#its very vague so you can decide where to dunk this silly lad
thestargatherer · 4 years
Open Starter
Virgil knew he must’ve turned a wrong corner in the ruins the moment he stepped outside. It wasn’t the first time he found an alternative exit, nor was it the first time it led him to someplace...unexpected. 
The scholar took it all in stride whenever it happened, perhaps a little dusty from his adventures and unusual colored eyes squinting as he recovered from living in the din of crumbling cities hidden under sand for several days. He wasn’t sure if it was the nature of the ruins, or the creativity of his Wanderings, but it was more frequent he ended up in such situations than not when he explored. 
Knocking the dust and sand off his bag, Virgil lifted it up to his shoulders as he peered at his surroundings. If he was safe, he’d then go to explore a little bit in the time he had before he found his way back home. If he was in treacherous waters, then he must be quick on his feet. Every Wander required a different action, and after spending days on end in the ruins, he hoped it wouldn’t turn too terribly exciting. 
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