#its technically a joongdok au but like this snippet isnt about them so eh??
mae-i-scribble · 2 years
Since I have so many words lying around, probably for things that will never get finished, I figured i might as well start up wip wednesdays again :D. Today being the orv edition. This is a snippet of one convo i wrote for a weird fusion of the movie Your Name with sci-fi/post apocalypse elements. This would be near the climax of it all, once secrets have come out (spoiler alert there are some time shenanigans ocuring.
This is the first bit of orv writing i ever did, even before i had finished the novel and by now i’ve decided to change how i write out names but if anyone has info on proper formatting i’d be happy to hear em.
Yoo Junghyeok thought that people wanted to fight for their lives. He’s seen them struggling tooth and nail for even the chance to survive. Some overcome it, some succumb to what they think is an inevitable end. Kim Dokja hasn’t even tried. For most people, he would just consider them fools and move on, but Kim Dokja is no fool. Begrudgingly, Yoo Junghyeok has to acknowledge that in fact, Kim Dokja is perhaps the most clever person he knows. What is all that knowledge good for if not to save his own skin? Kim Dokja has poured everything into making sure Yoo Junghyeok succeeded, and expected Yoo Junhyeok to abandon him in return? Damnable man. 
In front of him stands a door, number 3403. Yoo Junghyeok is forced to wrench it open when it doesn’t open on its own. 
“Kim Dokja!” 
“You’re so stubborn, you damned sunfish.”
Yoo Junghyeok, whirls around. He’s frozen for a second, taken aback to be looking at a near copy of the face he’s come to know over the past year as his own skin, staring at it in the mirror. This version of Kim Dokja is older than the one he inhabited, none of the baby fat on his cheeks and eyes far sharper. He’s still too thin, and that smile is as punchable as Yoo Junghyeok always thought it to be. 
The horns and wings are a surprise though. Kim Dokja hasn’t mentioned them once. The horns are somewhat unobtrusive, all black and standing up straight in the center of his head. However, the dark maroon wings stretch out wide, wingspan likely twice Kim Dokja’s height.  Not that it stops Yoo Junghyeok from silently stomping over and promptly doing what he’s wanted to do since this entire body switching dilemma began. 
He punches Kim Dokja squarely in the jaw. 
Kim Dokja has the audacity to not even look surprised, he rubs a hand along his chin, wiping away the blood with a smile. “I was hoping that you wouldn’t be able to touch me here. Pity. Hey, if you hit me once, that means I should be able to hit you back, right?” 
There are a million other things Yoo Junghyeok should be telling Kim Dokja right now, plans he should be forming to save this crafty sacrificial bastard. Instead, he finds himself saying, “Try it.” 
Kim Dokja sighs. “I value my life, thank you very much.” 
“Clearly not.” Yoo Junghyeok glares at the man. 
Kim Dokja blinks. “Ah. Right.” 
“Where is your body?” 
Kim Dokja has the audacity to chuckle. “I’m sitting right in front of you. Don’t tell me that coming here made you blind.” 
Yoo Junghyeok reaches for his sword. “Physically.” 
“Alright, alright, I don’t particularly feel like dying again.” Kim Dokja puts his hands up. “It’s around here somewhere. Couldn’t tell you where though.” 
Bullshit. Kim Dokja remembers details down to the smallest piece. He probably knows in what room his body is in currently. “Kim Dokja.” 
“You know that this future shouldn’t be changed.” 
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