#iv.   dynamic   ⟳   rosa  /  charles.
7x01 of chicago med and what. the. fuck????
natalie left. (low-key kinda saw that coming)
dean archer is still an asshole but POP OFF doctor charles. i did not think he had that in him.
will halstead and stevie hammer????
he said ‘I know dr. hammer’ in that tone and with that look in his eyes???? am i reading into it or is seggsual tension???????? (spoiler alert: its seggsual tension)
Goodwin’s ‘ah, okay, nice’ is fuckin HILARIOUS to me bc she’s just so done with all of will’s bs and im so here for it.
bro the way that stevie walked towards will and their banter?! oh they definitely fucked. definitely.
maggie sliding into frame. LMAOOOO we love that
will’s thumbs down gesture when maggie asked what his rank was in the class *snort* me too
animosity b/w marcel and halstead better LEAVE rn. im not in the mood for more unnecessary angst
dean archer further cementing himself as asshole of the year
will’s reply??
*chef’s kiss*
archer fuckin deserved that
istg if will doesn’t punch archer, I WILL
the way that archer said, ‘gemma and emma’
archer’s ‘i'm sorry, you said what?’ to the twin was fuckin GOLDEN
and the clarification of ‘i would like a needle in my arm, too’ and the other twin nodding??? true comedy
ik ive only known vanessa for a few episodes but I already love her and sheS SO BEAUTIFUL
bro, gemma and emma saying ‘we’re one person’ ew ew ew ew ew. no. it creeps me tf out
dr. charles’ pained smile just says ‘nope nope nope’
‘with your history, i guess you just never know’
vanessa desperately trying to keep the conversation going w/o a fight
dr. charles’ logic better fuckin work
*rosa diaz voice* ive know dylan scott for half an episode but if something happens to him, i will kill all of chicago meds writers and then myself
stevie and dylan’s dynamic?? they may have barely said anything to each other but i love it already. they work so well together.
when is archer going to get punched???? WHENN????
if i were dr. charles i would've prolly yelled at him and kicked him in the head
is it foolish of me to hope that maggie and vanessa end up becoming closer so that i can see their mother-daughter dynamic??? yes, it is. do i keep hoping anyway?? unfortunately, i do.
sharon goodwin is in her bad bitch era and im here for it
marcel and halstead would be great friends!
they'd be the best of bros!!!
i do not trust cooper
not in the slightest
loving how the animosity b/w marcel and halstead disappears the MOMENT someone else tries to suggest something
dr. marcel’s ‘oh?’ is funny and sexy and its telling matt cooper to stfu
‘yeah, okay then’ is the most obvious FUCK YOU, ive seen in a while
get matt cooper off my screen rn
will, i'm glad ur right but now is not the time to give the face of ‘i told you so’
*gasp* are we gonna learn about stevie’s backstory in her first episode????
the look on her face when she asks the patient if she's living in her car??? its personal. one hundred percent
her and dylan have actually sky-rocketed in my charts and they are now amongst my favorite characters
dylan and stevie’s banter??? *chef’s kiss* we love to see it
maggie comforting vanessa??? that was so sweet!!
goodwin: guilt-tripping will into doing what she wants
me: >:o
dylan scott is such a sweetheart and we do not deserve him
dr. archer and dr. charles patching things up? kinda?
dr. charles’ look of confusion, wondering whether archer was genuine or not? perfect. amazing. fantastic.
oh god marcel and halstead
how’s this gonna go?
oh wow
not as bad as i expected
can they PLEASE be besties now??
archer is giving out compliments???
is he okay???? did he fall on his head at one point during the episode?
damn alr
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lily-blue-blue-lily · 5 years
Charles Boyle
sorry for taking so long to answer this!
okay so:
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life 
hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang
hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff
best quality: how much he cares about his friends, like, hes always complimenting his friends and hes just so kind to everyone! also i love how unapologetically himself he is!
worst quality: i guess his terrible food choices? also i feel like he can be a little bit overbearing too
ship them with: genevieve i guess? ive never really cared about charles romantic partners tbh
brotp them with: jake!!! i think theyre friendship is so good and they love and care about each other so much and i wish there was more friendships like theirs on tv (i also love charles friendship with both rosa and gina too!)
needs to stay away from: his ex wife (i completely blanked on her name and had to google it, its eleanor, i feel like such a fake fan)
misc. thoughts: i really love charles, i think hes such an underrated character and honestly his friendship with jake is one of my favourite parts of the entire show, their dynamic is so good!
thank you for sending the ask!
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okayhotshots · 6 years
the more things change; jake x amy
ao3 link | tell me what you think
Jake Peralta isn’t big on change. He’s had the same car, same mattress, same attitude for longer than he can remember. But when his feelings for Amy Santiago come into play, Jake will either have to learn to deal with change or run from it.
A sequence of snapshots into Jake’s mind as his feelings for Amy change over time.
i. the “date” turned stakeout
He’s probably the furthest thing from romantic that a person can get. It’s not that he lacks the ability or the desire to be romantic, he’s just never had a reason. He prefers the light and breezy path of life he’s chosen to take. No broken hearts. No pining. No romance. He doesn’t need any of that. It would only distract him from work, and honestly, work is what matters most to him.
But, as he learned very quickly when he became a cop, things can change in the blink of an eye. And he had no idea when he took Amy Santiago out for their disaster date, that things would change.
Maybe it wouldn’t have if they hadn’t been sent to the stakeout location. He would have spent the night embarrassing her and rubbing his victory in her face. She would have been beyond annoyed and probably never would have spoken to him again. He’s glad things worked out this way.
He doesn’t realize what’s happening at first. The flirting and the teasing? It seemed so normal. They had never been quite this alone before, and Jake was seeing sides of Amy he’d never seen before, and somehow, seeing her in a new light all together.
But something changes. He doesn’t know the exact moment. It’s fleeting, but every so often, he’ll get a fluttering in his chest and swooping in his stomach when Amy does something he would normally consider annoying, and a warmth spreads through him when she smiles and when she laughs. It’s even worse when he’s the one to make her do either of those things. But it’s those changes that make it impossible for him to tell Holt to send the night team. He plays it off with Amy the next day, but it’s honestly the best date he’s ever had, spun from a bet or not.
When he finally gets home from the stakeout, he collapses on his bed, fully prepared to pass out to the sounds of Netflix in the background, but he can’t stop thinking about her. He closes his eyes but all he can see his Amy laughing on that rooftop as she attempted to catch a nut with nothing but her mouth.
It’s never been like this for him. It’s all sex jokes and one-night stands. He doesn’t catch feelings for people. He saw what it did to his mom when his dad left, and he never wanted to feel the way she felt. But god damn it. Amy has taken over every single one of his thoughts, and there’s nothing he can do to shake it.
The scariest part is, he’s not sure he wants to.
ii. the missed opportunity
He spends too long being afraid.
He keeps trying to tell himself that he’s somehow misunderstood his friendship with Amy for something more. Stranger things have happened. There was that week in middle school when he thought he might be into Gina. Thankfully, that week was so weird for both of them, neither one of them ever bring it up.
But he knows this is different. No one has ever consumed him like Amy. No one else has ever worked their way into every single thought he has, settled into his heart the way she has. But he’s scared. Jake Peralta, the guy who rushes into crime scenes without a second thought, is scared of letting himself feel something for someone.
It’s not just that he’s afraid he might get hurt. (Even though that’s a large part of it). He’s also worried about what it could do to their friendship, to the great dynamic they have going on at work. He likes having Amy in his life. Especially since they’ve grown closer since the stakeout. They even hang out when they aren’t at work. He doesn’t want to lose her entirely. So he keeps his mouth shut and his feelings secret.
That’s when Teddy comes along. It comes completely out of left field. Amy doesn’t usually date, and if she does, she’s very secretive about it. And by the time he realizes Teddy is making a move, and even worse, that Amy’s into it, it’s too late.
He beats himself up for it. Jake doesn’t miss windows of opportunity, especially not because he’s scared of the consequences that might unfold if he climbs through. That’s why when Amy and Teddy join them at the bar one night, he buys everyone a round before taking his beer and disappearing into a corner alone.
He could talk to someone about it, but what would be the point? Amy is dating someone else. She’s probably happy, and he’s just going to have to live with it. Besides, Charles and Gina can’t keep secrets and Rosa doesn’t do feelings. And the one person he would really be comfortable talking it out with is Amy but that’s off the table for more reasons than one.
Terry is the one that gets him out of his slump. They drink more than they should that night, and as Terry practically drags him back to his apartment, Jake finds himself spilling more than he ever planned on spilling.
“Terry, she’s just so great,” he says, vision blurry and words slurring more and more by the second. “I know I give her hell, but she’s great.”
He isn’t sure what Terry says in response. But he’s sure it has to do with the fact that he keeps repeating himself. He wonders, for a moment, if he should just call her. Only to be thankful the next morning that Terry took his phone.
He doesn’t remember getting home. He wakes up on his couch, a sloppy note from Terry on his coffee table. Something about Amy, and the location of his phone.
His head is pounding as he pushes himself into a sitting position, and he runs his fingers through his hair. He knows he drank too much. And it didn’t even work. He was drinking in hopes that it would make him forget Amy for awhile, but all it did was make his head hurt. He closes his eyes for a moment, trying to gain some composure before he gets up. But emories from last night start flooding in.
He remembers standing outside the bar, arm and arm with Terry singing a song he thinks might be from RENT. He remembers drunkenly walking into a Taco Bell and getting a 12-pack of tacos. And finally he remembers Terry dragging him into the elevator and into his apartment. And he kind of wishes he could forget what he remembers next.
Terry had just finished lowering him onto the couch, when Jake looked up at him, pointing a finger in his direction. “Terry, can I tell you something I haven’t told anyone?”
He thinks that the sarge might have been closer to sober than he was at that point, because he nodded. “Sure, Peralta. Lay it on me.”
“I love her,” Jake said, unable to keep his eyes open any longer. “I’m in love with Amy Santiago.”
He feels like his heart has dropped into his stomach, and the warm feeling he gets when he’s with Amy is far from him now. Instead, a rush of cold, icy, fear washes over him.
He just had too much to drink, right? Sure, he likes Amy, but he’s not in love with her. He decides that it’s the alcohol he has to blame, pushing the memory to the back of his mind, content to forget that it ever happened. As far as the sarge knows, he doesn’t even remember it.
iii. romantic-stylez
Jake is a master at playing pretend. Or maybe he’s just so busy with work, he doesn’t have time to think about Amy and Teddy, and the fact that he told Terry that he’s in love with her.
Either way, things get a little easier. He’s able to focus around Amy again. They work well together, they tease, and bicker, and sometimes they still hang out. But it’s harder now. Amy likes to talk about Teddy, and he has no valid reason to ask her to stop. If he did, it would only make things harder for her. It would ruin everything, so he grins and bears it.
He’s learned to stop being shocked when things change. That’s just how the world works, and he has, to a point, come to accept that. But he tries not to let it throw him too far off track. He hyper-focuses on work, doing his best to move on.
It would be his luck, that he stumbles on a case being investigated by the FBI. If this had been a couple months ago, Jake would have been through the roof. He would have gone undercover without a second thought, ready to be the cop he always wanted to be. But things have changed, they always do.
He still agrees to do the op. He’d be an idiot not to. But that means danger, that means possible death, and no contact with the Nine-Nine for the operations entire length.
He wrestles with his brain for hours. At first, he thinks he’s just being dramatic. Nothing is going to happen to him, he doesn’t have to say anything to Amy about the way he feels. But he’s quick to remember that things don’t always go as planned, and he’s stumbling out of the precinct to catch Amy before he can stop himself.
Amy looks shocked and mostly confused as he tells her how he feels. He doesn’t say he loves her. He’s still not sure he really does. But he does tell he wishes they could be together. Not quite as eloquently, but it gets the point across. He runs away before he can get a response.
He spends the next six months wondering what effect his words would have on her. He wonders if she’s still with Teddy, if she feels the same way. And he misses her. More than he would care to admit.
In the end, it doesn’t matter. Amy stays with Teddy, and Jake feels like a fool for thinking Amy could ever feel that way about him.
iv. the distraction
Either Terry doesn’t remember Jake confessing his love for Amy, or he thinks it’s a lost cause. He’s the one that actually convinces him to try and move on, and Jake, stupidly, takes the advice.
Sophia is great. She’s beautiful, smart, funny, and they have a lot in common. He genuinely enjoys spending time with her, despite the fact their jobs conflict a lot. He likes her, and he wants them to work.
Jake quickly learns that just because you want something to work doesn’t mean it will. He’s been playing pretend so long, he’s starting to believe it’s real. So when he pretends that he’s over Amy, he’s convinced himself that he is. Even though he’d rather hang out with Amy than go on a date with Sophia. He never admits that out loud, of course, it’s rare he even thinks it.
Part of him knows it’s not fair to string Sophia along. And he knows he’s being selfish keeping her around as a distraction, but he can’t let go. Maybe it’s because he wants to believe he can get over Amy. Or maybe it’s because he thinks that this is how to get over Amy. Either way, he’s almost desperate to get her to stay.
Things are weird after the dinner with Amy and Teddy. Sophia tries to let him down gently, but he won’t have it. Playing pretend has made him believe he might be in love with Sophia and he won’t miss another window of opportunity. So, as usual, Jake embarrasses himself.
It doesn’t hit him just what a negative effect this whole thing has had on Sophia until she’s standing in front of him with tears in her eyes, recalling that awkward dinner and the look on his face when he found out Amy used to have feelings for him.
“I saw the way you looked at her.”
He tried to so hard to play it off. But he knew he failed when a few of her tears actually slipped down her cheeks. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Sophia let out a laugh, but there was no humor in it. “Jake, you looked at her the way you’re supposed to look at me.”
And it’s then, perhaps for the first time, he realizes just how deep in this he is.
v. six months in
He can’t thank Rosa enough for setting this up for them. Jake has never been the romantic type. He always wanted to be, but he never had a reason. But with Rosa’s help, and a little bit of prompting, it all comes together pretty easily, and the look on Amy’s face makes it all worth it.
They spend the night searching through bookshelves, and he listens to Amy tell him about her favorite stories. And the warmth in his chest has only grown into a fire that consumes him every time he’s in Amy’s presence and he’s okay with that.
She fallS asleep in the early hours of the morning, their backs pressed against a shelf, her head resting on his shoulder, a light snore escaping her lips.
He watches for a few minutes as she sleeps, unable to deny any longer that he’s head-over-heels in love with her. He remembers months ago when Amy was still with Teddy, how she mentioned how how bad break-ups were and how she hoped she never had to go through one again. At the time, he had used it to gauge how well their relationship was going, but now he understands.
In that moment, he doesn’t know if she’s the one, but he knows he’d be devastated if this didn’t work out, or end on a positive note. Amy is sunlight and happiness, and makes him feel things he never thought he would feel. He doesn’t want to break up, and he’s going to do everything he can to make sure they don’t.
vi. april twenty-eighth
He’s learned not to be shocked when things change, in fact, Amy’s kind of taught him to embrace it. New mattress, new apartments, new places, new stories. That’s why when everything changes one random day in April, he isn’t afraid.
Jake is scrolling through his phone, trying to find something on his timeline other than Gina’s endless tweets. His phone vibrates signaling another test from Rosa, but he’s quickly distracted.
Amy gasps from her spot in the bed beside of him, and he looks over with a raised eyebrow. She’s doing a crossword, what could be so shocking? When she notices that he’s looking, she shifts the paper a little so Jake can get a better look.
“There’s a typo in the crossword!”
His expression softens as she goes back to concentrating, and his heart has dropped to his stomach in the best way. A slight smile pulls on the edge of his lips, and he feels at peace. And it dawns on him, he never wants this end. Relaxing after work, Amy nerding out over her crossword puzzles, just being with her. He wants to do this for the rest of his life. And not with anyone but Amy Santiago.
The random day in April quickly becomes something more. It becomes the day he stops running. It becomes the day he stops being afraid. It becomes the day that he makes the best decision he’s ever made. It becomes the day he decides he wants to marry the love of his life.
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itscharlesfromwork · 7 years
the first character i ever fell in love with: captian holt, i love dad so much
a character that i used to love/like, but now do not: i dunno, i’ll have to say scully n hitchcock just bc they can be so ?? sometimes 
a ship that i used to love/like, but now do not: i love all the dynamics between the characters so much i couldn’t really say that i dont like one 
my ultimate favorite character™: jake peralta, he is my boo n im complete trash for him (also i am so highkey in love with andy samberg 
prettiest character: yo amy santiago, she literally glows in every episode n i envy her face so much
my most hated character: the vulture man, he makes my skin crawl so much 
my OTP: JAKE N AMY 110% but also holt n kevin, bc i love my dads so much 
my NOTP: charles n rosa, so glad they didnt make them a thing but i also love their friendhsip now 
favorite episode: i have such a weak spot for Boyle-Linetti Wedding, but Johnny and Dora is an ultimate fave 
saddest death: seth dozerman, rip boo, gone but not forgotten 333
favorite season: season 1 for sure 
least favorite season: i don’t really have a least favourite season purely because in my opinion each season gets better n better 
character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but i hate: wuntch man, i feel like a lot of ppl like her and i just find her really overbearing (i do think she is a solid character tho)
my ‘you’re piece of trash, but you’re still a fave’ fave: pimento, my trashy son 
my ‘beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this’ fave: GINA LINETTI WHY DID SHE GET HIT WITH A BUS @ DAN GOOR 
my ‘this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but i still love it’ ship: yo i hate to admit it but rosa n pimento purely bc i find their storyline completely bonkers n some of their scenes together are hilarious 
my ‘they’re kind of cute, and i lowkey ship them, but i’m not too invested’ ship: charles n genevieve, they are cute as heck n nikolaj is straight up adorable 
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buriaely-a-blog · 6 years
murder me
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