#ive decided her last name is Fitzsimmons btw
jemwolf · 8 months
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Hello friends I wrote in Cyrillic just for a silly joke that only like three of my friends will care about 😎
The proportions are... way off but trying to draw anything yesterday was such a struggle that I just called it good. I might try and fix it up digitally someday tho!
Anywho, the joke here is that Scout is originally Drachman (basically FMA's equivalent of Russian) and I headcanon that Patricia also knows some Drachman, so they just gossip right in front of people sometimes when they know they won't understand them.
Translation! (Big thanks to @mewi-or-lara so I didn't butcher it with google translate):
Scout: So Casther slept in Val's room last night.
Patricia: *gasp* No way-
(Also, if anyone else finds it interesting like I do, here's the pronunciation!)
Scout: I tak, proshloy noch'yu Kaster spal v komnate Vala.
Patricia: Ne mozhet byt'-
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