#ive had the idea that cucumbers mom was a rose for a while because like the idea of pink+green going together because. crystal witchcraft
as-good-as-held · 2 years
notes about my dragons and their genetics because that is interesting to me (making things up is my passion)
Ingo and Emmet are not identical twins! which is obvious because one of them is a standard snow and the other is an onyx, right? well actually, not at all. visually, yeah, Ingo looks like an onyx but he isn't, he's genetically a melanistic snow. now usually, melanistic snows turn out grey or even navy blue in colour, but Ingo popped out with the blackest fur i've ever seen on a dragon that wasn't pure onyx. which is weird because he and Emmet hatched from the same egg. here comes my tinfoil hat territory because i don't know what their parents were, i think they both carried the allele for melanism because it's recessive in dragons but presented as pure snows, so the were Ss. this led to Emmet recieving either SS genes (making him pure snow) or Ss genes (making him a carrier for melanism without presenting as such) and Ingo recieving ss genes, making him visibly melanistic. they aren't identical so this is definitely possible. (unless Ingo had a random gene mutation that gave him melanism outside of parents genetics, which would still result in them being fraternal twins instead of identical) Ingo and Emmet came from breeders (who could verify that Ingo is a snow because she showed me the video of him and Emmet hatching)
cucumber isn't a pure sage, either. their mama was a rose dragon and, presumably, their papa was a sage. there aren't any funny genes in roses or sages that make them present funny so cucumber has normal genes. they have the rose allele in them but the sage one is dominant, in the same way that i carry an allele for blonde hair (recessive) but the brown hair one is dominant so it wins by default. they came from a different breeder to the twins who was not very good at their job and had failed to notice that their own pet rose had gotten very friendly with the sage they owned. well they had a really runty pup that needed hand-rearing (which i absolutely did not trust them to do) and so i ended up with a very small sage-rose who is actually older than all of my others by kind of a lot
tax evasion? pure dexter. there was never a purer dexter in existence. it's a recessive allele so there is absolutely no way there's anything else in him. he was a rescue that had been spotted slinking around the back of a bookshop i used to frequent who kept shredding the cardboard boxes they had to throw away. well i trapped him in one and took him home cause he was a lil matted and smelly so clearly nobody else was coming for him. he warmed up right away and he leaves the house with me sometimes cause he's the most used to being out there but he's definitely a lapdragon. all he wants is snooze and cuddle. makes me wonder who owned him before me and why they would leave him out there. their loss, he's my special boy now
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