#ive been like rlly busy lately and haven't had the time to rlly be on here
getoswhore · 2 years
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theruseandthecaper · 11 months
me pulling back up to Tumblr after being gone for like a year hi guys sorry again for the absence but if y'all have been following me for a while u definitely know this happens a lot. im in college now and have been so busy I haven't had much time to check my blog but I miss it so hi!! ive been thinking, sometimes it can be a bit much to write out a full fic like ive done in the past so y'all can now request headcanons!!! my head is filled with stupid nonsensical thoughts about fictional characters so ill be able to get those out quicker. alsooo for the person who sent me an ask saying that my anon asks are off, I turned those on!! sorry I am a tumblr noob and didn't know how to turn those on. anywayyy im back (for now LMAo no promises I won't disappear again) and ill try to get to writing some stuff <3 I hope everyone is doing well!!
just to update y'all about my life in case anyone cares, things have been so amazing lately?? senior year ended shittily cuz I lost my whole friend group but they were toxic asf anyway LOL im medicated now, in college, can drive, have an incredible job that I adore, and things are rlly great! ive never been this happy for this long and its so nice to finally feel like the beacon of positivity I try to be. also I deleted TikTok. this may or may not have been a catalyst in my mental health improving. anyway
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