#ive pulled out the rest of my monster from the other day bc idk how i could. get through this otherwise.
orcelito · 2 years
overwhelming exhaustion until im on the verge of despair 
manager meeting in 40 mins and i still have to do my notes
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nonasidesstuff · 4 years
Dimension au ficlet
note!!! this is part of my dimension hopper au! everything about it can be found on my blog under the tag #tss dimension hopper au
i wasnt planning on writing anything else so soon but. i wrote this in like 2 hours and now its 3 am. ive lost control of my life
also i just really wanted soft patton and janus
also also this is entirely unedited bc i wrote it in one sitting at 1 am so if you see any glaring mistakes please let me know!!
im tagging @greenninjagal-blog bc if i remember correctly you wanted to see more
if anyone else wants me to tag them in these then idk how fast they’ll be coming but i can certainly tag if you want me to!
Patton was tired.
He wasn’t sure what time it was but he knew it was after midnight. Patrol has been long and tiring lately, what with Iris having broken her leg last week and the rest of their group needing to adjust their schedules to fill in the time she would have been out.
He ran and leapt over a wide alley.
He’d taken all of the late night patrols for the past week to make it easier on their leader, Cherry. Iris’ injury had hit her the hardest. The two were very close, having joined the team at the same time and being the longest running magical girls on the current roster.
Patton stifled a yawn. He crossed the roof and hopped across another alley onto the next building.
Monster activity had been on the rise in their part of the country lately, enough for other teams to be relocated nearby in case the local teams got overwhelmed. It was concerning. All teams were on the lookout for anything that could be the cause.
Patton reached the end of the block and leapt down to the ground, stumbling on the landing. He crossed over to the next street and prepared to jump back up to the rooftops-
Patton stumbled again as he whipped around, trying to both see who called him and right himself without falling flat on his face. One of his teammates was on the roof of the building next door.
“Snap, what are you doing out so late?” he asked, puzzled. His tail started wagging at the sight of his teammate. “It’s not your day to patrol.”
Snapdragon frowned. “I’m here to tell you to stop. Your patrol was supposed to be over-“ he looked down at his watchless wrist “-three hours ago.”
“It’s fine. I can keep going.” as if to prove him wrong, Patton immediately had to hold back another yawn.
Snapdragon gave him a look of disbelief. “Right. And you haven’t been doing this every night? For the past week?” He retorted. “Is there some other fox-eared guy that I don’t know about?”
Patton huffed and crossed his arms, his tail stopping. “Could be. Maybe another group moved nearby.”
Snapdragon rolled his eyes and leapt down right next to Patton. He startled backwards, flailing his arms and tail around as he tried to catch his balance.
“See? You’re so tired you can’t even stand straight.”
“There’s nothing straight about me.”
A surprised snort of laughter and a little grin escaped Snapdragon before he managed to catch himself. Patton grinned at the reaction.
“Don’t think you can distract me with gay jokes. You need to go home and sleep.” He tugged gently on Patton’s ear. Patton hadn’t realized they were drooping from how tired he was.
“But I’m f-” his protest was cut off by another yawn, his ear flicking out of the scaled boy’s hand. “-ine! We need to find out where all these monsters are coming from!”
“Nope. Go to bed.”
“I’m fine.”
“No you’re not. You need sleep.”
“But I’m really fi-“
“Go. To. Bed. Bluebell.” Snapdragon punctuated each word with a clap.
The noise startled him, knocking a giggle loose at the sight of Snapdragon clapping aggressively at him. And once he started the giggles kept coming. His sheer exhaustion making everything ten times funnier than it should be.
Once the giggles died down some Snapdragon spoke again, a softness in his voice. “Seriously you’re exhausted. We’re worried about you.”
For the first time that night Patton really took stock of himself. His ears were droopy, his tail limp, his arms and legs shaking slightly from the strain of holding himself up for so long. “Oh. I guess I didn’t realize just how bad it got.” He said in realization. His ears folded backwards. “Sorry Snap.”
Snapdragon sighed. He grabbed Patton’s wrist and started gently pulling him down the street. “C’mon. I’ll walk you home.” He looked back at Patton with a stern face. “If you do this again I’m just going to knock you out. Then you’ll have to sleep.” There was a joking glint in his eyes.
“Okay okay you win!” Patton’s giggles started up again. “No more late night patrols.”
“Good.” Snapdragon said in relief, letting go of his wrist. “I’m holding you to that.”
They walked in companionable silence until they got to Patton’s house, Snapdragon leading the way and Patton trying not to fall asleep on his feet. They stopped on the street in front of his house.
“Thanks for knocking some sense into me.” Patton said quietly looking up at Snapdragon.
He smirked. “All in a day’s work. Someone has to keep you in line.”
Patton snorted and punched him lightly in the arm before walking away. “Yeah. Best friend privileges am I right?” He called over his shoulder. He paused at the door and looked back at the scaled boy. “Goodnight, Janus.”
Janus smiled warmly at him. “Goodnight, Patton. Take care of yourself.”
Patton grinned and went inside, collapsing on the couch and immediately passing out for the next 12 hours.
So! If you’re confused about the flower thing, magical girl animes tend to give their groups code names (sailor moon, mew strawberry, etc) and so i decided their team uses flowers!
the team members mentioned here don’t really have any big roles but i thought id give a little description
Cherry Blossom- leader- color: pink
Iris- second in command- color: purple- Cherry’s best friend
also i accept constructive criticism!!!!!! im new to writing so if you have any tips please let me know!!!!
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