#ive had these pics for like a month oops
justghostthings · 1 year
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Same old pose I always do but in something new 😌
[he/him/xe/xem] 18+ (OP is a dude!!! Straight men and lesbians/strictly wlw blogs DNI!!!!)
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submariini · 6 months
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the clowns do rovaniemi aka the 09/12 gig report
and also i saw the mural on the 11th. oops.
the clowns were 22 of us (+ some ppl who we knew but weren't full part of the clown party) from the 18+ kcord
it was @symmetryorigin birthday so lbr. kcord gig more than käärijä gig.
somewhat accidentally stumbled into häärijä pre gig. i went looking for him but i didnt expect to find him? @izpira-se-zlato gave him a hojan tshirt. (the other ones are xia's own, mine and nace's). and we wanted to take a pic w the three of us in it which got pushed to post-gig.
music was v 2010s in the club but it was a good time.
despite the rather ass barrier and drunk people: EXCELLENT gig. full fantastista is a treat!! so glad ive seen it twice bc lmao why do i keep going to rovaniemi help
@beesgobzzzing got to sing its crazy its party !!! which so deserved !!! so good !!! käärijä looked v confused when we all started shouting bees 🐝
bees using all the power given to shout out laura's bday aka time for terrible birthday singing and k joking that laura looks 15.
all the foreigners saying where they were from were us clowns. shout out to omega for killing his ears shouting scotland.
häärijä had a new trick for ccc bc he couldnt crawl so he just whale sprayed water up 10/10 would watch again.
him and k also got onto the barrier for mic mac which im sure was an accident waiting for happen but its fiiiiine
post gig was a mix of everyone dying and the three of us having the häärijä thing trying to get to the meeting point -- he did dm to ask if we were there which made it easier.
we got herded into like a staircase hallway??? took the pic (courtesy of xia) and then just. hung in the staircase ig. to some annoyance im sure of staff and kcrew passing by lmao
i had a cassette for k of the olympiastadion recording which i gave to h to give to k except h just went oh ill go ask if he wants to come down??? bluescreen of death moment.
k showed there in his dumb lil socks. gave him the cassette and he seemed to genuinely wanna listen to it 😭 also banter abt ... who tf still owns a player for those. (ty to h for offering to ask a greatgreatgreatgrandfather.)
he also remembered that he signed my boots in antwerp (help?).
after that ordeal at like 3am or some shit we just decided to get burger king. bc god. had to cope with whatever that gig was somehow. 10/10 time for rollo 3.0 (not in december tho fml)
i am actually very emo about everyone i went with but also going to bed at 6am when i've been getting up at 6:30am for work for six months has literally floored my entire brain and i need to recover first.
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b00bconnoisseur · 5 years
60 questions for @not-my-brain
1. selfie.......Ugghhhh ok. Imma take one rn
Ok here u go (yes thats a bmth shirt)
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2. what would you name your future kids?.....Ooo hmmm well when i was a kid i really liked the names disney, and mesiah. I didn't know at the time that mesiah was another name for god i think lol. I liked it cause of handlers mesiah. I still do. Ooo and maybe Tj too
3. do you miss anyone?......Yeah. My friends on Pinterest from a year ago. My friend lucas. Stan lee. Bob ross. My cousin who died from cancer some years ago. Snape. Sirius. Lupin. Tonks. Dobby. *continues to name every unfortunate death in hp*
4. what are you looking forward to?.......SE-YA next month!! Its the south eastern young adult festival at this college. You can have meet n greets with authors and alot of stuff its the besstttt
5. is there anyone who can always make you smile?......DEFINATELY. @dirtysocke @mysisterlooksforthisaccountsobye @cristal-kyd1280 @sammchenry my friend lucas and @septembersbloom. ^^
6. is it hard for you to get over someone?..... What like...romantically? Or like a death? If romantically uhhh idk it took over a couple weeks but im ok now. Ive never had another relationship so idk. If death oof yeah idk maybe. Ig it depends on how much i knew them idk. Like when my nanny (great grandma) died i was sad for days (is that alot?)
7. what was your life like last year?.....Sucky af. Still is. But the highlights of my life last year was getting and making friends on tumblr, going to the tøp concert and going to warped tour, volunteering at the library, going to seya and meeting some of my favorite authors, reading, changing and improving my art, listening to all the bands i listen to now, getting into more fandoms, going to a friends house for the first time
8. have you ever cried because you were so annoyed?.......Yes lol. Some years ago when i couldn't find smtn id be so annoyed and pissed id start crying. I dont now but still lol
9. who did you last see in person?.......Hm ig family doesn't count....? Wait do u mean a friend? If so uhh my friends rebekah, anika, and Judah at a TAB meeting at the library sometime last month.
10. are you good at hiding your feelings?......I think so? Like i mean I can hide whenever i get my....time of the month from my mom (talking abt stuff like that with her makes me uncomfortable) and i hid a breakup. And other p big stuff too. So imma say yeah
11. are you listening to music right now?........*pops on earbuds after reading this* yee im listening to bitch lasagna by pewdiepie xD (do i have the best spotify playlist or what?)
12. what is something you want right now?.......To hug @mysisterlooksforthisaccountsobye but SOMEONE has to live so far away
13. how do you feel right now?........Happy that my earbud still works cause they got washed in the wash yesterday....oops. Its not my fault. I told my dad to remind me to take it out of my jacket pocket before they threw it in but noooooo he forgot
14. when was the last time someone of the opposite sex hugged you?.......Uhhhhh fuck idk it was probably from my lil 4 yr old bro sometime last week. Other than him (hes my favorite sibling) i dont let them hug me too much
15. personality description.......Nerdy. Fangirl. "Emo". Tomboy. Hotsause obsessed. Book lover. Music lover. Black. Blue. Harry potter. Introvert. Fall. Sports. Values friendship. Loyal. Uhhhh i cant think of much lol
16. have you ever wanted to tell someone something but you didn’t?.......*sigh* yes. Yes yes yes. Theres some things abt me, or my life really, that i havent told anyone on here or my irl friends that i sooooo want to so bad but i haven't cause i feel like they'd feel bad and pity me and i don't want that
17. opinion on insecurities........I dont really understand this one. Everyones insecure abt something. Is this askin like if i think its ok or not? I say its ok. Im insecure about literally everything about me. My face. My personality. My socialness. My art. What i do. What i say. Basically my whole body. The things i feel good abt are my books, music taste, and my friends (ily fuckers)
18. do you miss how things were a year ago?.........Hmm this time around a year ago....idk its sorta the same but all the stuff i mentioned abt my year from last year didn't happen yet so nah tho my life sucks rn its better than this time last year
19. have you ever been to New York?........Nooo but i want too soo baddd i wanna visit @septembersbloom !! Im coming for ya soon gramps *does the eye watching thing* my dads been to nyc before tho cause he does construction and he had a concrete job to do there. It was a 23 hr drive for him
20. what is your favourite song at the moment?........Uhhh idk!!! So hard! Maybe.....the whole thats the spirit album by bmth ;)
21. age and birthday?.....15 yrs of age and September 27th 2003 (whats yours brainy? I'll put it on my calendar)
22. description of crush......Its weird idk im not sure if its a genuine crush or not but uh....They like hp :).Thats all u get
23. fear(s).......Losing my best friend @dirtysocke and my other friends. Death. Failure. Momo chasing after me then killing me slowly keeping my eyes open to look her dead in the eyes while i die
24. height......5'6 call me short and I'll fuck u up with THIS *pulls out trusty potato peeler named now steve* dont test me boi
25. role model......Hhhhhhhh so many! But uh gosh one of them is @superraedizzle (youtuberrrr) and vexx and bob ross and da vinci and aaaaaaa so many
26. idol(s)......First person that immediately comes to mind is @sammchenry cause he's super cool and he's really nice and his art's reallyyy good (if u havent seen it w-w-what are u even doin with your life?) And he has a great sense of humor and *continues to ramble about why samms the best*
27. things i hate.......Dabs. Transphobes. Homophobic ppl. Basically any hate on the lgbtq+ community. Bullies. The ship starker. Umbridge. Snape haters
28. i’ll love you if….....U you'll eat pizza, draw, and rp harry potter with mee
29. favourite film(s)......Fantastic beasts. Every hp film. Twilight. The maze runner 1-2. The hunger games. Spiderman homecoming. Kingsman: secret service. Into the spideyverse tho i havent seen it yet
30. favourite tv show(s)......Inkmasterrrrr. B99. The mick. The middle. Uhhh idk mostly ink master xD
31. 3 random facts........Ive never had shrimp. I had a beta fish for over a year once. Im eating pizza crust rn
32. are your friends mainly girls or guys?.......G i r l s. I have all girl friends irl and one boy. And on tumblr it seems like i just meet girls? Likei agree with @cristal-kyd1280 its like alot more gals then dudes here. But i do have some guy friends on here too. But mostly girls
33. something you want to learn.......TO DRAW ANATOMY DAMMIT
34. most embarrassing moment........Every moment of my lifes an embarrassing moment. Idk of i can pick a "most" embarrassing one. But one time i i sent my crush (now ex bf) a hey fuckface and like some hearts or whatever for an ask game that meant like "i have a crush on u" "youre adorable" etc and said Hewo but i did it all anonymously. But he confronted me askin if i sent it cause im the only person he knows that actually says hewo lol. Then later on i finally admitted i really liked him and well y'all know the story after i think. Unless you're new
35. favourite subject.......A R TTTT OFC
36. 3 dreams you want to fulfill?........meet my friends on tumblr. Get into mtsu (college i wanna go to) and study art. And go skydiving
37. favourite actor/actress........favorite actor uhhhhhh probably thomas brodie sangster or tom felton and my favorite actress? Hmmm idk maybe evanna lynch (luna lovegood)
38. favourite comedian(s).......probably kevin hart lol he's p funny
39. favourite sport(s)........basketballllllll and football
40. favourite memory........uhhhhh idk?? One oh my favorite memories was when we went to see tøp in concert
41. relationship status.....single as a pringle
42. favourite book(s)......harry potter and the order of the pheonix. Harry potter and the half blood prince. Simon vs the homo sapiens agenda. Divergent. Maze runner. Twilight. Fangirl. Fallen. Red queen
43. favourite song ever.......TOO HARD DONT MAKE ME CHOOSEEEEEE
44. age you get mistaken for.........16 and 17 sometimes lol
45. how you found out about your idol........i was watching someone on yt and superraedizzle always poped up in my feed and my mom turned on one of her vids cause she always saw her vids too now ive seen most of em i love her. Id heard of vexx but never watched him and i was watching a collab from anthony miller art and shrimpy and i checked out shrimpys channel and was lookin at comments and alot of ppl said his art is like vexxs so i checked out vexx. At first i was like eh ok. Now i cant click fast enough when he posts a vid. And i actually fpund out about bob ross from my grandpa on jan 20 2017 when trump was getting sworn in or whatever. We turned on pbs and my grampa told me to look and bob ross was on and i was IN. I loved it. I even started watching full episodes on YouTube of the joy of painting after that. Wonderful man. My first painting i ever did i think was when i followed one of his tutorials xD (i didnt know it was popular at the time)
46. what my last text message says......."ok your turn"
47. turn ons.....uhh nerds ig idk um book lovers, music lovers, art lovers, potterheads, idk and nice ppl
48. turn offs......jerks. Homophobia. Idk ig whatever i said in things i hate
49. where i want to be right now......uhhhh idk wait didn't i already answer this? Ok this ones different ig so uhh with my friend lucas
50. favourite picture of your idol.....oh shit...favorite? Idk xD i have a fave of vexx but not of rae or bob. But heres pics of them any way
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51. starsign......a libraaaaa boiii
52. something i’m talented at......drawing and speed reading. Thats about it lol. Oh and procrastina
53. 5 things that make me happy.......ooooo art, my friends here on tumblr, books, harry potter, and music ^^
54. something thats worrying me at the moment.....if my friend thinks im being annoying
55. tumblr friends......hhhhh so manyyyyyy. @dirtysocke @mysisterlooksforthisaccountsobye @cristal-kyd1280 @chinesewaffles2 @kingantlion @queen-baelin @sammchenry @septembersbloom and more
56. favourite food(s)......green beans, pepperoni pizza, and vanilla madelines
57. favourite animal(s).......basically any reptile. Puppies. Cats. Any animal really but my #1 are snakes
58. description of my best friend.....well she's a tiny bean (5 feet) and she has dark hair, she wears glasses, she doesnt take shit, she's in love with Josh dun, she's awesome, funny, nice (YES youre nice jackie) and shes the best friend ive ever had. Oh. And she has a weird obsession with spaghetti
59. why i joined tumblr.......well i heard abt it on Pinterest over a year ago but didnt want it. Then @mrfastbass-deactivated20181231 on DeviantArt said he got tumblr so i made one then followed him and figured id just post art and that's it cause i thought tumblr was boring as hell when i first got it. Now im p much obsessed with it
60. ask me anything you want.......go ahead brainy shoot. Give me smtn good
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badfey · 7 years
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My Entire Stim Toy Collection for @stimtastic ‘s Giveaway!! i’ve been meaning to post pics of this for a lil while now, so what better reason !! i cant believe ive grown this whole collection in about 6 months. ((detailed description under the cut))
On the box:
glitter jars - a made these 4 glitter jars out of old jam gars, glitter glue, glitter and water. i carry the little ones with me to college. the big black one lives on my desk. shoutout to @a-tired-gay and @wandering-memories for making these with me
twist-and-lock-blocks - i somehow broke the first one i had (pictured next to the box), so i bought this second one for like 80p off amazon
fuzzy tangle - probably my favourite tangle !! its great for when i get overstimulated by hard plastic but still need to stim
scented vial - made it out of a little glass jar, some scrap cotton, and my perfume. idk how well the smell will last, but i also put little amethyst beads in it so it rattles nicely
On the floor:
mutant tangle jr - made from 2ish tangle jrs. a great 2 hand stim
tangle relax therapy - i love this one!! but its textured so i find it overstimulating depending on my mood
zipper bracelet - from @stimtastic. i keep this one in my volunteering uniform. i also mentally stim by replaying the action of it in my head 
spinner - i got the cheapest one i could find off amazon. would recommend: its a great visual sim, the weight feels rly good, and its so fun to shake while it’s spinning
tangle jr - this was my first tangle, but one of the green pieces broke so i put all the green in the mutant tangle, and replaced it with pink to make a trans pride tangle !!! lov my trans tangle its so pretty and !!
ARK kryptobite - the forest green one in XXT. very good its like pens so it stops me destroying pens, and is Great for when im sensory desperate nd Need to Bite
trapezoid chewy - from @stimtastic. my first chewie!! i love it, bc of the varying thicknesses in it. hard to chew w molars tho, and i managed to chew thru it in less than 2 weeks oops. chewing it is a nicer idle stim than the tougher Kryptobite. 
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kissmymongoose · 5 years
Got a piece of glass in my foot and didnt even notice until i heard it clink on the floor as i was walking. Oops. Its out now though. In other news, i saw a woman laying in the road yesterday. She had come down the hill, but didnt stop at the stop sign, she was on a bicycle and ran into the side of a car that was going straight, with no stop sign. So it wasnt the cars fault, but I hope the lady is okay. I'm pretty sure i know who it is, as theres a lady who isnt all there in the head, who rides her bike around and tries to sell pills and such. This would probably be the 9th or 10th time shes been hit by a car. She also tries to sue the people who are involved. However, this driver was not at fault, and i hope it wasnt some dumb scam to try to get some money. Luckily when me and Adon drove through, the lady was conscious, so bubba didnt flip out and think she was killed or something. She was responsive, and she stood up briefly, so I'm hoping shes okay. From what i heard, they had to cut her shirt off, because she couldnt move her arm, so thats more than likely broken, hopefully not shattered though. The car looked insane. There was a body and bicycle print in the side of it and the windsheild was cracked. 😱
I may be going to visit my aunt today. If so we are gonna go shop and eat, and drink some cocktails. Shes been in a low place lately, cause she has a lot going on right now. Hopefully she can wind down some today and relax a little. Shes been depressed, but shes not as depressed as she has been. Honestly, ive been a but depressed too. That's why i make myself do shit. Im not gonna have any mood change if i just sit here doing the same tedious thing day after day. Ive been going on walks a lot more lately, and ive been in the garden more, that has definitely helped with my mood. Seeing what you can create with little to nothing, is a truly rewarding feeling. My garden has come a long long way, and my uncle even complimented it lately. That made me feel really good about it. He grows a garden as well, and to have someone you look up to tell you youre doing a good job... Its really nice. He and i tall about plants all the time, and he gets just as excited as i do about it all. I love my uncle buttmonkey. Lol. Ill post my garden pics next. Not everything is done up there, but it is a work in progress. Plus i gotta get the topsoil and conpost to mix in a few beds, so theyll be ready to plant in a month. My warmer crops 💚 okra, peppers, tomatoes, tons of plants from the curcurbit family. All kinds of stuff! Sunflowers, nasturtiums, gourds, 💕💕💕 i really enjoy just thinking about it all!
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1-85 (;
I hate you lmao. 1. Are looks important in a relationship? No
2. Are relationships ever worth it? Yes
3. Are you a virgin? Nope
4. Are you in a relationship? Nope
5. Are you in love? Unfortunetely i am.
6. Are you single this year? I guess
7. Can you commit to one person? Yes.
8. Describe your crush. He’s got dark hair, and the most amazing smile ive ever seen in my entire life. And his lips are so nice. His eyes make me drift away every time i see them.
9. Describe your perfect mate. Honestly i cant
10. Do you believe in love at first sight? Sometimes.
11. Do you ever want to get married? Yeah eventually
12. Do you forgive betrayal? Rarely
13. Do you get jealous easily? Yes and its a huge problem
14. Do you have a crush on anyone? Well duh
15. Do you have any piercings? Yes, i have my ears, bellybutton, and conch.
16. Do you have any tattoos? Yeah one on my left wrist.
17. Do you like kissing in public? Actually yes
20. Do you shower every day? Just about.
21. Do you think someone has feelings for you? Idk anymore
22. Do you think someone is thinking about you right now? No
23. Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months and not cheat? Yes.
24. Do you think you’ll be married in 5 years? Probably not.
25. Do you want to be in a relationship this year? Yeah maybe
26. Has anyone told you they don’t want to ever lose you? Yeah but he didnt mean it
27. Has someone ever written a song or poem for you? Yes
28. Have you ever been cheated on? All the time
29. Have you ever cheated on someone? Onceand ill never do it again.
30. Have you ever considered plastic surgery? If so, what would you change about your body? Yes, my lips, and my weight.
31. Have you ever cried over a guy/girl? Both
32. Have you ever experienced unrequited love? Uhhh
33. Have you ever had sex with a man? Yeah
34. Have you ever had sex with a woman? Almost, half way ;)
35. Have you ever kissed someone older than you? Yes
36. Have you ever liked one of your best friends? Yes :/
37. Have you ever liked someone who your friends hated? Yeah
38. Have you ever liked someone you didn’t expect to? Yes absolutely
39. Have you ever wanted someone you couldn’t have? I do right now.
40. Have you ever written a song or poem for someone? Yeah
41. Have you had sex so far this year? Yeah
42. How long can you just kiss until your hands start to wander? Well i always like to be touching the othet person
43. How long was your longest relationship? 9 months
44. How many boyfriends/girlfriends have you had? A lot tbh for guys, ive dated 3 girls.
45. How many people did you kiss in 2011? Fuck if i know lol.
46. How many times did you have sex last year? Like 2
47. How old are you? Nunya
48. If the person you like says they like someone else, what would you say? To go for it
49. If you have a boyfriend/girlfriend, what is your favorite thing about him/her? Dont
50. If your first true love knocked on your door with apology and presents, would you accept?Hell no 51. Is there a boy/girl who you would do absolutely everything for? Yeah..
52. Is there anyone you’ve given up on? Why?Yeah because they broke me badly 53. Is there someone mad because you’re dating/talking to the person you are? No
54. Is there someone you will never forget? Yes. My best mate.
55. Share a relationship story. I loved him, he loved me, boom lost virginity, boom he cheated. Good story.
56. State 8 facts about your body. I have a birthmark on the back of my head. I have long legs. I have small ears. I have stretch marks. My left boob is bigger than my right. I have an innie belly button. I have two scars on my right hand from curling my hair and burning myself. I have blue eyes.
57. Things you want to say to an ex. Fuck you.
58. What are five ways to win your heart? Being funny, loving all of me, panda express, being comfortable with me, and being you.
59. What do you look like? (Post a picture!)Lol look at my profile pic im lazy. 60. What is the biggest age difference between you and any of your partners? Uhhh damn this gonna be weird. But like 8 years. Oops. Age doesn’t always matter to me.
61. What is the first thing you notice in someone? Their eyes.
62. What is the sexiest thing someone could ever do for/to you? Rent a hotel room, put red and pink rose petals all over the bed, light some candles, blindfold me and ;) boom. Cliche i know.
63. What is your definition of “having sex”?Well kids, its when a dick goes in a vagina or a mouth or for females, it involes some tongue action 64. What is your definition of cheating? Anything to do with another person someone likes really. Even saying they are cute.
65. What is your favourite foreplay routine? Tbh idek
66. What is your favourite roleplay? Uhh idk im lame
67. What is your idea of the perfect date? Honestly i dont even need money spent on me. Just relaxing at home cuddling watching scary movies and eating popcorn is amazing
68. What is your sexual orientation? Well, i go by bisexual but really pansexual i just hate explaining it all the time.
69. What turns you off? When someone is bragging about their self
70. What turns you on? Neck kisses, lip biting, spanking.
71. What was your kinkiest wet dream? I dont remember
72. What words do you like to hear during sex? “Fuck you’re tight” “damn babygirl” those are my fav ;)
73. What’s something sweet you’d like someone to do for you? Just to genuinely care about me
74. What’s the most superficial characteristic you look for? Idk
75. What’s the sweetest thing anyone’s ever done for you? Bought me some art stuff and flowers
76. What’s the sweetest thing you’ve ever done for someone? I gave them all my money so they could buy something for someone they cared about
77. What’s your opinion on age differences in relationships? It doesnt matter too much but there is a limit. A 15 year old should not be dating a 30 year old.
78. What’s your dirtiest secret? If i told you i would have to kill you
79. When was the last time you felt jealous? Why? Today, i cant have who she has.
80. When was the last time you told someone you loved them? Today.
81. Who are five people you find attractive? Uh im gonna do people i actually know. Cale, simon, dan, nicole, jaden.
82. Who is the last person you hugged? My mom
83. Who was your first kiss with? My ex when i was like 14
84. Why did your last relationship fail? He completely ignored me and ghosted me.
85. Would you ever date someone off of the Internet? I have and still would.
I really sucked at this
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