#ive always broken these rules but now im just volunteering to do it for others too lol
unamused-kookaburra · 3 months
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Fighting the urge to act like this at work now that I've been offered a grad position at the hospital
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eighthmnth-blog · 5 years
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          -------------- and he shall be levon       ( and he shall be a good man )    and he shall be levon       ( in tradition with the family plan )
and i oop
none of this is going to make sense. im really really tired. ive been in a hot car all day sldjskld baking. crispy. now im going to sleep before work,,, but wrow hi im r, im way too excited to be here. this intro is ?? too long but after all these years ive never learned how to stfu. i COULD have done this sooner but i also turned my brain off last night and watched baby driver for the first time and wow 10/10 would recommend sdksjdlkas i dont have discord because im living in the stone age  but im available via tumblr ims if anyone wants to plot --- ill prop make a proper connection page 2mmrow,, just fuck him up. honestly. ruin him. take out the trash.
[ luke hemmings. twenty-three. cismale. he/him. | muse 4b. ] levon by elton john just came on the radio and it made me think of august ferland. they’ve been in sundance for their whole life and they’re currently an administrative assistant. if you’re looking for them, try by the sheriff’s office, locals say they’re there a lot. [ r. she/them. 20. est. ]
SUBPLOT       if someone asked who sundance’s bad seed is, most people would say muse 4a. always getting in trouble for one reason or another, muse 4a has just never been one to follow rules. maybe that’s why muse 4b, the sheriffs child, is so drawn to them. muse 4a and muse 4b have been hooking up pretty casually, but muse 4b’s soft nature is causing them to fall for sundance’s baddest seed while muse 4a is only interested in hooking up. will muse 4a break muse 4b's heart? what would the sheriff say if they found out?
nonsensical ramblings    
the world is black and white as a child. a young august planted in front of one static plagued television, soaking up the world of cops and robbers. a mop of blond hair and a missing front tooth, beaming proudly “ MY FATHER’S THE SHERIFF “ , a hero in the boy’s mind. black & white. good versus bad.
then comes middle school, high school, and everything thereafter. it’s living under a microscope. small-town living & dealing out the law don’t tend to equate to a private life. sometimes august knows people’s business before they do —- other times the positions are reversed. it wasn’t the easiest of days, far from the romanticized lifestyle often portrayed on screen. the chill of cold shoulders never fades over the years. children told to steer clear of the ferland boy lest they find themselves under sundance’s watchful eye. the SHERIFF’S SON, an undesired spotlight.  as the years come and go, he wonders how he once wore that title with pride.
they made an angel of him. almost golden. of course, the teenage years are a rocky patch for anyone. the spark of rebellion, even he wasn’t immune. eighteen and sneaking out with his father’s pistol, shooting cans and bottles --- until he puts one single bullet through a neighbor’s window. that summer spent wasting away under a scorching sun, completing mundane tasks to earn enough to pay for the replacements. it’s out of character for him, but they write it off as a minor scare --- a teenager. no one was hurt, so all’s well that ends well. right ?
he tires of daily life. the yearning for something more never dies, it just lays dormant. only rarely given a breath of life. he grows exhausted of the endless pestering and gossip tucked in church pews. of the polite smiles and polished image. ‘ when will you settle down ? find a nice girl ? are you going to take over the station ? look at how much you’ve grown. ‘twenty-three years too long in sundance.
he knew the names before he saw them in ink at the station. his father’s endless rants, the population that put grey in his hair. miscreants, that august was explicitly told never to associate with. words that fell on deaf ears and then he goes the extra mile. he can’t help but feel a hint of shame, but never enough for him to put a stop to the sneaking. the town’s bad seed --- the sheriff’s greatest adversary and the cause of most, if not all, of his migraines. then there was august, like a moth to an open flame. it must have been some ultimate form of karma when he realizes something’s changed. the rules of the game aren’t so simple anymore, there’s more at stake. just like that, he’s damned them all. the heart wants what it wants, and now he’s cast as the fool. play with fire, get burned.
1% more brainpower used here       ( background broken down simply )
his aesthetic is that feeling you get when all your extended family ask about your dating life at the family barbecue. vague ??? maybe so, but it triggers something in me.
he’s dumb, and a tad naive lbh, but this is august.. the sheriff’s son if that hasn’t become,,, really obvious. in the brief readings i did beforehand, it seems like small-town sheriffs can sometimes have a bit of a spotlight on themselves and their family so i kind of envisioned him as being borderline lonely in his youth due to the fact people don’t want to find themselves under the microscope by being friends with the sheriff/’s family.  i think the whole sheriff thing has been a big,,, oof in his life. there are probably places he can’t go because his dad arrested the cook in the back or things along those lines.
he’s bored. he has a wifi connection. if his family didn’t think he wasn’t going to get glimpses of the outside world and want to get the fuck out of dodge then idk my dude.
he works as an administrative assistant at the station,, so he’s mainly handling the paperwork and stuff, but id imagine he's a bit of a jack of all trades in the field. takes calls, but also probably gets sent out for the really shitty jobs like the old lady who calls ten times a day for nothing, or that she’s getting calls from scammers :))) but he ain’t going out arresting anyone or doing anything serious. just the “my cat’s in a tree” bs and getting coffee.
in the public eye, he’s probably a real golden child. volunteering, going to church, helping out wherever he can. does he have a genuine interest in any of that ? absolutely not. but it reflects well on his family and on himself. he has a reputation to upkeep. he only went up to high school education-wise, and in a town that probably isn’t too fast crime wise, he has enough free time to be active in the community.
i dont know what suffers more his brain or his heart
n sync vc: bi bi bi
before my dumbass forgets, he does have a good relationship with his parents,,, when he’s not being a fucking moron. follow your heart?? not good advice for him. his mom is currently abroad. aug probably gets his desire to run from her, she’s currently teaching english abroad. he’s v proud of her tyvm. his dad?? yeah. i mean obvs aug isnt very honest about EVERYTHING. he’s gotten good at telling white lies, but he still loves his dad.  he’s also an only child so all eyes on him rIP.
i have a shitty pinterest board for him HERE there's barely anything there but yknow
he’s currently being sized for his clown shoes
thats all folks
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Get to know me tag
Rules: answer these 84 statements about yourself then tag people
Tagged by: @shippinggayandallthatjazz
Drink: water
Phonecall: my sister, my nephew wanted to say hello
Text message: “sorry im busy” , such a lie
Song you listened to: one call away- charlie puth
Time you cried:  today 
Dated someone twice: No 
Kissed someone and regretted it: have yet to regret a kiss
Been cheated on: nope
Lost someone special: Ya
Been depressed: also ya
Gotten drunk and thrown up: ya, i think my tally is like 3
Favourite colour:  blue
Made new friends: yep im surprised too
Fallen out of love: i mean probably?
Laughed until you cried:  that is my life?
Found out someone was talking about you: i mean i have siblings? i KNOW i have been
Met someone who changed you: doesn't every human encounter kinda affect you?
Found out who your real friends are: ive always had “real friends”
Kissed someone on your facebook friends list:  yepity doo
How many of your facebook friends do you know in real life:  like 99%
Do you have any pets:  no, its a sad day
Do you want to change your name: not really im kinda attached to it.
What did you do for your last birthday:  drove to my brothers, it was in a cramped car with the fambam so not fun.
What time did you wake up today: 6am... my sister woke me to help with a test?
What were your doing at midnight last night:  probs dreaming
What is something you can’t wait for: working at my old high school, getting a dog and reading to it harry potter.
Last time you saw your mother:  today
What are you listening to right now:  the sounds of the dryer and the fire crackling, the sound of my typing aswell. 
Have you ever talked to a tom: yes?
Something that’s getting on your nerves: injustice in any form, someone assuming im stupid, life? 
Most visited website: Tumblr is my life 
Hair colour: brown or mousy brown?
Long or short hair: both? growing out an undercut is a bitch
Do you have a crush on someone:  define crush/ probably?
What do you like about yourself:  my humour, kindness and my eyes and my friends.
Want any piercings:  give me infinite money, i will be a walking piercing display book
Blood type: human
Nicknames: lil avocahoe, loz, loza, lozenger, churchill
Relationship status: Single 
Zodiac: Capricorn
Pronouns: she/her
Favourite tv shows: i mean have you seen my blog? wynonna earp, supergirl, oitnb, carmilla, one day ata time,  anything gay or political. 
Tattoos: none, i want them so baddddd
Right or left handed: right handed
Ever had surgery: nope
Piercings:  just the usual lobe ones
Sport:  softball (yes its a stereotype but im a good catcher)
Vacation:  i need one
Trainers: those things your run in? the only exercise i do is running away from problems
Eating: a cheesy
Drink: i like coke no sugar
I’m about to watch:  the other side of my eyelids
Waiting for:  a smile that will stop me in my tracks
Want: money and love (im a cold money driven Capricorn remember)
Getting married:  not atm but hey any volunteers?
Career: teaching or psychology idk
Hugs or kisses: hugs 
Lips or eyes:  eyes
Shorter or taller:  im not heightist :)
Older or younger:  similiar age to me is fine
Nice arms or stomach:  i mean both?
Hook up or relationship: whichever is more fun
Troublemaker or hesitant:  hesitant
Kissed a stranger: yep
Drank hard liquor:  yesssss i need some rn
Lost glasses: i can see so no?
Turned someone down:  yeah, sorry dudes
Sex on the first date: not yet
Had your heart broken: Yep 
Been arrested: not as of yet
Cried when someone died:  yes to both reality and fantasy RIP Dobby
Fallen for a friend: unfortunately 
Miracles: nahhh
Love at first sight: idk?
Santa Claus:  i mean will i get presents if i say yes?
Kiss on a first date: can you believe in that? 
Angels: umm waverly earp? yes
Best friends name: i dont have one, rude to bring that up.
Eye colour:  blue
Favourite movie:  the day after tomorrow, star dust and pitch perfect
Favourite actor/actress: Natasha Negovanlis, Elise Bauman, Anna Kendrick, Gal Gadot, i have alot okay.
Tagging: @practicing-reckless-optimism @alphashiver
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michailantonio · 7 years
i was tagged by @jacksbutland! Legit havent done one of these in agessss so thankssss for the tag!! <33
Rules: Answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people
1. Drink: water
2. Phone Call: my sister literally just called me whilst making this.. she wanted to know if we had poppadoms at home lol
3. Text message: to my sister about fantasy pl… we love football.
4. Song you listened to: m.A.A.d city by Kendrick Lamar
5. Time you cried: last night listening to some song :) (was a sad song but i love a good cry)
6. Dated someone twice: nahh dont think i’d ever go back to someone i once dated but who knows!
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: only once tbh which is good considering
8. Been cheated on: nah
9. Lost someone special: yeah
10. Been depressed: dont think so, feeling low perhaps but nothing long-term
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: im never usually sick when I get drunk! although i was really ill when I was spiked in my first year at uni which was fucking horrible. I was lucky to get home.
12-14. burgundy, dark green and navy blue
15. Made new friends: countless!
16. Fallen out of love: nahhh
17. Laughed until you cried: definitely
18. Found out someone was talking about you: probably
19. Met someone who changed you: in a way everyone has an impact but i dont think i’ve changed too much!
20. Found out who your friends are: i always knew
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: a few
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: all of them!
23. Do you have any pets: yep! Got a loooovely black cat called Mac :D
24. Do you want to change your name: nope
25. What did you do for your last Birthday: I was working on my actual birthday but the day after i went to Brighton Pride which was incredible!!!
26. What time did you wake up: 6:25am
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: sleeping lmao
28. Name something you can’t wait for: to go to Cambodia this November to work as a volunteer at a children’s centre for 5 weeks! Ganna be amazing!
29. When was the last time you saw your mom: this morning!
30. What is the one thing you wish you could change in your life: I wish my relationship with my mum was better.. i wish i could tell her important personal things but i feel awks about it!
31. What are you listening to right now: erm nothing
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: looooads
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: the world tbh
34. Most visited website: probs tumblr, fb and youtube
35. Elementary: I hardly remember it but primary school was fun!
36. High School: yep i went to secondary school and then college for 2 years (before uni)
37. College: just finished university… time to do something with my degree yikes lol
38. Haircolor: light/normal brown?
39. Long or short hair: loooong as i havent cut it in nearly a year… i need to do that/
40. Do you have a crush on someone: nope
41. What do you like about yourself: I like my sense of humour and outlook on life. Oh and my hair :)
42. Piercings: just the standard ears
43. Bloodtype: not a clue!
44. Nickname: some people call me Els or Ellie but I’m fine with Eleanor!
45. Relationship status: single
46. ??? if this is about my relationship status, im just living life tbh
47. Pronouns: she/her
48. Favorite TV Show: game of thrones probs.. its the only one i watch!
49. Tattoos: not yet! I want to get one of a Fox though because its the family name!
50. Right or left: im right handed
51. Surgery: i’ve had stitches but no major surgery
52. Piercing: ears
53. Sport: is life. whilst my favourite sport to watch is football, my fav sport to play is lacrosse! I honestly looooove it :D
54. ??? same tbh
55. Vacation: not been on one this year yet! but my best friend wants to go to benidorm (lol) with me next year for some bants
56. Pair of trainers: i have some…
57. Eating: love popcorn
58. Drinking: water
59. I’m about to: do nothing all evening other than eat
60. ??? yep
61. Waiting for: my summer job to finish so i can go back to doing fuck all
62. Want: to watch weekend football
63. Get married: not sure i want to, but definitely not yet
64. Career: well ive got a degree and now im a qualified OT sooo i better find a bloody job init
65. Hugs or kisses: both
66. Lips or eyes: well eyes can be really pretty but lips are pretty amazing too
67. Shorter or taller: im only 5′1 so practically everyone’s taller
68. Older or younger: probs older
69. ??? i know
70. Nice arms or nice stomach: arms. love a good bicep.
71. Sensitive or loud: both
72. Hook up or relationship: atm hook up.
73. Troublemaker or hesitant: neither
74. Kissed a stranger: many a time
75. Drank hard liquor: yes
76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: nahhh dont wear glasses!
77. Turned someone down: yes
78. Sex on the first date: ..not always intentionally but sometimes it just happens, nothing wrong with it. #dealwithit
79. Broken someones heart: hope not!
80. Had your heart broken: nope
81. Been arrested: nah
82. Cried when someone died: yes
83. Fallen for a friend: sadly yes but they never found out and im waaayyy over it so its cool!
84. Yourself: YES. im my own cheerleader tbh
85. Miracles: nah
86. Love at first sight: not really
87. Santa Claus: no
88. Kiss in the first date: totally! doesnt have to happen but sure!
89. Angels: nope
90. Current best friends name: Lauren. I’ve known her for 17 or so years (fuck that is long)
91. Eyecolor: to quote my bestfriend, my eyes are “the colour of the brown colouring pencil no one uses.” thanks lauren.
92. Favorite movie: fuck knows tbh! I have looooads!
i’m tagging @ander-herrera, @harryswinks, @jordanshenderson, @thiagosalcantaras, @tiny-red-dancer, @stevenbirnbaum, @lunarks, @jacksannie, @leivangel aaaand anyone else if you wanna!
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