#most of the ones i was in ppl gasped n got super quiet and it was like. TENSE  and pleasantly shocked in the theater
matoitech · 2 years
whiel were on the homophobic promare viewer topic ive mentioned it b4 but like the experience of watching promare for the first time in the movie theater and the college guys in frontof me laughing and making grossed out noises when galo and lio kissed and then their friend shushing them and like the immediate dead silence as they both looked to the sides of the theater and realized ppl were just giving them dirty looks and then they watched galo and lio kiss for 25 seconds straight on the theater screen in front of them and realized that it wasnt a joke and theyd just been homophobic in public and then they just quietly got up and left once the movie was over. formative. i dont think ive ever seen ppl more embarrassed in a theater
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masondevereaux · 5 years
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guess who decided to create a whole new baby ,  thats right this bitch 😎 ( as if I don’t have enough n need to pay more attention too lmao ) anywho hello im sup excited to bring in this lil angry child.
born julian devereaux
august 2nd. leo sun/aries moon.
twenty years old. part time barista n full time ghost.
his fathers are businessmen n influencers.  the second-to-youngest of four, with his two oldest siblings being over-achievers n his youngest sister being well, the youngest/reckless one– it be like the sometimes 😔
the forgotten one ™
basically he’s got a bad attitude and flunked his university classes bc who cares about economics ??  not him !  
yeah he eventually dropped out and it’s like gasp scandalous  ( read: no one cares other than the nosy rosys in his family's social circle ).  wasn’t disowned but was lowkey cut off and y’know living be expensive. so catch him crashing @ friends houses (perhaps a plot??)
really resents his parents for embarrassing him like this
the urban dictionary definition of unresolved emotional issues.  he snaps easily and is super defensive, usually blaming other people for things he’s caused 👁👄👁
but other than that, he’s mostly quiet until u look at him weird
he’s got abs.  yes, this is a personality trait
really just needs therapy…… and friends but mostly therapy
is painfully unfunny, to the point that it is funny itself. he tells genuinely bad jokes and laughs at just about anything, but according to his dads, it’s part of his charm. he isn’t so sure when his awkward laughter is fading out in the silence of a room full of people, but whatever.
he isn’t anything revolutionary when it comes to talent but he sure thinks he's hot shit. what he's got going for him is that he’s charismatic n Gorgeous n i guess its enough to distract ppl from seeing how unskilled he really is lmaooo ( he could b Something if he applied himself? )
abrasive, domineering, and resentful..maybe passive aggressive af?? to offset the burden of being erased from his family history books. loyal to ambition, retribution, and luck. has two brain cells on a good day, a headass LOL.
he’s volatile. he doesn’t take insults well n tends to get frustrated when things don’t go his way.
yep. he’s annoying! we love middle child (?) syndrome cheesy emoji.
aesthetics cassette tapes / players, the color blue, messy hair, ripped jeans, clear skies, tangled headphones, faded polaroids.
likes 80s/90s music/era, denim jackets, hoodies, night walks, when the weather starts turning warmer towards the end of spring, the smell of rain, gaming, cleaning, brunch.
dislikes the ticking of clocks, flying, being cold when he’s sleeping, amusement park rides, math, soda,
cat dad. he loves cats so much that you can find him playing w cats on the streets lmao
you’re one of the very few people who can cool him down, so whenever he’s ticked off, he seeks you out
in an interesting twist of events, you’re the one he comes to trust the most. confidant.
given his standoffish personality and nasty temper, it’s hard for him to make, lest keep, friends. you stuck around, though, and he has learned how to let loose with you. close friend / ride or die.
something happened between the two of you, and now you’re pissed at the mere sight of each other. enemy.
I love that kinda friendship where everyone thinks theyre dating but in truth they arent. (haha jk unless??)
online friends?? (iono mayb some type of pen pal/secret admirer shit)
he can be your bad influence (’:
maybe has a weird obsession with you ??  is it a crush ???
frenemies....w his hot headed personality its easy for ppl to not like him so. eyes emoji
OR soft plots !!  you help each other out or you buy him lunch once (1) and now he’s always tailing u around hoping you’d buy him more food KJFKJ
idk broz hmu w anything n everything :b
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