shawol9196 · 6 years
Teacher AU 8/?
“Is there an emergency or something?” Kibum asks when he sits back down. “Oh, no it’s nothing. Suho, Changmin, Kyuhyun, and my old roommate apparently had a bet about how long it would take for me to confess to you.” Kibum laughs a little, taking another bite of casserole.
When he’s finally able to get himself moving, Minho sits on his bed and texts his friends.
Chat: The College OGs + Kyuhyun
Minho: So
Changmin: ?
Minho: I may have accidentally confessed my feelings to Kibum
Minho: dude....it just happened....like 5 minutes ago
Suho: oh ok proceed tell us everything
Kyuhyun: you should’ve kept it quiet suho’s going to plan your wedding now
Kyuhyun: wait what do you mean accidentally
Changmin: You’re not drunk right it’s only 7:30
Minho: I talked to Hyukjae about my feelings and I needed to shave again but my wrist still isn’t up to par so I asked Kibum to help me and it just kind of came out
Changmin: youre the most unintentionally gay person i know and love you for it
Minho: I was having trouble not-looking at him and he asked why i was staring and ‘because i love you’ just kind of slipped out and then i explained that i was being truthful and he said that he likes me too and we’re supposed to talk about it over dinner when he gets out of the shower
Changmin: its a miracle that you’re functional dude your gay level is too high
Changmin: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) did ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) anything ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) happen ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) after ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Suho: So I’m at that new bar that opened up a few blocks away if i stop by will you do a live reenactment of it because i want to make sure i’m imagining it right
Kyuhyun: wait you talked to Hyukjae about it
Minho: yeah, i went to get my wrist looked at
Minho: ?????????
Changmin: we’ve had bets for weeks about you two and Hyuk used you to win it
Minho: !?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!??!!?!?!?!?!?!
Kyuhyun: Chang and I were saying Kibum would have to confess first
Suho: I said that you two would dramatically confess at the same time after one of you trip causing you two to kiss accidently
Minho: what did Hyuk/Hae say?
Changmin: they said you’d do it first
Suho: But if it wasn’t intentional....did they actually win because they said he’d work up the nerve to
Minho: -_- Minho: I have to go eat dinner now
The timer goes off just as Minho comes into the kitchen. He turns it off and grabs the casserole out of the oven. Kibum comes out as he’s portioning it out.
“Oh, perfect timing.”
“I heard the timer go off and figured I should hurry.”
“I would’ve waited for you.”
The words seem to hold more weight than Minho intends and so he shyly hands Kibum his plate without another word. They sit down to eat, avoiding each other’s eyes. Though confessing should’ve been the hardest part, now that their feelings are somewhat in the open, they both find themselves shyer than ever. Minho can hear his phone going off in his room and he gets up to silence it. He’s got 30 unread messages, all in the same chat, and he doesn’t even want to know what they’re saying.
“Is there an emergency or something?” Kibum asks when he sits back down.
“Oh, no it’s nothing. Suho, Changmin, Kyuhyun, and my old roommate apparently had a bet about how long it would take for me to confess to you.”
Kibum laughs a little, taking another bite of casserole.
“So, about that...”
“About that.” Kibum echoes, putting his fork down.
“Like I said, I know it’s probably too soon to actually call it love, but I really really like you, Kibum. It’s been a long time since I’ve felt anything like this for someone. I know it’s weird, because we live together and that sort of thing, but if you think there’s a chance that we could work I’d really love to try. But if you don’t want to, I promise I’m not going to like throw you out or treat you badly or anything; I...I can put my feelings aside, just as long as you’re happy-”
“Minho.” Kibum interrupts.
There’s a soft smile on his face and it eases Minho’s embarrassment at his own rambling.
“I...I would like to try. Slowly. I’ve never really, I haven’t...this is my first time liking someone this much. My first time having someone that I feel I could learn to trust.”
“I can do slow.”
“If anyone has the patience of a saint, a kindergarten teacher would be my first guess.”
Minho smiles and they continue eating dinner. When they’re done, they wash dishes together like normal, but there’s something special this time about being so close. By accident, Minho’s arm bumps against Kibum’s. A while later, Kibum’s brushes against Minho’s. Though he tries not to read into it, there’s still a giddy feeling. They finish quicker than he’d like, and since it’s a school night they each go to their own rooms.
Two hours later, Minho’s laying in bed, trying to read through all 75 messages that Suho, Changmin, Kyuhyun, Hyukjae, and Donghae had sent. He laughs at Suho’s wedding plans, the way the five fight over who won the bet, and advice on where to go for a first day. It’s been thunderstorming for over an hour now, and though he doesn’t mind the noise, he has a distinctly uneasy feeling. There’s a tap on his door.
“Come in.” he says, reaching to turn on his bedside lamp.
Kibum peaks in and even from this distance Minho can see the tears running down his cheeks.
“Can I...is it ok if...”
“Come on in, Kibum, it’s alright.”
Kibum shuts the door before him and moves quickly to sit on the edge of Minho’s bed. He flinches when there’s another roll of thunder and Minho offers him his hand. Kibum goes to take it, but hesitates.
“I don’t...I don’t want to hurt your...your bad wrist.”
“Is it the thunder that’s got you all worked up or something else?”
“It’s...it’s the thunder.”
“The radar says it’s supposed to thunderstorm all night. Do you want to just share my bed again, like when you were sick? I don’t mind if it makes you feel better.”
Kibum chews his lip and looks unsure, but when there’s more lightening and thunder he nods.
“You’re gonna have to grab your pillow, okay? Or would you rather me go get it?”
“I...I can get it...should...should I grab...grab a blanket?”
“If you want to. I was a bad blanket hog when I was little but I don’t know how much of one I am now.”
Kibum nods and after a minute, when the storm quiets down ever so slightly, he runs out to his room. Minho scoots over to one side of the bed, making space for Kibum. He comes back with his blanket and pillow, clinging to them. He lays down facing Minho, back to the window. Minho reaches out his left hand and Kibum takes it in both of his.
“Will you do me a favor? I usually put two alarms on, one that plays the radio and the other that plays a recording of Changmin yelling. I don’t want the other one to freak you out, so I’m going to turn that one off. Will you make sure I get up in the morning?”
Kibum nods and Minho turns that alarm off.
“Have you always been afraid of thunder, Kibum?” Minho asks softly.
“Not always. When I was eight or so, I lost my house key and got stuck outside in a bad storm. One of the trees in the front yard got struck by lightning. I’ve been scared ever since then.”
“That makes sense. When I was little, I went to the mall with a friend and his mom. We were playing around and he went running up the escalator and fell and scraped his knee up really really bad. I was afraid of escalators for a number of years after that.”
Kibum doesn’t say anything, but seems less embarrassed. The thunder gets louder and louder again; Minho pulls his phone out and sees that they’re right in the middle of the storm. Kibum holds his hand tighter and tighter.
"If I wanted to take you on a date, on Friday, would that be going too fast?" Minho asks.
"No, that'd be nice."
"I found this place the other day, I think you'll really like it."
“I know...I know I...I said that I...that I want to...to go slow...but please...please hold me...I’m...I’m so scared.” Kibum says, crying once again.
Minho rolls so that he’s on his back and Kibum scoots closer. Minho pulls him as close as Kibum will allow; Kibum’s head is resting on his chest and Minho does his best to hold him close. Though he’s slightly more at ease, Kibum’s still tense and crying.
“Would I help if I sang again? I know I’m not the best singer but you seemed to like it last time.” Minho whispers.
“I think...I think that’d help.”
Minho pulls his phone out and puts music on. It’s all jazzy numbers and swing music, but Kibum seems to enjoy it as much as he can. He stops crying after a while, and as the thunder moves away again, he manages to drift off to sleep. Minho continues to hold him, switches to humming, making sure he’s asleep. Once he’s sure he’s asleep, he gently slides Kibum off of him, turning on his side to face him.
He wakes to Kibum shaking him.
“Are you awake?” Kibum whispers.
“Yeah, thanks.”
“Thanks for letting me sleep here. It really helped.”
“You’re welcome, Kibum. You’re welcome anytime, in a not creepy or predatory way.”
Kibum laughs and heads towards the door. “Thanks, I’ll keep that in mind.”
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jamyuyu · 6 years
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into the spider-verse soundtrack custom covers
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shawol9196 · 6 years
Teacher AU 7/?
“That’s good. Anything else exciting happen?” “I have at minimum sprained my wrist.” Kibum turns around just as Minho opens the freezer for ice. “Why wasn’t that the first thing you told me! Come stir this pot, I’ll get you ice. Do you need aspirin or did you already take one?”
(( @lockandminkey))
Minho’s been waiting for this to happen for a long time, if he’s honest with himself. It’s Saturday afternoon and he’s out playing basketball with his group of 5 from Dreams Team, the youth organization he volunteers with. They’re playing three on three like usual, with Minho on the team with the two weakest of the teens, when he gets tripped up and falls, right onto his right wrist. He tries to shake it off and plays on as well as he can, but it’s clear from the moment he sits up that he’s at least sprained it.  When their time is up and the boys leave, he heads inside to the check with Eunhyuk about his wrist. He and Donghae are standing by the vending machine, arguing over which of them should pay for their snacks, per usual.
“If you two are married now and financially one, isn’t it just a matter of who puts the money in the machine?”
The two look at him and after a moment start laughing.
“Shared finances? Oh please. He still only trusts me a monthly allowance!” Donghae complains.
“I wouldn’t trust you with that much.” Minho teases.
All three laugh, then Eunhyuk seems to notice.
“Something up with your wrist, bud?” he asks.
“I tripped and fell while we were playing, I think I sprained it.” Minho explains. He offers his wrist up for Eunhyuk to examine. He flinches when he pokes and turns it.
“And here I thought you wanted to see me, but per usual, you’re just using me for my husband.” Donghae sighs, feigning annoyance.
“I know you’re a wimp but does this hurt more than this?” Eunhyuk asks, poking on each side.
Minho shakes his head.
“Can you roll and move around ok? I know it hurts but you can, right?”
Minho nods, demonstrating the range of movement.
“You should be good, bud. Keep some ice on it today and tomorrow, take some aspirin. If it’s still hurting Monday, keep it in a brace for school. If it’s still hurting Wednesday or you lose your range of motion, come visit me at the office and we’ll take a x-ray.”
The three talk for awhile before Minho departs for home. When he gets there, Kibum’s already heating up dinner.
“How was your meet?” Kibum asks without looking up.
“Oh it was good. I think Kangin, the one I was telling you got in trouble for underage drinking, is starting to warm up to me.”
“That’s good. Anything else exciting happen?”
“I have at minimum sprained my wrist.”
Kibum turns around just as Minho opens the freezer for ice.
“Why wasn’t that the first thing you told me! Come stir this pot, I’ll get you ice. Do you need aspirin or did you already take one?”
Minho finds Kibum’s fussing amusing; it’s clear he’s never really had someone to care for before. Once he’s gotten ice and aspirin for Minho, Kibum retakes control of dinner and tells Minho to rest, as if he’s got some proper illness. Though he assures Kibum he’s fine as long as he doesn’t use his hurt wrist, Kibum continues to act as if the world is coming down around them. Minho doesn’t get a moment of peace until they turn in for the night; even then, though, he worries that Kibum will come bursting in claiming something absurd like he doesn’t trust Minho to sleep alone on a hurt wrist.
It’s not until he gets out of the shower Sunday night that he realizes the potential problems of his wrist. He always shaves on Sunday nights, since he doesn’t on Friday and Saturday. There’s not too much stubble, barely more than a five o’clock shadow, but it’s still enough that he knows it’ll be upsetting to at least three students if he doesn’t. He knows he’s not coordinated enough to shave with his left hand, but his wrist is hurting too badly to even try using. Hoping for the best, he goes ahead and lathers up. He’s about three nicks into it when he hears a knock on the door.
“Are you okay in there?” comes Kibum’s worried voice.
“Yeah, I’m just trying to shave.”
There’s a pause.
“I can help if you want, since you washed my hair when I got sick.”
Why didn’t Minho think of that before? He goes to open the door, then realizes he didn’t bring clothes into the bathroom with him. He can’t find his robe either. He does his best to wrap his towel around his waist.
“Uhh, sure. I’m...I just have a towel on, just warning.”
“That’s...fine if it’s fine with you.”
Minho almost asks him to wait outside so he can at least put some shorts on, but instead simply opens the door. They stare at each other for a minute. He’s so busy staring at Kibum’s freshly showered hair that he almost misses the way Kibum’s eyes make their way down his body before returning up to meet his eyes. Almost. They both blush and the air turns awkward.
“I’m...I’m going to go grab a chair, it’ll be easier.” Kibum says, heading back out.
Theoretically, Minho could’ve used the time to put something on, but he’s frozen in his own shyness. Kibum comes back, bringing the chair in. He gestures for Minho to sit, and after checking his towel, Minho does as instructed.
“Do you shave with or against the grain?” Kibum asks, picking up the razor off the counter.
“Do I what?”
“When you shave, do you start at the top of your cheeks and make your way down or do you start at your chin and go up?”
“Oh, uh I start at the top, but if it’s not close enough I’ll go back the other way.”
Kibum nods, inspecting the razor.
“Do you have any new blades? This one is too dull, that’s probably why you nicked yourself.”
“Yeah they’re in the cabinet.”
Kibum opens the cabinet and switches out the blade. Minho tries to figure out why his body is refusing to let him put pants on. The realization that he is, in fact, letting his crush help him shave dawns on him while Kibum’s turned away. He feels himself start to blush again and is thankful that the shaving cream is mostly hiding it. Kibum turns back around when he’s done.
“You ready?”
Minho nods, though he’s sure that he wouldn’t be even if he had a million more years to mentally prepare.
“Alright, tilt your head back.”
Minho does as he’s told, though it’s clear it wasn’t what Kibum was going for. He gingerly reaches out and positions Minho’s head how he wants it before starting. It’s an odd feeling, letting someone else shave him. He tries not to move too much, as to not annoy Kibum; he still finds himself doing it just a little though, so that Kibum has to hold a hand to his face.
“Have you always been this much of a fidgeter?” Kibum asks when he finishes Minho’s right cheek.
He rinses out the blade well and wipes away the remaining shaving cream to make sure he hasn’t missed any spots.
“Actually, according to my mom I’ve calmed down a lot. I used to be much much worse.”
Kibum laughs. “I guess it takes a fidgeter to be able to control a whole class of fidgeters.”
Minho hums as Kibum gets started on the left side. He puts vaseline over the nicks to protect them and then starts shaving as before. As it becomes awkward again, Minho finds himself torn between wanting to be finished so that there’s no more awkwardness, but also wanting it to last as long as possible to keep Kibum so close. Though he’s unable to meet his eye from shyness, there’s something beautiful about the focused look on Kibum’s face and Minho does his best to keep his heart from fluttering out of his chest. When Kibum finishes, he does his best to wipe Minho’s face off with a washcloth. There’s a tenderness to it and when Minho finally meets his eye, Kibum quickly turns around.
“That’s as good as I’m going to be able to get it, I hope it’s okay.”
“This is normally how close I get, thank you.”
Minho stands and when Kibum goes to walk out, he grabs his hand. “I really appreciate your help. It was...nice.”
Kibum nods and looks down. “I’ll take the chair back out so you can finish getting ready.”
It takes a second for Minho to let go of Kibum’s hand and another to realize that Kibum isn’t looking at the floor but at his torso. Though he’s always been told that he has a good body, he’s never really listened before; with the way Kibum’s staring, he wonders if it really is that good. He’s reminded once again that he’s only got a towel on. Eventually, Kibum leaves with the chair. It’s not until he hears the click of his bedroom door that he makes his way out. He finds his shorts laid out on his bed and puts them on before falling back onto his bed.
Monday morning, Kibum insists on making their lunches in addition to making breakfast. Though Yeri’s mom has already agreed to come help him, Minho’s not sure that Kibum will leave him alone for the day to teach. Once Yeri and her mom arrive, though, Kibum does head for his own classroom. The children are all very understanding of his wrist, and they do their best to help him by carrying and ‘organizing’ things. During art class, they all make him “get well soon” cards. He suspects it was Kibum’s idea, but he denies any claim. Suho sends Kyungsoo to help with Chanyeol again as it gets later in the day.
Tuesday passes in much the same way. Kibum’s obviously concerned about the fact that Minho’s wrist isn’t getting any better. The day passes quickly enough and soon enough, everyone is gone and it’s just Minho doing his best to clean up. Though he’s wrapped his wrist with an ace bandage and made sure to take his aspirin as directed, he can’t deny that it’s not feeling any better. When Kibum comes in, he starts cleaning down the tables.
“How are you feeling?” he asks tentatively.
“It’s not getting any better. Hyukjae said to come in if it wasn’t at least better by tomorrow, but I almost think it’s getting worse. I’ll probably go after school tomorrow.”
“Did you get someone to help you tomorrow?”
“Yeah, Seo twins mom said that she’d come in. There isn’t that much set up for the activities so it shouldn’t be that big of trouble.”
“Ok. I won’t have much clean up so if you leave me your key, I’ll clean up for you.”
“That’d be really swell, thanks.”
Kibum nods and the radio starts buzzing with conversation between the upper grade teachers.
As promised, Minho leaves as soon as his last student is out of the door. He drops by the art room to give Kibum his key and then he makes his way to the bus to head to Hyukjae’s practice. They’re technically closing as Minho comes in, but Hyukjae had left a note with the receptionist to let him back. His vitals are all checked and soon enough Hyukjae waltzes in.
“So. Not any better?”
“Nope. Almost worse.”
“Come on, we’ll go take an x-ray real quick. You'll be glad to know that you're healthier than a horse. And that's saying something considering how healthy Siwon is.”
Minho laughs and follows Hyukjae down the hallway and sits patiently as he gets it ready.
“So, Changmin tells us that you’re desperately in love with your new roommate Bibum?”
“His name is Kibum and I’m not desperately in love with him. Just slightly in love with him.”
Hyukjae laughs and positions Minho’s hand on the table. “It always starts as just slightly, Minho. I only had a crush on Donghae and look at me now. He pouts at me and I’m just like ‘whatever you want it’s yours.’”
Minho laughs and tries to keep still as Hyukjae scans his wrist.
“I just don’t know if he likes me back. I want to tell him, but he’s obviously coming from something and always seems to afraid of kindness.”
“Afraid of kindness? And he agreed to live with you? He must be terrified.”
Hyukjae disappears into the other room and after a while, comes back with the x-ray.
“Well, it isn’t look broken. I don’t see any fractures or anything. Is it localized at all?”
Minho shakes his head. They head back to Hyukjae’s office.
“What should I do?”
“Well, I’d keep the bandage on it, maybe alternate a few different types of painkillers, see which works best for you. I can prescribe you something stronger if it still hurts by-”
“No, I mean about Kibum.”
“Oh. Why are you asking me, I’ve never even met him?”
“Because you’ve never met him. I can’t even ask Leeteuk what he thinks I should do because he’s already named our grandchildren for us. You can only imagine what Kyuhyun and Suho are like.”
“Alright, well tell me about him.”
Minho recounts their first meeting, the process of them moving in together, and Kibum’s one day flu. Though he knows he shouldn’t, he spends too much time describing every detail of Kibum’s mannerisms. By the time he’s done, Hyukjae’s smiling like a proud parent.
“Has he done anything that makes you think he might be interested too? Like anything specifically for you?”
“Well, when I hurt my wrist...”
“Uh huh....?”
“I was shaving and nicked my face in a few places and I guess he heard me whining about it and came in and helped me.”
Hyukjae’s jaw drops.
“You’re telling me that he came in, unprompted, and offered to help you shave?”
“Yeah, I guess he did, yeah.”
“And...you’re still doubting his interest?”
“I wouldn’t be asking you for your advice if I wasn’t.”
“Minho, buddy, pal. I would be willing to bet Donghae’s $20 allowance that he is equally in love with you as you are with him. Just, let him know. See what he says. If you’re that worried about him feeling burdened by your feelings, just tell him that you respect him regardless and that his place at your home isn’t dependant on returning those feelings.”
Minho nods.
“Thanks, Hyukjae. It means a lot.”
“No problem, buddy. Keep an eye on that wrist, alright?”
Minho nods and after paying, heads home.
When Kibum gets home, Minho’s already showered and got dinner cooking in the oven. It’s some sort of casserole so Kibum can’t fuss at him for having to do any work.
“So what did he say about your wrist?”
“Just to watch it and keep babying it. Thanks for cleaning up for me, it means a lot.”
“Oh don’t worry about it. The twins mom stayed and helped so it was pretty easy.”
“If it’s not too much trouble, could you help me shave again? I’d try again myself but I’d rather not thinly slice my face.”
Kibum laughs. “Sure thing. Do you want to now or would you rather wait til after dinner?”
“Oh, uh, now is fine. Dinner still has awhile, I just put it in. Unless you want to go shower?”
“Let’s shave you first and then I’ll go shower. Then it’s no biggie if I get dirty.”
Kibum grabs a chair and they head into Minho’s bathroom. After a moment’s hesitation, Minho takes his shirt off and sits down. Kibum smears shaving cream all over Minho’s face and gets started without a word. Again, Minho finds himself fidgeting within Kibum’s hold. Unlike last time, however, he finds himself only able to look at Kibum. Kibum turns away to rinse the razor when he finishes one side.
“Why do you keep staring at me like that?” he asks.
“Because I love you.”
Both freeze at his confession. When Kibum stays quiet, Minho starts beating himself up for his idiotic mouth.
“Kibum, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have-”
“Do you mean it?”
“That you think you love me?”
“Is it...when did...why confess now?”
“Isn’t now as good a time as any?”
“How...how long...”
“How long have I loved you?”
Kibum turns to face Minho and nods, biting his lip.
“According to Kyuhyun, Suho, and Leeteuk, since the moment I met you. I finally realized it when you were sick. Just, having you close and so vulnerable, something about it just opened my eyes.”
Kibum blushes and though he’s still embarrassed, Minho’s charmed.
“Listen, if you don’t have feelings back I don’t mean for things to be awkward, I didn’t mean to say it like this-”
“Minho, it’s ok. I...I like you too.”
Minho can’t help but smile. They both go to speak at the same time, and Minho motions for Kibum to speak first.
“Let’s finish this and then we can...talk about this over dinner.”
“Yeah, that works that’ll be great.”
Kibum smiles and gets back to work. Though it could just be his own mind, Minho swears that Kibum’s hold is gentler now.
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