#ive been remaking my old hs ocs and the nicknames thing came to my mind
cringefail-clown · 6 months
when you create a character and want to give them a nickname, it might sound ideal to call them something cute or cool like nightshade or candy or other stuff, but i think its inherently more realistic and way more funnier if you have in mind that most of the times nicknames come from other people, like your friends or family, and they can be straight up violating
from what ive gathered throughout the years of living amongst people, there are a few "nickname categories", and they are as follows:
your surname has a somehow funny word in it and its now your nickname for forever
youve had a misfortune of reminding someone of some fictional character and now you are called by that characters name
actually, youve had a misfortune of reminding someone of anything, be it a plant or an animal or an inanimated object, and it is now your nickname
youve misspelled/mispronounced a word and everyone collectively agreed that its how they will call you from now on
(the last one is personal bc i legit didnt know how "auchan" is pronounced and i said it wrong in front of my friends (rookie mistake). ive been auchan (the mispronounced way) for a long, long time)
obviously do what you want with your characters, but i highly encourage the funny nicknames. they can add so much to the oc, both in the dynamic they have with their friends/family, and also in terms of a backstory for them
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