#ive interacted with lots of 'famous' people mostly musicians
maxellminidisc · 1 year
i’m here to ask about the zayn malik story
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LMAO thanks for asking
Ok so I was a 1D fan, I stanned Zayn Malik obviously, and at the time there was this inside joke between me and one of my closest friends about Zayn's unironic love of minions. So my url at the time was the cringiest shit imaginable.
And so like most stuff I get into, I made my own merch. I specifically made this cool hand painted custom jacket that had like a huge crown with racing flags on each side with zquad written in big letters above it. I posted it ON HERE and on here only, just to share it with fellow fans and I think it got like maybe 100-ish notes originally. That is until, like maybe a few hours later Zayn posts the pic of my jacket to all his socials and my shit BLOWS up.
Now what's hilarious is what my friend noticed. Originally when he/his team posted it, the caption was:
"Sick" Credit to: zaddyslilminion on tumblr*
and like maybe an hour after they posted it the credit was COMPLETELY gone. They kept credit for tons of other fan art and shit he'd liked enough to post previously but for some reason, presumably, my url was just much too fucking weird to keep me credited WIJSKSKEKDKSKSK
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