#its technically still showing its due in a couple hours but the prof said yesterday they would extend to monday. so
adampage · 1 year
anyway my brain still hurts and i dont care about this essay anymore so im gonna go to bed. good night
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haikyuu-drabble · 5 years
Soulmate AU | Terushima x Reader
hi i saw this post on tumblr about a colorblind soulmate au loool and so i wrote this... technically part two is in the works but idk if im a fan of where its going but if u guys really want it then ill try to work on it haha
terushima x reader | Colorblind
word count: 2670
Black and white. That’s what you always saw, and you hated every moment of it. You’d been wanting to meet your soulmate for years. Out of all your friends you’ve wanted it the most. Every time you thought you might have found the person, when you reached out to touch them, nothing changed. You still saw black and white.
These days, most, if not all, of your friends could see in color. You’d constantly have them describe the shades or hues of things. You’d ask them things like what color your eyes were or what their favorite color was. You’d basically torture yourself.
Your friend laughed, “Maybe you haven’t met your soulmate because they can tell how desperate you are.”
You grimaced, “You don’t really think that’s it, do you?”
“Of course not!” you friend laughed, “Can you just relax? It’ll come when it comes. The best things always come when you’re not looking for it.”
“Well, can you blame me? My curiosity is only going to get worse the older we get. The number of people who only see in black and white in our age range is only getting smaller.” You grumbled.
You friend rolled her eyes and patted you on the back, “Just focus on what’s important to you right now, and it’ll show up.”
“Fine.” you sighed.
When it was time for your next class, you bid your friend goodbye. It was a new semester which meant new classes which also meant new classmates. This could be your chance. This could be the class that you meet your soulmate and finally see in color.
When you walked in, you saw a load of girls surrounding a particular area of the classroom. You tried to peak over the crowd to see what they were crowding over. It was a male student with short cropped hair. You raised a brow wondering why everyone was so preoccupied with him.
You decided to sit far away from the commotion. The professor gave the typical syllabus lecture, and in the midst of it, he announced that there’d be a partner project. He explained, “I already assigned your partners, and I’ll post them on the board after lecture. Be sure to communicate what you want your project to be about. I’ll be asking for topics next week.”
You felt yourself getting excited. This could be it. This assigned partner for class could be your assigned partner for life. You felt yourself fidgeting from anticipation of the list.
When class finally ended, you overheard girls saying things like “I hope I get Terushima” or “how lucky would I be to get Terushima as a partner?”
Frankly, you had no idea who they were talking about, but you also didn’t really care to know.
You were in line waiting for your turn to search the list when you overheard someone calling your name. You tried to look over the heads that were blocking your view and saw the same boy who was surrounded by girls earlier. You sighed to yourself. Great.
You waved your hand, and he grinned at you. You could hear the girls whispers around you, “she’s so lucky” and “I really thought I was going to be his partner”.
He walked up to you with a smile, “So, should we trade numbers?”
“How about emails?” you suggested.
“Isn’t it easier to communicate through text?” he raised a brow.
“If I said that I didn’t have a phone, would you believe me?” you faked a grin.
Terushima laughed, “No, but for that joke. I’ll settle for your email.”
You grabbed a scrap of paper and wrote your email on it. He did the same, and you two ended up trading the papers. He smiled, “I’ll email you some topics later!”
You nodded in response and walked off to your next class. All you could think of was how much work you’d definitely be putting into this project. He just seemed like the type of guy who wouldn’t carry his weight.
Later that night, you were watching television at your apartment. Getting used to going back into the groove of school always tired you out. You could feel your mind drifting off when your phone pinged. It was an email from Terushima. You opened it to see what it was about, and in it were over ten topics. How… did he already come up with so many?
You read over them, and you realized that they were all really interesting things to make a project about. You picked the three that were most interesting to you and emailed him back with your response. Within moments, he’d already emailed you back and said you should meet up to narrow down which one you wanted to do. You agreed.
The next day, you went to the campus cafeteria. It was the agreed meeting place, but you forgot how busy the room got when it was lunch time. You opened your email and asked him if he found a spot yet. However, there was no response. You tried to look around for him in the giant room, and after about fifteen minutes of looking you finally found him sitting at a table in the corner. You approached the table and sat across from him. “I’m sorry. I got here earlier, but I was looking around for you the whole time. I emailed you asking you where you were, but yeah…” you veered off.
Terushima smirked at you, “If we traded numbers like I suggested yesterday, you wouldn’t have had so much trouble.”
“If I could see color then I also would’ve been able to spot you better too.” You muttered.
He tilted his head, “You can’t see color, either?”
“Either?” you asked, “You haven’t met your soulmate yet?”
He shook his head and smiled, “Thankfully, no.”
You raised a brow, “What do you mean by ‘thankfully’?”
He leaned towards you, “Life would be so boring if I found my soulmate. I don’t want to settle.”
You propped your head up with your hand, “Finding your soulmate isn’t settling down. It’s finding your partner. Your whole life changes, and you can finally see in color. How is that settling down at all?”
“You see it this way, and I see it that way.” Terushima shrugged and put his hand up for a high-five, “Kudos to us for still being free!”
You stared at his hand, “Should you really be that open to touching people if you don’t wanna find your soulmate?”
Terushima lowered his hand and laughed, “I think it’s safe to say that neither of us get along that well. I highly doubt we’re soulmates.”
“Right.” You rolled your eyes and opened your laptop to start working, “So, what topics do you think should narrow down on?”
You two talked for about an hour figuring out the pros and cons of the topics. It took longer than you expected because you guys had to refer back to the original list since some of the other topics weren’t as easily researched as others.
Before you two split up, he asked for your number, and you had to agree. It would be annoying if you continued to communicate only through email.
You were glad that you figured out what topic to write about because now you didn’t have to worry about it until your professor had approved the topic.
Coincidentally, you came to class early the day the topic was due. You grabbed your study materials out of your bag waited for class to start. Someone sat down next to you, and you saw Terushima smiling at you, “So, did prof approve our project?”
“He said that he’s going to go over it a couple minutes before class ends.” You answered.
The rest of the class started flocking in, and that’s when the normal swarming of girls approached Terushima. You sighed and collected your things. Terushima turned to you, “I thought you said we still have to turn in our topic. Where are you going?”
“Don’t worry. I need a good grade, too. I’m not leaving.” You explained.
You moved away from the crowd, a couple rows in front of your original seat. It was much too early to deal with such a loud crowd.
Near the end of class, the professor explained that he was finally going to approve topics, and as soon as you were approved, you were free to leave. Since you were sitting near the front, you were one of the first people he checked. You quickly got his approval and texted Terushima the news. 
As soon as you packed your things and left the classroom, someone called your name from behind you. You turned around and saw Terushima chasing after you. Once he caught up with you, he asked, “Why didn’t you wait for me?”
“Well, he approved of our topic, and I texted you.” you held up your phone.
He checked his phone and saw the message, “Oh. I didn’t realize.”
“That’s because you were too distracted with the girls crowding around you.” You joked, “Maybe if you met your soulmate, you wouldn’t be so distracted.”
Terushima had a smile on his face, “Well, if you look at that. ‘Ms. Serious’ has jokes.”
You laughed and rolled your eyes, “It comes up on occasion.”
“Well, I know that now.” Terushima beamed, “So, where’s your next class?”
“I don’t have one actually. I’m done for the day.” You answered.
“Me either! Let’s get hangout” he invited.
“I don’t know. I’m kind of busy.” You veered.
You looked at his face and saw the slight disappointment. There was a part of you that wanted to give in, “But… I guess I can squeeze you into my busy schedule.”
Terushima grinned, “Great! I know the best place with the best bread!”
When you two got to the bakery, you grabbed some pastries. Terushima was ahead of you at the cash register, and you put your bread next to his, “I’ll pay for his food too.”
Terushima was taken aback, “What’s this about?”
You took out your wallet, “I feel bad since you found all the topics for the assignment. It had to have taken a lot of time because you got so many. So, consider this as my payback.”
You grabbed your bread and headed to a table to sit at. While eating, you got to know Terushima a little bit better. You asked, “Holdup. You played volleyball?”
“Played?” he repeated, “I still play! I’m on the school’s team.”
“How come I never noticed you, then?” you asked.
Terushima shrugged, “Maybe you just couldn’t believe such a perfect guy could exist.”
“Sure. That’s what it is.” You scoffed.
Once you finished eating, Terushima walked you to the station. Before leaving, you asked, “Next time, let’s meet up to research some sources.”
“I’m down.” Terushima grinned.
You planned to meet with the next couple of days, and after he walked you walked to the subway. You looked back one more time and saw that he was still looking at you. When he noticed you looking, he grinned and waved at you energetically. You couldn’t help but smile and wave back at him.
On the train, you couldn’t help but think that Terushima was an enigma. He was a flirt. That’s for sure, but it was strange. You thought with his direct way of speaking, you would have been able to get a grasp on him, but trying to see what he was actually feeling was more difficult thank you thought. One thing you did realize was that you got along with him more than you would ever admit.
The next day, you met up with your friend, Tendou. He hadn’t met his soulmate either, but you figured out quite early that you weren’t each other’s soulmate. You’d accidentally tripped, and he was quick to catch you. When there was no difference in your vision, you were disappointed. Sure, Tendou was a very eccentric person, but he was sweet and fun. But over time, you realized it was much better that you two were just friends. 
You had told him about Terushima and the group project. Tendou stuck up a finger, “That’s the wild guy on the volleyball team, right?”
“Am I the only person who didn’t know he played for the school?” you asked.
Tendou shrugged, “Hard to say. I used to play so maybe that’s why I took notice.”
“Maybe.” You sighed.
“Well, what’s your opinion of him?” Tendou got straight to the point, “You like him or something?”
You felt your face heat up, “T-Tendou!”
Tendou raised his brows, “That’s an interesting reaction.”
“No!” you denied, “It’s not even a reaction.”
“If you say so.” Tendou snorted.
You threw your hands up, “Let’s just change the subject!”
“Fine.” Tendou shrugged again, “Oh yeah! I’m starting a manga!”
“Again?” you laughed, “Please tell me you have better ideas than last time.”
The next day, you went to the library, and you texted Terushima asking where he was. He quickly replied, “I’ll come and get you.”
Within a couple of moments, you saw him waving at you, and you walked up to him. He whispered, “I already got started and found a few references.”
Once you got to the table, you saw there were a some of books and printouts. You grabbed a book and noticed that he’d even already bookmarked a couple of pages. You asked, “How long have you been here for?”
“I’m not really sure.” He answered, “I just came here after my class. I figured I might as well since I had nothing else to do.”
“Terushima, if you keep this up, I’m going to go bankrupt from buying you those hotdog breads.”
“I wouldn’t mind that actually.” He snickered.
He sat down in his seat, and you took the spot next to him. You opened your laptop and started looking for own searches to add to the collection. You knew that this class was going to be a lot of work, but you didn’t realize that it was going to be as much as it was. You were thankful that you had Terushima as a partner to complete the paper and presentation.
While reading an article, Terushima called for your attention, “Can you look at this article, and tell me if it’s usable for the paper?”
You tilted your chair to see his laptop screen a bit better. You were reading the part that he highlighted when you felt your chair start to dangerously lean over more. You quickly gasped, but Terushima grabbed your arm and caught you and pushed your chair back on the ground. Suddenly there was a bright flash of light. You flinched from it and closed your eyes. “Are you alright?” Terushima laughed, “Good thing I caught you. You really would have been a goner.”
You rubbed your eyes, and when you opened them, things looked very different. You could see color. Does that mean…?
In almost a breath, you asked, “Do you… see that?”
“See what?” Terushima laughed, “Your life flash before your eyes?”
“No! The—” You looked over at him, and you saw his golden locks. Terushima was blond. His eyes were a soft almond color, and his skin had a slight tan to it. He was... beautiful.
He was looking at you with a confused look, and your heart dropped. You could tell by his expression that he wasn’t seeing what you saw. He wasn’t seeing in color. You knew that could only mean one thing. Terushima was your soulmate, but... you weren’t his.
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