#its too late fot me rn
minty-bubblegum ยท 1 year
i just realized i have so many of yall :0 LOVE EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU <33
@duskymrel - my first moot on here besides moon!! :D a lovely person ๐Ÿ’˜๐Ÿ’“
@twistwonderlanddevotee - an absolute sweetheart!! go give sofia love she deserves it <3
@silvers-numberonefan - kei !! another sweetie <3
@angelhairpastawithherbs - ROSE!! he helps explain a lot of shit for me,, and shes also very patient w me and not afraid to lmk their boundaries and im really appreciative for that <3
@eynnwwyjth - we havent interacted much but you seem very sweet!! :D
@citrusitonit - a very mean shithead (affectionate) anyway THEY STEAL ALL MY JOKE UNFUNNY STAR COMDEIN!!!
@dove-da-birb - another wonderful person!! excellent writing and i like to learn things from them too :3
@vtoriacore - ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL WRITING MWAH MWAH!! very kind too, give them a follow !!
@red-viewe - DEMONIC CRITTER THAT NEEDS TO BE RESTRAINED. makws very pretty writing and viette is pretbby.........
@carmensdia - we've interacted a couple of times and they're fabulous :D
@h3apm3ch4n151m - BELOVED SOMEWHAT. :3 i like them i can smell the silliness through the screen
@xxoomiii - kind soul!! her posts somewhat introduced me to ikemen :3 also i was informed by her that floyd wouldve have never been known w/o me being silly ๐Ÿ˜
@leonistic - im still new moots with them but !! THEIR WRIITINB !??!/// HWO ARE WE EVEM MOOTS THEYRE ETHERLA
@haruhar-u - always sends in stuff whenever i do ask games!! i like his poetry its beautiful!!!!
@saturnslastgoodbyes - silly goober!! im still getting to know them :3
@twst-om-lover - new moot!! cool guy :3
@theleechyskrunkly - literally the loml ๐Ÿ™„ we twinning w the silliness ong
@the-banana-0verlord - i havent interavyeed with them much but theu seem cool!!
@cheezy-moon - bitchless hoe love u
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angels-vomit ยท 5 years
i miss ur buttery popcorn he doesnt never has never will and i honestly want to go home in the big victorian house with the fireplace and i get to see wags everyfay and thry live thete and thry live across the stteet but theyre wity me and tj is there and my kpop boys bring me gifts and i get to go shopping and work on fosnrt workd with dad and mom and my family and NATE -.- i want to hear this kids idea. ge is really good at rhyming and he is mean judt likr mean he picked up irony but in a matr way and its tye cutest fucking thing in thr worlf and i moss u so much nater ut gratrt than hell rlle it suvks people are pretending yo be you but hes honestly really awkward anyways and u know in ur heart being >>>>> weirf and awkward around girls isnt exactly getting them very far....because a) dad scored an awesome mom dad and these hushanfs of mine scored an awesome chantelle so dont fret my pet bruh u were supposed to be cai loool i get it hes hurt :( awe nate evertone is butthurt tn because i made fun of their rgos but i really smacked down on nate hard. nate do u honestly think that guy did u justice.... i can hear u loud and clear from here big guy ok like goffamn im so glad i still get to see u shine and grow even tho im a slow from over yknow JUST BECAUSE HE HAS A HOBBY THAT IS LIKE YOURS AND BECAUSE HE IS THE SAME HEIGHT AND HAIRCUT LIKE U AND DRESSES LIKE U DORSNT MAKE U NATE OR U THOS GOES FOR ALL OF U. but i really want Nathaniel to keep his name. i know hes consifering vhanging it dont. please do not. it would break my heart if you did honestly if it really gives u soltiyude nate i respect u but it rhymes so great! it honestly rn thymes cushiony in my head anf writing this lettrr to you is giving me peace. and quiet thh loool i love you. but seriously big guy and i LOVED playing pretty pretty princess with you and if you want to wear dresses and wear makeup and dress like how you YOU want yo wear what you want to. nate you are fantastic and i aupport you all the way i do they just ruined my life and you know your big sister chantelle supports you the most i hated you but loved you so much i wantrd to see u shine and aee u in plays and watch u fancr and do acrobats and i love u so much. soccer was cool too but was it you? i love you anywsys if it is. im just following my intuition kid but anyone you choose to be im here for you. we will get ring braclets that we will never take off and im going to swuish ya i dont ever want to stop talking to you either because i want to hear you and see you and i want to know you i think you are the most interesting person in thr world and he has a taken a liking to jimin eye see well secret jimin loves u and we will be 3 there u go no sexual contact but u sket it he can yake u out on datrs if jimin feels its necfessary ! anything fot nate i think its his fate . anyways i love you so so so so so much dont think any of what im being molested in this house means anything it DOES NOT TIT TOT I AM JUSt putting on a favade is she really sarcastic ? she is tgo? she is just cleverrer with it tho its hard when u cant do iy with ur kens ykno but like im kinda broken rn so here is my token to you:
nate fate great he date a mate late i am kate yate sate wate no hate but he date bate bate bate no late but yester date he did bate bate bate over kate loool just kidding bro im just teasing ya uou have to GROW UP SOMETIME GOD im trying to get u in there>>>>>> bye.
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dwindlingashesburnt ยท 5 years
I hate her. I hate her I hate her I hate her I hate her. She woke me up "accidentally" because she "forgot" I didnt have to go to school and my dad tried to epxlain nicely one chore I kinda needed to do tpday....then she called me down and the very first fuckong thing she said was that she was sorey but i couldnt just lie around in bed all day, then she yelled at me for crying when I didnt even look upset as far as i know and definitely wasnt crying and tgen s aid "oh forgoet it you domt have too the chore"and carried on insulting me so i ram away upstairs to get away from her but then she started scremaing about how shed lose her job because she had to stay home to put fukcing washing oj the line so I screamed back that id do it and at that point I WAS crying a lot because its not fukcing fair, i didnt do anytjing wrong at all i literally just was woken up and did as i was told and thos happened. then i went downsrairs and went outside to put washing in line and my dad apologised and hugged me and tried to help
so of course she came to tell at my dad for doing tgat instead of gping ti work.....but then she didnt go to work because "i cant leave you crying like this" and i asked her what she expected. Then she "apologised" and asked me to tell her what was wrong so i did - then she got angry at me and started hissing at me abd even grabbing at my arm because "dont share our busibess with the neighbours" WELL FUCK YOU MOTHER youre so ffucking transparent like that you dont care about me you domt care about your child crying because you hurt them, you domt care what you did wromg, you just care about your shiny nonexistent reputation with fucking neighbours you dont like and have never ever talked to. Thanks. Thanks spFUCKING much mother, glad to know im so high on your ljst of priorites - I HATE YOU
and you fucking set thay up. you couldve just gone to work wguch yoy shouldve because you claimed dadda was running late and you 2 go to work tohether....but yiu stayed behind to "apploguse" to me outside. and it mever matters when you insukt and hurt and humiliate me outsjde or when you scream bloody murder in the house, no, no, the neighbours are conveniently deaf then, but when i speak at a normal volume of how you hurt me outside, suddenly they develop amazing hearing, huh? I fukcimg hate you, you couldve brought me inside to apologise but you didnt because you wete fucling set me up you wouldmt have applogised at all if it didnt give you an opportunity to hurt me more you fucking bitch
and then your "apologies" were all just victim blaimimg and excuses!!! "Im just really steessed" "well its not fair to take it out on me" "OK WELL IM SORRY IM JUST REALLY STRESSED RN AND MAYBE THAT BOILED OVER AND MAYBE I WAS UNAFIR BUT"There is no fukcing maybr about it and there shouldmmt be any fucking buts in your pathetic apology "maybe if i fot some help around the house i wouldnt be so stressed!" oh my gid, fuck you. youre saying you abuse me because youre stressed, and then trying to say if i just did more chores aroynd the house you wouldnt be so stressed? YOURE FUCKING BLAIMIMG ME FOR YOU ABUSING ME, AGAIN. I FUCKING HATE YOU, HOW DARE YOU FUCKING DO THIS SHIT, I HATR YPU. Also its a fucking LIE while that line may have vagueky worked in the past, ive been doing 1-3 chores a day for weeks now so you know what? Youre a bitch and a liar and i hate you you fucking abusive asshole. And then you left me sobbing in the kitchen to go to work! So much for "i cant leave you cryibg like this", huh? You dont care abiut me. It was just a convenient excuse to hurt me.
You made me believe I wasnt even human for so long. You made me believe the only reason I existed was because my pathetic failures to hide my misery was good entertainment for everyone around me. You trapped me in a hell where I thought anybody could kill me at any moment, and would do so gladly and instantly if I fucked up. You drove me to the point of wanting to commit suicide, then started lecturing about how god doesnt like suicide and you wont allow it. I was suffocating, I felt like I was dying, I wanted to crawl out of my fucking skin. You made god and your name synonymous until learming about christianity madde me feel wildly uncomfortable and scared and i didnt know why, and suddenly you became all knowing, all powerful, all present. I hate you. When I got an eating disorder you claimed to never notice, then said I looked like I was pregnant when I started trying to recover, then wept at me about not telling you I was losing weight, that you were so worried ans I couldnt do this to you. Fuck you. I daydreamed about my closest friends murdering me, because I thought that was a possibility and even though you banned suicide, I still longed to die. You fucked me up so bad and I hate you. I hate you. You yell at me when I dont let you hug me in the middle of a fight or put your arm around my shoulders (all i can think of is that you will strangle me and i will die and youll laugh and act like ots no biggie) and i hate you. I hate you. You call me evil for crying, you condition me to cry when you say a phrase, and then you act so sad when you realise I once cried alone in my rpom because "you can always come to me!" You fucking liar. How dare you. Every single fukcing time I cry its because of you, and eveey time you find out you call me evil or deny any of the things that hurt me ever happened. I hate you. And Im going to repeat again, because I think this needs emphasis - she made me believe I was not human, and that the only reason I had been created was for my suffeirng to entrtain people, and I lived in constant terror only knowing I had to pretend I was a happy human or she would get angry. I was so scared and she is supposed to be my mother and i hate her
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