#its weirdchamp to be writing neg about ccs because they arent logging on
nell-pointer · 2 years
my take on the discourse: servers dead af. i dont think theres really anything to be done to fix it at this point.... i also dont really care that much. This isnt my first time in a fandom with a “dead” media. its not the end of the world if they dont make content on the dsmp anymore, the fans can still do cool stuff so...... idk i just dont think its anything worth getting upset over.
Now, for my slightly more controversial opinion: The reason the server is dead is a mix of 
a) the streamers all got a lot busier
b) (this is the controversial one) The fans are so fucking annoying that it just isnt worth it to even try to revive anything. Every time someone tries to log on and do absolutely ANYTHING a huge subsection of fans start shitting on them for being ooc, or ruining the server, or being aBuSe aPoLoGiStS. 
The fans hold the ccs to these ridiculous standards that i honestly dont think a actual professionally written tv show could meet, let alone a minecraft rp written by a bunch of young adults, none of whom are writers.
If the fans would just let the ccs do whatever they wanted on the sever then i think things would maybe be able to pick up again, at least for some ccs, but theres not way thats going to happen yall are too batshit. 
Obviously, i have no way of knowing if this is actually the reason. i dont claim to know whats going on behind the scenes. This is just what i personally think is the cause. 
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