#iv.  like i'm looking for something  /  int.
a small crack rumbles through the room as a space symbol appears before solidifying into something more*. ???: can you guys through quickly..? im not keen on holding this long. *The portal opens much silenter than it appeared with a gold blood in their god tier holding it open on the other side*. GC: right, hun, we @int tryin to w@ste time here. ??: They DiD say it was urgent! *the gold blood steps back to allow the figures through to the center. A jade with a tidy outfit, a bag, and with puffed out hair steps through with a purple blood in boar-like boots and striped pants with a rust on their back who has tattooed signs down her arms and long hair*. GC: you sure you got this next p@rt? L@st thing we need is another port@l rel@ted injury ??: ive got it… just back up so he can get through..! *with the confirmation the rust gets off the purples back and backs away while the purple steps to the side of the portal. With a heave the gold pushes the portal open further allowing for a blue with overly large horns to get through with some assistance by the purple*. *with everyone else through the gold stops actively holding the portal open, slumping forward slightly from the excursion. The purple crouching down and pulling them through before the portal finally shuts and the rust introduces them*. Ralgun: hope you don’t mind me bringing reinforcements, you’ve @lre@dy t@lked to me but I’m R@lgun, the d@mn l@mppost in the weird boots is T@ull, our sp@cy boy is Selzin, the one in a whole form@l outfit is Jydine, and the eleg@nt one is Tolk@. Hope we didn’t t@ke too long. Ralgun brings a desk up behind DS for better access to his horns* Ralgun: So, Jyd with me. Ralgun : Tolk@ help Vyv control the se@ be@st so things don’t get n@sty. Ralgum: @nd T@ull bring Sel over so he c@n help with the c@st when we need him too, get behind DS enc@se we need to get him under control quickly, and for the love of jegus put something on th@t doesn’t m@ke you look hiveless. Ralgun: perfect, let’s get this done. (I also did a reblog with pictures but I didn’t know if you wanted to keep it here so I did this just in case 👍)
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VYVYAN: --<< Th4nk you 4ll 2o much for coming. 4242. DUALSCAR: *grrrrooovvwwwllll* VYVYAN: --<< Hey! 4242. VYVYAN: --<< Eye on me. Focu2 on ME. 4242. VYVYAN: --<< Pretend I'm 2omeone you re4lly c4re 4bout. 4242. VYVYAN: --<< Come on, Du4l2c4r... There H42 to be 2omeone you love. 4242. VYVYAN: --<< Dig through your memory. 4242. VYVYAN: --<< 2omeone you'd protect. 2omeone you'd die for. 4242. VYVYAN: --<< 2omeone you really m♊22. 4242.
[Dualscar is now safe to work on.]
(I hope I drew all your characters right!!! <:) this was super fun to do I really hope I didn't get anything wrong :P pls lmk if I did heehee. )
(This is the ask version of this btw <:) just to make things easier if need be! )
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oveliagirlhaditright · 10 months
Angel bursts into the emergency ward, Buffy in his arms.
I need help!
A NURSE approaches him--
ANGEL (cont'd)
She's lost a lot of blood.
NURSE What happened? ANGEL
She needs blood!
The nurse has led him to an operating table, he deposits Buffy onto it.
Try to stay calm.
DR. POWELL approaches as Angel talks, looks over Buffy.
Something bit her. She needs a transfusion right now.
You found her?
Was she conscious?
Are you sure?
I'm sure
(to the nurse)
I need a type and cross match. Get her on two lines of ringers lactate and watch for hypovolemic shock.
He pulls angel aside, looks at him hard. Angel is practically tripping, unable to contain the energy of Buffy's blood in him.
POWELL (cont'd)
Tell me what happened.
Something bit her. I don't know what.
(to the nurse)
I'll need a rabies shot treatment.
(to Angel)
Any allergies?
None. Just help her!
He is holding onto a doorframe -- and he RIPS it off in his urgency. The doctor eyes him, warily.
You two doing drugs?
He eyes the doctor.
POWELL (cont'd)
You want her to live, you'll be straight with me.
She's clean.
(My--OveliaGirlHaditRight's--commentary here: More vampire blood drinking can be like "drug abuse" metaphor with Angel here. And fans who pointed out that Angel said Buffy was clean, but didn't say that he was... I think you were of course right here, in thinking that was an obvious choice on his part. He doesn't think he's clean, and in fact thinks that he fell off the wagon here.
More stuff from the script that is interesting and kind of fun: mainly effects that the script writer wanted, that--if memory serves--they couldn't pull off in the actual episode, but it would have been cool if they had (I'm still happy with what we got, though):
We have another young girl, severe blood loss, Dr. Powell wants you to prep to assist on an antecubital cut down.
All right.
The Mayor hears this. Slowly he turns, heads to where they are keeping Buffy.
Unconscious, an IV hooked up to her arm.
The Mayor walks calmly up to her and clamps his hand over her mouth and nose. She starts to thrash weakly, but he doesn't move. Finally the nurse notices.
Oh my god! Sir, no!
She tries to pull him off. He won't budge.
NURSE (cont'd)
Somebody call security!
Angel grabs the Mayor by the throat, pulls him away.
Don't do that.
I will. I'll do that and worse. Murderous little fiend, did you see what she did to my Faith?
Hadn't made plans to weep over that one.
Well, I'd get set for some weeping if I were you, I'd get set for a world of hurt. Misery loves company, young man, and I'll be looking to share mine with you and your whore.
Angel throws him back -- through the wall (thin drywall to the next room, not the outer wall). (And if that's not doable, then into or over something. The point is, Angel is unnaturally strong, so it's probably a ratchet gag.)
Everyone backs off, appalled. The Mayor gets up and dusts himself off. He takes a few steps back towards Angel, the old smile returning to his face.
MAYOR (cont'd)
Well. Looks like someone's been eating his spinach.
A security guard arrives on the scene. Stops, unsure what to do.
MAYOR (cont'd)
Okay, folks. Show's not over but there will be a short intermission.
(to Angel)
Don't want to miss the second act. All kinds of excitement.
I'll be there.
They eyeball each other a moment. They Mayor exits, Angel's eyes never leaving him.
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alongtidesoflight · 1 year
for the mod you are making: would I be able to start a new game in Skyrim without doing anything else so I can play the mod and the mod only? I beat the game but never could get into it as much as I would have technically wanted to, given the lore and everything, because finding the roleplay kind of hollow. Which, again with the lore, I love the lore of the elder scrolls series so getting disappointed by the roleplaying really bugged me.
But from the look of what you are developing, you definitely are making something that looks really great and fleshed out. Especially with the companions and interactions you are showing, as so far the only good companion in the elder scrolls that I have found so far that feels more alive is just Serena. Who is from a DLC.
Would I be able to just head right away to start the mod, or would I have to likely wait until a specific level or any other condition to start?
in theory you can start the mod immediately after you've left helgen or skipped the tutorial there with an alternate start mod. you're not going to miss out on much mod content until you go to whiterun to warn jarl balgruuf about the dragon that has attacked helgen.
there's a small knapsack at the guardian stones that sort of works as a setup for the mod, as in you have to pick one of the tes: iv oblivion classes/professions you want to roleplay as (they unlock some dialogue options and quest shortcuts) and once that's done, you can venture deeper into skyrim (and beyond) and go recruit the companions.
now, you can play their recruitment quests at any time without having progressed through any of skyrim's main/dlc/side quests. the thing is that you're gonna have to do at least some questing in between recruitment and personal quests in order to get their approval up enough for them to confide in you.
the progression looks a little something like:
recruitment -> reach a certain approval threshold - > personal quest 1 -> reach a certain approval threshold -> personal quest 2
independent of that, their romances depend on approval and how much you flirt with them as they open up to you.
right now, i can think of one location that's unlocked with a recruitment quest and you can do a bit of questing there that's unrelated to skyrim's quests, and it'd probably be a good way to net some approval. but without looking right now, i'm not sure if it's enough approval to trigger any of the personal quests.
so yes, you can play some of the quests as soon as you initiate the mod, but there's approval thresholds that keep you from progressing through all of the mod's content immediately.
on top of that you're going to want to progress through skyrim's quests a little (at least until you're declared dragonborn) because it opens up more dialogue branches, at least one personal quest, and unlocks the quest to obtain the player home (and its garrison of unique guards).
the mod's been made with skyrim being very hollow in mind. it's here to enhance and immerse you in the game a little, with the companions commenting on your game progression almost each time you've finished one of the many main or dlc quests in order to make it feel, well, more alive.
so the tl;dr is, you can play some of the mod's content immediately after the mod's been set up, but you'll miss out on a lot of content if you don't want to focus on skyrim's plot and i don't want to make any promises and say you'll be able to get their approval up enough for them to want to let you in on their backstories without you having done at least a bit of questing in bethesda-land.
i'd say at the very least, progress the game until you're declared dragonborn and make sure to talk to the companions after any main quests or dlc quests you do in order to gain more approval. the overall mod (and hopefully game) experience will be better if you do. also, since the companions have history relating to game events, for example the civil war, guilds, daedric princes, and factions, you might stumble into one surprise interaction or another here and there.
if anyone would like me to write up quick approval guides/mod progression tips and tricks and offer that as an additional download when i release the whole thing, like this or comment below. (trust me i know just how frustrating it can be to miss out on content because you didn't get a companion's approval up in time and now the chance to interact with them has come and gone. no shame in wanting to look things up/plan a playthrough in advance.)
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gayspock · 1 year
also to rambleeee abit but ^_^
jokes aside ive been rlly enjoying de, lol... idk, yknow- as someone who rlly isnt into video games.. its managed to strike the EXACT balance of everything tht usually turns me off yah.^_^ bc i usually wanna play a no combat type game, where u still get to make choices, but thsi feels actually replayable, you know. like, it doesnt just feel like your choices are just changing branches on a decision tree, BUT that different choices/different stats are actually transformative to the experience which is sooo nicies, AND the choice of stats arent like something you do have to min-max like... i jokeee but its been just as fun playing it like an idiot for the first time round, and it does actually make me wanna go through back again which neverrrr happens.
bc likeeee sheriouslyyyyyy ive tried games before where i rlly DID like them but ugh i'd just burn out on them INSTANTLY if i had to replay them to get diff endings. like i know some ppl are int that and theoretically i am too but logistically i cannot fucking sit there and redo the WHOLE hthing again, the exact same way except for a branching change midway through, just to click different options AND i'm not fucking looking up playthoughs for diff endings when i have the damn thing so i just. coldwar it, dont do NOTHING. ...... but here its like oh smile... i think its actually going to feel like a different experience if i do replay it LOL
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deservedboth · 4 years
VICTOR STONE  &  YOUR CHARACTER,  @everyone​. location:  midtown.
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VICTOR’S BEEN HAVING WEIRD VISIONS LATELY,  of a city he doesn’t recognise.  but the visions are so vivid,  that he has no idea where they're coming from,  if the images are real or not.  it doesn't help that his body has been aching more and more lately;  phantom pain from the accident,  or at least that's what he keeps telling himself.  it doesn’t help,  really doesn’t,  not when some of these visions are too real to be fake,  when he's more machine than human in his visions.
HE HAD TO GO ON LEAVE FROM WORK JUST TO COPE,  especially after abusing his body,  going days without sleep or food.  he hadn't been this bad since the accident  -  he'd managed to recover after a while,  but it was as if the circus had brought all of that back again.  he felt mildly guilty for going on break,  knowing his co-workers also weren't doing great.  so,  after finishing all the errands he’s had to run and bringing boxes of pizzas as his apology gift to his coworkers,  he’s just on his way to the mechanic shop when he bumps into a figure.  the boxes fall to the ground,  and vic winces.  oops.
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HE’S ACTUALLY ADMITTEDLY SPEECHLESS for a moment before finally,  “ well,  shit.  it’s a good thing dominos has carryout insurance,  i guess.  ”
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wallisjewellie · 4 years
Deleted Obi-Wan and Padmé scenes
Interesting information about Attack of the Clones (https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0121765/trivia):
“According to producer Rick McCallum, a scene was shot with Obi-Wan and Amidala swinging from one area to another, much like Luke and Leia in Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (1977), but the scene was cut.”
In case anyone is interested, the ANH scene can be watched here: https://youtu.be/VrbvWt5kerw
And it made me thinking.
It is often argued that Obi-Wan and Padmé have little screen time together with actual interaction happening between them. In fact, quite a number of their scenes were omitted during the post-production phase. Some are small, yet clearly discernible. For example the one where they meet after a decade of being apart.
The AOTC original script depicts it as such (http://nldslab.soe.ucsc.edu/charactercreator/film_corpus/film_20100519/all_imsdb_05_19_10/Star-Wars-Attack-of-the-Clones.html):
It's a great pleasure to see you again,
It has been far too long Master
Kenobi. I'm so glad our paths
have crossed again... but I must
warn you that I think your
presence here is unnecessary.
I'm sure the Jedi Council have
their reasons.”
The lines indicated with bold letters are left out of the film.
But when one revisits the final scene (https://youtu.be/Wm593Vhs3bI), the editing is evident from 1:07 to 1:11. Padmé’s lips keep moving (“I’m so glad our paths have crossed again...”), but she is muted, and we transition right to the part where she turns her attention from Obi-Wan to “Annie”.
It is bad editing. Only if Obi-Wan’s mouth was not moving at 1:12... He is probably finishing the sentence with “...have their reasons” at the end, and hence why Padmé’s attention is focused on him as well as why there is a more serious expression on her face. Otherwise why would there be such a sudden change in her mood? Literally a moment ago she was beaming at Obi-Wan. But then she calls his presence “unnecessary” by using some unfortunate wording, and the face she makes at 1:12 is probably the reaction to Obi-Wan’s polite, yet valid comeback.
When it comes to ROTS, the loss is far more substantial, and not only by the omission of the infamous scene where they kiss and embrace each other (from 1:03 https://youtu.be/xd5qQRXhoLI), which bit, in fact, can be found in the original script (https://thescriptsavant.com/pdf/StarWarsEpisode3RevengeOfTheSith.pdf):
The cockpit of the sleek yellow Galactic Speeder opens, and a HOODED FIGURE emerges and walks onto the veranda. An ALARM GOES OFF deep in the apartment. The FIGURE stops before a security curtain that protects the veranda. C-3PO enters the veranda and approaches the FIGURE.
C-3PO: Hello, might I help you . . . Oh, it's you, Master Kenobi. Come in, quickly.
The security curtain disappears, and the FIGURE lifts his hood. It is OBI-WAN. The alarm stops sounding.
OBI-WAN: Has Anakin been here . . . ?
C-3PO: Yes . . . right after the attack on the Jedi Temple. PADME comes down the stairs in a robe. THREEPIO leaves.
PADME: Master Kenobi . . .
She embraces Obi-Wan.
PADME: (continuing) Oh, Obi-Wan, thank goodness . . . you're alive.
OBI-WAN: The Republic has fallen. Padme . . . The Jedi Order is no more . . .
PADME: I know, it's hard to believe everything to which we've dedicated our lives is gone.
OBI-WAN: I believe we have been part of a plot hundreds of years in the making.
PADME: The Senate is still intact, there is some hope.
OBI-WAN: No. Padme . . . It's over . . . The Sith now rule the galaxy as they did before the Republic.
PADME: The Sith!?!
OBI-WAN: I'm here looking for Anakin . . . When was the last time you saw him?
PADME: Yesterday. [...]”
In the end we have this scene from “When was the last time you saw him?” in the final product. Sad.
And we have also been denied the scene where Obi-Wan and Padmé have a candid conversation in her apartment. It had been shot, then did not make the cut. You can have a glimpse at it here from 6:40 to 6:44: https://youtu.be/5ihqDETf324
In the script it looks like this (https://thescriptsavant.com/pdf/StarWarsEpisode3RevengeOfTheSith.pdf):
PADME and OBI-WAN sit on one of the couches. OBI-WAN: Has Anakin been to see you?
PADME: Several times . . . I was so happy to hear he was accepted on the Jedi Council.
OBI-WAN: I know ... he deserves it. He is impatient, strong willed, very opinionated, but truly gifted.
They laugh.
PADME: You're not just here to say hello. Something is wrong, isn't it?
OBI-WAN: You should be a Jedi, Padme.
PADME: You're not very good at hiding your feelings.
OBI-WAN: It's Anakin . . . He's becoming moody and detached. He's been put in a difficult position as the Chancellor's representative . . . but I think it's more than that. I was hoping he may have talked to you.
PADME: Why would he talk to me about his work?
OBI-WAN studies her.
OBI-WAN: Neither of you is very good at hiding your feelings either.
PADME: Don't give me that look.
OBI-WAN: I know how he feels about you.
PADME: (nervous) What did he say?
OBI-WAN: Nothing. He didn't have to.
PADME is a little flustered. She stands and Obi-Wan follows. She walks to the balcony.
PADME: I don't know what you're talking about.
OBI-WAN: I know you both too well. I can see you two are in love. Padme, I'm worried about him.
PADME looks down and doesn't answer.
OBI-WAN: (continuing) I fear your relationship has confused him. He's changed considerably since we returned . . .
They stand on the balcony and look off at the early morning city. OBI-WAN starts to leave. PADME stays looking off into the distant city.
OBI-WAN: (continuing) Padme, I'm not telling the Council about any of this. I ... I hope I didn't upset you. We're all friends, I care about both of you . . .
PADME: Thank you, Obi-Wan.
OBI-WAN: Please do what you can to help him.”
And has anybody noticed that the promotional stills seem to be out of sync with the visual seen in the film? Well, probably because some parts of the material already filmed were discarded.
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Such as these ones (https://thescriptsavant.com/pdf/StarWarsEpisode3RevengeOfTheSith.pdf):
The TWINS are being delivered as BAIL ORGANA, YODA, ARTOO, and THREEPIO watch. OBI-WAN is in the operating theater with PADME. He takes her hand.
OBI-WAN: Don't give up, Padme.
PADME winces from the pain. The MEDICAL DROID is holding the BABY.
MEDICAL DROID: It's a boy.
PADME: Luke . . .
PADME can only offer up a faint smile. She struggles to touch the baby on the forehead.
MEDICAL DROID: ... and a girl.
PADME: . . . Leia.
R2-D2, THREEPIO and BAIL ORGANA watch from an adjoining space.”
OBI WAN leans over PADME and softly speaks to her.
OBI-WAN: You have twins, Padme. They need you . . . hang on.
PADME: I can't . . .
PADME winces again and takes OBI-WAN's hand. She is holding Anakin's japor snippet.
OBI-WAN: Save your energy.
PADME: Obi-Wan . . . there . . . is good in him. I know there is ... still . . .
A last gasp, and she dies. OBI-WAN studies the necklace.”
A smaller one, but might be of great significance if one thinks about either the Rebel Alliance subplot or the nature of Obi-Wan and Padmé’s relationship. (https://thescriptsavant.com/pdf/StarWarsEpisode3RevengeOfTheSith.pdf)
PADME: I was so worried about you. Obi-Wan told me terrible things.
ANAKIN: What things?
PADME: He said you have turned to the dark side . . . that you killed younglings.
ANAKIN: Obi-Wan is trying to turn you against me.
PADME: He cares about us.
PADME: He knows . . . He wants to help you.
ANAKIN: Is Obi-Wan going to protect you? He can't ... he can't help you. He's not strong enough.
PADME: Anakin, all I want is your love.
ANAKIN: Love won't save you, Padme. Only my new powers can do that.”
The clip from the film can be watched here: https://youtu.be/J8QLKWvVK14
From 1:28 to 1:31 there is again an odd transition as a result of getting rid of the lines “Is Obi-Wan going to protect you? He can't ... he can't help you. He's not strong enough.” Anakin’s facial expression, of smugness and and condemnation, makes more sense in this context.
And from 3:24 to 3:28 there is another line missing:
“ANAKIN: Because of Obi-Wan?
PADME: Because of what you've done . . . what you plan to do. Stop, stop now. Come back! I love you.
ANAKIN: (seeing Obi-Wan) Liar!
PADME turns around and sees OBI-WAN standing in the doorway of the Naboo Cruiser.
ANAKIN: You're with him. You've betrayed me! You brought him here to kill me!
PADME: NO! Anakin. I swear ... I ...
ANAKIN reaches out, and PADME grabs her throat as she starts to choke.
OBI-WAN: Let her go, Anakin.
ANAKIN: What have you and she been up to?
OBI-WAN: Let her go!”
So, there you go. I think there could have been plenty of opportunities for them to end up in more scenes together, but whatever. Even according to Natalie Portman “All of [Obi-Wan and Padmé’s] relationship developed off screen, so between Episode II and Episode III [they have] sort of become friends, to the point where he feels comfortable coming to [Padmé] and telling [her] things that are very personal.”
Also, do we know if Obi-Wan and Padmé met between TPM and AOTC? We know for sure that Padmé and Anakin didn’t, but then the film remains silent on Obi-Wan who is referred to as an “old friend” of Padmé’s by Palpatine (http://nldslab.soe.ucsc.edu/charactercreator/film_corpus/film_20100519/all_imsdb_05_19_10/Star-Wars-Attack-of-the-Clones.html)
I realise all too well that
additional security might be
disruptive for you, but perhaps
someone you are familiar with... an
old friend like... Master Kenobi...”
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deservedboth · 4 years
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   uploading  data  …  ⟳  𝙲𝙾𝙼𝙿𝙻𝙴𝚃𝙴  !
* ;  ─ the mirrors surrounding you did as they were meant to, reflecting back a spitting image of JOHN BOYEGA - but it’s clear something is wrong from the moment that a vision of FIGHTING ALONGSIDE THE TITANS strikes you. perhaps it was a passing daydream in the frenzy of the funhouse. you reassure yourself - you’re VICTOR STONE, a TWENTY-FOUR YEAR OLD MECHANIC whose virtue lies in your + DETERMINATION & + PROTECTIVENESS, although you’ve been told that you tend to be quite - HOTHEADED & - IMPULSIVE, and you’re associated with WHIRRING METAL, BRIGHT FLOODLIGHTS, & SUMMER BREEZE by those around you. suddenly, however, you’ve found A PROCESSOR CHIP on your person - was that always there? from the moment you leave the funhouse, memories from your life in DC COMICS / TEEN TITANS have begun to return - leaving whoever you had been before in the mirror’s reflection behind you. you can almost hear I’VE BEEN WAITING by LIL PEEP FT FALL OUT BOY following in your wake. ( he/him & cis male )
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            tws:  death,  human experimentation
ALUCARD  ----  victor had a far quieter and gentler childhood than his canon life.  he had a happy family, and everything was going well.  he balanced his athletics with his education,  just as dedicated to the football team as he was to the academic clubs he was in.  however,  in his senior year,  he ended up getting into a car accident where he ended up having to get leg and arm prosthetics.  he did his best not to let everything get to him,  and he would eventually go to university for engineering.  after graduating,  he became a mechanic.
victor is cis male,  his pronouns are he / him.
victor is bisexual.
in alucard,  he lost an arm and a leg in a car accident  ( to mimic how he gets his cybernetics in the tv show  ).  however,  as he gets his memories back,  his prosthetics will slowly turn into cybernetic ones that will eventually cover his entire body similar to how it does in canon.
CANON  ----  victor stone was a relatively normal kid growing up, all things considered. well... at first. his parents were STAR lab scientists. they had experimented on him, using him as a test subject for intelligence enhancements. he hated it, really. he started resenting the treatment and tried to rebel against his parents, deciding to do more athletics in retaliation to his parents, trying to be a “normal” person. however, everything would change when his parents were working on interdimensional sciences. his life took a turn for the worse – in a result of a freak accident through one of their interdimensional accesses – a creature had managed to get through, effectively killing his mom. the creature then lashed onto him, mutilating him in the process, leaving him near dead. his dad did the best he could to revive him, but that came with the price of cybernetic enhancements. since then, victor reclused completely, the life he was living wasn’t the one he wanted anymore. he left home, wanting to go  between being isolated for his appearance and also not being able to come to terms with his new normal, it wasn’t until he’d meet the teen titans that things would look up for him in his life. with the teen titans, he could finally have a home, a family where he could belong with. he fought alongside them for years, growing as a person by growing with them.
iv.  this heart out on my sleeve  /  abt.   about.
iv.  something that'll never come  /  beg.   starters.
iv.  a shell of who i used to be  /  vis.   visuals.
iv.  when you're in the city again  /  ism.   musings.
iv.  like i'm looking for something  /  int.   interactions.
iv.  still i serve my time  /  aes.   aesthetics.
iv.  on the tip of my tongue  /  sol.   solos.
iv.  the years aren't long enough  /  ask.   ask responses.
iv.  knowing they got your back  /  dyn.   victor stone  &  how much he loves the teen titans.
i'll add some more ideas when i can think of them,  but i'd love some plots for:  confidante,  blind date,  neighbour,  roommate,  co-worker,  regular at the mechanic shop,  sibling-like friend,  unlikely friend,  exes,  workout buddy,  sibling  /  parent !
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