airshipsofaruna · 10 months
Belated Halloween Short Story
We were planning on having this out earlier, but! Life happens. We have it here, just in time for Halloween in December. We voted this story in the Discord and we hope you all enjoy this short little silly drabble while we work on Chapter two. Enjoy!
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There comes a moment in every child's life, a night full of whimsy and terror, a night for celebration. Their first Grimmanoct, or as the denizens of the rowdy island city of Blubail call it, Grime Night. A revelry dedicated to the trickster god Voldieu, where gambling, indulgences, and theft are all encouraged. So long as you pay tribute, that is.
 This is the story of a very special slime's first Grimmanoct. 
It was a brisk and chill night over Blubail, the crescent moon hung in the sky, with all the stars twinkling brightly. Goopy was brimming with excitement unlike any other. His first Grime Night! He simply couldn’t believe it. Yet, here he was half a mess! Where was his hook? Why was he struggling with the buttons so much? And why wouldn’t his stupid hat just stay put! 
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“Goopy- you left your hook down here!” He heard the telltale thunk of Latin clambering down the stairs, “Your damn costume ain’t complete without it!”
“Sorry!” He called out, scrambling out to meet them. “I was wondering where it went!” 
They shook their head, annoyed. “Yeah, yeah. You left it by the wheel, squirt. Need help getting it on?”
“Nope, Mom! Can you help me with my buttons though..?” 
“Kid, of all the people to ask, you know I can’t help you. I’m just as handily impaired as you. Think Sil or your Dad’s up in the kitchen though. Go ask them.” 
Latin ruffled his hair lightly, messing up his hat once again. 
“Moom! My hat! My hat!” 
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“Sorry kid, here-” They laughed and fixed it for him. “There you go.” 
“What are you supposed to be Mom?” He glanced at the hay and grime poking out from the patterned shirt they wore.
Stepping back for a moment, he glanced at Latin up and down. 
“...Did you steal that off of Lila’s scarecrow?”
“...But it looks like what their scarecrow wears?”
“Does it? Hadn’t noticed.”
He narrowed his eyes, then grinned. “Mom! You can’t just steal clothes off a scarecrow! They were using them!”
“Well, it’s not like the scarecrow told me no. Now go on, let your Dad help you with those buttons.”
Giggling, Goopy headed up the hallway to the kitchen. From there a deliciously sweet smell wafted towards him. He scrambled into the kitchen to see a warm glazed rum cake. Nuts and frosting garnished the top. The syrupy sweet smell was so tempting, so wonderful, he just had to have a bite of it. Goopy reached out with his hand to envelop a bite and was quickly smacked away by a spatula. 
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“No.” Morgan stared him down, ‘That is for our party.’
“But! But! It looks so yummy!” 
‘And it has rum in it.” Morgan rolled his eyes and handed Goopy a butterscotch. ‘Here. Your first candy of the night.’
Goopy gasped and grinned like a madman. 
“My first candy! My first candy!” 
“What’s this about candy?” Bennie’s face peeked in from upstairs. 
“Uncle Morgan gave me my first Grime Night candy!” 
“Did he now?” Bennie laughed and pressed a kiss on Morgan’s cheek.
‘I did,’ said Morgan, ‘He was trying to grab at the cake.’
“Goopy! You know what we said about sticky fingers!”
“I knooooow. Can you help me with my buttons Dad?”
Bennie rolled his eyes and bent down, taking Goopy’s shirt in his hands. One by one, he buttoned the frilly blouse up.
“You are quite the scary pirate, Goop.”
“There you go.” 
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“What are you, Dad?” Goopy asked. 
“Whaaat! You can’t tell? I’m a clown, and Uncle Morgans a witch.”
“But clowns aren’t scary!”
“How would you know kid, you’ve never seen a clown!”
 Goopy crossed his arms, pouting. Bennie laughed and patted Goopy on his shoulder. 
“Alright, alright Goopy. You know where to go while we’re out, yeah?”
“I do! Meet Lila at the farm, and then she’ll take me trick or treating all around the island!”
“Perfect. Me and everyone else will be back here, alright? If you need anything just come home.”
“Okaaay Dad!” He started to scramble up the steps, excited to get on with the night. 
“And don’t forget to pay tribute to Voldieu at the end! It’s bad luck if you don’t!’
“Okaaay! Okay! Bye!” 
Goopy shut the door and thus began his very first Grime Night. He traveled down the winding Blubail roads to his best friend Lila’s house. Excitement bubbled in his stomach as he wound through the woods. His very first trick or treat! His very very first trick or treat! He couldn’t believe it. Oh, the candy he would get, oh the adventures he’d get up to! Goopy sped up, practically jogging through the woods. He just couldn’t wait at all.
Lila’s house was easy to find, purple and orange lanterns lighting it up as dusk slowly started to fall. The simple cottage was betrayed by the elaborate and fun decor the family had strung up. Grain sacks painted black and sticks glued on to look like huge spiders, paper chains hanging to and fro, and cotton stretched across the bushes to look like cobwebs. It was a veritable spooky masterpiece. He knocked at the door, tapping till finally someone opened it.
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“Goopy!” Lila yelled, pulling him up into a big hug. “OoOOOo! You’re a pirate!”
“Yeah! Yeah! Like my Dad!” A grin spread across his face as he showed off the tattered and worn costume. He even had a coat like Dad!
“That's so coooool- do you like mine- do you?” LIla twirled, showing off shimmering fabric feathers draped all around her, and a mask sat half on her head.
“It’s shiny! Of course, I like it! Now come on- come on! Let’s go!” He grabbed Lila, tugging her along the road. “Think of the candy!” 
Laughing, the two started down the road into Blubail. The first house on the way was a small shanty house, where they got caramels and crackle candies. Then, to the inner city, where market stalls handed out rich chocolates and colorful rock candies. As their pouches filled, Goopy couldn’t believe his eyes. So many sweets, in so little time! Butterscotches and lollipops, toffee and gummies, cakes and caramels, anything he could think of. Why, he could be sitting eating candy for hours and hours. 
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After what seemed like hours, the moon reached its peak in the night sky, and Goopy could tell he was getting tired. His eyes drooped and his feet dragged on the ground, but there was still so much candy to be had! They couldn’t stop now.
“Hey Goopy…I think it’s sorta late.” Lila glanced around, frowning, “I don’t see any more kids around.”
“Okay..?” He turned to her, confused. 
“...I’m saying we should head back Goopy!”
“What? Noo! But- but- there’s still more candy to get!”
“We have plenty- my bags are almost full!”
“Please, Lila? Just one more house? One more?”
She paused, crossing her arms for a moment. 
“Fine. But I get to pick the house.” 
She pointed out to the distance at the old, creepy, rickety thing on the hill. Goopy thought it was barely even a house, really. Its porch opened like a mouth with teeth. Sharp jagged points lined the fence all around it. The roof sloped and swerved in a way that felt just wrong. No, Goopy didn’t like the thing at all. 
“...Fine!” He said, pouting, “I’m not scared of a house.”
“Oh..but you should be. It’s haunted.”
Goopy’s eyes grew wide, staring at Lila. 
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“Oh yeah. Legend has it that a noble woman made the mistake of moving here after her husband died, and all the pirates on the island came and swarmed her, and killed her! Now, her ghost wanders the house- wailing- and screaming- and looking to sink her claws into any pirate she finds!” Lila yelled, a manic grin on her face.
“Oh yeah. Well, come on then!”
“Wait wait! Why don’t we head back- it is pretty late…”
“Aw! But you said one more house Goop. We can’t just stop now.”
Lila grabbed his arm and started to pull, dragging him towards the monstrous thing on the hill. The haunted monstrous thing on the hill. The clouds slowly started to crowd in as they walked up the winding, winding road. Thunder rumbled ominously in the background, and just as they got close, the strike of lightning lit the whole house from behind. Goopy could feel the slight tickle of rain on him, as Lila dragged him closer and closer. Till finally…they were at the door. 
“Go on Goopy! Knock!” She said.
His hand shaking, he reached forward and knocked at the door as softly as he could manage. A second passed. Then another.
“Oh well! Look’s like nobody home Lila- lets go-” As he spun around to leave, the door slowly creaked open. A woman stood at the door, ghastly and pale. She was old, wrinkles set in her face like his Dad had. Her hair was pinned up in a messy bun, hair spilling out of it and covering her face. She had sharp pale eyes that seemed to bore holes into him and wore a tattered, ragged noble dress. 
“Trick- trick or treat…”
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His hands were shaking as he held out his bag, waiting for candy to be put inside. He was sure this ghost was going to kill him. She was going to tear him apart with terrible claws and wicked fangs, she was going to eat him, cook him, stuff him in a jar!
Finally, after what seemed like forever…she spoke, her voice quiet in the thundering rain.
“Oh. I didn’t know kids were still out…hold on. I think…I think I might have some candy left?” 
The ghost turned around and opened a cabinet. Goopy leaned inside, his fear slowly melting away as he saw a variety of shiny, sparkly, glittering teacups and china. Fancy crystal cups, shiny polished silverware, and at the very center a gilded, shining, golden teacup. 
“Ah. Here we are.”
The lady turned again, this time with some hard honey candies in her hand. 
“Happy Grimmanoct, dears. Make sure to pay tribute to Voldieu, okay?”
Too stunned by the glittering display of shiny items, Goopy was silent. The door shut, and then he and Lila were left standing on the porch, with nothing but the pattering sounds of the rain. 
“Okay!” Lila said, “Let’s head to the temple, then home?”
“What? Goopy! This is the last house!”
“You’re right. This is the last house.” He grinned, staring Lila down. “And I need that teacup.”
“The teacup.”
“No! I’m not helping you rob her!” Lila crossed her arms and pouted.
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“But I want the teacup! Come on, don’t you want to be cool? Like my Dad and- and Morgan- and Latin?”
“...you really think Mr. Latin would steal the teacup…?” “Oh yeah. Absolutely.”
“...Do you think they’ll think I’m cool if I help you steal it…?”
“Uh-huh. Totally.”
Lila was quiet, shifting on her feet for a couple of moments. 
“Okay! Fine, I’ll help you. But only if you tell your mom how cool I was.”
Goopy grinned and quietly studied the house. The first step of any good heist was a point of entry. That’s what Uncle Sil always said. Windows, doors, vents…there it was! A window cracked just barely open. It was a little too high for him..but if Lila boosted him up, he could easily slip through! 
“Lila,” He whispered, “Look! A window.”
“Okay, okay, here, step on my hand and I’ll boost you up.”
He clambered on top of her, and with a bit of struggling, he managed to get a grip on the window. Goopy squeezed and sucked, making himself as flat as can be. Until eventually he had wormed his way in.
“Be careful!” Lila called from outside. 
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Those words were lost to the wind as Goopy crept further into the house. It was creaky and old, with cobwebs strewn all across its walls. The darkness seemed to press in on him. Shadows darted to and fro. The rain was loud, pattering heavily on the roof and muffling his footsteps. He was gonna get that teacup. 
Goopy followed Lila’s voice from the outside until he finally got to the front door. To the cabinet. He slowly opened the door and was bombarded with an assortment of shiny, beautiful things. Only one mattered. Only one shiny was worthy of his collection. The teacup. 
It was even more beautiful up close. Fine golden swirls scrawled all around the cup, moving into the thick band of gold that rimmed it. It sat delicately on a matching saucer. It was perfect. Think of all the other shinys he could put in this shiny. It was perfect for his ring collection, or his gem collection, or for all his silver spoons! 
He quickly tucked it into his bag and turned to leave. But, as he started to turn, there was a sudden creak behind him. 
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“Hello?” the ghost's voice cried out.
It echoed in the empty home, sending chills down Goopy's spine. Should he look? Should he run? Against his better judgment, he turned towards her, sneaking a glance at the ghastly figure. Just as he did, lightning struck with a loud crack. Her face was lit up, with sunken cheeks, and dead, glossy eyes. Goopy screamed, no, no, he needed to get out now! The ghost was going to eat him! Going to stick him in a jar! He ran, practically tripping over himself, stumbling to get out that very moment. 
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The ghost seemed to catch on to what was happening and chased after him. Her heels clacked on the old wooden floors, closer and closer to him. Stupid adults and their long legs! He ducked into a room and slammed the door behind him. It was some sort of sitting room, with frilly curtains and a velvety couch. Most importantly though, there was a window. It was too tall for him though. He glanced around. Her heels clicked closer. 
Quick! He needed to do something quick. The table by the door, if he could knock it over, he’d have more time. Goopy rammed into it with all his weight. It slid just a bit, but it wasn’t enough. The doorknob started to twist, and he rammed one last time. It had to work, it just had to! Dad was gonna be so mad if he got caught! The table tilted, and wobbled precariously for a few moments, before finally tipping over and blocking the door. 
Goopy grinned. That should buy enough time.  He rushed to the couch and started pushing it towards the window. It was heavy, screeching loudly across the wooden floors. But slowly, so slowly, he was making progress. 
The ghost wailed outside,  “What are you doing?!” “What’s that noise?!” “You open this door right now young man!” 
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The doorknob jostled, and he could see the door start to give way. Uh oh. He wasn’t going to have enough time to get the couch to the window. Goopy glanced around, looking for another solution. No, no, he’d have to jump from the couch out the window. He was heavy enough to break it...right? 
There was a loud thump, and he saw the door open just a crack. It was now or never. Goopy climbed on the couch and sprinted towards the window. He ducked into a ball, just like his dad showed him, and crashed into it. It gave way, shards flying everywhere. He landed hard on the ground with a hefty thump. The teacup! Did it break? Goopy tore through his bag, sighing with relief seeing the cup whole. The candy must’ve broken its fall. 
Lila ran up to him, “What the- the- what the freak Goopy! What happened?! I heard you scream?!”
He glanced up at the window to see the ghost angrily glaring down at them, her stark white hair whipping in the wind. Without thinking, he grabbed Lila’s hand.
“We need to go! Now!” Goopy yelled.
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They tore off into the rain and lightning, booking it towards the main city. There they could lose her in all the winding stalls and crowds of people. He and Lila knew every crevice of the city! The ghost gave chase, her pale figure steadily following behind them. Rain poured down, making the ground slippery and mushy. She was no match for them, however, and just as they got into the city, they lost her. 
Lila dragged him into an alley, eyes practically red with rage. He gulped. 
“What the heck was that Goopy?!”
“...uh. I got the teacup?” He nervously laughed, shrinking back.
“You ruined my costume! We’re covered in mud! Did you even grab something cool for me?”
“...you wanted something?”
If looks could kill, Goopy was pretty sure he would be dead. 
“That’s it. You’re giving me half your candy.”
“What?! But-”
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“Half your candy or I tell Bennie!”
“No!” He pouted, crossing his arms, “You wouldn’t.”
She narrowed his eyes, leaning over him. 
“Wanna bet?” 
“...but I already have to give a bunch to Voldieu!”
“Okay then, guess I’m gonna go teeell-”
“No! Fine. Fiiine. I’ll give you some.” 
He opened his bag and started shoveling candy into Lila’s as she watched with a grin. 
“Alright, now we gotta go to Voldieus’ temple and go give some to him.”
“Nooo. I already gave you a bunch. I’m just gonna go home.”
“What?” She stared at him, eyes wide, “You can’t just…not give Voldieu candy. He’ll come eat you or- curse you or something!” 
“I can and I will. I bet he’s not even real.”
“...but ghosts are real?”
“Super real. Did you see that lady!?”
Lila rolled her eyes and laughed, “Okaaay, don’t come crying to me when your hand gets turned to worms.” 
“I won't. Because it’s not gonna happen.” 
With that, Lila picked up her bag and headed back into the city. 
“I’ll see you tomorrow, worm boy!”
Goopy huffed and stood up. He was not going to get turned into worms. He walked out of the alley, and down the road, then paused. Voldieu’s temple. Maybe he should go in? He could spare a few candies. He had a lot left even after Lila demanded half. No! This was his candy, and his alone. 
Walking past the temple, Goopy headed into the woods surrounding the S.S Messe. He couldn’t wait to add his teacup to his shiny room! The rain still quietly pattered against the trees, but besides the noise of the rain, the woods were silent. All was still as Goopy happily walked home. It was a little creepy he thought, but he’d walked this path a dozen times. 
Then, the skittering started. Slow pittering noises darting to and fro. Behind him, in front of him. To his left, to his right. He paused and glanced all around him. What could that possibly be? The leaves rustled, and he caught a glimpse of shining eyes staring at him from the shadows. Then another pair of eyes, and another, and another. Suddenly, they were all around him, staring. He could’ve sworn they looked almost angry. Slight chittering suddenly filled the forest. But then, it grew and grew, until it was loud and booming. The slight squeaks and clicks all overlapped each other into a chaotic frenzy, drowning out even the rain. Suddenly, they were on him. It was raccoons, he realized. 
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They skittered and scuttled all over him, wet paws grasping at his candy bag and pulling, ripping even. The noise was even louder up close, and Goopy screamed. What was happening? Why were there so many of them? What did he do to deserve this? 
Just as suddenly as they were there, the raccoons were gone. Goopy was sitting on the ground, knocked over by the sheer force of the furry beasts. His costume was ripped and torn practically to shreds, much less his bag. There was nothing left of his bag at all. Just a scrap of its fabric still clutched in his hand…and the teacup shattered on the ground. Goopy started to cry. His candy! His cup! His costume! Everything was just ruined! 
He stood and ran as fast as he could back home. He wanted his Dad. No- he wanted Mommy, they’d shoot every one of those raccoons! Tears streamed down his face as he ran for the airship. Finally, he saw it and climbed aboard. Immediately, Sil noticed him and flocked towards him.
“Woah- Goopy- Goopy slow down buddy..” Sil put their hands on his shoulders and squatted down to his level. “What happened? Why is your costume all in shreds? And where's your candy?” 
“The raccoons!” Goopy yelled.
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“The raccoons! They came and they stole my candy, and and, they broke my teacup, and they tore up everything, and now everything is ruined!”
“Oh Goopster, shh, shh. Hey, it’s okay.” Sil pulled Goopy into a hug and rubbed his back, “Why don’t we get out of the rain little guy, and get you a butterscotch or two and you can tell me everything? How’s that sound?” 
“...That sounds good.” Goopy sniffled, and wiped his tears on what remained of his sleeve. 
Downstairs, he chewed a butterscotch and told Sil everything. From regular trick or treating, to the scary house, to the raccoons. As he was telling Sil everything they nodded along, listening to every word.
“Wow, that sounds like a lot Goop.” Sil said. 
“It was awful!” Goopy crossed his arms, pouting.
“But…It sounds to me like Voldieu was teaching you a little lesson.”
“Huh??? Where’d you get that from? You’re silly, Uncle Sil.” 
Sil laughed a little, chewing on a butterscotch themself. “No no, Goopy. I’m not being silly. Gods don’t come down and tell you things. They give you little messages.”
“...like a bunch of raccoons taking my stuff..?”
“Like a bunch of raccoons taking your stuff.”
“Oh.” Goopy looked down and fiddled with the scrap of fabric from his bag.
“And what do you think he was trying to tell you Goopy…?”
“I dunno…”
“Do you remember what your Dad always says about sticky fingers?” 
“...to save them for people who deserve it?” 
“Exactly. Do you think that poor old lady deserved it?” Sil asked.
Goopy popped up from his seat, “Yes! She was a ghost!” 
“No.” Sil gently sat him back down, “She’s an old lady. Her name is Ruth. She’s actually very sweet.”
“...oh. I’m sorry.”
“I think you should tell poor old Ruth that, Goopy.” 
“Now?” Goopy asked. 
“No no, don’t worry. We’ll go up there tomorrow, you and me. You can give her a shiny to make up for the teacup you stole, okay?”
“Okay…and…you’re not going to tell Dad?”
Sil paused for a moment, thinking. “Have you learned your lesson?”
“I have…”
“Alright, then..this can be a secret between you and me, okay Goopy? For Grime Night.” 
Goopy grinned, maybe this night wasn’t so bad after all.
“For Grime Night!”
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Written by bleebtheweeb
Colored by Sammycow12 & bleebtheweeb
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airshipsofaruna · 10 months
Characters names with pronouns? (And a description of the character cuz I wont remember the names ahh)
This reminds me that we will be creating a character page on this Tumblr soon! :-)
Bennie: (He/Him)
He is human with greyer skin, a nose scar, and a streak of grey hair in his ponytail. He'll typically wear a blue, tattered Captain's coat over a turtleneck. He also sports a single earring.
Latin: (They/Them)
They are a redheaded dwarf with a scar over their right eye. They have two prosthetics, one being their left peg leg and the other being their gun/cannon arm on the right. They are the shortest of the group.
Goopy: (Any, leans towards He/Him)
Goopy is... Goopy! He is a simple little pinkish slime that is trying to emulate humans as best as he can. He has a little mess of brown hair and a little wooden, crane-like arm on his left side.
Morgan: (He/Him)
Morgan is the tallest of the group and he loves wearing frilly, cutesy dresses, some of them handmade. He'll typically put his hair in pigtails or other cute hairstyles with pink ribbons, stylized to look like little hearts.
Sil: (She/They)
Sil is. Sil. They have a yellow, cat-like eye on their right and the left half of their face is completely scarred over. She wears a bulky red coat with an eye on the back and has a mop of white hair.
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airshipsofaruna · 1 year
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airshipsofaruna · 1 year
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airshipsofaruna · 1 year
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airshipsofaruna · 1 year
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airshipsofaruna · 2 years
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airshipsofaruna · 2 years
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airshipsofaruna · 2 years
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airshipsofaruna · 2 years
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airshipsofaruna · 2 years
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airshipsofaruna · 2 years
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airshipsofaruna · 2 years
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airshipsofaruna · 2 years
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airshipsofaruna · 2 years
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airshipsofaruna · 2 years
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