#oops i kinda dissolved from thin air
getoswhore · 2 years
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Beware the Frozen Heart Ch. 7- The Princess
Ao3 link
FF.net link
Eryn tries a different approach to Elsa’s assassination.
One last chapter before the year ends. Happy New Year!
“Your Majesty, is everything alright?”
Kai’s question caused Elsa to quickly shoot up in her chair. Everyone in the room was staring at her: her financial advisor, her military advisor, Kai, even Anna and Olaf looked on in concern. The young queen quickly recomposed herself as she rearranged the loose pieces of parchment on her desk.
“Of course,” Elsa said in a dignified tone, “Now, uh, where were we?”
“We were actually just about to wrap up our meeting for the day,” Kai announced, “Unless there was something you wished to discuss further?”
“I think we’ve covered everything for today.”
“Very well, your majesty.” With that, the advisors began shuffling out of Elsa’s office one by one, chatting with each other in indiscernible tones. As the last person left the room, Elsa began reorganizing her desk, placing the large amount of papers in somewhat neat stacks. When she looked up again, she saw Anna and Olaf in front of her desk, a worried expression overtaking their faces.
“Elsa are you sure everything’s alright?” The redhead asked, “You seem out of it today.”
“I’m fine, Anna,” Elsa replied slightly annoyed, “What makes you think something’s wrong?”
“You kinda looked distracted during the meeting today. I understand that this job is stressful and you have ,like, a bajillion things on your mind, but that’s why you have me and Olaf to help and-”
“Anna, it’s fine! Really.”
“It didn’t look fine to me,” Olaf butted in, “It’s funny, you kinda had that look on your face when Anna thinks about Kristoff and you started to pay attention more whenever Derrik’s name was mentioned and-” the snowman let out a loud gasp, “I THINK I KNOW WHAT IT IS!” Olaf lifted his head up to Anna’s ear and began whispering something indecipherable towards the princess. Anna’s face lit up like a candle as the snowman continued talking.
“Ohhhh,” Anna said after Olaf finished talking, “Is that what’s going on?” Elsa cocked an eyebrow at her sister and Olaf. “What? What’s going on?”
“Are you and Derrik… ya know?”
“Are me and Derrik wha-?” Elsa’s face turned a deep red. “Oh. Uh- well- d-don’t be ridiculous!”
“How romantic!” Anna declared as she overdramatically swooned, “Falling in love with the mysterious stranger that saved your life, fantasizing about being swept away in his muscular arms, imagining the feeling of his lips pressed against y-“
“Anna, it’s not like that! Our relationship is strictly professional!” “Looked a little more than ‘professional’ in the tailor shop the other day.” “He just tripped, that’s all. Besides, I’m really not interested.” Elsa then returned to reorganizing her desk.
“Very well…” Anna grunted as she turned around. A devilish idea came to her. “Oh, hey Derrik!”
“HUH, WHA-?” Elsa exclaimed as she jumped in her chair.
Anna turned around and cocked an eyebrow at her sister, giggling. “‘Not interested’ huh?”
The queen’s face turned bright red. “T-that doesn’t prove anything.” Elsa quickly broke eye contact with Anna as she focused on Olaf, who was currently sliding around the room like a figure skater. Looking down, she noticed that the floor was covered in a thin layer of ice. The redness in her face deepened. 
“Elsa-woah!” Anna quickly raced around Elsa’s desk, cautious as to not slip on the newly formed ice as she embraced her sister. “It’s nothing to be ashamed of! I’m really happy for you!”
“It’s not like that at all, Anna,” Elsa murmured, “I don’t have time to think about stuff like that…”
“Well when you do,” Anna said with a slight pout, “Don’t be afraid to talk to me about it.” Elsa gave a faint smile as she embraced the princess. “I appreciate the support,” she laughed.
“You’ll always have me,” Anna released Elsa from her arms, “Now, how about we go down to the market and get some fresh air?”
Elsa let out a sigh. “I can’t, I’ve got one last meeting today in a few minutes.”
“Oh, that’s ok, I can just wai-”
“No, no. You don’t have to wait for me.”
“Are you sure? Because I don’t mind waiting.” “Positive. Though, if you can get me some smoked salmon I’d appreciate it.”
“Sure thing C’mon Olaf!” Anna slid carefully towards the door. With a flick of her hand, Elsa dissolved the ice covering the floor.
“Oh, and make sure to take Derrik with you! We can’t be too careful.” 
The snowman and the princess exchanged looks. “We will!” the two said in unison as they shut the door.
As soon as the door was shut, Elsa slammed her head on her desk. So what if she was thinking about Derrik during the meeting? It’s not her fault that he was so kind and charming and- Elsa watched as snowflakes fell from the ceiling. Elsa groaned. It was official: She had feelings for Derrik. The idea of romance frightened the young queen, partially because it seemed like a waste of time, and partially because she never really felt worthy of love. Ever since the Great Freeze two years ago, her paranoia surrounding her powers only spiked. Now that she had Anna back in her life and the people loved her, things were better, but she wasn’t sure how romantic feelings would affect her. At the same time, seeing how happy Anna and Kristoff were together made her long for love like that. She shook the idea from her head. Her duty was to Arendelle first and foremost, especially nowadays. 
Anything else had to either come later or never at all. 
Eyrn furiously scribbled onto the piece of parchment. Over the past few days, he had been making careful observations of the castle’s inner workings; every guard patrol, every hallway, and every hypothetical escape route. His contacts were steadily supplying him with the necessary equipment to pull it all off. All of the pieces were finally coming together for the greatest assassination in history. The fame, the prestige, all of it was soon to be his. All he needed was a few more things and-
“GODDAMMIT!” Eryn blurted as he hurried to hide the damning schematic. He couldn’t afford to be discovered now, not when he was so close! He lifted his mattress and shoved the parchment underneath. Eryn then rushed over to the door and flung it open. On the other side was the princess and the snowman, both beaming at him.
“Good afternoon, your highness and ,uh, Olaf,” Eryn said as he bowed, trying not to sound annoyed.
“Oh, you can just call me Anna,” the princess said, “Elsa wanted me to bring you along while we go down to the market.”
“And I get to come along, too!” The snowman butted in.
Eryn smirked at their replies. Perfect he thought. “As you wish your hi- I mean, Anna.”
“LAST ONE TO THE MARKET EATS YELLOW SNOW!” Olaf shouted as he bolted down the hall. Anna quickly dashed after him as Eryn followed suit.
“For fuck’s sake!” he growled.
If there was one thing that Eryn hated more than anything it was crowds. The noise, the confusion, the multiple pairs of eyes, it all screamed hell to him. Now that he was with the princess of Arendelle, almost all of those eyes were on him. At the moment, Anna and Olaf were perusing one of the fishmongers’ stalls while he leaned against one of the support beams of the overhang. His contempt for people grew as each person passed by the princess, congratulating her on her upcoming marriage, asking her how the queen was, et cetera. It amazed him how one woman could be such a social butterfly. As he was alone with his thoughts, the dagger decided to interrupt.
We should make our move now, go see what you can find out from the princess.
I will… once she’s away from the stall.
Don’t tell me the ‘legendary’ Eryn Odrikson is afraid of people.
It’s more of the fact that people can and will eavesdrop on our conversation.
I will use the shadows to secure your conversation, just hurry and get the information we need.
Very well…
Eryn turned his gaze over to the fishmonger’s stall, where Anna was currently paying for a pound of smoked salmon. “Thanks again, Bjӧrn!” she chirped. Eryn sauntered over to her as she turned around.
“Where to next, Anna?” Eryn asked.
“This way! Come on, Olaf!” The princess then kept a steady (and, thankfully for Eryn, slow) pace. Eryn could feel the blade’s magic encase them as the world around them began to sound fuzzy.
“Ssooo, Anna,” Eryn began, “The queen has been talking about your upcoming marriage quite often. How is that going?”
Eryn soon realized how much of a mistake that was. Anna spent the next half hour gushing about how her fiance, Kristoff or something, was amazing, her first engagement that didn’t go so well, and every minute detail that they had planned out for the ceremony. Eryn had begun to check out of the princess’s long and drawn out story when she said, “I mean I appreciate Elsa’s help in this, but with her duties as queen and now I found out she has a crush on y- oop! Probably shouldn’t say that…”
Eryn perked up at the princess’s slip of the tongue. “The queen has fallen for someone?” He asked.
“Uhhhh, maybe? She’s… a little defensive about it…”
“Why can’t we say she likes Derrik?” Olaf asked absentmindedly.
“Olaf!” the princess scolded. Eryn’s eyes grew wide and felt his face heat up and his heart beat faster.
“O-Oh,” he stammered, “I, uh, don’t know what to say…”
“Does that mean you like her too?” Olaf asked.
“Uhhhh… ” “Olaf, don’t put people on the spot like that!” Anna said, “Now c’mon, we need to get back to the castle, it’s getting late.”
The three of them made the trek back to the castle without another word.
Later That Evening...
HAHAHAHAHA! This is perfect!
Eryn was busy cleaning his fresh wound on his hand as he discussed the potent information with the dagger.
You’re telling me! I should take up gambling with all this luck I’ve got!
If this goes well, you could just own a casino with all the money you’ll have!
Regardless, what should the next move be?
Gauge how valid the princess’s claims are. If the queen is truly in love with you, it will make our job even easier.
How so?
Love is an easy emotion to exploit. It causes fools to drop their guard and become predictable. It is when she is at her most vulnerable that we will strike. Hmmm… I sense that something about this feels… wrong to you… 
I have no idea what you’re talking about.
Your thoughts… is that remorse I sense?
Of course not!
Don’t let your human thoughts get in the way of this, Odrikson…
You worry too much! It’ll be fine!
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