#ive been in so many prmare theaters n the experience is like insane especially during this scene
matoitech · 2 years
whiel were on the homophobic promare viewer topic ive mentioned it b4 but like the experience of watching promare for the first time in the movie theater and the college guys in frontof me laughing and making grossed out noises when galo and lio kissed and then their friend shushing them and like the immediate dead silence as they both looked to the sides of the theater and realized ppl were just giving them dirty looks and then they watched galo and lio kiss for 25 seconds straight on the theater screen in front of them and realized that it wasnt a joke and theyd just been homophobic in public and then they just quietly got up and left once the movie was over. formative. i dont think ive ever seen ppl more embarrassed in a theater
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