thestargatherer · 2 years
;Wow it’s been awhile huh
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thestargatherer · 3 years
;god i am so sorry for dropping out of nowhere. I had kind of fallen off of most internet stuff for various personal reasons, then I got a new job recently and my internet still isn't the greatest and absolutely LOATHES this site on desktop and mobile is a shitshow, and with me kind of taking a step back from my personal blog I kind of fell off the face of the earth with my rp ones
I got to be blunt, I still got the creative juice for rping, but this site in its general capacity has giving me blah vibes for awhile now (it isnt any of you, trust me!!). I will try to come back, but I am more readily available on discord.
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thestargatherer · 3 years
;I will be attempting to get back to replies hopefully by tomorrow! If I owe you anything, please let me know (because god forbid if this wretched site actually tells me anything useful-)
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thestargatherer · 3 years
;I will be back soon. The holidays happened.
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thestargatherer · 4 years
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Inktober Challenge 2018
Day 10 : Amphitrite
Day 11 : Pandora
Day 12 : The Sirens
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thestargatherer · 4 years
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William Holman Hunt and Edward Robert Hughes, The Lady of Shalott, 1905
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thestargatherer · 4 years
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-by rashomike
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thestargatherer · 4 years
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Anna Gardell-Ericson, Soluppgång över landskap med vatten, ca. 1870-1939
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thestargatherer · 4 years
Open Starter
Virgil knew he must’ve turned a wrong corner in the ruins the moment he stepped outside. It wasn’t the first time he found an alternative exit, nor was it the first time it led him to someplace...unexpected. 
The scholar took it all in stride whenever it happened, perhaps a little dusty from his adventures and unusual colored eyes squinting as he recovered from living in the din of crumbling cities hidden under sand for several days. He wasn’t sure if it was the nature of the ruins, or the creativity of his Wanderings, but it was more frequent he ended up in such situations than not when he explored. 
Knocking the dust and sand off his bag, Virgil lifted it up to his shoulders as he peered at his surroundings. If he was safe, he’d then go to explore a little bit in the time he had before he found his way back home. If he was in treacherous waters, then he must be quick on his feet. Every Wander required a different action, and after spending days on end in the ruins, he hoped it wouldn’t turn too terribly exciting. 
0 notes
thestargatherer · 4 years
Sum my muse up as a news article title
Example: “Local man gets what he deserves”, “Local man fucks everything up.”, etc etc. Bonus points if you make the mun laugh.
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thestargatherer · 4 years
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Indie D&D-inspired multimuse ask/RP blog featuring three vastly different dragons, a friendly bardic duo, and more!
Rules | Muses
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thestargatherer · 4 years
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Fairy Bay by Darek Zabrocki            
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thestargatherer · 4 years
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I drew a witch for a limited hardcover book called Becoming Dangerous about rituals and resistance. Mine was one of a handful of artist who contributed.
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thestargatherer · 4 years
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End of journey in the desert…
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thestargatherer · 4 years
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Celestial by exellero
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thestargatherer · 4 years
Snakes in the Grass
While there were many types of mage in this world, as Dinah had already explained, the word witch had some… negative connotations. It was mostly used by those who considered themselves to be ‘against’ all forms of magic, like it was inherently evil or dangerous. Which in the opinion of Dinah and most other magic users, was no more true for magic than for gravity or light.
Magic was just another force that existed in this universe and could be used or abused at anyone’s discretion.
She didn’t even blink at Virgil’s reply. “No, I understand. Figuring things out for yourself is half the fun of knowing. It’s especially fun if you have to work hard for it…” Or get it out of someone, she mentally added, but she figured that that sounded a bit too dark to say out loud for now. She assumed he didn’t know her well enough to take that the right way yet.
The book was held as still as she could, allowing Virgil to take in the details of the illustration. Even if he had seen it before, considering this book did belong to him, she understood why he might need to make sure.
“Harper’s Foe,” she repeated, thinking for a moment as she turned the book back around. “That doesn’t sound familiar. Not the name or what it does. We have some acidic flowers that might be related, but… nothing that really matches such a thing.”
The flowers she was referring to could also work as a food additive. The sap from these yellow flowers, which tended to grow in shadowy areas and have large root systems, was very sour… so small amounts could be used similarly to, say, lemon juice.
She looked back at him with a glimmer in her eyes. “You wouldn’t happen to have some seeds on you, would you?”
“My homeland tends to have such oddities when it comes to plants, I have found in my Wanderings,” Virgil admitted, looking down at the plant etched carefully upon the page. “There are only a few I’ve discovered that are similar or the same, but there are so many plants you never know when you simply mistake it for something else! There’s always so much to learn, you have to look at your feet sometimes to find out.” 
He was happy to discuss plants. Plants were safe, like creatures and rock structures. Magic was always a hit or miss depending on where he Wandered to, and sometimes deviating from that conversation to a safer topic was always wise. So he smiled and let Dinah hold the book as he reached for his bag. 
“I might have something-” his entire arm disappeared into the bag up to the shoulder as he rummaged. “Oh, I know I just sorted it out not too long ago- aha!” 
A leather case was produced with a triumphant noise, the flap of the bag falling shut as he carefully lifted the lid. Inside was tiny compartments, each holding a small jar or vial of plant clippings, seeds, flowers, sap, sometimes an entire plant if it was small enough. He hummed as he lifted the first level up, exposing a second layer of vials as he looked over the labels. 
“I must’ve left it on my desk,” he muttered, collapsing the case and latching it shut again. “I’ve been meaning to sort things out, but of course, when I do, I always needed the thing I leave out! Don’t you hate that? I’ll have to go through it and see what I have with me once we stop somewhere. It isn’t too far from a town now, yes?” They had been walking for quite some time now- he wondered if they would have to camp for the night, if the sun ever set that is. It was well into the afternoon by now. Perhaps it was summer here? 
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thestargatherer · 4 years
..well shit. Maybe he really didn’t know what a cellphone was. Not unheard of, Bradley had met his fair share of aliens along the years, some of which were even scared of microwaves and vacuum cleaners. 
He was about to whip out his cell and show Virgil the wonders of YouTube cat videos, when he got a little sidetracked by the other’s blush.
Alien or not, he was just the type of person Bradley wanted to impress. 
“No problem!” Bradley said, as casual as possible. “I’m the King of Caramel, you know. I know how to hoard it, where to grab it and which drink goes with which brand. You want to know anything about caramel? I’m your man!”
He winked, grinning like the Cheshire Cat. 
“I only charm the cute boys~”
“A King, you say?” Virgil could play along, a smile gracing his lips as he attempted to unwrap the caramel in his hand. “I didn’t know I was in such royal presence. Quite silly of me to walk in so carelessly and disturb your peace.” 
A laugh rewarded the stranger for his cheekiness, his freckled cheeks a soft pink as he patted the other on the arm. 
“King and charmer- you’re quite the catch, wouldn’t you say?” he teased, finally working the candy from its packaging and putting it into his mouth. “You must be charming all day if you only charm the cute ones. Most are fair in soul and face if you know where to look, and as a King you must have many secret skills to make a boy flush.” 
"Hey, I just met you, and this is crazy, but here's my number, so caramel me maybe?" //shitty pick up lines? Bradley says hell yeah!
“What am I supposed to do with a number?” Virgil asked, amused despite the slightly confused smile on his lips. “But I do quite like caramel, if you’re offering.” 
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