#ive been reading so much apocalypse lit recently
retroateez · 3 years
me and you, together, at the end of the world
san x reader
angst, apocalypse au
word count: 1.1k
heavy mentions of death, so if you’re due an existential crisis i would probably give this one a miss
they all said it would come one day. experts predicting the fall of society, the dismantling of humanity and detailing the chaos to ensue afterwards.
but you had never expected it to come during your lifetime.
accepting the end of the world had been difficult, but as time went on and the inevitable drew closer, the kinder death as an option seemed.
the past week had been the hardest. monday, the radio stations and television channels instructed people to stay indoors, to not panic and assured the public that help was on the way. tuesday, nobody came. wednesday, you were beginning to wonder if the copious amounts of pasta and baked beans in your student apartment would see you through to the end. by thursday, still nobody had come. on friday, an emergency broadcast was sent out, telling civilians to get to a giant, communal safehouse in the middle of city by noon on saturday.
saturday morning, your boyfriend san showed up. he told you grab what you could; you were leaving. one hour before noon, the usual, panicked news broadcast was interrupted.
the newsanchor told you and everybody else watching that death was imminent. the cause of the destruction was going to be eliminated, as were you.
the phrase 'for the greater good' had never seemed so bittersweet.
you watched as san flopped lifelessly onto your small, worn out couch.
the man on the screen informed you that all safehouses across the country were full, and that the people inside them would be the next generation.
"the generation of hope" he called them.
he then went on to explain the governments plan to bomb the remaining parts of the country. deeming such extreme measures the "only way to exterminate the threat of extinction".
it was at that exact moment both you and san knew you would die.
sunday morning, sitting on the rooftop with the love of your life, watching the sunrise with your hands clasped tightly as if to never, ever let go.
the burnt orange hue across the horizon cast a warm glow across the city below your building. broken down cars litter the middle of the streets, when a week ago the early morning rush would just have been starting.
you remember how you would complain to san about how the honking of horns and yelling of angry businessmen below your apartment would always wake you up.
how silly that seems now.
the two of you sit in silence, neither of you able to find anything to say despite these being some of your last living moments.
the feeling of his thumb slowly ghosting over the skin of your hand reminds you that you are alive, and that the nightmare you are living in is inescapable.
"i love you, y/n." san says suddenly, speaking softly as he faces out over the city.
"I love you too, san."
you couldn't estimate how long you had been sat there with him, keeping a tight grip on his hand to remind yourself that he was there. only when the sun had reached directly above your heads did you realise it had been hours.
you could feel it's hot rays beating down on your neck, your instincts yelling at you to go inside and put on sunscreen. but you have to keep reminding yourself that nothing matters anymore. everything you do now is meaningless, eating breakfast, making the bed, putting trash in the correct bin.
nothing matters when there is nobody left to care.
"i'm going to marry you in the next life, y/n."
"that was the only thing i was sure that i wanted in this life. and now it's being ripped away from me. so in the next life, i'm going to marry you, and nothing, and nobody can stop me."
you hated the fact you couldn't give san a proper response, only staring numbly at the quiet, desolate expanse below you.
some time later, you hear the rumbling of armoured trucks making their way to the center of the city. above you, helicopters hover hundreds of metres above your head.
you always thought that you would be scared, or that you would be a fighter and survive your way through the end of the world and come out the other side unscathed.
but with san's slender fingers wrapped around your own, none of that really matters anymore.
"i wish i could've had it all with you, san. marriage, children, pets. coming home after a long day and arguing over whose turn it was to do the dishes, going to parties and leaving early to watch movies in bed, going on road trips and getting flat tires, reading our children to sleep, forgetting to put the eggs in the brownie mix and making a mess, celebrating your next big promotion at work, everything that seems so meaningless, i want it, and i only want it with you."
the emotions spill out through the cracks in your voice, the tears welling up in your eyes and the tightening of your hand over san's.
he says nothing, but the squeeze he gives you is his way of saying me too.
the sun begins to set behind you, san stands up and tugs you up too, bringing you to the other side of the roof to watch the sunset.
"i wish i had appreciated the sunset more," he tells you. "i wish i had appreciated a lot of things more than i have done."
"we have eternity to do that now." you whisper to him.
he reclasps your hand and the two of you return to your tranquil state of sitting in silence, watching the entire world go by with the comforting presence of each other.
ironically, the city is encased in peace. the usual bustle of life has vanished, leaving san's shallow breathing the only thing left for you to hear. it's poetic, really.
the world's sound has disappeared and manifested itself in san, who now is your world.
no, he's your universe.
night brings with her darkness, that she sweeps over the empty houses and abandoned stores, cafes and playgrounds. an unwelcome guest she too brings with her.
chaos is hard at work, the silence broken by a distance boom, indicating the beginning of the cull.
san's hand tightens on yours once more, and this time you both truly know you don't have long left.
the explosions are getting louder and more frequent, the blackness of night shielding your view from the smoke and destruction in neighbouring cities.
"i love you."
"i love you too."
you were content at that moment.
when it was just you and san, together, at the end of the world.
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I Wanna Be Adored 2 (Number 5x reader)
A/N: wowe a part 2 of my i wanna be adored fic this is also an old draft that ive finished after s1, give the first one a read x
Request: hh.. that five imagine was so soft and sweet to read, great job <3 would you ever consider doing a part two? maybe the rest of the hargreeves meeting five's s/o? feel free to skip this one. but for real, it's such a good text <33
Words: 1529
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“I’m just not drinking as much coffee anymore.” He said matter-o-factly. “I used to not be able to sleep very well so I’d just drink a lot of coffee to keep myself awake but I guess I just don’t have to anymore. I’ve been sleeping really well recently when I’ve been with you.” You smile as you feel him gently press a kiss to the side of your head. You smile contently, beginning to close your eyes, his heartbeat sounding like sweet music to your ears.
“Five, do you have a girl in your room?” A distance voice was heard echoing through the academy.
“Shit.” He mumbled into your hair, you knew it was going to be a long day in the Academy.
Five looked around frantically, trying to decide what to do. He pulled you up from his bed, mischievous glint in his eyes as he moved quickly to the window, you shake your head, trying to let him know you weren’t going to jump out the window. Giving you a wink, he pulled you towards his closet just before Fives bedroom door swung open.
“Shit. They’re not in here Diego!” Five let out a quite breathy laugh, locking his eyes with yours. It was only in this moment that you realised your closeness, it’s not like you have never been as close to Five as you were in that moment but the small space in the closest emphasised it. Five could feel the sudden change in mood as well, slowly moving his hands around your waist.
In that moment you forgot about Fives two older brothers peering out the open window, you forgot about your exams, you forgot about everything except Five. The collision of your lips felt like a thousand lighting bolts between the both of you. You were both so horrifically in love with each other but neither of you could get the words out. 
Klaus and Diego had came to the conclusion that Five and y/n had either climbed out the window or teleported away, that was until they heard a loud thump come from the direction of the closet. They both slowly crept forward before swinging the closet door open expecting to find their ‘younger’ brother. Klaus and Diego were met with nothing but a few toppled over books with no answer on where Five or his ‘friend’ were.
You collapsed back onto your bed in a flash of blue, giggling like school children giddy from a sugar rush. In the closet you’d both gotten too into the moment, Five pushing you against the side of the closet wall resulting in a bang.
“I would really like to meet your family, you know.” You say softly to him, settling into a state of calm. “So at least they know who you’re with rather than stress them out when they don’t know where you are.” His hair was silky to your touch.
“I know,” He let out an almost overdramatic sigh. “They’re strange, I don’t want to scare you off. You’re the best thing that’s happened to me.” You smile at his words but you were concerned, you knew all about Fives time in the apocalypse or at least as much as he would tell you, he would sometimes let something slip about the crippling loneliness or his time in the commission.
“I’ve been able to deal with your strange ass for the past year, I think I can cope.” You slightly shove him as you speak, admiring the way his eyes crinkle when he smiles. “Maybe if you warn them in advance, then they won’t “scare me off’ and they’ll be slightly normal?” 
He seemed to think about it, for just a split second the only thing whizzing around his fast mind was the thought of you meeting his family. Every possible situation that could occur whizzed through his head, every bad situation with every one of his siblings.
A shiver ran down your body as you stood at the doors of the large mansion, waiting for the right time to knock at the door, or even just to convince yourself to do it. Every time you had been to the academy no one else was home, except for Pogo and Grace of course but they never asked too many questions, or Five just blips you into his room, you’d never knocked before.
But you knew you had to do this, for Five, so his family doesn’t worry as much. You’d even put on your best pair of jeans and best t-shirt, just to hope to make the right impression to his six sibling. So despite all of the atoms in your body screaming with anxiety not to knock on the door, you banged the knocker, you couldn’t even get a third knock in before the door swung open to reveal a nervous looking Five. His face lit up when he saw you, his eyes drifting up and down your figure.
“You look nice.” He said as he held his hand out for you to take, gently pulling you into the academy.
“I do try sometimes, you know.” You squeeze his hand as you stepped inside, hearing the chatter of his siblings from the other room. Letting go of his hand, you gently lift your bag from across you. Without missing a beat Five gently took it from your hand and hung it up. 
“It’ll be fine.” Five whispered in your ear as you walked into the room, reassuringly placing his hand on the small of your back. Your face instantly got red as you got closer to his siblings, all of their eyes falling on you, some giving you kind smiles while some didn’t show any emotion at all.
“Hi,” You spoke softly to the crowd, giving a soft smile. “I’m Y/n.”
“She’s my girlfriend.” Five added, moving his hand from your back to around your waist, giving it a gentle squeeze. A series of raised eyebrows erupted around the room as they all glance at each other. The room fell silent until someone finally spoke up.
“It’s really nice to meet you, I’m Allison.”
“Ben also says hello.” Klaus spoke again.
“Come sit down.” Allison said warmly, moving over so there was enough room for you and Five to sit down. You gladly sat down with Five squeezing next to you, his hand still resting around your waist.
“So,” Klaus said as he crossed his legs and rested his head on his hands. “How did you both meet?”
“I work at Griddy’s in between school, Five came in a lot and we just ended up talking, this was nearly a year ago now I think.” You say nervously, you gripped both of your hands together to stop them from shaking. 
The mood relaxed as you all made general chit chat, asking about your ambitions and your interests, how you’re doing at school and even a little bit about your relationship with Five. Diego however, had not muttered a single word, he just kept intently staring at you, maybe trying to read you and judge your character, or maybe he was still mad about when he last saw you.
A cold breeze drifted through the room, causing you to shiver and your bare arms get goosebumps. Five ran his hand down your arm, feeling how cold you were. “Want me to get you a hoodie?” He spoke quietly to you, you shook your head no to his question, not wanting to be a bother. “I’ll get you one, you’re freezing y/n, I’ll be back in a minute” The last part was spoke mainly to the room as he stood up and started walking to the stairs only to be gone in a flash of blue.
“Diego, I’m sorry!” You spoke quickly. “I’m sorry about how Five acted with you when you saw me last, I was the one who wanted to meet you all.” You were almost tumbling over your words as they spilled out of you. “I just thought you should know who Five is with when he’s not here, I’m super responsable and always make sure he’s safe.” When you finish your face was flushed, the anxiety crept up on you as you spoke, being unable to read Diegos face. 
“I appreciate that, thank you,” He said genuinely. “We just worry about him sometimes, ya know.” You nodded to his words before Five appeared before you, he was now wearing a jacket over his own hoodie and holding one out to you which you gratefully took. 
 “We’re going to head off,” Five said to the room, waiting for you to pull his hoodie on before pulling you up by your hand. “I’ll be back later.”
“It was nice meeting you all!” You say, you received a series of ‘you too’s and ‘come back any times’s. You walked with Five to the door before wrapping you bag back around you and leaving the academy. Fives hand was instantly in yours as soon as you were walking down the steps and out into the street, swinging it as you both walked.
“I think that went rather well.”
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