makuzjuarez · 4 years
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Edited by: itsacidfairy
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nectarized · 4 years
Favorites page winners!
The winners for my favorites page have been chosen. I have directly messaged everyone who was selected. It was super tough picking among everyone as everyone’s blogs were so beautiful. In the end I chose 18 blogs. To help my decision, I looked at posts, theme/pages, and overall harmonization of each blog. My favorites page can be found here.
Here are the winners:
Congratulations to everyone who won! The winners get 100 free queues, free reblogs, and will get to be included in my promos. Thank you so much to everyone who participated! I really appreciate everyone who applied! I’m super sorry to everyone who didn’t.😓 To all the blogs that didn’t get picked, I will still try to queue a little bit (maybe like 20 posts) from each. And thank you to all my followers for following me and sticking with me. I love you guys and I love everyone who applied! Thank you again to everyone who joined!💗💞😁
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mhango · 4 years
25. Favorite memory? - very hard one, but definitely all the amazing trips I made with my bf over the years, especially Vienna and Rothenburg.
url: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
icon: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
posts: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 (one of my fav dark indie blogs)
theme: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
mobile: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
following: no (but ily <3) | yes | I am now!
Choose a number from this list, then put it in my ask here for a full blog rate!
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aepex · 4 years
ICON: love how its pink! (we love a girly devil)
URL: can i have it??
THEME: i like it! maybe try infinite scrolling? xx
POSTS: i like your posts for a dark indie vibe x
FOLLOWING: i am now! check out afraed if you’d like to see more dark indie posts that are similar to yours!
COMPLIMENT: your posts are cute and i love the touch of purple contrasting to your dark background x
reblog this for a detailed blog rate!
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closure · 4 years
Url: okay | good | great | amazing | flawless | asdfghjkl;
Icon: okay | good | great | amazing | flawless | asdfghjkl;
Theme: okay | good | great | amazing | flawless | asdfghjkl;
Posts: okay | good | great | amazing | flawless | asdfghjkl;
Overall: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
Comment: ok so i love dark indie blogs, they’re so pleasing. And I’m a huge fan of sky posts -- it reminds me of my dark indie. I’m not following you, but I’m going to follow from my dark indie! (seemingly)
follow my botm: gholdic and then message me for a blog rate to 47.3k+
*don’t lie we are checking – using this site*
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bhl0wie · 4 years
which celebrity you think is mostly overrated and why?
ngl most celebrities are over rated. Beauty and sex appeal is put before talent 9 times out of 10. SO, therefore it has to be Kim K+family. (but i could name a load more!!! haha) 
url : not my style | meh | okay | coool | fab | perfect | omfg give it to me
icon: not my style | meh | okay | coool | fab | perfect | omfg give it to me  
theme: not my style | meh | okay | coool | fab | perfect | omfg give it to me
posts: not my style | meh | okay | coool | fab | perfect | omfg give them to me
overall: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 10++
following?: yes | no, sorry |  i am now
Ask me ANYTHING for a full blog rate <3
Send me a question HERE
Will be doing these all day :) x
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sunnie · 4 years
followed xxmimi, lucyintheskywithdiamonds18 and ohowcharming
BLOG RATE: 7/10 
Comments: We don’t have the same blogstyle (dark indie), but your blog is giving me a calming, night time feeling. I’m not a fan of dark things, but your blog puts me at ease when I look at it! 
Follow her for more dark indie posts that will calm you 💯
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seemingly · 4 years
huge like for your blog sweetie ^^
thank you babe! yours is really amazing too!
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goldysh · 4 years
followed your botm
Icon : okay | good | great | amazing | flawless URL : okay | good | great | amazing | flawless Theme : okay | good | great | amazing | flawless Posts : okay | good | great | amazing | flawless Overall :  1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 Following : yes | no, sorry | I am now | following forever
Comments: not my type of blog but love the posts! have a nice day xx
Blog rate?? Want a full blog rate?? Follow my June’s botm and send me a message!
0 notes
exstella · 4 years
Congrats on 5k babe. :3 what is your summer dream destination? 🌟
Thank you luv! I am in love with Greece and sadly this summer I can’t go bc of this corona nightmare.. I just love that country and if I had to choose a specific town, it’d be Athens <3
Url: okay | good | great | amazing | flawless | asdfghjkl;
Icon: okay | good | great | amazing | flawless | asdfghjkl;
Theme: okay | good | great | amazing | flawless | asdfghjkl;
Posts: okay | good | great | amazing | flawless | asdfghjkl;
Overall: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
advice/compliment: I am in love with your dark indie blog! I just adore your purple/black aesthetic and it’s just so goddamn gorgeous! The updates tab looks amazing and clean.. Keep it up! <3
Following: no, sorry | yes | I am now | follow forever
Let���s celebrate! Reblog this post for a blog rate  🌟
0 notes
yilinglaozu · 4 years
color asks: orange, green and purple ^^
orange - how many pieces of fruit do you aim to eat per day? what do you actually manage?
I try to eat at least 3 different servings of fruit a day but in winter I often eat more vegetables instead since they’re cheaper to come by
green - do you prefer to be indoors or outdoors? which is your favourite flower to smell?
depends on my mood but I miss being outdoors, especially the beach now that it’s getting warmer again. I love love love the smell of lavender!
purple - do you support the royalty? who is your favourite historical figure & why.
I don’t really have a strong opinion regarding royalty but I’d lean towards no. first historical figure that came to mind was the chinese pirate queen ching shih, she was a former prostitute who was wed to a pirate and took over leadership of several hundred thousand pirates once the guy died. she was called the most successful pirate of all time & just sounds really badass. something about her story always stuck with me.
send me a colour ask!
0 notes
nectarized · 4 years
congratulations on reaching 1k followers girl. I'd like to know this - if you could be any character from a book, tv show, movie, video game etc., who would you be and why?
tysm!❣️❣️ if i could be any character, luna lovegood from harry potter. in the movies she just seems so chill 
Url: okay | good | great | amazing | flawless | love love love
Icon: okay | good | great | amazing | flawless | love love love
Theme: okay | good | great | amazing | flawless | love love love
Posts: okay | good | great | amazing | flawless | love love love
Overall: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 6.5
Following: no, i’m super sorry | i am now | yes, already following | follow forever!
reached 1k! ask me a question for an fbr here.
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mhango · 4 years
Favorite board game: I’ve always been more into card games really :)
url: meh / ok / good / awesome / flawless
icon: meh / ok / good / awesome / flawless
posts: meh / ok / good / awesome / flawless (i love your posts so much)
desktop theme: meh / ok / good / awesome / flawless
mobile theme: meh / ok / good / awesome / flawless
overall: meh / ok / good / awesome / flawless
following: no (but ily <3) | yes | I am now! (following from @darhken)
Send me one or more of these for a blog rate to 62k followers!
0 notes
foccused · 4 years
🌼 Fave flower
Sunflower 🌻
icon: good / great / amazing / FUCKING BEAUTIFUL / LET ME HAVE IT
url: don’t get it / good / great / I’m legally changing my name to your url
theme: good / great / amazing / FUCKING BEAUTIFUL / LET ME HAVE IT
posts: good / great / omg let me have them / one word: PERFECT
Overall: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
following: no, sorry / i am now! / of course! / how could I not be i love you!
want a blog rate? reblog this post and send me a symbol from this list
0 notes
filoxenia · 4 years
Url: okay | good | great | amazing | flawless | asdfghjkl;
Icon: okay | good | great | amazing | flawless | asdfghjkl;
Theme: okay | good | great | amazing | flawless | asdfghjkl;
Posts: okay | good | great | amazing | flawless | asdfghjkl;
Overall: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Following: no, sorry | yes | I am now | follow forever
want a blog rate? send me an ❤️ in my inbox
0 notes
closure · 4 years
followed makuzjuarez darkethersblog bohetty messyqueenn sunmatecan i get blog rate pls
dude your blog is sick
rate: 8.5/10
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