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marykk1990 · 2 months
My next post in support of Ukraine is:
Next site, is Ukrainian Olympic athlete Iurii (also spelled Yuri & Yuriy) Volodymyrovych Cheban (Юрій Володимирович Чебан). He is the 2012 and 2016 Olympic champion in the C-1 200 meters sprint canoeing......
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Here's a video of his 2012 win at the Olympic Games in London.....
And, here's a video of his 2016 win in Rio De Janeiro.
#СлаваУкраїні 🇺🇦🌻
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ani4detal · 2 years
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Iurii "BULAT" Sologub.. update. someone’s got a lot bigger. keep eating those eggs...
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joaquimblog · 1 year
LICEU 2023/24: EUGENE ONEGIN (Samoilov-Mkhitaryan-Bros-Faus-Palka:Loy-Pons)
Eugene Onegin, Acte 1r. Producció de Christof Loy. Gran Teatre del Liceu 2023. Fotografia gentilesa del Departament de premsa Aquesta sí que és una òpera per inaugurar temporada, a banda de ser una obra bellíssima i popular, feia vint-i-cinc anys que no es presentava a una temporada del Liceu i 36 que no es veia a l’escenari de la Rambla, perquè l’edició de l’any 1998 va ser al Teatre Victòria…
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catholicpriestmedia · 8 months
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"I would like the angels of Heaven to be among us. I would like an abundance of peace…" - #SaintBrigidofKildare #SaintoftheDay
We continue praying for #Peace in #Ukraine and the #MiddleEast. #PrayforPeace #PrayingforPeace
📷 Archangel Michael, Kyiv / © Iurii / #GettyImages. #Catholic_Priest #CatholicPriestMedia #PeaceNow
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polkadotmotmot · 2 years
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Iurii Denysenkov - Pink Screen, 2018
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simena · 2 years
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russia-libertaire · 11 months
The Union of Salvation
'The first Russian secret society, the Union of Salvation, began with a restrictive and nonimperial concept of the nation: its initial aim was "resistance to the Germans in the Russian state service." However, it soon broadened its agenda and turned to promoting the "welfare of Russia" by advancing the idea of regulating serfdom, or possibly abolishing it and transforming the autocracy into a constitutional monarchy. This was the first time a political movement had been created in Russia with such an ambitious aim, and how it was to be accomplished was never really settled. To give the movement's ideas wider currency, the Union of Salvation turned itself into the Union of Welfare, with a public arm devoted, like the masons, to philanthropy, education, justice, and morality. These were laid out in a Green Book, which bound every member to seek public office if possible, but in any case to promote the aims of the union through personal example, practical activity, and the denunciation of official abuses. Members were required to be male, Christian, nonserf, and Russian. The exclusion of serfs was characteristic … the Union was unambiguously elitist, as its concept of citizenship implied. The Green Book did not recommend freeing the serfs, merely treating them humanely on the grounds that "subordinates are also people." The members of the Union later became known as Decembrists, because of the attempted coup in 1825 which grew out of their activity. But most of them, even those in its secret wing, had no definite political strategy in mind. For the most part, if they took its ideals seriously, they did so by trying to live out its precepts in everyday life. As Iurii Lotman has shown, they were trying to overcome the duality which existed between the Enlightenment culture in which they had been educated and the reality of life at court and on their estates, where most relationships were unadornedly hierarchical. They did not so much reject social etiquette as try to behave as if they really felt the sentiments normally expressed only for convention's sake. Many of them rejected the prevailing patriarchal notions of family life, seeing marriage not mainly as a means of perpetuating the rod (kin), but rather as a partnership of two equal adults joined by mutual affection and committed to the humane upbringing of children. In reaction against hierarchy and frivolity, they practiced an intense cult of sincerity and friendship among equals. The poet Aleksandr Pushkin grew up in this environment, and although he was never a Decembrist himself, his early poetry celebrated precisely those ideals. They were part of the atmosphere in which young nobles lived; the main significance of the movement was that its members tried to practice them consistently even in a discouraging environment.'
Russia and the Russians, by Geoffrey Hosking
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life-spire · 2 years
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@ Iurii Laimin
See more like this.
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stop-800 · 2 years
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Iurii Chornysh
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catholicpriestmedia · 2 years
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"God is humanity's universal teacher and guardian, but his teaching to humanity is mediated by angels." - #SaintThomasAquinas
We continue our prayers for ending the war against the Ukrainian People. #PeaceforUkraine
📷 Archangel Michael, Kyiv / © Iurii / #GettyImages. #Catholic_Priest #CatholicPriestMedia
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polkadotmotmot · 2 years
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Iurii Denysenkov - New Room, 2022
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inprimalinie · 4 months
Analist: Ucraina se va transforma rapid într-o țară fantomă. Orașele și localitățile goale vor deveni norma
Iurii Barancic face o analiză a situației din Ucraina, care se înrăutățește cu fiecare oră care trece. Expertul amintește de un articol din Financial Times, publicație care a citat oficiali ucraineni care au declarat că, din februarie 2022, producția de energie electrică a Ucrainei s-a redus la mai mult de jumătate, de la 55 GW la 20 GW. Georgiana Arsene În același timp, numai din luna martie,…
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1of1blog · 8 months
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This familiar point of view, situated in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, was captured by Iurii Dzivinskyi May 20th 2019. From my perspective, principles of design such as Movement and Emphasis were perhaps in the producer’s intention as he captured this breath taking aerial view of Christ redeemer and Corcovado Mountain. As our eyes captivated by this famous statue, we aknowledge the lines and edges creating a path leading up to it. Over looking the core of Rio, I imagine myself being the statue admiring the area around and the mountains afar. Picking this image was a no brainer for me. To me, this image best represents my purpose. My purpose being happiness, Brazil is the place I’m convinced I can achieve that, hopefully next year. The upwords movement leading up to the Jesus statue represents journey I’m going through to get there. Topped with the image emphisizing this amazing statue over looking Rio brings out the feeling of aknowlodging your accomplishments, that lead me to achieve a life goal of mine, such as moving to Brazil. Being Christian makes this image so much more valuable, because there’s not a single accomplishment or blessing in my life where I didn’t take a moment to thank God. Visualizing myself next to that statue, I wouldn’t want it any other way than being where I want to be, next to whom I am most thankful for.
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spoczkotszcz · 8 months
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Killing of Iurii Glinskii, from Litsevoi letopisnyi svod XVI veka: Russkaia letopisnaia istoriia, book 20, 1541–1551 gg. (Moscow: AKTEON, 2011), 347. Reproduced courtesy of AKTEON.
The killing of Prince Iurii Glinskii
"Two days after the fire which had claimed 15 thousand souls, the tsar and grand prince came to visit Metropolitan Makarii in Novoe, and the boyars came with him. Hostile rumors began to circulate, alleging that through means of sorcery a human heart had been taken out and soaked in water and then that water was sprinkled around the city, and because of that all of Moscow burned.
The tsar and grand prince ordered the boyars to conduct an investigation. The boyars came to the square in front of the Dormition Cathedral and gathered the taxpaying townspeople (chernye liudi) and began to question them: “Who set fire to Moscow?” They began to claim that “Princess Anna Glinskaia (the tsar’s maternal grandmother), with her sons and [their] men, had worked sorcery (volkhvovala): she took out a human heart and put it in water and went riding around Moscow with that water and sprinkling it, and because of that, Moscow burned down.”
Because of the enmity between them and the Glinskiis, the boyars riled up the townspeople. And they seized Prince Iurii in the church and killed him in the church, and then they dragged himout through the forward doors onto the square and into the city and put him in the marketplace, at the execution block.
(The incensed townspeople said:) “Your mother, Princess Anna, took flight in the form of a magpie and set the fire.”
-Witchcraft in Russia and Ukraine, 1000–1900: A Sourcebook (NIU Series in Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies)
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