and wrap on a cozy scarf for extra warmth.
15) All Black Chic In Sneaks
Source: stylishwife.com
Want a fall outfit you can wear literally anywhere? With subtly distressed jeans and hi-tops, it’s perfect for meeting your bestie for coffee but the luxe accessories and blazer make it put-together for work.
16) Try A Fun Duster Cardigan
Source: lulus.com
Add some vintage flair to your look with a long, sweeping duster cardigan. It not only keeps you snuggly warm as the weather grows colder, it also gives your entire outfit a feminine, dramatic feel.
17) Two Tone Bombshell Outfit Inspo
Source: womenpop.com
Fawn and black scream autumn chic. Build an outfit of clean lines and fitted silhouettes with these two colors and you’ll look seasonally stylish. Don’t forget shoes and a bag to complete the look!
18) Make It Sweater Weather Saturday
Source: laurenconrad.com
If layered looks aren’t your thing, invest in a killer cable knit sweater. Choose one that’s cuddly without looking bulky in a neutral color like this grey. That way you can wear it with anything from jeans to a skirt.
19) Spooky Victorian Tones Scream Halloween
Source: shop.nordstrom.com
If you want to dress in the spirit of Halloween, try this outfit. The wine-colored sweater and black jeans give off a spooky Victorian vibe, much more elegant than cartoonish orange. This look also transitions well into the holiday season.
20) Girly Pastels Meet Chunky Knits
Source: dreamclosetcouture.us
A huge, chunky knit cardigan is the perfect way to layer up as fall cools down. Choosing one in a soft pastel color and pairing it with light wash jeans keeps the look delicate, not schlubby.
21) Chilly Fall Night Campfire Look
Source: fabulous-looks.tumblr.com
The end of summer calls for a few final nights around a campfire with friends. Denim cutoffs and an easy white tee are great for outdoorsy daytime activities and a comfy flyaway cardigan keeps you warm after the sun goes down.
22) Back To School Varsity Stripes
Source: shop.nordstrom.com
You probably haven’t dreaded “back to school” season in years, but that doesn’t mean you can’t dress like it! A sweater with varsity stripe details and a fishtail braid will make you relive your high school days (without the drama).
23) Use Denim As A Color
Source: thestyleshaker.tumblr.com
We all know pops of color make an all-black outfit even better. If you’re not into brights, use your fave denim jacket instead! Tuck a black tee into black jeans for a clean, sleek look that will let your jacket shine.
24) Make A Hoodie Look Hot
Source: instagram.com
A hoodie with torn jeans sounds like a teen’s go-to. But make the jeans black, slip on clean white sneakers, and top with a black moto jacket and you’ll look effortlessly cool.
25) Don’t Shy Away From Dresses
Source: stelladolls.com
Don’t pack your dresses away just because there’s a chill in the air! A denim jacket over your favorite printed tee shirt dress is perfect for hitting up the pumpkin patch.
26) Classic Casual Chambray Shirt Update
Source: bloomingdales.com
A chambray shirt with high-waisted black jeans is a go-to for fall fashionistas. Give the look an update this year by wearing a neutral-colored crop top, then layering the button-down open over top. One last peek of skin before winter!
27) Leather Pants And Pretty Plaid
Source: shopdailychic.com
Leather pants are the edgy alternative to black leggings. Pair them with a crisp white shirt and a classic plaid scarf to make the look put-together rather than too racy.
28) Slim Down In A Chevron Sweater
Source: janenorman.co.uk
A chevron-print sweater with an uneven hemline slims you and directs attention downward. Pair it with dark skinny pants and a killer pair of heels to flatter your bottom half.
29) Luxe Black Leather Bad Girl
Source: johannaeo.se
Take black leather from motorcycle gang to high fashion with this look. Choose a small, chic bag and riding boots (rather than moto boots). White pants and a flowy top keep it pure.
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