#ive got so muych to update
exclted · 9 months
˚ · .  @cutestrival asked:
The rush of seeing a friend, long-lost, was as speaking her native tongue after years in a foreign land. She scarcely reacted. A heel, pushed off the stone floors, was a perfect launch to her finish line. She was a machine constructed from cobblestone and spears, but in this moment her heart beat had found comfort. She swept Lucina tightly to her, arms around her neck, speaking mostly into her hair. "Oh, Lucina, we've made it... look at us..."
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Her arms open on instinct, folding around an old friend as though clinging to the warmth of a memory. The corners of her lips have turned upward into a fond smile, her eyes shut and fingers curled where they have found hold upon Severa's back, the slope of her neck.
"Look at us indeed."
She will not ask of home-- will not scrape at scars she is sure the other wishes to forget just as well-- but she hardly needs to. This reunion tells her all she needs to know.
That the other is alive, that she is safe. That she is not angry with Lucina for leaving, and if she is, that she can forget long enough to embrace her like this.
"I'm glad to see you again." In a future that is none other than theirs. "It has been far too long."
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