#ive always said laras carlotta is lacking
christinegone · 6 years
things about tonight !! : 
o    phillip griffiths hurt his finger, he had a bandage around it the whole show, probs broke it ??   but daymn that man is a good reyer. 
o .   yh i dont like lara’s carlotta, she seemed lacking in vocal strength ?? so did kelly.   maybe they are ill??   but kelly sounded better in december. 
o    jeremy taylor is adorable and i would kill for his raoul. 
o    ben lewis was on a roll tonight.    his phantom is a very violent one, but he toned it down since december ??    probs been told to focus on his voice, as many others have said.  he was still pushing kelly around and pulling her by her wig though. 
o    georgia ware as meg is adorable and may be my favourite ?? 
o .   kelly whispering im sorry at the end of the final lair to ben.   brb gonna sob 
o     jeremy winked at me.    he actually winked at me during the curtin call. rip my feels. 
o .   i cried 7 times.    SEVEN 
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