#ive only read the wiki and watched edits. but i am thinking about them very hard. love.
zarnzarn · 2 years
"Daki," Gyutaro says. Daki ignores him, scowling and continuing to struggle with her sashes- as soon as she gets the right fucking shade, she'll be done and can join him for the hunt, but she refuses to go looking like an absolute idiot.
"Daki," Gyutaro says again and Daki's temper snaps.
"What?" She whirls on him with a snarl, accidentally dropping her eye glamour in her irritation- her fury worsens as she realises she's going to have to sit and do it all over again. "What the fuck is so important that it can't wait five seconds, Gyutaro?"
He's unfazed by the teeth in his face as always, staring down at her silently until she recedes.
He holds out a bottle. "Here."
She grabs it from him with a squeal of delight, already appeased- Onii-chan only ever gets her the best and prettiest of things from wherever he goes. "Oooh, what is it? An ancient wine? Some new fancy skincare? Oh! A new lure for food."
"It's an elixir," Gyutaro says, thumping down next to her, looking amused. "Practically a legend- human fools think it doesn't exist at all."
Daki's eyes widen as she stares down at the bottle in her hand, maroon and turquoise and shining in the moonlight. "What does it do?"
"Supposed to make you beautiful," Gyutaro says lightly, and she smacks him.
"Am I not beautiful already?" She demands. "Are you calling me ugly?"
Ugly. The second the word slips out of her mouth, she flinches back, regretting it. Gyutaro looks away too, smile faltering and fading before it's hidden by his overgrown hair.
She- she hadn't meant it. She hadn't meant to say it, hadn't wanted to fling all the nasty, horrible things she remembered the citizens of Red Light using at him. Even while she'd being saying it, a part of her was screaming at herself to shut up, watching her brother's golden eyes fill with hurt, watching something in her brother sputter and die out as she lashed out.
Don't hold yourself so fucking low, she wanted to tell him, but the words were stuck in her throat. Don't you know I don't actually care about how you look? Don't you know you're the only thing in this world worth anything to me?
But those words were stuck down even further.
"You have it, then," Daki says instead, trying for blunt. "I'm already beautiful enough for any sane human to fall to their knees for me. But you could-" she looks over to him, voice faltering a bit. "You might like it," she says timidly, "Being pretty."
You might finally care about yourself; if only the slightest bit of how much I do, she thinks, but she can't say that at all.
Onii-chan snorts and her heart sinks- he's not going to have it.
"I'm not meant to be pretty, Daki," he says calmly, all warmth and fondness and love. "Go on, drink. It's good, I swear."
She opens her mouth to argue- she may have died at thirteen, but she's lived for hundreds, and she's not stupid. She heard her brother quietly offer that demon slayer their Upper Rank Six blood, for a fighting chance to keep his little sister safe.
Gyutaro raises an eyebrow and she sighs and swallows down the vial.
And immediately starts choking. She flies forward with the force of it, only not falling off the roof because strong hands close around her arms and pull her back.
But there's no panic in them, no urgency- and when she turns back, Daki's brother has no surprise on his face and she has one moment of pure fear.
"Onii-chan," she gasps out, even as Gyutaro picks her up easy as anything and takes off towards the forest. "What-"
"I shouldn't have taken you with me," Gyutaro says coldly and Daki's heart drops down to her numb feet, fire burning through her veins too painfully for her to respond. "Not when I made the deal, not every time after."
Daki screams into the night air, part pain, part terror at what she knows he's trying to do. They've known it ever since the first time they woke up in Limbo- him a demon and her human.
She never made a deal. She can still lose her demonhood.
Gyutaro laughs humorlessly, tears dripping onto Daki as she writhes uselessly in his grip. "I should never have been the one to raise you, either. Ugly, filthy thing like me- I shouldn't even have been allowed to touch you, let alone call you my sister."
She grapples for a hold on him even as he abruptly drops her to the forest floor. Daki pushes herself up on a trembling elbow, glaring up at her brother. He's wrong, he's fucking wrong.
"But you have a chance now," he murmurs, leaning down and rubbing a blackened fingernail and rough fingertips against her cheek, even as she screams, fangs falling out of her mouth. "You can go live, Ume. Go be who you were supposed to be, go find a handsome man to fall in love with you, go find a family who can support you the way a family should."
"You're my family!" Daki screams at him. "Onii-chan, you fucking promised! YOU SAID YOU'D NEVER LEAVE ME!"
"And I'm sorry, Ume, I didn't want to," Gyutaro whispers, knocking their foreheads together, uncaring of the poison spilling out of Daki's mouth onto his feet. "I really didn't. But it's better this way- now no one will hurt you ever again."
"YOU'RE HURTING ME RIGHT NOW," She screams, hysterical. She can feel her vision fading, her stature shrinking, the never-ending thirst for blood receding. "I'LL NEVER EVER EVER FORGIVE YOU IF YOU LEAVE ME, ONII-CHAN, NEVER!"
Gyutaro kisses the top of her head and gets to his feet. "Goodbye, Ume."
"I WON'T LET YOU WALK INTO HELL ALONE," She screams, clawing her hands into the ground and crawling forward towards him, even as her vision blurs out. "I'M NOT LETTING YOU GO, ONII-CHAN, YOU CANT LEAVE ME HERE!"
"Be happy," he says, ignoring her completely. "There's so much more to life than climbing up the ranks and pleasing some powerful asshole and spending all your time with your stupid older brother."
"I CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT YOU!" Daki sobs, digging her fingers into his legs tight enough that she's dragged along when he takes a step forward. "I NEED YOU, ONII-CHAN, PLEASE, PLEASE, DON'T GO WITHOUT ME!"
"I love you, Ume," Gyutaro says quietly. Gently, carefully, he pushes her back down and away, stepping out of reach and turning back to the darkness. "Be safe."
"ONII-CHAN!" Daki screeches into the night air- heartbroken, human, terrified, and losing her brother. "PLEASE! I LOVE YOU!"
But it's too late, too late, too late- she knows he's already gone and he hasn't heard her.
And for the first time in her entire life, Daki is completely and utterly alone.
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