sweetwolf05 · 3 months
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Motherly Violet Bomber
Art Revenge on @ivan-kazamei446!!
Violet Bomber takes her daughter Poison Bomber to school and takes a walk outside with her.
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Lenny: Hey, Mafia boss! We'll be taking Magnet Bomber and Power Bomber and the Bomber Kings with us!
Big Bad: She's right. We're the Anti-Blasters. The most villainous team better than anyone else, especially the Hige Hige Bandits.
Stubby: We'll be taking them to brainwash them!
Lenny: Shut it, Stubby! Don't tell him that! Anyways, you better do it what we said or we will brainwash you!
Leenard: Sorry, Mafia mate. That's just business!
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!!!!Transphobic warning!!!!
Solenoid Bomber bursts into laughter that sounds very sinister and more evil. He grabs a gun and aims at a hostile Magnet Bomber begging for mercy as Power Bomber is going to be dead.
"Say goodbye to your secretly a woman's BROTHER!"
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"I need mommy..."
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Hey there.
Interested in working with Wario in Warioware Inc.? *hands you job application*
"Hmm... No..."
The mastermind denied without any hesitation
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ivan-kazamei446 · 2 years
What video game do you play on any platform?
Super Bomberman R on the Nintendo Switch
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greedypunster · 2 years
*Hands you 50 gold coins*
Straight from the Mushroom Kingdom, go buy yourself a burger
Kiiro's eyes turned to dollar signs. "OOOOOH! Thanks a lot!"
"Whaddaya' mean ya' dun' accept this kinda currency?!"
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sweetwolf05 · 3 months
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Lovey-Dovey's Power Attack
Art Revenge on @ivan-kazamei446.
Lovey-Dovey Bomber is SO excited and going to tell everyone about Doctor Ivan Gerald Kazamei and Pretty Bomber!
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sweetwolf05 · 2 years
Who's smart?
Crybid or Phantom
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Both smart dudes and they're cool. Unfortunately, this main blog isn't about role-playing. The main is reblogs and art. Plus, the ship opinions.
RP blog -> @magnetic-bros-n-bomber-kings
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Hey, Magnet. Would you think Pretty (R!Pretty) and i make a great couple?
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"Cutest Couple Ever!!!"
"That will trigger Red" Said Power Bomber in the background
*nonsensical screaming from Red Bomber in the background that his big bro Goth Bomber DATES his RIVAL behind his back*
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Lady Bomber, is Magnet truely is Cyan?
Hold on let me rephrase that;
Is Magnet as in Magnet in the other universe not the Magnet in your universe is truely Cyan
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☝(the picture where im pointing at)
Well is like people said: "the resebblence is quite uncandy"
"Whatever who he was, I will beat the hell out of -" Lady Bomber gets instantly tackled by Power Bomber
"Don't you even dare!"
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How do Bombermen and Humen um... erm... Produce offspring? Pretty told me, so i'd talk to Crybid but Mario somehow appeared and said "There are children here", so i've came here to tell you that... question...
"Hmm... You do not need to add the latter part of the question... It is redundant..."
After that, the lightning mastermind focused on the main question as he rubbed his chin with his right hand. His metal claws crawled out and straightened his antenna gently and slowly
"I have talked to a human about this topic... And this one is sensitive... To me and to the human I have talked to..."
The mastermind stated as he leaned his back on his special designed chair before continuing his reply to the question
"And we concluded that... The only way a bomberman and human can produce offspring... Is to manually build another bomberman... They also need to inherit their personality along with their ability into the new bomberman's system, which is their new child, to develop them..."
Lightning finished his reply then he brought his attention to the one who questioned
"You are lucky that my young assistant was being outside spying on someone when you asked this... Or else I wouldn't reply to this..."
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Power, do you might see Magnet and Poison in a blood rivalry? (As in like the other universe Magnet Bomber, i mean)
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"Quite... Normal. I have a rival that sounds like the child named Poison Bomber before and calling me lighter to insult me."
Power Bomber thinks until he said...
"Sweetwolf05 broke timeline of Bomberman."
"You're telling us that it's a setup the entire time?!" - Plasma Bomber
"WTF Power Bomber?!" - Lady Bomber
"Fourth wall broke?" - Magnet Bomber
"What the frick is going on here?" - Bomber Great
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