#ive added baseball haru based on info ive gotten from sis
vulpiximisa · 4 years
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i never understood why kags is “volleyball haru” because theyre on different sides of the scale
before asking “where’s XXX” or “youre missing XXX”, my requirements for this is
has to be from sports anime
sports prodigy/very good at the sport
main(ish) character
have to give off the impression that theyre the “cool guy” 
i was gonna have a Y axis of smart/dumb but i literally cant remember if anyone of the guys are smart, except kags who i know is dumb
kakeru is more awks than kags because even tho kags blew up on his teammates and senpai, he didnt punch a coach in the face 
imaizumi is the center because he is The Definition of the sports prodigy that I expected Kags to be
takeru is on the farthest because i cant imagine him slipping (not literally but it works) while you could probably catch haru slipping maybe once or twice, but only because Prince of Stride has less eps
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