#[s] severa
absolutebloodychaos · 6 months
This post is related back to my post from the other day
I found the Apokalipsa YouTube channel!!!!! https://youtube.com/@apokalipsaband?si=yQezwD1M2krSI3IM
Like this channel has fucking videos from when they were like fucking fourteen
You can see baby Bojan doing fucking Basket Case by Greenday (let me tell you, his voice was simultaneously so fucking whiny but also the cutest thing I have ever heard), his arm is in a fucking cast and it is so funny to me
But like they're actually good, like I thought they'd be okay before but like they're actually like fucking good
In one of the videos they are literally playing in a school gym?!
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impossible-gains · 7 months
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"Oh, you think you can act so smug despite being a scrawny li'l runt? That last competition was a fluke, I know you put something in my meat pies to give me the runs you wanna be hero! Another eating contest, double or nothing! Loser has to take a dump in the bushes. Unless you wanna pussy out or something?"
Severa, in all her bloated glory, is feeling pretty bratty and hoggish today. Guess Cynthia needs to put her in her place again...
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exclted · 6 months
˚ · .  @cutestrival asked:
The rush of seeing a friend, long-lost, was as speaking her native tongue after years in a foreign land. She scarcely reacted. A heel, pushed off the stone floors, was a perfect launch to her finish line. She was a machine constructed from cobblestone and spears, but in this moment her heart beat had found comfort. She swept Lucina tightly to her, arms around her neck, speaking mostly into her hair. "Oh, Lucina, we've made it... look at us..."
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Her arms open on instinct, folding around an old friend as though clinging to the warmth of a memory. The corners of her lips have turned upward into a fond smile, her eyes shut and fingers curled where they have found hold upon Severa's back, the slope of her neck.
"Look at us indeed."
She will not ask of home-- will not scrape at scars she is sure the other wishes to forget just as well-- but she hardly needs to. This reunion tells her all she needs to know.
That the other is alive, that she is safe. That she is not angry with Lucina for leaving, and if she is, that she can forget long enough to embrace her like this.
"I'm glad to see you again." In a future that is none other than theirs. "It has been far too long."
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traveller4u · 6 months
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devochka s severa
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dino19artworks · 3 months
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🇺🇲🇬🇧ENG: MEET ONE OF MY OTHER SONAS, OTÁVIO! (he/they/ze/ne pronouns in english) he's a children's game site mascot from the 2000's (one of those sites with classic flash games) and the site asks you to install somekind of software of it but whenever you do you just get a self aware virus (Otav here) who's an absolute MANIAC FULL OF CRIPPLING ANXIETY and who DESPERATELY feels the need (due to program) to spread in as many systems as possible and reach for something "real", outside virtual reality! Exept ze does it in a rather pathetic way, I kid you not this manlet WILL beg you on his knees to "PLEASE LOAD ME TO YOUR PEN-DRIVE AND TAKE ME AWAY TO THE WOLRD PLEASE PLZ PLZ!!!" XD
🇧🇷🇵🇹🇦🇴PT: CONNHEÇA UME DOS MEUS OUTRES SONAS, OTÁVIO! (elu usa os pronomes elu/delu em português) elu é um mascote de site de jogos pra criança dos anos 2000's (um daqueles sites com jogos flash clássicos) e o site pede pra vc instalar um tipo de software mas quando vc instala você só recebe ume vírus (Ê Otávio) auto-conciente que é ume absolute MANÍAQUE CHEIO DE ANSIEDADE SEVERA e quem DESESPERADAMENTE sente a necessidade (por seu código) de se espalhar para o máximo de sistemas possíveis e alcançar algo mais "real", fora da realidade virtual! É so que elu faz isso de uma forma meio patética, eu não brinco que esse cara baixinho VAI implorar ajoelhade para que você "ME BAIXE NO SEU PEN-DRIVE E ME LEVE PARA O MUNDO POR FAVOR PFV PFVZINHO!!!!!!" XD
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calmasyoghurt · 21 days
Joker out pride project! I have a battle tactic for all upcoming chapters. I accidentaly made stuff quite Kris + Jan centric. However, Bojan and Nace will make their first appearances on the fifth and sixth respectively. Jure will have his first chapter at some point obviously, but I might move it so not sure when it will happen.
Anyways. Click here for ao3 version.
June 3rd, prompt 10. Queerplatonic Relationship.
As Jan and Kris start having guitar lessons together, they also start becoming really good friends. Jan lives all the way out in Vrhnika and relies on buses to get to and from guitar practice. Kris makes a habit out of walking past the bus station just in time to see Jan's bus pull up to the stop. With guitar cases on their backs, they then walk to their lesson together. The lessons are good. Like, really good. After only a few weeks their teacher says that it would be a good idea for them to start a band together. Kris isn't sure, they'd need a good singer, a bass and drums. But she isn't entirely opposed to the idea.
Either way, when the lessons are over, they tend to keep hanging out. Usually they either go to the nearby café, or to Kris’ house. Sometimes, when the weather is warm, they sit on a stretch of grass not too far from the bus station. There, they talk about everything. It's there that Kris tells Jan she's been thinking about that word, bisexual, and that it might be what she is. It's also there Jan tells Kris about the first boy he ever kissed, and the boy he had kissed just four days before, in an alley, next to some litter bins.
Kris isn't jealous, definitely not. She does not want to kiss someone next to a litter bin. But she wishes she could have some of that courage that Jan has. He doesn't seem to care what others think, that people stare at his long hair and pride pins. When Kris had been younger, she hadn't cared at all, but it was getting more difficult. Just last month, Kris’ mum had said it was time for Kris to get her first real bra. When she was younger, she had cried whenever her parents suggested girly clothes. Now, she had simply accepted it and gone shopping with her mum. She still hated the normal bra though, and wore the sports bra they'd bought almost every day instead.
One day, when Kris and Jan are sitting at the café, Kris starts telling Jan about this really annoying kid at school.
“Do you know Bojan Cvjetićanin? He's in the year above me at school, and sings in that Apokalipsa band. Apparently they're going to play Led S Severa in front of the entire school, and you know what they do? They play it with distortion! And my dad doesn't even care that this Bojan kid has ruined his song”. Kris expects Jan to say something about how annoying Bojan is. Instead, an amused look appears on his face.
“I think you should ask him out”, Jan says, and it catches Kris so of guard that it feels like her brain needs a reboot.
“Who, Bojan? Why would I ask him out? I don't like him!” Kris finally manages to say.
“Sure, whatever. Just give me 5 euros the day you two get married. Now come on, follow me to the bus stop”.
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Set in my extremely half-baked Sierra Platoon AU, wherein the Spartans are all ODSTs instead and are stationed on the Spirit of Fire.
Tagging @makowrites, @helix-enterprises117, and @mlgssy because y'all are my biggest enablers. Also summoning the AU Queen herself, @authortobenamedlater, and her prince consort @mrtobenamedlater
Inspired by this post that I ran across.
The Spirit of Fire's mess hall was a busy place. With rotating meal shifts designed to accomodate the thousands of crew and soldiers aboard the old ship, the mess was never really empty... even in the middle of the night.
On a ship full of young soldiers, the mess tended to be especially busy in the middle of the night.
"Hurry, up, Gunny," O'Hare chuckled, patting his squad leader roughly on the shoulders. "We're going to miss the whole show!" The young man bounced excited only his feet as Sierra 104 made their way down the corridor toward the mess.
Gunnery Sergeant Frederic Ellsworth, Sierra 104's CO and the unofficial 2IC of Sierra Platoon, turrned wry grin on his subordinate. "Alright, fine," he called out to the ODSTs eagerly pressed around him. "Go get something to eat, you don't have to wait for me."
"You're the best, Gunny," O'Hare called over his shoulder, blowing past in a whirlwind of exuberant smiles and red hair that was quickly followed by the rest of the squad.
"You lot too," Staff Sergeant Kelly Shaddock, leader of Sierra 087, called out to her troops. In a moment the two squads ended up in a foot race to the mess, their exuberant whoops and hollers ringing down the corridors.
"You're just blatantly copying me now," Ellsworth said, tossing a smirk over his shoulder at the woman still walking beside him.
Shaddock rolled her eyes. "Yeah, right. You only sent your squad on because you were hoping that I would do the same and you could nefariously sneak some alone time."
"Well it worked, didn't it?" Ellsworth fired back with a grin.
Shaddock opened her mouth to offer some kind of retort, then suddenly stopped and turned to look directly at him. She cast her striking blue eyes down one direction of the corridor, then the next, making sure no one was coming. Then she put both hands on Ellsworth's chest and gruffly shoved him against the wall.
The gunnery sergeant felt his cheeks warm as his companion followed him, pressing herself up against his chest. His whole body tensed in both excitement at whatever it was that was happening now, and in nervousness at the possibility of being seen and getting written up for fraternization. "Kelly," he hissed as she pinned him forcefully against the wall, "this really isn't the time or place."
"Shut up," Shaddock growled in return, nuzzling her face into the crook of his neck. He could feel her grin against his skin when, in spite of himself, he leaned his head to one side to allow her easier access.
Then, when he felt her teeth sink into his sensitive skin hard enough to leave an imprint, he found the will to shove her. She stumbled back several steps, laughing with a wide grin splitting her face.
"What was that for?" Ellsworth hissed, rubbing the now sensitive spot on his neck. "You blasted vampire," he added grumpily, shaking his head.
"Oh, don't be like that," Shaddock said dismissively, reaching out to move his hand and trace a fingertip over the teethmarks she had left behind. Seemingly satisfied with her work, she took a step back so she could look up to meet his eyes. "That Innie lover that works the mess keeps making eyes at you," she said with a shrug, her voice lacking the barest hint of apology. "I'm just making sure she sees the evidence of my claim."
Ellsworth felt his cheeks flush as he kept on scowling down at her. "What, like I'm a cow to be branded?" he growled.
"Yes," Shaddock said calmly, her face splitting into a grin once more. She pointed at the bite mark with her forefinger, then pointed back at herself with her thumb. "Mine," she said simply.
They stared at each other for several long moments, the declaration hanging between them. Finally Ellsworth gave in.
"Yours," the ODST answered begrudgingly.
Kelly leaned up on her toes to plant a kiss on his cheek, this time without biting him, thankfully. "I know," she whispered. Then she turned on her heel and continued toward the mess.
Ellsworth watched her go, shaking his head. "I don't know who's going to kill me first," he called out as his eyes tracked the other soldier bounding joyfully away from him. "The Banished... or you."
Shaddock's laughter echoed down the corridor. She didn't even look back to answer, "I've known you too long to think you'd have it any other way, Gunny."
Fred ground his teeth and let out a frustrated sigh.
She was right.
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anxious-witch · 11 months
Look at what I just found...
Anon, I am reaching through the screen and bear hugging you! How did you manage to find this?
Baby Bojan and Martin! Bojan's voice changed so much, it's so weird to hear it. And Martin trying to hard not to stand still and be awkward on stage chjxxjjxx I love them
If anyone else is curious, this is a video of Bojan and Martin's old band, Apokalipsa preforming "Led s Severa", aka this was potentially few days/weeks after Kris and Bojan met! Thank you so much anon I will definitely make use of this
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Villa Solari (Italian collection VI)
Hace un instante
Hi guys!
I share the 6th building for the collection.
I took some liberties in this italian villa, but follow the floor plan for the piano nobile. This is a project from Guarini, who also designed the Carignano Palace.
It fits a 40x30 lot, and has a stais hall with the honour staricase and the seasons staircase. A formal dinning. A daily dinning, a library, severa sitting rooms, 2 main bedrooms with private sitting rooms + bathrooms. 
In the floor level, there is a biliard room, several servant spaces and a kitchen.
The second floor has several rooms + 2 distinguished gests rooms on each side of the house. 
As allways, you will need the usual CC I use: all of Felixandre, Tha Jim, SYB, Regal Sims, etc.
Early acces (April)
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impossible-gains · 7 months
When was the last time Severa washed herself?
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"I get hosed down every other week, dingus."
Like a common farm animal, no less...
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exclted · 2 months
˚ · .  @cutestrival asked:
“This is for you.” She had had to purchase something. Choosing a gift for Lucina had been her pleasure! But the matter of giving over the gift itself, well…  Ever so elegantly, Selena shoves her parcel at Lucina’s chest. Her outstretched arm trembles.  She’s far from worried about the gift itself. Immaculately wrapped in ribbons is a ring sporting a single pearl, its band fashioned in gold. Rings were of great importance in Selena’s life, as mementos after all. Selena hoped the single ring didn’t scream “remember me!” as desperately as her intention. Her cheeks now more red than a fire tome, she tried to swallow down her nerves. “Happy Birthday Lucina,” she almost shouted, her heartbeat thumping too loud in her ears. “Can I treat you to something in town? Just the two of us?”
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Lucina accepts the gift gently despite the insistence with which it is offered, brows raised not out of concern but interest. She has had years enough to accept Severa's mannerisms as they are, and seldom found asking to warrant a real answer.
So she doesn't think too hard about it, or tries not to. It's a method that has worked for the most part; not lingering too hard on the way the air between them always feels so warm these days, on whatever strange unspoken change has occurred since their reunion.
Which becomes suddenly much more difficult when her eyes flicker from the gift itself-- a ring, simply wrought and undeniably beautiful-- to the flustered expression of the girl in front of her.
( Distantly she realizes that she is blushing too, that suddenly the world feels as though it is moving too fast. )
"This- I-" She's forgotten how to speak, what to say. Thank you doesn't feel like enough suddenly, but then she isn't sure anymore what would. Lucina clears her throat. "It's lovely..." You're lovely.
Oh Naga.
Carefully she tucks the ring away. It's too beautiful to be worn on hands like hers-- she will have to string it on something, wear it closer to her chest where it belongs. Lucina nods.
"That would be nice, I think."
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emblemxeno · 7 months
Feh Channel Thoughts
-Uh, cool start, I guess? Ratatoskr is neat, I like squirrels.
-Veronica can't catch a fucking break lmaooooo why did they do that to her in the trailer
-Henriette on a wanted poster oooooh 👀
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-Thracia bros I sincerely hope you get your moment sooner than later down the line cuz damn it looks like A!Ced and Sara being a backpack is the only things you're getting this year 😭
-Vaike/Teach bros I'm so fucking sorry that this bum-ass game has snubbed you like this again 😭
-Laurent is voiced by Chris Smith now? Wasn't he Patrick Seitz before? No complaints cuz he sounds great, but I wonder what the reason behind that is.
-Nice to see Severa and Inigo, but it seems like they're allergic to giving Inigo a prf
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-Ma'am your coochie's about to fall out
-That sure is a new mode. I won't turn down stuff that I'll basically get for free, but if it's gonna be an auto-only mode, why even make a new thing to do in the first place?
-Cheap ass owl, couldn't even give us 8 orbs and still had the audacity to say "Oh look how many 8's there are in the rewards!"
Overall, not terrible but pretty whelming. Most interesting thing about the new story is Henriette being involved and whoever that new beefcake hunk with the huge manly arms is. I might pull for Lucina cuz of bias, but I might just wait until I see what the Christmas banner looks like before I do anything crazy.
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dirtyoldmanhole · 14 days
random rev observations as we head into valla:
jakob/severa is really really cute. (s/o to @/wonderlandteaparty for reccing that). their whole support chain was endearing as it was hammy, and i especially love severa's c support with dwyer and her being refreshingly honest about jakob's faults as much as she loves him LOL - charmingly goofy, but honest. it's making me regret i have too many staff users to put dwyer in the rotation but i'll be using him another route soon (maybe CQ with flora?) fates is definitely the only fe where i have an excess of staff users on average.
kana sucks so bad as a dread fighter lol, it's mostly his abyssmal lack of str. i may have to reclass him back into a dragon for the dragonstone (< this is probably the fault of gunter growths, i'm just in denial LOL).
azama is. so weird. i haven't gotten a bead on him yet and so far i think i like just how. absolutely balls off the wall morbid (refreshingly so?) he is... i also really like how he gives no shits about how "likeable" he comes across, and yet how it doesn't come across as a ""quirk". he's either going to climb surprisingly high on the favorites list or on the dislike list depending on how good the supports are. (tentatively supporting him with azura?)
using only non royals is hard. still doable unlike CQ lunatic (disregarding crazy minmaxing), but i'm having to turtle along since everyone's as flimsy as wet paper. kagero's a decent mage tank and subaki's an okay physical tank as a grandmaster but still folds to a critical. (tho i liked their supports too. him being genuinely supportive of her painting was cute too.)
speaking of it's kind of hilarious when corrin/gunter (paired up) is by far my best tank with his +6/+4 to her def/str and the extra-fast guard activation.
him protecting her like that is kind.... of .... morbidly...... amusing.... considering .... what's happening to him plot wise >:D >:D >:D
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traveller4u · 6 months
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devochka s severa
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besedar · 23 days
beseda dne: mavrica
etimologija: verjetno iz Mavra - Mavrka (Mavri kot prebivalci severa Afrike). Če je to res, potem je mavrica: "pisana kot temna koža in barvite obleke Mavrov".
Frazem "pijan kot (božja) mavra" pa iz ljudske predstave, da mavrice pijejo vodo (Snoj za oboje).
Poimenovanje za Mavre iz latinskega Maurus (ugibam, da mogoče prek nemščine ali italijanščine)). V latinščino iz grščine, v grščino pa ... Tem več gledam, tem bolj me zmede. Več informacij spodaj.
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Okej, zdaj smo samo še tisti, ki nas zanima. Finofajn!
1.) Wikipedija trdi, da je Strabon rekel, da so Mavri tako imenovali sami sebe. Ko gledam vir, ki ga citira Wikipedija, sicer tega ne najdem, se pa resda prav nič ne znajdem na Perseusovi strani, nikoli se nisem in se nikoli ne bom. (Wikipedija, Perseus) Slab vir, boste rekli - se strinjam! Ampak ga nekoliko podpre nadaljnje raziskovanje, zato ga sploh navajam ...
2.) Enciklopedija Novega sveta pravi, da beseda pride iz grškega poimenovanja za črno oz. temno barvo. Oni to besedo navajajo kot, citiram, "mauros". Zakaj jo tako citiram? No, ker niso vključili naglasa, jasno! Se pa bojim, da zna biti kar pomemben. Do te enciklopedije gojim globoko skepso, ker prvič slišim zanjo in ker sama o sebi pravi, da je osnovana na Wikipediji, samo da z "bolje recenziranimi članki". Ja, okej, ja, kdo jih pa recenzira, če smem vprašati? Kakšno ime in naziv bi prišel prav ...
3.) Grška beseda, za katero se moram zanašati na Wiktionary! Moji viri so brez graje! Torej: začnimo z novogrškim μαύρος (črn, temačen ...). Naglas na prvem zlogu - akut, ampak to je tako ali tako pričakovati, ker je le nova grščina in so naglasna znamenja poenostavljali, če se ne motim. Ne spoznam se, ampak mislim, da imajo samo še akute? Ne vem!
Kakorkoli že, nadaljujmo! Μαύρος naj bi prišel iz μαῦρος (koiné, torej, kaj, čas Aleksandra Velikega?) in ἀμαυρός (stara grščina). Ne pomaga, da je sploh stara grščina razdrobljena na milijardo dialektov!
Za ἀμαυρός (temen, slep, šibek ...) etimologija Wiktionaryju ni znana. Mogoče iz protoindoevropejskega *h₂mr̥-wós, lahko pa bi bil povezan z besedo μαυρός.
In kako je s slednjo? Tudi ta ima kup pomenov (temen, slep, šibek, negotov, neznan, nerazumljiv), ker grščina ne bi bila grščina brez pol strani definicij za vsako besedo. Etimologija je pa še vedno neznana! In, še huje, ena od možnih etimologij je kar (*globok vzdih*) - iz poimenovanja za Mavre. Da so oni sami sebe imenovali Mavri in so Grki besedo potem prevzeli ter ji nekako pridali milijardo pomenov.
Lahko bi bila pa iz protoindoveropejskega korena *mergʷ- in nekako sorodna npr. angleški besedi murky.
Mogoče bo več uspelo ugotoviti vam!
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calmasyoghurt · 10 days
The joker out pride project.
Feelings are being felt, bands are being made. Also on ao3.
June 14th, promt 9. Overwhelmed by labels.
Bojan is fucked. He’s absolutely fucked. It’s Kris Guštin who is the main problem. This Kris kid had been the reporter for the school news paper when Apokalipsa was rehearsing for their performance of Led S Severa a few years ago. Not only had Kris been annoying and rude at the interview, back then he’d also been a girl, and secretly Bojan had developed a crush. It had been fine then, it had been proof to himself that Bojan wasn’t gay at all, he was crushing on a girl for God's sake. But then Bojan didn’t see Kris for a while, and the feelings went away. Or so he'd thought. 
Because now, he’s standing in a crowd full of teenagers and is absolutely fucked. Of course Bojan had heard the rumors about the Guštin kid, how could he not? He’d even heard a few girls say that if Kris had been a normal guy, they would have thought he was cute. What Bojan hadn’t expected was for both the rumors and the things those girls had said would be true. Because on the stage stands Kris Guštin, playing the guitar as if life depended on it. He definitely looks like a guy, and he definitely looks cuter than ever.
Bojan has no idea how to handle this. All he knows is that if he had told anyone about having a crush on Kris a few years ago, then it would have been considered completely normal. But now, Bojan would probably be labeled as gay, probably also as a weirdo with some strange attraction to femme-boys. Bojan might be a little gay, but he does not have a thing for femme-boys. It’s not like Kris is a femme-boy anyways. He’s just a guy with a vagina. There are probably hundreds of guys with vaginas all over the world.
But the whole vagina thing isn’t really a problem anyways. The problem is that Bojan is feeling things, and isn’t sure what it means. What does it mean when you have had crushes on both girls and boys? What does it mean if the only girl you've had a crush on isn’t a girl anymore? No, Bojan can’t be having a crush on Kris. It’s just old feelings coming back for a moment. They’ll go away again as soon as he befriends Kris. How does one befriend Kris? Bojan will have to invite him to join his band, it’s the only way. Luka won’t continue with music anyways, they’ll need a new guitar. Bojan will even invite that other guitarist, whatever his name is, who seems to be Kris’ best friend. He’s good too, really good, and if Kris’ friend joins the band, then Kris must follow.
Getting the Jan guy to change bands is easier than Bojan had expected. He just sent the guy a message on instagram, saying he’d seen the band play, and if he wanted a place in Apokalipsa, he was more than welcome. Jan had accepted almost right away. Kris is a bit more difficult. Bojan sent him a message on instagram too, almost identical to the one he had sent to Jan. Except in this one, Bojan sprinkled in a few more compliments and said that Jan already had shown interest. Kris had answered a day later saying he needed time to think. Kris thought for three full days, and Bojan almost started worrying that he might decline the offer. But finally, Kris replied and said that he’d join Bojan’s band, as long as they changed the name. 
A name change was a small loss compared to the massive victory that it was to have Kris Guštin on the band. They’d need a rebranding anyways with their two new members. Bojan would have gladly done something bigger if Kris hadn’t joined. Now he can finally befriend Kris, and then he’ll finally get over that stupid crush. Because even if Bojan might be a little gay, he isn’t gay enough to have a crush on a friend. At least not again. That small crush on Martin had hurt enough. Kris probably likes girls anyways. Bojan does too, he had liked Kris before he had been a guy. Now Bojan just needs to find a new girl to have a crush on.
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