katsupurity-blog · 8 years
Friends of Yurio || Closed RP
Now that his anxiety and troubles with Viktor were over he was able to relax, though he didn’t relax as much as last year’s banquet. No champagne for him this year. He finally noticed something he should have days ago, Yurio was spending a lot of time with that skater Otabek. If he remembered right they were the reason Mari had begged him to get everyone to eat dinner together that first night. Yuuri had still been reeling from his proposal to Viktor, and hadn’t really thought about it till now.
The small blond Russian seemed really happy with him, he was actually smiling wide and laughing. Normally he wouldn’t do that so openly, especially when he didn’t think they had really known each other for a long time. When Yurio got dragged way to mingle with others by Yakov, he took his chance to go talk to the other skater. “Hey I don’t think we’ve ever officially met. I’m Yuuri.” He held out his hand.
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aisudream · 8 years
♥ What's the WORST thing that has happened to you rp wise?
Oh boy I hope you wanted an answer so long that I had to put it under a readmore.
Okay. So this happened pretty soon after I started rping on tumblr, so maybe 3ish years ago. I was roleplaying as Levy McGarden from Fairy Tail. For reference she’s a 17/18 year old mage who is known for being a bookworm and well she also is tiny. Like to some people it seems lolicon level. 
Anyways, I was also in some financial trouble at the time. So it seemed too good to be true when someone offered me $100 to rp with them. The catch: they wanted me to write a scene where Levy was being raped.
I was very very conflicted. I’d written scenes like that in fanfiction and such, but even then they were brief and mostly just were to set in the level of trauma going on. I’d never written them knowing that someone would probably get off to it.
I regret it, but I agreed.
Only a little bit into writing it I decided that I didn’t want to do it anymore. When I told the guy that it turned into bargaining, offering to raise the price or change how we’re writing it or take a break. The pressuring didn’t seem to end so I blocked him and moved on.
Well, until he started harrassing other people in the fandom. This is the only time I’ve really called someone out on tumblr. He was asking Levy rpers AND Wendy rpers to write rape scenes with him.
This is so much worse because while Levy might look childlike, she is undoubtably an adult. She doesn’t act like a child. She is, for the most part, intelligent and mature af. 
Wendy however is 12/13. She is a child.
So I called him out. He wrote a fake apology and I thought he was gone.
Well, for a few months, then he reappeared with a new name and a new skype. He did the same thing again. Me and some others called him out. He issued a fake apology and left.
A few more months later he returned, this time finding a nice theme for himself and setting up an rp blog. I fell for this hard. I started getting along with this fucker, not knowing he was the original guy. But eventually things started to show and I figured it out.
When I tried to call him out, he threatened to blackmail me by posting the original rp we’d started. He threatened to come and find me. To drive to Texas and convince me to write with him.
I freaked the fuck out but luckily I had a lot of friends in the fandom at the time who had my back. He apologized again and left.
He reappeared time and time again with new skypes, new names, new muses and every time we caught him and he whined about how sorry he was.
At this point this is really affecting me. I love my fairy tail muses. Lisanna Strauss is the light of my life. But not knowing if I can befriend any male muns was weighing on me quite a bit.
He seems to be gone now but I’m still kind of worried he’ll publish what we wrote or that he’ll somehow find me and do something because the one time we were close I told him where I went to school. 
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&&send me “alt!” and I’ll introduce you to a character I’ve rped in the past, want to play in the future or are currently playing somewhere else! -- accepting!
{🌹} -- Mikaela staggered backwards, his gloved hand clapped over his nose as he exhaled heavily through his mouth. “Get. Away.” He heaved, slitted pupils dilating as they honed in on the human standing in front of him. His other arm, wielding a blood-red sword with thorny, curled tendrils at its hilt, had gone slack, the blade clattering to the ground with a hollow echo through the abandoned city streets.
“If you know what’s good for you, livestock, then run away. As far as your legs can take you.” He snarled, the tips of pointed white fangs peeking out from under his lips. The sapphire pools of his eyes were colder than ice, chilling to the bone. He looked frightening- the spitting image of the demons that hid under children’s beds, waiting to snatch them up and gobble them whole- but behind the monster was unadulterated fear. Fear of himself, of what he’d become, his humanity stripped from his hands at childhood.
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@its-altin-or-altout liked this post for a romantic starter
Yuri took a deep breath as he tried to gain some strength to continue spilling those words he had tried to hide for a year now. But he had to go on, he couldn’t back down now “... so what I’m trying to say is...I like you....Fuck that” The blond shook his head “I don’t just like you, not anymore I... I fucking love you, Beka. And I know it’s messed up and I know you will walk away now but... I just couldn’t hold it in anymore. So go ahead and beat me up if you want to”
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russianicedoll · 8 years
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Another year of Yakof’s brutal summer camp. Yakof was pushing Vitya harder than ever because this season, Viktor would be preparing for his senior debut as he would be turning sixteen this coming Christmas. Thus he was being harder on him than usual - which was generally hard. 
Viktor was on the bar with the rest of the group. They were practicing ballet to improve strength. Viktor stretched his leg above his head watching the rest of the group follow their instructors intense routine. 
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dilectione-blog · 8 years
Tell me
   —( put a “tell me” in my ask. )
If you snuck into my room I would:
[ x ] Go back to sleep                 [  ] Kick you out[ x ] Cuddle with you                   [  ] Be like “How in the world?”[  ] Let you sleep on the floor    [  ] Become angry
If you kissed me (or hugged) I would:
[ x ] Kiss or hug you back                       [ x ] Smile and laugh[  ] Stiffen, and feel uncomfortable        [  ] Push you away[  ] Be shocked                                       [  ] Strike you
If you asked me to go out with you for a day I would say:
[  ] No          [ x ] Yes          [  ] Most certainly not.          [ x ] Without hesitation.
You are:
[  ] Cute          [  ] Adorable          [ x ] Attractive          [ x ] Beautiful[  ] Okay         [  ] Ugly                 [ x ] Am not going to grace this with an answer
You are to me a:
[  ] Stranger          [ x ] Acquaintance          [ x ] Ally[ x ] Friend              [ x ] Love                        [  ] Rival [  ] Enemy
I find you to be:
[  ] Pathetic          [  ] Off no consequence          [ x ] Intriguing [  ] Frightening     [ x ] Unsettling                          [  ] Annoying [  ] Infuriating       [ x ] Pleasant company            [ x ] Comforting [ x ]  Unable to be lived without                            [ x ] Trustworthy    —( @its-altin-or-altout )
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yurochxka · 8 years
continued {x} @its-altin-or-altout
“Thanks,” Yuri called from inside his closet.
He wanted to find the perfect jacket. Something that complimented his pants but without over doing it. The two didn’t always get to have time like this. Moments where they could just relax and not worry about competitions. The competition season was far away for them leaving ample time for each other. Once he was finally ready the blond stepped out of the closet. 
The blond took his coat from Otabek before slipping it on. Once his coat was on he slipped his hands into the gloves. With his skates in hand he motioned towards the door waiting for the other to follow after him.
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goldpotselui-blog · 8 years
12. 16. 20.
12 and 20 are already answered here!
16. Which does your character idealize most: happiness or success?
I honestly think there’s an internal war there for Viktor. He idealizes happiness more, but he’s historically had a hard time finding happiness, so he doesn’t always think that it’s something that’s attainable for him. He has success, though, and he’s comfortable with it. Viktor knows that it’s possible for him to be successful in this world, but sometimes even after he meets Yuuri, he doubts that he can ever find that true happiness. Yuuri chips away at him, though, and fills the doubtful places in his mind with gentle, sweet happiness. 
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💍 👂 💤 📱 💻 🌀 👀 [ I'm sobbing u don't have to do them all ily babe ]
@its-altin-or-altout // icon meme – accepting!
send 💍 for my muse to find a box with an engagement ring in it.
Yuri had rushed back into the apartment to grab Otabek’s jacket while his boyfriend was busy packing the food they’d prepared for their evening picnic into the car. Truth be told, he’d wanted to ride the bike, but Otabek had said that there was no plausible way that they could do that if they wanted to eat.
The blond had then said that they could literally plan to watch paint dry and even then, he’d be happy with it, because he’d be with Otabek.
The other had gone a borscht red, then. And Yuri had grinned in satisfaction. He loved it whenever he got Otabek to blush- it was payback for all the times that the Kazhakstani had either intentionally or unintentionally said something extremely sweet or moving or downright smooth and got Yuri to blush so hard he was sure he was going to pass out.
As Yuri yanked the jacket off of the coat hanger by the door, a small clatter was heard, and the Russian quickly looked back to see a small box on the floor, currently propped open from its tumble. There was a long pause as the blond stopped dead in his tracks. In the middle of the box, held by silky, plush cushioning, was a diamond ring.
His eyes widened as he crouched down, his hands shaking as his fingers brushed against the deep, sapphire blue velvet ring box. This must’ve cost Otabek a fortune… but it was absolutely beautiful. His other hand was clasped against his mouth, his heart thrumming with so much energy it was like he’d been hit with a live-wire, tears beginning to prick at his eyes. Quickly, Yuri drew in a sharp breath and closed the box with a snap as he jammed it back into the pocket of the leather jacket.
There was no way in hell Yuri was going to be able to keep his mouth shut about this. He felt bad, because it would’ve been a total surprise, but… even so, he knew that he’d end up acting just the same whenever Otabek proposed anyway. Except, when he did, Yuri wouldn’t have to hide his tears of joy or keep himself from kissing his boyfriend. The Russian wiped his tears away and sniffed, walking back outside, doing his best to appear none the wiser.
“Ready to go, Beka?” He asked, handing over the jacket. Yuri didn’t miss the subtle movement of his beloved checking for the box in the pocket.
Otabek looked at him with such adoration in his eyes as a loving smile graced his features. “Yeah.” He said, tightening his grip on his jacket.
send 👂 to overhear my muse talking about yours.
It’d been the first time Otabek was meeting his grandpa. Yuri had been extremely nervous, since he’d never brought around any friends before. Mainly because he didn’t have any. His grandpa had practically welcomed the idea of bringing Otabek over for dinner with open arms, much to Yuri’s surprise. He supposed that the old man was just happy that he was bringing someone over.
“Oi, boy, is your friend allergic to anything?” His grandpa had grunted from the other end of their call.
“I don’t think so.” Yuri said, before turning back to look at where he’d left Otabek, sitting on the park bench not that far off. “I’ll ask him, okay?”
“I want your friend to be treated well, Yurachka. It’s not every day you bring someone over to meet me.” At that, Yuri’s cheeks went red.
“Yeah, well… he’s… important.” Yuri mumbled, fighting the blush that was rising to his face. “He’s a good friend.”
His grandpa laughed. “He must be, otherwise my Yurachka wouldn’t be so eager to bring him around.” There was a pause, and Yuri could tell his grandpa was smiling on the other end. “Any good friend of my grandson’s is a good friend of mine, Yuri. You have nothing to worry about.”
“Yeah, well, you were the one worrying about ‘treating him right’ and all that crap, so don’t get smart with me.” Yuri retorted. “We’ll see you tonight, okay? Take it easy… don’t blow out your back again.”
“Not to worry, Yurachka.” And with that, the call ended. Yuri locked his phone with a click and turned around. He could see Otabek smiling as he approached the other boy. Yuri silently wondered if he had overheard the conversation he’d been having with his grandpa.
“Wanna go get ice cream?” He asked, sitting down on the bench and swinging his feet back and forth.
send 💤 for my muse to say something about yours in their sleep.
Yuri had come home after a long day at practice, throwing his bag aside as he slumped onto the couch. Being a world champion wasn’t an easy title to defend, especially with so many others trying to claw for their last chances at earning some titles before retirement. The apartment felt a lot emptier when his boyfriend wasn’t here. Especially since today was Yuri’s birthday. Otabek was currently away, practicing elsewhere in the world and he’d apologized dozens and dozens of times about not being able to be there with Yuri to celebrate. 
Yuri said he didn’t care, he was fine with having Otabek in his life and that was enough. Even if they were timezones apart, they both tried their best to call each other as much as possible without interfering with their schedules. Of course, despite that, Yuri’s heart still ached whenever he came home and buried himself into the covers, trying to catch Otabek’s scent. Even if he’d said he was fine with Otabek not being here on his birthday, Yuri was now finding that he was definitely not fine.
The blond hadn’t gotten any messages from his boyfriend all day. Not even a simple, “Happy birthday.” At practice, it’d been nagging at him, so he flubbed a good amount of his jumps. Yuri was going to yell at him later about that. How was he expected to focus on skating if his mind was on Otabek the entire time?
Then again, his mind was always on Otabek.
Yuri checked his phone once more. No new notifications. Maybe his phone was just broken or something. But surely, if it were, Otabek would’ve called from someone else’s phone? Even a payphone, for crying out loud. Or messaged him on Twitter. It wasn’t as if they didn’t have ways of communicating without their phones. The blond threw his phone across the living room, and it landed with a small thump on the other end of the rug.
He was frazzled, his nerves frayed. He felt stupid, especially since he’d mocked Viktor for being such a whiny crybaby whenever Yuuri wasn’t around, and now here he was, about to do the same damn thing. He could already imagine Viktor or Yuuri, or, god forbid both of them, teasing him relentlessly about this. No, this could never see the light of day, lest he die of embarrassment.
Yuri drifted off to sleep, exhausted from practice and worrying about Otabek. However, said boyfriend was actually planning a surprise, currently taking a cab on his way to their apartment. When Otabek came home, he half-expected Yuri to jump at him the moment he put his keys into the door. However, when he came into the living room, he found his boyfriend splayed along the couch, legs partially tossed over the armrest of the couch while one of his arms was strewn out.
Otabek hadn’t the heart to wake up his boyfriend. He figured that it’d be best to let him have his rest and whenever he woke up, it’d be to a lovely surprise. The Kazakhstani skater grabbed a blanket and draped it over the blond, brushing his hair aside and then placing a chaste kiss on his forehead. Immediately, Yuri stirred and Otabek froze, hoping that he didn’t accidentally end up waking the other.
Instead, Yuri shifted a little and a tiny mumble left his lips. “Beka… where are you… stupid…” He murmured, turning onto his side and curling into himself. An adorable pout had formed on his features. Either he was dreaming or his stress from his waking moments had carried into his sleep. Poor Yuri. Otabek ran a hand through Yuri’s hair, like he always would whenever the other skater was stressed. It relaxed him like nothing else.
“Right here, Yura…” Otabek murmured. “Happy birthday, айналайын.”
send📱for a voicemail my muse left yours.
Yuri stared at his phone. He knew Otabek was mad with him, but he honestly couldn’t take this anymore. The call went straight to voicemail. The blond flopped back onto his bed, a cocktail of emotions welling up in his chest. Okay, well. He should’ve expected Otabek not to respond at the moment. Maybe he was at practice trying to get all of his frustrations out.
Picking up his phone again, Yuri stared at his reflection in the darkened screen. He looked pathetic. Sucking in a breath, the Russian dialed again, expecting the call to go to voicemail. Instead, he shakily muttered, “Hey, Otabek... I’m... I’m sorry about what I said earlier. Please call me back, okay? I... want to talk.” He could feel more words caught in his throat, refusing to move past his lips. There was an awkward pause at the end of the voicemail as Yuri debated saying anything more before he ended the call.
send  💻 for my muse’s reaction to your muse’s browser history.
Yuri stared at the page with wide eyes. It wasn’t as if he didn’t expect this, but... well. There was something to be said about how flustered this made him. Otabek’s browser history consisted of several videos of his previous programmes throughout the years. Even from his junior division days. He felt bad for peeking, but... his curiosity had gotten the better of him, and Otabek was currently in the shower. It wasn’t like he’d know that Yuri had looked through his computer a little bit.
However, he was surprised to see a link that- wait a minute. Was that...? Yuri hovered the mouse over the link.
No. Way.
What could Otabek possibly want to be doing on that shithole of a site? The Russian oddly didn’t feel as weirded out as he thought he might’ve felt, but... still. Yuri’s Angels? His avid, albeit somewhat creepy fanbase? His curiosity was itching at him, but Yuri could hear Otabek getting out of the shower and he quickly closed the window and jumped back onto the bed, pretending as if he’d been scrolling through Instagram the entire time.
Okay, well, if Otabek had secrets, so could he.
But he was definitely going to pester him about it... eventually.
send 🌀 for my muse’s reaction to getting stuck in a storm with yours.
Yuri buried himself deeper into the bundle of blankets they’d assembled to make a fort. Initially, the plan had been to make the most epic blanket and pillow fort known to man, but, as soon as the power went out, they’d come to the conclusion that setting up an unintended obstacle course in the dark would be a little hazardous. Especially since they had to light the dozens of aromatic candles that Otabek had, creating a strange mix of smells- all sweet and pleasant- drifting throughout the dim household.
“I’m sorry that we can’t do much.” Otabek murmured beside him. The blond blinked in surprise and rolled over on his side to face the other boy.
“Are you kidding me?” Yuri asked incredulously. “I’d rather be here with you than at home by myself. At least I can talk to you about how shitty this storm is.” Otabek laughed and the blond swore up and down that he’d never get tired of that laugh. Yes, he’d much rather be here, buried under a dozen blankets, only having candlelight, with his best friend.
Yuri scooted closer to the other boy, his smile matching the other’s. “If you’re not having fun, we can always do something else...” He murmured mischievously. Unaware of the devious idea in Yuri’s mind, Otabek simply cocked his head curiously, only to suddenly jerk in surprise as small, nimble hands started to race along his sides and tickle him.
There was nothing greater than the spark of sworn revenge in Otabek’s playful eyes.
send  👀 for the moment my muse realized they’re in love with yours.
It’d happened when Otabek had taken him out for a ride on his bike to a local wildlife reserve. It’d been a stupidly sappy idea, but Yuri had accepted anyway, because anything beat sitting at home with Viktor and Yuuri being all over each other like the disgusting domestic couple they were. Not to mention that at this time of year, it was grossly humid and no matter what, Yuri was consistently in a bad mood because of it. Except whenever he was skating at the cold, cold, cold rink. 
Otabek picked him up right as the weather was really starting to heat things up. They’d driven for awhile, the park being a ways out, but Yuri didn’t mind that at all. He loved being on the bike. Something about it made him feel at peace. They’d spent a lot of time wandering throughout the reserve, walking along trails and talking about just about anything that came to mind. They’d sat down by the lake and skipped rocks. The heat was sweltering. That’s when Yuri had the grand idea of rolling up his pants and going knee-deep into the water.
Otabek had joined him, which resulted in a silly water-fight, with the both of them splashing the other until they were soaking wet, but at least they’d remedied themselves from the heat, only if temporarily.
As they stepped out of the water, hair and clothes soaking wet, that’s when it’d hit him, as Otabek ran a hand through his dripping locks and gave him one of his genuine smiles, of which, Yuri was sure were always reserved for him and him only. His heart stuttered in his chest, a collection of scattered pieces suddenly clicking into place.
“Well, I suppose that’s one way to cool off.” Otabek had said, grinning.
A tingle ran up his spine, and Yuri smiled back. “Yeah, I suppose.”
Later, as they were riding back, having waited until the heat dried them off, although, Yuri’s hair was still damp. The blond wrapped his arms a little tighter around Otabek’s waist, his cheek pressed against the other’s back as he smiled uncontrollably.
Fuck, I’ve got it bad.
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viiktr · 8 years
( @its-altin-or-altout​​ )
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                     It wasn’t because Viktor knew little people among the skating community, he was quite sure that wasn’t the case — considering they travelled the world and the people at the top didn’t change that often, he had spoken with a fair amount of them. But somehow, his and Otabek’s paths hadn’t crossed yet, which was a shame because the Russian skater had heard his name quite often the past few months. Having that in mind, when he saw the man in question, he knew he had to meet him in person — so he simply made his way towards him. “Hello ! I believe we haven’t met properly—”
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russianicedoll · 8 years
send me ✓and my muse will state one thing they find attractive about your muse (open)
“I am in love with your style, it’s so chic.” 
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dilectione-blog · 8 years
💋 -> hand
   —( body meme. )
   his hand is braced within beka’s palm, so much larger and warmer than his own– slightly calloused, rough in the most perfect way, yet smooth where needed. yuri raises a brow, lips quirking into a small smirk, eyes glinting within the light of the chandelier. and then beka’s lips are gracing his knuckles, eyes shut, completely loyal– akin to the loyalty of a dog. of course, beka wasn’t a dog. 
   ‘ such a gentleman. ‘he says, meeting beka’s gaze, dark and rich-- like chocolates that melt on his tongue. 
   —( @its-altin-or-altout )
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❆ Signing On ❆ Thread Inventory ❆
((Alright, since half my threads are in my drafts and half haven’t been responded to for a while, I’m going to do a small thread inventory.  This is to do two things: 1) notify my lovely mutuals that even if I’m a slow bean, I’m a bean that knows where our RP currently is, and 2) figure out if threads have been dropped without my knowledge.
So, in general, it’d be helpful if you’d like this post if you want to keep our thread.  It’s not necessary, but it’d be helpful.  I’m planning to contact individuals who I don’t hear from, so liking this would save me annoying you more than I have to. XD  Also, if you want to drop a thread, I’d really appreciate being told.
Drafted Threads: @on-katsudon-eros, @notaloneanymore, @realgeorgipopovich, @thaiceprince, @therussianwhitetiger, @emilnekolakofola, @crimsonflcwer.
Threads Awaiting Reply: @lambamongbeasts, @ice-tiger-of-russiaa, @katsukidonn, @twistlifts, @intoxicatedskater, @rosenskater, @yurochxka, @yurvtchka, @russianicefaerie, @eros-and-ambition, @yuuri-on-love-eros, @xnaturalxtalent, @tsundere-yurio, @its-altin-or-altout
I know many of you are busy, and I’m sorry if this post annoys you in any way, but I just want to be up to date, make sure I’m not missing any threads, and verify whether a thread is still ongoing or been dropped!
<3 Glass-mun))
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beautyonice-blog · 8 years
Ok so I have my threads in drafts, but I wanna make sure I’m not missing anyone. So the drafts I have are for:
and @arroogant
If I’m missing anyone please let me know by shooting me a IM. 
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🖐=Picking them up. ▤=Falling asleep on them. ⇕=Holding their hand.
@its-altin-or-altout // icon meme – accepting!
Send one for my muse’s reaction to yours…
&&picking them up;
Yuri let out a sharp yelp as he was suddenly hoisted up and off of the couch. Craning his neck, he gave a light pout to Otabek and crossed his arms. “What was that for?” He’d been grossly invested in his video game, but seeing how tired Otabek looked, Yuri could only guess he’d stayed up way too late again. “Fine, fine.” He grumbled, as Otabek set him down on the bed and collapsed into the sheets right next to him. The blond wormed his way between the other boy’s arms and laid his head right over his heart. “Goodnight, Beka.” He murmured, finding that he was already yawning as he was cradled in Otabek’s warmth.
&&falling asleep on them;
After a long day of practice, Yuri hadn’t wanted to do anything else but slump onto the couch and relax. Otabek had been the one who said that they shouldn’t nap, lest it mess up their sleep schedule. So, begrudgingly, Yuri had popped in the movie.
They’d picked out something that Viktor and Yuuri had recommended them. Of course, it was sappy, cheesy romance, and Yuri couldn’t help but be bored out of his mind while watching it. It wasn’t even that entertaining, and it was obvious how the couple was totally in love with one another, despite the fact that neither of them could bring themselves to admit their feelings.
…Maybe Viktor and Yuuri had a reason to make them watch this movie.
Yuri was just nodding off when suddenly a warm weight settled into his side and he jumped in surprise, only to see that Otabek had completely dozed off. Out cold. Well, he was wide awake now, keenly aware of how fast his heart was beating. After staring at Otabek’s peaceful, sleeping expression, the blond hesitantly placed a gentle hand on the other boy’s head and ran his fingers through the dark, silky locks he’d secretly thought so much about touching.
That wasn’t weird, was it? To think about touching your best friend’s hair? Yuri fell into a rhythmic pattern of stroking Otabek’s hair until he found himself drifting off into sleep as well.
When they woke up, Yuri had to do his best to keep himself from blushing as he explained why Otabek had woken up with his head in the Russian’s lap.
&&holding their hand;
They’d just been walking down the street to get some groceries. Their noses and cheeks were rosy from the cold weather. It was winter, and light snow had begun to drift onto the street. It’d been a few months since they’d started dating, and Yuri had made it clear that he wasn’t into all that PDA crap that Viktor and Yuuri were always openly displaying. Disgusting. Overdramatic. Gross. The thought of it made him want to barf.
Walking in the quiet with Otabek, however, brought an indescribable feeling in his chest. He was too busy staring at the other, marveling at how he’d gotten so lucky, to notice that suddenly the other boy had laced their hands together. A tomato-red blush creeped up his neck and tinted him all the way to his ears as he tightened his grip around Otabek’s hand.
Maybe it wasn’t so bad after all.
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aisudream · 8 years
Tagged by: @krxliksuka Tagging: @ledkorol, @thaiceprince, @russianicefaerie, @xejaculer, @altiinulii, @its-altin-or-altout, @arroogant
(Bold what applies.)
Older? muse/mun Taller? muse/mun Richer? muse/mun Neater? muse/mun Nicer? muse/mun Smarter? muse/mun Funnier? muse/mun
Who is a better friend? muse/mun Who lies the most? muse/mun Who swears the most? muse/mun Who reads more? muse/mun Who is more creative? muse/mun Who is more troubled? muse/mun Who has better morals? muse/mun
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