scullysexual · 9 months
m | prompt 4 | this list | ao3 | @today-in-fic
Scully was irritable today, snapping at you over the most menial things. A lot of pent up energy with nowhere to direct itself other than at you so why not let some of that out? The sex was your idea and she hadn’t hesitated to drag you into the backseat of your car and ride out that energy in a forgotten parking lot. [Mulder and Scully have some car sex]
iv. Car Sex.
You shut your eyes, stuff your face against her chest, and try to focus on not coming too soon. But Jesus, it was difficult; the feeling of her sliding up and down, engulfing you in her wet heat only to lift off and let the cold air hit your skin. Three times you’ve threatened to blow so far and there was one rule: Do not come before her.
It was an unspoken rule but one you understood instantly. Scully was irritable today, snapping at you over the most menial things. A lot of pent up energy with nowhere to direct itself other than at you so why not let some of that out?
The sex was your idea and she hadn’t hesitated to drag you into the backseat of your car and ride out that energy in a forgotten parking lot.
So here you are now, trying not to come.
You feel a fourth lurch and grip her hips.
“Scully…” you warn but she cuts you off.
“Don’t you fucking dare, Mulder,” she says through gritted teeth and you don’t dare. Instead you try to focus on other things like how soft her skin feels beneath your face.
You move your lips downwards, kissing and nibbling your way around her tit, pulling the skin between your teeth and biting gently. She moans and you keep at it. Your end goal if very simple- get her to come and then you can come.
You continue your path around her flesh, getting closer and closer to the middle. You run your teeth over her nipple and she shudders above you, movement stalling momentarily. You pull the bud into your mouth and suck hard, fingers slipping between bodies and finding her clit. One bite and three circles later and she is coming, clenching around you hard, nails digging into your shoulders.
A fifth and final lurch and you’re coming too, finally, spilling into her as your body shakes.
Eyes still closed, your lay back against the headrest, breathing heavily. When you open them again, you meet her.
“Better?” you ask.
She smiles at you, tension-free.
“Much,” she answers. “Thank you.”
She climbs off you and starts to get redressed. You follow suit, stretching your aching knees.
You climb into the drivers seat and continue on your journey, the atmosphere considerably lighter.
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Not even close to the good part yet
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Technically this ~started in June as a jotting down of a mental note for a 5+1 oneshot. But it sat there as a blurb till October, where I filled in a paragraph of details. And then it sat again until November 21st when I started writing it in earnest and the 5+1 premise was abandoned and it became not so much a oneshot. Writing is so weird.
I don't outline. I don't do rough drafts. I edit as I go, and the story just unfolds as I write. Is this efficient? Nope. Does this result in quality writing? Ummmm. I mean. No? But I'm not trying to get published. It's just a relaxing (hahaha) hobby, and something I do to disengage my brain from stress. (Also to slake the burning need to read whatever cute/funny/hot/angsty/sad/ridiculous/"blorbo you're such an idiot" random stuff my brain conjures as I'm trying to fall asleep and the blorbos make their way to my brain stage.) Would I recommend this method to anyone? Absolutely not. Would I recommend writing? Absolutely. I thought for sure I would never ever create something worth reading, and yet...
I've got a folder chock full of stuff that will never ever see the light of day, and one fic I posted and then yeeted a few days later, but it's all gotten me to where I am now, which isn't like WOW, but it's passable, and likely will get posted. Once it's finished. Probably over winter break. Hopefully. But it's a long and angsty winding road.
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bellareneewrites · 11 months
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Join me!
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monicamayrie-blog · 7 years
The dreaded WordPress "CleanTalk" plugin and getting blocked from my own erotica site
The dreaded WordPress “CleanTalk” plugin and getting blocked from my own erotica site
Perhaps it’s rather ironic (or apt, as the case may be) that an erotica author such as myself should decide to use a plugin called “CleanTalk.” But it was touted as a major security and anti-spam champ for WordPress sites, so why not? Well. Today the free trial expired, I decided not to buy it, and was going to go in and just inactivate the plugin. But when I tried to access monicamayrie.com via…
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scullysexual · 8 months
fictober day 2 | m | this list | ao3 | @today-in-fic | @xffictober2023
Oh it would be so easy to slip the clothing that separates them down, for him to slide into her. To actually have sex felt like too much of a commitment, too big a step forward, she wanted it to be more than just a quick rut on the couch- as pathetic as that sounded. Besides this- the way he moves slowly against her core- to change this all of a sudden might mean they’ll both wake up and stop. [Mulder and Scully partake in some dry humping]
Day 2: Dry Humping.
The movie had ended ages ago, she was supposed to leave ages ago yet instead Scully finds herself laid back on the couch, limbs all tangled, a tongue down her throat and its owner laying on top of her.
She wasn’t going anywhere any time soon.
Mulder was hard. She could feel it even through the many layers of clothing. Even she was feeling the effects of their make-out session and the way he was grinding so perfectly against her centre.
Oh it would be so easy to slip the clothing that separates them down, for him to slide into her. To actually have sex felt like too much of a commitment, too big a step forward, she wanted it to be more than just a quick rut on the couch- as pathetic as that sounded. Besides this- the way he moves slowly against her core- to change this all of a sudden might mean they’ll both wake up and stop.
“Will you stay tonight?” he asks, his lips against hers. He asks her this every Friday. They’ll be no funny business, he sometimes adds. I’ll even sleep on the couch. And each time she has an excuse. I have to finish that report, or, My mother’s coming round. She was telling him the truth each time but none of those things stopped her from staying over necessarily.
“Yes,” she answers taking the chance. And maybe it was because enough time has passed, maybe it was the fact that they were responsible, mature adults who could spend the night simply existing next to each other. Or maybe it was the way he was grinding on her, the pressure and feeling making her brain all fuzzy that influences her answer.
“Oh my god,” he whispers in awe. His hands yank at her hips, pulling her even closer. Scully yelps which turns into a sigh and then a moan as he presses himself even harder against her. There was no ignoring what they were doing now, no pretending that they were simply kissing.
It happens all of a sudden. She feels the pressure building before she explodes, softly, almost like snowfall or very light rain. Her body stiffens and she clutches him a little closer, hanging on.
She just came, she thinks.
Mulder has also stiffened in her arms. This wasn’t supposed to happen, she was supposed to leave.
A hot redness creeps over her cheeks and neck.
“Um…” she says, lost for what to say, sitting up. Mulder moves automatically. She chances a look at his face and it seems to be one of shock.
“I’m sorry,” she says, feeling a sudden need to get out of here. With enough space cleared, she is able to stand and she begins heading towards his front door. “I’ll- I’ll see you on Monday.”
But she is gone before he can utter another word. Mortified and embarrassed for reasons she can’t explain she runs as far away from Mulder’s apartment as fast as she can.
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scullysexual · 8 months
fictober day 8 | e | this list | ao3 | @today-in-fic | @xffictober2023
“You want to come, don’t you? “Well I think you should beg for it.” Fuck… “Go on, be a good girl and beg me to let you come.” She won’t do it. She doesn’t want to do it. She clenches the sheets in her fists and grits her teeth, holding off her orgasm and wondering where the fuck this Mulder has come from all of sudden. He starts to slow down. “Maybe you don’t want to come after all…” [A new kink is discovered]
Day 8: Praise Kink.
A groan falls from Mulder’s lips.
“Fuck, Scully…” he says, gripping her by her ankle to yank her more forward on his dick. Scully lets out a yelp that turns into a moan as he strokes deeper on the next thrust in. “You feel so fucking good.”
Scully feels another surge of wetness at his words. Mulder seems to feel it too.
He hovers over her, fucking her in earnest now and Scully can do nothing but hold on for the ride. His lips get very close to her ear.
“You liked that, didn’t you?” he says his voice low. “Me telling you how good you feel.” Scully moans, a blush spreading across her body as she shuts her eyes tightly. The onslaught of pleasure threatens to rip through her body.
“You’re so wet, baby.” He pulls away, sitting back onto his knees and grabbing hold of her thighs. His eyes are glued to where he disappears between her legs.
“You look so fucking good taking my dick, Scully.”
He’s enjoying this, Scully thinks deliriously, she can see through her half-closed eyes that stupid grin across his face.
“You want to come, don’t you?”
She half moans a yes, feeling very close to the edge now.
“Well I think you should beg for it.” Fuck… “Go on, be a good girl and beg me to let you come.”
She won’t do it. She doesn’t want to do it. She clenches the sheets in her fists and grits her teeth, holding off her orgasm and wondering where the fuck this Mulder has come from all of sudden.
He starts to slow down. “Maybe you don’t want to come after all…”
It’s the feel of his dick pulling out of her that has her grabbing at whatever body part she can reach- which happens to be his wrist.
“No!” she cries, then. “Please…” is said in a much quieter voice.
Mulder thrusts back into her full and hard. Her head was swimming. He doesn’t move.
“Louder, Scully. Come on.”
She clenches around him but says no more.
Mulder sighs sadly. “Such a disappointment…”
“Please!” she is suddenly yelling- it even takes Mulder aback briefly. “Please let me come! I want to come! I want to be good!”
He’s back, thrusting in and out hard. In three pumps she is coming around him, the hardest she ever has.
“Shit, Scully!” Mulder yells, the domineering persona dropping as he reverts back to his normal self again. It isn’t long before he is dumping his load into her and falling beside her.
They lay side by side, breathing heavily for a moment. Eventually, Scully turns towards him.
“Was I a good girl?” Her voice is quiet, softer. It almost didn’t sound like hers.
Mulder opens his eyes, so much love and appreciation evident in them. He smiles softly.
“Yeah Scully, you were a good girl.”
Satisfied, Scully snuggles into his chest. Still riding her post-orgasmic high she falls asleep with a proud smile on her face.
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scullysexual · 9 months
I debated posting this. I am debating deleting this. This might be what my fictober is this year (actually, I think this is what the kids call kinktober) and I guess I'm starting it three days early? idfk. I'm following this list. Why I'm doing this...well I live in fear of writing smut so why not exposure therapy myself and do a whole entire month of writing smut? maybe. Anyway these fics are written to be vague as fuck as to what season or even universe these fics exist in so whatever floats your boat. For this one, since it deals with virginity loss, I wouldn't personally put it in the series but what do I know? I'm just a guy so you do you and read this however you like. Goodbye.
Also: second person mulder pov. if that's not your thing, don't read it.
Bye bye.
i. Virginity.
Her fingers are in your hair, pulling you impossibly close to her. Your senses are assaulted by the taste, smell, and feel of her. Those three things were nothing new, of course- you’ve found yourself in this situation many times- but each time you you’re shocked by just how good, how perfect, she feels.
What was supposed to be usual Friday Movie Night has turned into a make-out session. Not that that was so unusual, often times they did, only later. Tonight you hadn’t so far as put the movie in the VHS player before her lips are on yours and she’s pulling you down.
You try not to overthink it, this is as far as you got after all before she’d pull back, give you a shy smile, and leave you with an erection that you’d have no choice but to deal with. There was one time, however, when things got a little too carried away. You were 95% sure she orgasmed that night- her body suddenly stiffening and falling though you couldn’t be sure-sure, she had gone red, kissed you quickly, and left just as fast. It didn’t matter, you thought of that moment each time. You never got to that point again.
Tonight, though, she is grinding against your erection just like she had that night, even through the many layers of clothing that separates you, you can feel the heat radiating off her. You think you might get another night like that one, to finally get that confirmation that you have witnessed Scully coming.
She pulls away and your eyes fixate on the way her lips have swelled, hear the little sigh escape as she readjusts herself against you and you think you might just get it, if you don’t change the rhythm of your hips, if you don’t suddenly change anything then maybe she’ll stay in this space she’s in and maybe she’ll come again.
All your hopes and dreams are destroyed when she places two hands on your hips, pushing against them, forcing you to stop. You try not to show your disappointment as you go to move off her. That’s it, she’s leaving, you didn’t even get to watch the movie.
But then she’s staring at you, puzzled for a moment, and you’re unsure of what to do, of what she wants. She tugs the lower part of your body back down towards her and naturally your top half follows. Her mouth finds your ear and she whispers words you never thought you’d hear for years.
“I want it to be you.”
Your dick reacts faster than your brain can process the words, growing even harder as your brain catches up.
“I want you inside me.”
Her hands are running along the waistband of your sweatpants, waiting for your permission. You’ve never taken a girl’s virginity before and the thought makes your brain go fuzzy. What if you hurt her? What if you’re not what she was expecting? Grinding against her was safe, be even mistaken as accidental, but actually being inside her? You don’t even think you’d last long enough to pleasure her.
But she is looking at you with so much vulnerability, her hands slowing down. She taking your silence as a no and it is definitely not a no, you are just scared.
Actually, fucking terrified.
So naturally you say yes.
She is fully naked, laying on your bed.
Scully naked. On your bed.
You feel drunk. You feel clumsy. You feel completely overwhelmed, no idea where to start.
Scully tries to help, and by help you mean rush to the main advent too soon but you still her, pulling her hands from your hips and lacing them together, thumb soothing the tops of her hands. There’s an order to this, a way, you need to make sure she’s ready, you can’t hurt her. But where do you begin.
“Mulder…?” There’s that vulnerability in her eyes again.
Your eyes fall to her mouth. Her mouth! Safe and familiar. You start there, reaching down to press your lips against hers. It’s safe and familiar to Scully, too, and you briefly let her take over, to let her choose when to deepen the kiss, let it become more than just a chaste kiss.
When she starts to move her hips, however, you know it’s time to take back the control. You pull away, brush the hair from her face, and decide the only logical path is downwards.
Her neck, whilst not as familiar as her lips, wasn’t exactly new territory either. You’ve spent less time here but enough to remember where all her pleasure points where. You stay in this spot, procrastinate even, because after this it was all unexplored territory.
You can only stall long enough before she starts getting impatient. The third lift of her hips and you know it’s time to move on.
You don’t let yourself think. You don’t even let yourself come up for air, you travel downwards, pressing kisses to her skin, until you reach her breastbone. Halfway there, you think. You wonder how you should do this. Laying your head against her chest, you open your eyes and see your target in sight. You hold her side and let your thumb caress the soft skin. Above you, Scully let’s out a deep breath and it encourages you to venture upwards. Your hand now gently cupping her breast you swirl your forefinger once around her areola before swiping your thumb across her retracted nipple.
The action has her gasping, her body jerking once at the sensation. You do it again and once more, coaxing the nipple outwards.
Scully continues to gasp above you and, emboldened, you take her nipple between your thumb and forefinger and squeeze, not too hard, but enough to draw a louder sigh from her.
Once it has hardened to your satisfaction, you move onto its twin.
“It might not stay like that,” Scully says before you move on. She leans up on her elbows, looking down at her chest with a grim look. “They don’t usually…”
You look back to the nipple and see that it has already lost it’s peak. You smile reassuringly up at her, not offended by her inverted nipples at the slightest. Before moving on, you press a kiss straight on to it and a moan escapes from Scully.
“Do that again,” sighs Scully, falling back down.
You do it on the other, and more, you tease her nipple to a peak with your thumb then kiss and suck on it with your mouth. A gentle bite earns you a squeak and you can’t help but laugh. You watch as her blush floods her skin, flushing all the way down to her breasts; another curiosity satisfied. You have no idea why her body scared you so much.
You stay at her chest for a while longer, becoming as familiar with her breasts and her nipples as her lips are but then it is time to move on to the part that has your stomach twisting with fear the most.
You take the same approach as last time. You try not to think and kiss your way downwards. When you get to her just below her belly button you pause. God, you can smell her- humid and heady and you let it, for a second, go up to your brain. You lick your lips and wonder if she’d let you…
She nods her consent and you watch the way her chest heaves with anticipation. Your own breaths have deepened as you slip off the bed and gently pull her towards the edge. You’ve never done this before, even beyond Scully, it has been a long-standing curiosity. You just hope to whatever deity that you do not fuck it up.
You’ve barely began but already you could come. You both moan only your moan sends an unintended vibration through her body that has her thrashing on the bed and moaning again. Only the moan is your name and you shut your eyes, thrust your tongue in more to feel the hot rush against his tongue as you firmly repeat to yourself not to come over and over again.
Well, she definitely came that time, no doubt about it. You pull away, secretly savouring the taste of her that is still on your tongue and lips. Scully lays on the bed, that red flush almost covering her entire body, breathing heavily.
“Mulder, I’m sor—”
But your lips are against hers before she can finish and you wonder if she can taste herself, you hope she can.
“Don’t apologise,” you say once you’ve both pulled away. “That was amazing.”
She lets out a shy, little giggle.
“I still want you to…I think I’m ready now.”
“I know.” You’re ready too, you think.
You grab the condom that’s been waiting patiently on the bedside table and slip it on. You smile at Scully, one that she returns, and dip your fingers between her legs, coaxing her open. She is more than ready but this is the part you feared the most, the part that might possibly make or break your relationship. The only saving grace- she has no one to compare you to.
It takes all your strength but you slide in slowly and gently, your body shaking with strain as her walls stretch around you. You keep an eye on her expressions, looking out for any signs of discomfort. That discomfort comes when you’re half way inside her, you see a slight wince and stop immediately.
“Are you okay?” you ask her with strain.
She takes a moment but does eventually nod. “Just…slow…please,” she breaths out.
You readjust your weight, slowly, and begin an even slower descent in. You’ve barely moved before she lets out a sudden cry.
“That’s okay!” she squeaks out, her eyes tightly shut.
There’s sweat and hair in your eye but you stay still.
“Yeah, this is okay,” you say more to yourself than to her. “It’ll feel better once I start moving.” You’re not even sure if that’s true but you start to move anyway, slowly at first, testing the waters. You try not to go beyond those four inches, not wanting to ruin the moment when her winces of pain turn into moans of pleasure.
It seems she is no closer to coming then you feel a pull from your balls. You feel a momentary panic, a need to find out if she’s close to coming or not before you blow.
“Scully,” you say, near her ear. “Are you close? Do you wanna…?”
She shakes her head, fist clenching and unclenching. “It’s okay,” she finally says. “I had my turn before.”
Enough is said before you explode. Pleasure ripples through your body and your dick, never-ending. You fall onto her and only at the last second do you remember to roll away.
Scully sighs when you pull out of her, head rolling into your shoulder.
You both lay there in silence, the only sound is your deep breaths. The realisation of what you’ve done comes over you. You’re not sure what to do now. You need to remove this condom and probably get Scully a cloth or something but you don’t want to leave her in this state. Phoebe didn’t hold you the first time you had sex, or any time thereafter, she just got up and left. You remember how you felt each time: abandoned, used, unloved. You never ever wanted Scully to feel that way with you.
Her eyes are still closed though her breath has calmed considerably. She almost looks to be asleep. Maybe she is.
Gently, you stroke the side of her face. “Scully…?”
She hums her response. So not quite asleep, you think smiling.
“I’m just going to the bathroom. I’ll be right back.”
I’m not leaving you, is what you’re really saying.
She hums her response once more.
You don’t waste any time away from her. You dispose of the condom and grab a cloth, wetting it with warm water and heading back to the bed.
She’s curled in a ball, goosebumps covering her flesh. You pry her legs apart and wipe between them. She jumps at the contact.
“Shh…” you soothe, your free hand stroking through her hair. “It’s just me.” She grows still, relaxing and you finish cleaning her, throwing the cloth onto the bedside table to deal with later.
You get her and yourself beneath the covers and curl yourself around her, spooning her as she sleeps. You lace your hands together, press a kiss against the clump of freckles that dot her shoulder, and hope you lived up to her expectations.
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scullysexual · 8 months
fictober day 14 | e | this list | ao3 | @today-in-fic | @xffictober2023
It was an amazing way to wake up, to feel her mouth around his cock, as wet and as warm as her pussy is now. She’d wanted him to come in her mouth but Mulder had wanted to come in her and it was his birthday after all, shouldn’t he get what he wanted? [Scully squirts]
Day 14: Squirting.
Her gift to him is herself.
On a foggy morning midway through October he lies beneath her, buried so deep instead her it makes his head go wobbly. Rising above him, she slowly moves herself up and down on his length. Wet and so wonderfully warm, it threatens to drag him back to the comfort of sleep.
It was an amazing way to wake up, to feel her mouth around his cock, as wet and as warm as her pussy is now. She’d wanted him to come in her mouth but Mulder had wanted to come in her and it was his birthday after all, shouldn’t he get what he wanted?
His fingers find her clit and she moans loudly. She’s being extra loud this morning, Mulder notes and he lets it rile him up too.
He whispers how much he wants her to come, how much he wants to feel her clench around him so hard he might just break, he might even die and then, when she done, he tells her how hard he’ll pound into her once she’s putty underneath him.
Scully makes a little mewling sound, her fingernails digging into the skin of his shoulder as she finally clenches around him, too. There’s more, he realises, when she pulls herself off him and pools into his groin. His eyes widen as he watches her juices run down his dick, hardening some more at the sight.
“Fuck, Scully…” he whispers and he can only give what equates to a drunken smile before she falls beside him. Mulder touches his cock, rubbing her come all over it before he rolls himself on top of her and thrusts back into her.
She is so slick, so smooth, there is zero resistance as he slides in and out of her with perfect ease.
He comes, hard, inside her and collapses half on top of her. His brain all wiggly but he himself beyond happy, it is the best birthday ever.
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scullysexual · 8 months
fictober day 3 | m | this list | ao3 | @today-in-fic | @xffictober2023
But sometimes that caring and that gentleness could be stifling, sometimes she just wanted him to let go. [Scully wants to get tied up]
Day 3: Tied Up.
She doesn’t remember a time when he wasn’t gentle with her. Always caring, always looking out for her, putting her pleasure before his own. Even when he briefly lost control (if you could even call it that) he never did anything to hurt her and she loved him for it.
But sometimes that caring and that gentleness could be stifling, sometimes she just wanted him to let go.
And he did.
Her wrists are in agony. Her hands are pulled above her head, Mulder’s tight grasp wrapped around them, nails digging in. It hurt but in a good way. A very good way.
Scully liked the restraint, she liked the lack of control. When she tried to free her hands Mulder would only push on them harder, his hips slamming into her. It felt so good that even her orgasm is different- stronger, longer. She wanted that again. She wanted more.
He never did quite take her like that again. It was almost as if he’d realised just how harsh he’d been, they’re next sexual encounters were much more gentle in comparison. Scully knew that if she wanted to feel like that again, experience that again and more, she would have to be the one to bring it up.
“Mulder…?” she drawls, speaking slowly. They lay in the dark, spooned, happy and sated. “Are you still awake?”
It wasn’t much of an answer but at least it was a response.
“I wondered if I could ask you something?”
“Hmm…anything.” She feels a kiss against her shoulder, his breath shifting her hair.
“That other night…when you held my hands above my head…?”
She feels him tense behind her.
“Scully, I’m—” he starts to say, no hint of sleepiness in his voice now.
“No,” Scully cuts him off, reassuring him. “You didn’t…offend me. I suppose that’s the point.”
There’s a moments pause before he speaks again.
“What’s that point?” he asks.
She takes a deep breath then lets it out slowly. This is Mulder, there was nothing to be ashamed of.
“I liked it.” Despite herself she still speaks quietly. “I want that again,” she adds feeling brave. His hand clenches around her hip. “But I want you to use rope.”
Her heart beats a little faster as Mulder gives the ropes one last pull tight.
Being tied up in her bedroom on a Sunday night was never a place Dana Scully thought she’d find herself but here she was, exactly there. She feels herself flush.
“You definitely sure about this?” Mulder asks. He still leans over her.
“Yes Mulder,” Scully reassures him for the third time that night. “This was my idea. You don’t need to keep asking.”
He moves away from her but there’s still the look of unease in his eyes.
“What is it?” she asks, trying not to sound annoyed.
“It’s just…” He sighs then starts over. “I feel like you need a safe word.”
She looks at him confused. “What would I need a safe word for?”
“Sculleee,” he says, exasperated. “I don’t know if you’ve noticed but you’re all tied up. You can’t go anywhere.”
“Good. That’s the point. Mulder, if I want you to stop I’ll just say stop.”
“You want stop to be your safe word?”
There was only one way out of this conversation.
“If you say stop I’ll untie you as quick as I can.” He leans back over her, presses his lips to hers, and silences any argument that could come out of her which was fine by Scully. It was all perfunctory; she had no intention of stopping him.
His mouth makes its usual downwards path along her body, gently tickling her skin, taking some time to suck a nipple into his mouth and mull it over with his tongue. Scully wraps her fingers around the binds, using the rope as leverage to hold onto something, her hips moving to seek relief.
“You look really hot all tied up Scully,” he says, his head resting against her stomach, so close to where she wanted him.
Scully moans at his words, feeling herself become wetter. Mulder continues on right until his mouth is at her centre. Usually she’d hold onto him, let her fingers roam his hair while he ate her out. She was unable to do that and the thought makes her delirious.
His tongue touches her and there’s a sudden hot flash that explodes through her body. She tugs on the binds only resulting in them tightening even more. She moans louder.
“You’re so wet Scully,” Mulder says, pulling his mouth away and replacing his tongue with two fingers., spreading her open and pumping in and out of her hard.
The act has her seeing stars behind her eyes.
“If I’d known you’d get this wet, I’d have tied you up months ago,” Mulder is saying but she can’t be quite sure, the ringing in her ears getting louder and louder. She can feel herself approaching that peak, feels Mulder’s thumb rubbing back and forth across her clit, his encouraging words.
She explodes. And she forgets about the ropes.
She goes to reach forward, to grab hold of him and pull him to her but the ropes hold her back, snapping her arms back down. Her comes a second time immediately.
“Whoa, Scully!” Mulder yells. He’s pulled away from her now, is rooting somewhere away. Scully’s eyes remain closed, tongue running across her dry lips as she breathes heavily in and out, fingers flexing and unflexing around the binds.
The bed dips, Mulder has returned. There’s the sound of a faint buzz and then it is pressed against her centre.
Scully springs to life at the vibrations. They’re only on low, nothing that would overwhelm her or push her over the edge. She supposes it could be quite nice if her body wasn’t already overstimulated from two back to back orgasms in less than a second.
He pushes the vibrator inside her where the feeling intensifies. Scully moans.
“How’s that?” Mulder asks in a quiet voice.
“Good…” Scully half moans.
Mulder chuckles slightly then makes his way to the top of the bed. He brushes the hair from the side of her face, sticky with perspiration and runs his finger lightly across her cheek. Scully opens her eyes and sees Mulder’s hard cock. Her hands ache to touch it.
“Not too intense?” he asks, still talking about the vibrations.
She shakes her head.
He grabs hold of his cock and places it against her lips as an invitation. Scully opens her mouth, running her lips down the side of it before turning her head and taking him into her mouth.
“Fuck, Scully…” he breaths, his eyes closing.
The angle doesn’t give her much room to suck. The angle doesn’t give her much room for anything.
Mulder braces himself on her headboard, thrusting his hips back and forward as the head of his cock hits the inside of her cheek. The vibrations are still rippling through her body and Scully sees the remote that sits clutched in Mulder’s hand, his thumb over the button.
The vibrations increase. She moans around his dick. The vibrations increase some more. She tries to get the vibrator to go in deeper.
She wants him to move, to straddle her so she can take his dick properly but before she gets her chance to signal her desire he takes his cock out of her mouth, shuts the vibrator off, and moves it from her. He chucks it and the remote somewhere to the side and climbs over her. He lines himself up then pushes all the way in with one thrust.
Scully moans once more. Mulder grips her hips, pulls all the way out, waits a second, then pushes all the way in again. It’s slow and hard, he keeps this up a few more times before switching to a quicker pumps.
Her wrists and arms were starting to ache from being tied up for so long but she wasn’t ready for this to stop just yet.
“You think you can come again?” Mulder asks through gritted teeth.
“Touch my clit and we’ll find out.”
Mulder doesn’t wait, his fingers find her clit instantly and begins worrying the bud in little clockwise circles. Scully feels herself clenching hard around him before her orgasm explodes. Mulder follows her soon after.
They lie there for a while, breathing heavily. Scully notices the ache again.
He looks at her for a few seconds before immediately springing into action. He pulls at the ropes, untying them, and throwing them off to the side. He gently takes her arms, inspects her wrists. A little red but nothing too severe. He kisses the red marks, soothing it.
“Thank you for that,” Scully says, feeling full of love.
“Don’t mention it,” he says back. “That was fun.”
“Really, really fun.”
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scullysexual · 9 months
previous fic | m | prompt 2 | this list | ao3 | @today-in-fic
Nothing beat being able to look and touch and kiss her entire body, to have uncovered access to any part you wished at any time. And maybe it was selfish but you wanted that access again. [Mulder shows Scully how perfect she is]
ii. Body Worship.
You were getting good at this whole sex thing. Friday Movie Nights had become sleep over days- the one day of the week were sex was always guaranteed. You learnt new things about each other and about yourselves. For the first time you felt confident, it was an equal partnership, you made a point to look after her afterwards and in turn you found it comforted you; being able to wrap your arms around her and hold her as she held you was almost better than the sex itself- almost.
You didn’t think there were any issues. You certainly had no problems when it came to her body; you couldn’t wait to peel her clothes off like a child excited to open their Christmas presents but when she insisted on keeping her (your) t-shirt on, when lights were off more than they were on, when the cover stayed over you, that’s when you began to notice there was something wrong.
“I just don’t like how I look sometimes,” she admits when you finally bring it up. Laying the dark, Scully the little spoon in front of you, she found it easier to admit things.
“Sculleee…” you say in surprise, not expecting that to be the issue. You definitely had no issues with her body- it packed a lot of good stuff in nothing taller than 5’2 yet you don’t push it. She wasn’t exactly what you’d call fickle but one unintentionally wrong thing said and it would be a while before you even got back to were you are now.
It still ate at you, though. What were you seeing that she couldn’t? Was it you, you suddenly think. Have you made her feel insecure about her body? You try to wrack your brain to the past few weeks. Just a month ago you discovered her talent for blowjobs and since then have reaped the benefit of receiving at least one every week. Thinking back on it all, she seemed more focus on your pleasure than her own. In fact, whenever you’ve tried to take back control, to return the favour, she just pushed you down, shoving you inside her before you could say anything. At the time, it was an complete turn-on, now you’re thinking there was something hidden.
Your decision is made: Friday you are making it about her. All clothes will be off, no covers will be available, and there’ll be some light at the very least. He’ll show her what he sees.
In many ways, it’s much like your first time together. You worshipped her body then, allowing yourself to get hard off of the pleasure you gave her. Her blowjobs were incredible but nothing beat being able to look and touch and kiss her entire body, to have uncovered access to any part you wished at any time. And maybe it was selfish but you wanted that access again.
When she arrives at your apartment on Friday night there is no movie insight.
“Mulder?” Scully asks, looking confused.
You shush her, invading her space as soon as, leaning down to kiss her. It’s slow and languid, you take charge kissing her as slowly or as rough as you like. When you pull away, she chases after you but you stop her.
“I want to show you something,” you tell her and grab her hand, leading her to the bedroom.
There’s a full length mirror in the corner of your room- you bought it because of Scully actually, because she said it’s good to have one. You didn’t use it much but tonight it was going to have its uses.
“Mulder, what’s this about?” Scully asks.
“Do you trust me?”
“Of course I do.”
You pull her towards where you stand by the mirror, kissing her again.
“I don’t want you to hide,” you say against her lips. Your hands skim the bottom of her t-shirt, gripping the hem and pulling it upwards. “Not from me.”
“Mulder…” You silence her with another kiss, slipping your tongue in her mouth as you continue to venture her shirt upwards.
This was the easy part. While kissing you, she could focus on you. You were able to pull away- just one more article of clothing to go- and then she would be exposed, pulled out of her comfort zone. Multiple times she tried to reach for your clothing and each time you backed away. Eventually she let out a frustrated sigh.
“Mulder, what are you doing?”
At that moment you pull her, now fully naked, in front of the mirror. She blushes, tries to look away, run away, but you stand firmly behind her, keeping her in place.
“Don’t hide,” you say again. “Just look.” Your hand moves up and down her arm rhythmically, meaning to soothe her. “I want you to see what I see.” And what did you see exactly?
“You’ve got nothing to be ashamed of.” You kiss her shoulder, the smattering of freckles you’ve come to know so well. “Your perfect,” you whisper into her ear.
She does look then, her eyes staring at her naked reflection. Your goal is achieved, the look she has isn’t one of repulsion but instead acceptance and that’s enough.
“Come on,” you say, taking her hand and leading her away from the mirror and towards the bed.
“Are you not going to get undressed?”
You smile. “Not just yet. You come first.”
You gently push her to sit down, then another gentle push to lay her down. You manoeuvre her in a way that you know is comfortable for you both and then spend the next hour, 3 hours, 3 years making love to every part of her body, appreciating every perfect imperfection only she seems to see until her head is so full of your unwavering attention that none of her seems so imperfect anymore.
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scullysexual · 8 months
fictober day 4 | e | this list | ao3 | @today-in-fic | @xffictober2023
“Do you have a preference?” you ask her. “What?” You point at the drawer. “Toy- do you have a preference.” “Oh.” You catch the way she blushes. “Um…I guess I like the wand?” That sits near the front and you grab it. “And I like the one you bought me.” That you knew instantly- it was blue and a near replica of you. This was going to be fun. [Mulder and Scully use some sex toys]
Day 4: Sex Toys.
That top drawer has always held a particular interest for you. During the times you’ve poked around in there, you’ve always thought about getting her off using only her toys but sex at Scully’s was rare- only serving as a practical location if she had the things they needed for whatever they planned and he didn’t.
However, tonight you find yourself here by luck. It was closer to that bar you’d found yourselves in and it was her suggestion and you weren’t going to pass up an opportunity to stay at Scully’s.
“Mulder, will you get in the bed now please?” Scully asks for the second time.
“In a minute.” You scan the collection in the drawer, some you recognise because you bought them or you’ve already used them, some completely foreign and downright confuse you.
You’re overwhelmed to say the least, unsure which one to choose.
“Do you have a preference?” you ask her.
You point at the drawer. “Toy- do you have a preference.”
“Oh.” You catch the way she blushes. “Um…I guess I like the wand?” That sits near the front and you grab it. “And I like the one you bought me.” That you knew instantly- it was blue and a near replica of you. This was going to be fun.
Holding both items, you make your way back towards the bed.
“What’s this about?” Scully asks, eyeing you curiously.
“I want you make you come with these,” you say. You situate yourself between her legs, grabbing one and pulling her towards you. Scully yelps.
“And what about you?”
You smile. “Don’t you worry about me.”
The vibrator buzzes to life at the press of a button. You start off gentle, placing it between her legs atop her underwear. Soft sighs escape her lips. The material dampens and you feel yourself getting hard, watching as her body reacts.
You push her underwear aside and take the vibrator up a notch, pressing it to her bare flesh. Your name half a moan, half a word as she begins to gyrate her hips. You turn it up some more, watching gleefully as her orgasm approaches, the telltale signs of coming as she seems to lose control momentarily before stiffening and coming.
You don’t think you’ll ever tire of watching her.
The vibrations slow down as she rides the rest of her orgasm out until you switch it off fully and throw the wand to the side.
“I can see why you like it,” you say, throwing yourself over her and kissing her. Your fingers slide into her pussy, rubbing her wetness all around as your tongue plays with hers.
You pull away, wiping your fingers on her thigh and tug at her underwear pulling the material down. You throw them off the bed then reach for that blue dildo.
“I want you to get yourself off with this,” you say quietly.
“Mulder, I already came once. What about—”
“This is for me,” you cut her off. “Please. I want to watch.”
Your transported back to that phone call, only hearing her sighs and her moans. Your imagination works wonders during that call but you always wanted to see it in person.
“Please Scully,” you plead again.
She gives in with no more argument, pulling herself up from the bed. You switch places- you settling yourself back against the pillows, getting ready for the show.
You try to resist the urge to touch yourself but all you can think about as you watch her slide down the toy is how wonderful she feels. Your palm wraps around your dick, pumping slowly as your eyes stay glued to her pussy, your hand is a poor substitute, you know.
The both of you stay like that, watching the other. You watch her as she rides up and down, your hand sliding up and down in time with her movements. Her head is thrown back, tongue licking her lips. Your filled with the urge to feel those lips around your cock.
You move up onto your knees, gently reaching for her and bringing her head forward. Scully’s eyes open, pupils dark and almost dilated.
“Can you—”
Need you say more, she understands you completely. She leans forward, lips level with your cock, her mouth closing around.
Your eyes close as you grip her hair, carefully, listening to the sounds of wetness- her wet mouth, her wet cunt. You open your eyes and peak over, watching as a blur of blue disappears and appears. It sends a lurch from your balls and into your dick. You’re going to come, you think.
“Scully, I’m—” You’ve never come in her mouth before, this was new. You weren’t sure if you were allowed.
But she’s humming, taking you deeper, humming her approval. She wants you to come in her mouth, you think.
And it’s that thought that sends you over. You hit somewhere at the back of her throat, spurting down. You feel exhausted, collapsing the moment she takes you from her mouth.
Through a daze, you watch as Scully climbs off the dildo, breathing heavily.
“Did you come?” you think to ask.
She gives you a small smile. “Oh yeah,” she answers. “I came.”
Good, you think, your eyes closing as she disappears off into the bathroom.
“So did I!” you yell for whatever reason.
“I’m well aware,” she says back and you can hear the laughter in her voice.
A stupid grin falls across your face, you fall deeper into the pillows, your eyes closing, your last thoughts of Scully and that blue dildo.
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scullysexual · 8 months
fictober day 15 | m | this list | ao3 | @today-in-fic | @xffictober2023
“Well then, if we’re gonna do this…” His hands find her hips and he slowly rolls them so Scully is on her back and he is on top. Scully smiles as Mulder’s hips come to rest in the valley on her thighs, her arms and legs hooking around him. “You’re gonna have to be quiet.” His lips find her neck, touching at the sweet spots that make her gasp. “Very, very quiet.” [Mulder and Scully aren't as quiet as they think]
Day 15: Public Sex.
Early morning sun has just began to crack through the curtains. Mulder wakes to the feel of a warm hand lazily sliding up and down his length and Scully cuddling closer.
A smile breaks across his face as he shifts towards her. His eyes open to the pale sunlit room of The Lone Gunmen’s living room and three bodies sleeping soundly a few feet away from them.
Scully moves, her hand unfortunately leaving his dick as she half lays/half straddles him. Realising he must be awake now, her lips find his, kissing him. Mulder lets her, revelling in the feel of her against him, how his cock rubs against her bare thigh but they’re also not alone this morning and he wonders if Scully remembered that.
He, unfortunately, pulls away.
“Good morning,” he says with a grin, his voice croaky from sleep.
She smiles softly down at him. “Good morning.” Scully moves up kiss him again but he stops her with a finger to her lips. At her confused look he cocks his head to where the others sleep. Scully follows his look though she appears undeterred. The sight of company isn’t the surprised revelation he thought it might be.
“Are you sure about this?”
Scully nods.
Mulder had to admit the idea of it did turn him on just a little bit.
“Well then, if we’re gonna do this…” His hands find her hips and he slowly rolls them so Scully is on her back and he is on top. Scully smiles as Mulder’s hips come to rest in the valley on her thighs, her arms and legs hooking around him. “You’re gonna have to be quiet.” His lips find her neck, touching at the sweet spots that make her gasp.
It does make her gasp. Somebody from the other side of the room grunts and they both freeze, looking over in the direction of the noise. When all is clear, Scully bites her lip. Mulder grins again.
“Very, very quiet.” He leans above her, reaching down to move various articles of clothing out the way. He hovers just near her entrance, ready. “Think you can do that?”
At her second nod he pushes in.
A woman sighs and a man grunts.
At first Byers thinks it’s just normal sleep sounds until he hears it again. There’s also the accompanying sound of rustling.
He rolls over, fighting to fall back asleep, on that cusp of awake and sleeping when he hears it. That same woman’s voicing sighing Mulder.
“Fuck, Scully…” comes the unmistakable voice of Mulder. Then. “Shh, you said you’d be quiet.”
“I am being quiet,” is half moaned.
Byers lays there unmoving. If he listens he can hear wet noises…?
He freezes, everything falling into place and shuts his eyes as tight as he can willing himself to go back to sleep. However, this realisation has him wide awake when the last thing he wants is to listen to his friend and his friend’s girlfriend having sex.
Having sex…That’s what they were doing. Byer’s grows hot with embarrassment, telling himself to go to sleep, go to sleep, trying everything not to picture it and failing miserably.
The cacophony of noises are sounding faster, slightly more louder. Byers definitely does not want to listen to them orgasm. His eyes shut tighter and he clenches his fist. Does he cough and alert them to his potential presence? He doesn’t want to seem like a creep for listening but coughing is normal sleeping stuff, he’s far enough away from them to still think he was asleep.
There wasn’t a lot of time left. Shit, what does he do?
He doesn’t want to hear them orgasm but he also doesn’t want to ruin it. He maybe has about 10 seconds to decide before—
His decision is made for him when Frohike lets out a huge fart.
Thank god, Byers thinks before quickly burying his head beneath his sleeping bag. Now maybe he can go back to sleep and forget the whole thing.
There’s the sounds of heavy breathing, then.
“Did you just come to Frohike farting?” Mulder asks.
“Absolutely not.”
A zipper is pulled apart.
“Come on,” says Mulder.
“Where are we going?”
“Bathroom. Now!”
Byers stays completely still as he hears their feet patter off towards the bathroom. When he hears the door quietly close he lets out a breath, his whole body relaxing. As he falls back to sleep, he tries desperately hard to forget everything he just experienced.
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scullysexual · 9 months
previous fic | e | prompt 3 | this list | ao3 | @today-in-fic
“Scully…what are your thoughts on double penetration?” She licks her lips before she answers, thinking. It could be hot but it could also be painful, there wasn’t exactly a lot of her. But Mulder would never hurt her, not intentionally. And while she has no experience with this he seemed to have some. He’d look after her. She can trust him. “Okay…” she says, still sounding unsure. “Just okay?” He wants her to be sure. She is sure. “We’ll do it.” [Mulder and Scully try double penetration]
iii. Double Penetration.
A You got mail! sign pops up on his screen while he attempts to finish this report. Anything for a distraction, Mulder drags his cursor over to it and clicks on it. The email is simple, the email address non-descript, it could almost be mistaken as a scam email or even an email sent to the wrong person if Mulder wasn’t so familiar with this address or these types of emails.
I’m staying in town for a few months, it reads. In a few weeks I’ll have some time off. Meet me then- A.
One could go back through his emails and find countless messages that are similar to this one and each one ended the same way. The fact that Alex Krycek could click his fingers and Mulder would always be there despite his protests made him hate himself.
But that was before. That dark time between ending it with Phoebe and meeting someone else, someone who showed him he didn’t need to chase a carrot on a stick anymore. Mulder’s answer is simple.
I have a girlfriend now.
And Alex’s response is quick.
Okay. Bring her along too.
Mulder doesn’t reply.
He is quieter than usual. No less attentive to her but whatever is distracting him is now distracting her, and she can’t come if she’s distracted.
“Mulder, what’s wrong?” she asks, gently pulling on his hair to lift him up from where his face lays between her legs.
“It’s nothing...” he begins then seems to think better of it. He sighs, laying his head against her thigh and doesn’t look at her. “Scully…what are your thoughts on double penetration?”
She doesn’t class herself as a prude, she is fine to explore and try new things when it comes to sex but his question has a hot flush spreading quickly down her body, her voice suddenly stuck in her throat.
“I…I don’t know. I’ve…I’ve never tried it,” she chokes out. “Um…Have you?”
Sudden images of Mulder in different positions, with different people, and different objects floods her mind. Her pussy pulses slightly at the thought and she shifts her hips.
He smiles, squeezing her other thigh. “A couple times, yeah. She, uh…she liked it so, you know…”
Scully nods. “Why- why do you ask?”
Mulder’s eyes widen as if searching for an answer.
“I don’t know…I guess, curiosity?” He shrugs, beginning to sit up but stays kneeling between her legs. She can see his dick now, hard. He laces his fingers through hers. “Would you…would you like to try it sometime? We can take it slow and- and if it’s done right it can be good for you.”
She thinks it over.
“How good?”
Mulder smiles, as if recalling a good memory.
“Really, really good.”
Her eyes fall to his cock again. Sometimes she struggles to take one Mulder let alone two…And then a panic grips her and her eyes dart up suddenly.
“We can keep it just me and you, right? We don’t need to find a third person, do we?”
He shakes his head. “We don’t need to involve anyone else- not yet anyway. But if we do this, we do it at yours. You have the tools.”
Scully wonders just what he could be going on about. Then it dawns on her.
Mulder chuckles. “So...” he says. “What’s your answer?”
She licks her lips before she answers, thinking. It could be hot but it could also be painful, there wasn’t exactly a lot of her.
But Mulder would never hurt her, not intentionally. And while she has no experience with this he seemed to have some. He’d look after her. She can trust him.
“Okay…” she says, still sounding unsure.
“Just okay?”
He wants her to be sure. She is sure.
“We’ll do it.”
She feels his cock grow harder as he leans down to kiss her.
Sex at Scully’s was a rarity. Mulder’s was closer, more convenient, this whole thing had started at Mulder’s. Besides, Scully liked being surrounded by Mulder things, Mulder’s scent. With him at hers, all she could focus on was things she forgot to do- like wash that mug this morning or move the pile of laundry that had started piling up.
“You good?” Mulder asks, drawing her attention away from said laundry pile. He knows she’s distracted.
She smiles. “Yeah,” she says and brushes that annoying lock of hair away from his face. “I’m just nervous, I think.”
He smiles back and kisses her sweetly. “Don’t be.” He starts trailing more kisses down her naked body. “It’s just me.”
Scully nods, remembering that. Her finger stroke through his hair, grounding herself as he makes a path downwards.
“I’m gonna make sure you’re ready, okay.”
Scully nods again.
“You’re allowed to come so don’t hold back.”
The first touch of his mouth on her as her back arching slightly and a sigh escaping her lips.
“I didn’t know I needed your permission,” she says as her eyes close and she lets herself feel, anticipating what was to come.
His chuckle sends a vibration up through her body, her inner muscles throbbing as his tongue strokes its way around, gently building her up.
She does wonder, briefly, if this is what he would do to Her. Was he as gentle and caring with Phoebe as he is to Scully? And if so, how could Phoebe never return the favour. Not for the first time does Scully find herself burning up with anger at Phoebe’s past actions.
All that fades, however, when Mulder begins gently sucking on her clit, his fingers now joining his mouth as he pries her open. The pressure starts to build and her hips start to move, matching his fingers that thrust in and out of her. She can hear him talking, encouraging her, but it all becomes white noise as she falls over the edge, fireworks exploding behind her eyes.
Mulder’s pace slows as she rides it out. When she’s finished he sucks his fingers clean and rejoins her at the top of the bed. Scully feels drowsy, the afterglow of orgasm drifting over her like a blanket.
“You okay?” Mulder whispers.
Scully nods. “I just need a minute.”
He kisses her gently. “Take your time.”
She fights to keep her eyes open, her hand reaching over to grasp Mulder’s dick. If she can focus on him for a bit she might just stay awake.
But Mulder has other ideas. He pulls away before she can properly touch him and Scully looks up in confusion.
“I need to be hard-hard if this is gonna work,” he says, his finger beginning to play with her hair and now he’s done it. Her eyes droop, his ministrations threatening to send her to sleep.
“We don’t need to carry on if you’re tired,” he says, his hand still in her hair. “You can sleep.”
As tempting as that was the night still wasn’t over. They had come to do one thing and they were doing it.
She playfully wracks his hand out of his hair and shakes her head.
“No, it’s okay,” she says, opening her eyes (though with difficulty) again. “I’m ready.”
“Only you can be sure,” he says more to himself. He leans over to plant another kiss against her lips before moving off her bed. She follows him, watching as he confidently makes his way to her chest of drawers, pulling open the top drawer like he’s done this countless of times. Just how did he know where to look, she didn’t remember telling him.
Awakened now, Scully leans up on her elbow and asks that question.
“Uh...” Mulder stumbles. “That night you asked me to grab you some pyjamas- I opened this drawer first and well…”
Scully rolls her eyes, unoffended, and flops back down onto the bed. She sees him pull out something blue and her eyes widen in panic.
“Not that one!” she pretty much shouts.
“Uh…okay?” Mulder says uncertain, dropping the offending item back into the drawer.
They had three weeks away from each other and as a leaving present, Mulder bought her a dildo. Blue- his size and girth- it was fantastic but the idea of having two Mulder sized dicks in there at once terrified her, not to mention, she didn’t think she could do it. There was another, however.
“There should be a pink one,” she says and Mulder instantly starts looking. “Towards the back,” she guides. “I don’t really use it anymore…” she adds shyly. And why should she? She has a better, more accurate one now.
Mulder finds the prize and brings it- and the bottle of lube- back over to the bed.
“This is tiny,” he says, sitting down and looking at it. “Do you use this?”
“Not anymore, that’s why it was at the back.”
Mulder chuckles but it dies when he sees the look on Scully’s face. Nerves. She was feeling nervous; her eyes darting from the dildo to his cock and back again.
“Hey,” he says, drawing her attention back to him. “We’re still taking it slow.”
Scully nods. Of course they are and it’s Mulder, she has nothing to be worried about.
She lays back down, the activities starting again once more. Mulder drags his fingers between her legs, her wetness from earlier still present. Removing his hand, he squirts the lube into it then, with what could come with practice, gives her little pink dildo an impressive handjob. Scully’s eyebrow shoots up and he laughs self-consciously.
“I’ll tell you later,” he says.
Satisfied the silicon isn’t going to hurt her, he pushes it up into her.
“We’ll start with this okay,” he says.
She nods, biting her lip as he begins to move it in and out of her.
“Can I come again?” she quickly asks.
“Of course you can. You can come as many times as you like.”
“Thank you,” she says though why she’s thanking him she has no idea.
Between the lube and her own wetness there is little resistance. Mulder keeps up a steady pace and Scully’s mind starts to wander about what will happen next, when he and the dildo are both inside her. The thought makes her brain so fuzzy and when he touches her clit as he pumps in and out she feels the telltale signs that she’s about to come- the drop in her stomach and her muscles clamping around the silicon. She feels herself come impossibly more wet as the slippiness causes Mulder to lose control and the dildo slips out of her.
“Fuck, Scully…” Mulder cries, unable to restrain himself watching her come. He sucks in a breath, moving to straddle her. “I thought I was going to come just by watching you.” He leans over her, kissing her again, much harder than he has done all night. “I can’t wait for this.”
Scully can only half hum/half moan her response as her body shakes with little tremors. She’s so wet, so turned-on, that she’s 100% sure she’s leaking onto her sheets.
More laundry to add to the pile, she thinks deliriously.
“Um, Scully?”
“I think I’m gonna need you to do the dildo part.”
Her arm is like lead as she moves it between her legs, grabbing hold of the silicon and pushing it against her. She lets out a loud moan, her over-sensitised muscles protesting but she ignores it.
“Scully?” Mulder’s voice sounds again.
“I think your arm is in the way.” Scully let’s out another moan. “Um…I’m gonna move you, okay?”
She’s too far gone to be of much help but he manages to get her turned around and on her knees eventually. He moulds her into the position he wants, her hand now underneath her body, just holding onto the base of the dildo. He pushes her down onto and she moans again.
He holds her hips and leans above her, his mouth in line with her ear.
“It’s my turn now, okay,” he says and she nods against him.
Her hand clenches around the headpost, moaning loudly as the head of Mulder’s cock pushes into her. She feels the stretch and the slight ounce of pain, it wakes her up, eyes snapping open as his name falls out of her mouth. She felt insanely full.
“Mulder…” she cries.
“I’m here.” His hand clenches around her hip. “Just breathe, Scully.” She does so. “I’m going to move in a minute. If you want this to feel good I’d recommend when I thrust in you pull the dildo out.”
“Yeah?” she asks with a shaky breath.
“Yeah, trust me.”
He pulls back and Scully sighs. Just before he thrusts back in, he speaks again.
“Remember to pull it out, Scully.”
He pushes into her and Scully only just pulls the dildo out of her. She comes immediately, moaning non-stop as her muscles clench around him, pulling him in deeper.
“Shit, Scully!” he cries out as spurts into her.
Her brain has turned to mush again as she falls against the mattress, the dildo forgotten somewhere beneath her. Distantly, she can still feel Mulder rutting against her before her world goes black and there’s nothing else.
He spends the next 10 minutes in what feels like a haze. Scully has gone, wiped out beside him, and Mulder lays next to her, breathing heavily.
Something digs into his back and he reaches underneath him, grasping something warm and wet.
Scully’s dildo.
The stickiness beneath his hand reminds him of the mess that is no doubt accumulating beneath her. He picks himself up from the bed and heads to her bathroom. He starts the clean-up routine; washes his dick of their combined messes, sanitises the dildo with some unscented soap, and brings it and a washcloth back into the bedroom. He puts the dildo (and lube) back into the top drawer and pries Scully’s legs open, gently touching the cloth to the space between.
She startles at the contact but relaxes once more when she realises who it is and what he’s doing.
“That was amazing,” he hears Scully say as he goes to dispose of the cloth. He smiles then disappears only to return not a moment later and rejoin her on the bed.
He pulls her onto his chest, throws the sheets over them both. He is surrounded by everything Scully and it makes his heart feel full.
“I hate Phoebe,” she says and his chest drops at the mention of her name. He looks at Scully, sees the little frown on her face as she looks up at you. “How could she treat you like she did? You’re too good.”
Mulder chuckles, relaxing, letting his hand play with her hair. If he was with Phoebe now and they were at hers she’d have told him to leave. But not Scully. Scully closes her eyes and snuggles in closer. Scully doesn’t just take.
Towards the end, he treated Phoebe the way she treated him and even though she had no problem doing it to him, he still felt guilty about it.
“Well, maybe I wasn’t good to her,” he says quietly.
“No, you were too good.”
If only you knew the whole story, Scully, he thinks to himself.
Wanting to get away from conversations of Phoebe he changes the subject back to their most recent escapade.
“So…Would you do that again?” he asks.
Scully doesn’t answer but her knowing smile answers for him.
They snuggle in for the night. When he gets home tomorrow he’ll respond to Alex’s email. For now, he lets himself exist in this wonderful Scully bubble.
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scullysexual · 8 months
fictober day 5 | m | this list | ao3 | @today-in-fic | @xffictober2023
She can feel the heat radiating from him, smell his unique scent. The sight of him, even in the dim light, has her brain all woozy. She’s never even done this before. The first touch of her lips to his cock has a sigh escaping his lips. [Scully gives Mulder a blowjob]
Day 5: Oral.
The bed creeks under the weight of Scully’s body as she slides herself beneath the covers.
Mulder dozes next to her, his face all contorted. Even in sleep he can’t seem to catch a break.
Scully gently drags her fingers across his face, attempting to soothe the worry lines. He sighs, awakening.
“Hey,” she says when he looks up at her.
“Hey,” he answers back.
“You okay?” Her hands comb through his hair and Mulder closes his eyes.
“Better now you’re here.” He reopens his eyes. “I just want to forget about this day.”
Her heart aches. “Me, too,” she whispers. Then an idea strikes her. She starts to move away.
“Where are you going?” Mulder asks, worry evident on his voice as he reaches out to grab her, stop her.
Scully can only smile. “Nowhere,” she says simply. “Lay on your back.”
He does so as Scully situates herself near his hips. Her hands reach forward grabbing the waistband of his boxers. Mulder sits up immediately.
“You don’t need to do that,” he says.
“You don’t want me too?” She moves her hands away, waiting for his consent.
The smile he gives her makes her feel a little wild. He shakes his head.
“I want you to more than anything but—”
All the permission she needed, Scully gently pushes on his shoulders in an attempt to make him lay down again.
“Then let me,” she says with a whisper.
Mulder lays back down, shifting to get comfortable as Scully resumes her earlier position, pulling him free.
She can feel the heat radiating from him, smell his unique scent. The sight of him, even in the dim light, has her brain all woozy. She’s never even done this before.
The first touch of her lips to his cock has a sigh escaping his lips.
“Oh, Scully…” he moans and Scully feeds off of it, she wants to hear it again.
She learns his dick with his lips and then her tongue. Tongues the ridge just below his head. Listens to the sighs and moans that fall from his mouth- the occasional swear word when she hits a particularly good bit. Her own wetness is sticky between her legs by the time she takes him fully into her mouth.
She wants to try deep-throating him but she’s never taken anyone his size before. To gag on him and ruin this moment just didn’t appeal to her.
Scully opts for the safer option- not that Mulder seems to mind- lost in some blissful pleasure world. With her mouth she goes as far as she feels safe to, her hand wrapping around his base and covering the rest.
It stays like that for some time. Scully finds a rhythm that works for them both. Mulder’s moans become louder until there’s the feel of his hand in her hair and the gentlest tug known to humans.
“I’m close,” he says.
She has two options: Option 1- she jerks off. Option 2- she lets him come in her mouth.
She had never let anyone come in her mouth before. The act just felt gross and unhygienic no matter who was it. Yet with Mulder, it just felt right.
Going with option 2, Scully makes no effort to pull away or stop what she is doing.
“Scully…” Mulder warns.
She can feel him holding himself back. His eyes are dark when they make contact and she just hopes to God her message her clear.
You can come in my mouth.
He explodes. Her name and a string of fucks bellowing out from his mouth. She swallows all of him, her hand still jerking away, getting every last drop.
“Fuck, Scully…” he says again, breathless.
Scully wipes her mouth, grinning as she crawls back up to him. His arms wrap around her, tucking her against him.
“That was incredible,” he says.
“Did it work? Did you forget?”
He chuckles. “Oh yeah, I definitely forgot.”
“But what about you?” he’s saying, already pushing her onto her back. “You need—”
“It’s okay,” says Scully, a blush starts spreading over her. “I came too.” A post orgasmic tremor ripples through her folds.
“You…” Mulder says in awe. “Fuck, Scully!”
He is kissing her then, hard and Scully laughs against his mouth.
“You’re incredible, you know that?”
The blush grows hotter but she’s still proud of herself.
“So I’ve been told.”
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scullysexual · 8 months
fictober day 7 | e | this list | ao3 | @today-in-fic | @xffictober2023
Even as he himself fucks Scully he can’t stop imaging that it’s Alex and he is bound to some chair in the corner, forced to watch. [Mulder gets cuckholded]
(scully/krycek pairing is also in this)
Day 7: Cuckholding.
Mulder would think back on that day and connect it back to past trauma. To watch (never by much choice) as another man touched his girlfriend, fucked his girlfriend, all in front of his very eyes.
He hated it but watching Phoebe moan and wither at the hands of another man was the closest to live porn Mulder would ever get to experience. It turned him on and he hated himself for it. Most of all he hated how he couldn’t stop thinking about it. Only Phoebe had been replaced by Scully.
Alex’s offer was still on the table. Even as he himself fucks Scully he can’t stop imaging that it’s Alex and he is bound to some chair in the corner, forced to watch. He comes a little quicker picturing that scenario.
“You know, Scully…” He braves one night, covered by the darkness and her sleepy, post-orgasmic state. “If you ever wanted to fuck somebody else I wouldn’t mind.”
She spins to face him so quick she almost breaks his nose.
“Are you breaking up with me?” she asks, her voice in a state of panic.
“No, no!” Mulder hurries, that’s not what he meant at all.
“Then what is this about?” she asks. Even in the darkness he can see her confusion. “Mulder, there’s nobody else I want to have sex with.”
He tries not to feel a little disappointed at that.
“It’s nothing,” he says. “Forget I said anything.”
Her expression softens and she shifts a little closer to him.
“Mulder,” she calls gently forcing his eyes back to hers. “Talk to me.”
How could he possibly explain what his perverted mind wants more than anything? Scully has made it clear she’s not interested in having sex with anyone else. He respects that. The quicker he forgot about the idea (and ever bringing it up) the better for everyone.
“Mulder?” she pries again after receiving nothing from him.
He reminds himself that this is Scully- Scully who tries to understand everything even when she has zero grasp of the subject.
Mulder takes a deep breath, chancing it.
“I guess the idea of somebody…fucking you while I watch is incredibly arousing.” His voice is small, he avoids eye contact, instead fidgeting with the duvet cover.
“Why?” Scully says, her voice is neutral, void of all judgement.
Mulder shrugs. He knows why of course but he doesn’t want to admit that.
“Because you’re mine,” he says. It was half the reason. “Because, while these other people might just get a piece of you, I get the whole you. And it’s just, I don’t know…really, really hot.” He lets out a pathetic laugh.
“How long have you been thinking about this?”
Mulder shrugs again. “I guess since we first tried double penetration? I mean, the idea wasn’t really there but…I’d say from then.”
“Mulder, that was months ago!”
“I know.”
Scully grows quiet. Then she speaks up again.
“Do you know who the other person would be? Who I’d be having sex with?”
His brain circuit-cuts for a second. Was she actually considering this?
“Your ex boyfriend?”
Mulder wouldn’t go far as to calling him a boyfriend but…
Scully goes quiet again.
“Or it doesn’t have to be him,” Mulder says. “It could be somebody you know.”
“No,” Scully says shaking her head. “Alex is good. He has…experience with this?”
“Oh yeah.”
She quietens again, thinking.
“Is this…Is this something you and Phoebe have done before?” she asks.
Mulder nods. “It was always her idea. I hated it but it still really turned me on.”
“And yet you want to do it with me?”
“I can’t explain it, Scully. I know it makes me a pervert but—”
“It doesn’t make you a pervert, Mulder. And I’m sorry Phoebe made you do it. I want you to think on it for a while, make sure it is something you want to do.”
He knew for sure it was something he wanted to do but for her, he agrees.
It’s a Friday night when they find themselves at Alex’s apartment. A whole month has passed. Mulder had emailed and Alex had set up the date. When both he and Scully wander through his front door, Alex’s eyes instantly fall on Scully, looking her up and down.
“Ginger?” he asks. “You’ve changed your type.”
“Guess I wanted a change,” Mulder says darkly.
Scully stands in the middle of the room, her fingers playing nervously with each other, looking from Alex to Mulder.
“You ever done something like this before?” Alex asks and Scully shakes her head. “First time, okay.” He looks at Mulder. “You- get on the bed. And you—” His eyes turn back to Scully. “Get undressed. We haven’t got all night.”
Mulder does as he’s told, climbing into position on the bed. Already feeling himself getting hard, he palms himself through his jeans, watching as Scully peels the clothes away from her body. She wasn’t his tonight, he thinks with a thrill. He is simply an onlooker, a voyeur.
“Some ground rules,” Alex says. He has stripped to his boxers now and, as Mulder can see, is starting to become effected by their predicament. He looks at Mulder. “No touching- you’re here to just watch. You’ve got practice with that, of course. Second: I will be inside her some point tonight. None of this condom shit. I’m clean, you’re clean and on some form of birth control, I assume? So condom not needed. Third: If any babies are made from this night, I am not the father. Ready?”
Alex wasn’t as good at oral as Mulder but the idea of another man’s tongue in her pussy was enough to make up for it. She can see Mulder if she tips her head back, can watch the way he pumps himself slowly up and down. The visuals and feelings are incredible. Mulder is over there yet there’s still a tongue down there.
Scully stifles a cry when Alex replaces his tongue with his fingers.
“She tastes amazing,” Alex comments.
“Oh yeah,” Mulder agrees.
Scully feels herself become wetter as they talk about her and not to her.
“I don’t know why you kept her from me for so long.” A cry does escape when Alex’s fingers scrap her g-spot. “How is she at sucking?”
“Best you’ve ever had.”
Alex pulls his fingers out, wiping them on her thigh and then giving them a little pat to gain her attention. Scully clenches at the loss.
“Let’s see. Up you get.”
He kneels as Scully sits up. He repositions them so Mulder gets a front row view.
“You better be watching this still,” he says to Mulder. She hears Mulder let out a moan.
Alex is smaller, falls a lot more into the average category than Mulder. It’s easier for Scully to wrap her lips around him, take more of him in. Her tongue plays with his head and he lets out a moan.
His hand falls to her breast, grabs her nipple and pinches it hard. Scully moans around his dick and Alex’s hips thrust forward, a momentary loss of control.
He regains that control, however, when his other hand grabs her hair and starts to move her head back and forth on his dick, the other hand still tugging and pinching at her nipple. Scully squeezes her thighs together in the hope of relieving some tension between her legs. What she wouldn’t give for Mulder to just creep behind her and insert his fingers, or his tongue, or his cock while all this was happening.
She closest her eyes, moaning at the thought. One day, she thinks.
She reopens her eyes to look over at Mulder. His eyes are dark, watching them, his dick incredibly hard. She couldn’t wait to watch him come.
Alex pulls him off her with a groan, his eyes clenched shut.
“Shit Mulder, you were right,” he says in awe. “She is a good little cock sucker.”
Both Scully and Mulder moan in unison.
“Bet you want me to fuck her now, don’t you?” There’s a glint of evil in Alex’s eyes. Scully watches as Mulder nods.
“How about that, Dana?” Alex says into her ear. The use of her first name sends her into a craze. “Fox wants me to fuck his girlfriend. How about you rate which one is better once we’re done?”
Alex doesn’t wait for her response, he moulds her into the position he wants which ends up with her on her front, doggy style, facing Mulder and Alex somewhere behind her.
The first touch of Alex’s cock sliding into her sends her into a frenzy. For a year it had just been Mulder and sex with Mulder was far from boring but she had forgotten just different other cocks could feel. That slight curve allowing Alex to touch her in places Mulder could ever, biologically, touch her. It was incredible.
And when she reopens her eyes to find Mulder’s cock not too far away from her, she knows she doesn’t have long until she comes.
“Bet you wish this was you, don’t you, Mulder?” Alex is saying though it’s all through clenched teeth. “Bet you wish you could feel how hot she is, wet she is, tight she is.”
Mulder moans, his hand now moving rapidly up and down.
“You know, I might just have to keep her to myself. I don’t think I can let her go after this.”
He’s thrusting in and out now, little thrusts, not pulling all the way out. She is so close, her fingers come up to touch her clit.
“Ohh I think she likes me more than you, Mulder,” Alex is still saying. “She’s clenching so hard around me.” He moves forward to speak into Scully’s ear. “What do you think?” he says. “Want to stay here and be my little fuck toy, Dana?”
Whether it’s her name or his words or whatever it is, it sends her right over the edge. She unravels around him, clenching around him so hard she thinks she might just break his cock.
Mulder’s come spills out of him, her name on his lips and Scully only just opens her eyes to watch. Alex grips her hips, pumping faster and easier aided by her come, it’s not long until he empties out into her either.
All three of them lay there, breathing heavily.
When Alex awakens it’s to the feel of a soft, warm body. A woman’s. He’s familiar with the difference.
He is greeted to a cloud of orange. When he looks beyond her, he can see Mulder sleeping soundly beside the girl in the middle.
She was so much better than Phoebe. So much better than most of the girls Alex found himself in bed with, in fact. Her innocence and lack of experience he found endearing and the way she’d came around him? Alex doesn’t think he’d be forgetting that any time soon.
If only she could stick around but Alex wasn’t made for relationships- he knew that much. Still, one more sneak inside probably wouldn’t hurt anyone.
There was a cock inside her.
Scully wakes to the feel of unknown arms wrapped around her, a hard cock thrusting in and out of her.
Mulder sleeps beside her, dead to the world. Alex breathes against her shoulder.
Her hips start to move in tandem, his hand wanders around to her front.
His touch is a little harder on her clit than she would’ve liked but the danger of it all, of Mulder waking up and finding them like this, is enough to spur her on. She comes around Alex Krycek’s cock for a second time as he spills into her again.
“I want to do this again,” she says later when they’re all awake, still laying in the sheets. “But I want to be able to touch both of you.” Despite her boldness a red blush still treks its way down her body.
“I think that can be arranged,” Alex says.
“Yeah,” Mulder agrees.
Scully just grins triumphantly.
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scullysexual · 9 months
fictober day 1 | e | this list | ao3 | @today-in-fic | @xffictober2023
It wasn’t the first time she’d had this thought. It wasn’t even the first time she planned to act on that thought but this time Mulder wouldn’t just be in her head, he would be there in flesh- if he agreed- and the thought of having a real, hard Mulder in there had her heart thumping. [Mulder and Scully try anal.]
iv. Anal.
Most of her ideas are thought of in the shower and this is no exception. What started off as a simple fantasy of Mulder joining her in the shower turned into something more daring when she runs the loofa over her ass.
It wasn’t the first time she’d had this thought. It wasn’t even the first time she planned to act on that thought but this time Mulder wouldn’t just be in her head, he would be there in flesh- if he agreed- and the thought of having a real, hard Mulder in there had her heart thumping, quickening her shower just a tiny bit more.
All she had to do was summon the courage to ask him.
He sits on her bed while she combs her wet hair, lost in his own little world as he reads his book. Now would be the time to ask him when he isn’t staring into her soul. Scully plucks up the courage, trying to come off as casual as she possibly can.
“What do you think about anal?”
She avoids his eyes, focusing on putting her combs in a straight line.
“Giving or receiving?”
“Does the answer change depending on which?”
She hears him putting the book down and shift on the bed.
“No, not really.” He moves off the bed, coming to stand nearer. “I’ve been on the receiving end plenty of times but I’ve never given it.”
That does make her turn to look at him.
“Never?” she asks, surprised.
Mulder laughs. “No, really. Phoebe was never a fan of it. What about you?”
“What do I think about it?”
He smiles. “Have you ever done it?”
A red flush starts to creep up her neck, giving her away.
“Once. But only with myself.” Her eyes move to the chest of drawers off their own accord. When she pulls them back she finds Mulder with his eyes closed over, breathing heavily.
“I’d like to see that one day,” he mumbles to himself. He reopens his eyes and Scully notices they’ve darkened considerably.
“So when were you thinking?”
“Now?” she suggests, still blushing away. “I’m clean and—”
“Now is good,” Mulder agrees. He reaches for her pulling her up from the chair.
Scully waits on her bed as Mulder roots through the top drawers, finding all the things he needed and more. When he returns he has not only a bottle of lube but one of her smaller vibrators as well.
“You’ve got a nice collection in there, Scully,” Mulder comments, placing the items down and joining her on the bed. “Maybe we should use them all one day.”
“That could be fun,” Scully breaths out, giving him a small smile.
“So, you want to get to the main event or take it slow?”
Scully thinks it over. The night was still young and they didn’t have anywhere to be tomorrow. They had some time to kill.
“Slow,” she says and Mulder grins.
“You have some great ideas,” he says, leaning over to kiss her.
“You’d have said that even if I’d suggested the first option.”
“Yeah, well, that’s because all your ideas are great.”
He takes it slow, as promised, making sure not an inch of skin has gone untouched or skipped over with his lips. When his mouth finally touching that space between her legs, Scully is beyond wet. He still takes his time exploring, licking, sucking. When she comes, he replaces his mouth with his cock, thrusting in and out of her with ease, using her own wetness as a lubricant until she comes for a second time that night.
“I love watching you come,” he mutters, leaning above her and kissing her. He spends some time here, letting his tongue play with hers, before he pulls away and grabs the bottle.
“Want to do the honours?”
Scully sits up, reaching to grab the bottle but Mulder playfully pulls it away from her.
“We don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.”
Scully rolls her eyes. “This was my idea remember?”
“Yeah but I don’t want it to seem like I’m pressuring you or anything.”
She cocks her head. “Do you want me to say no?”
“I want it to be your decision.”
She pushes at his shoulder, using his momentarily surprise and grab the bottle from his hand.
“You’re really annoying, did you know that?”
He smiles stupidly. “So you’ve told me many times.”
She can’t keep the smile away as she squirts the lube into her hand. His smile grows slack however, the moment that same hand wraps around him. She pumps him a few times and when he looks close he places a hand gently around her wrist.
“Your turn,” he whispers and smiles, picking up the bottle again.
Goosebumps cover her skin, her breath shortens, and her body starts to shiver with anticipation. She gets herself into a comfortable position and waits.
“Give me your hand,” she hears Mulder ask.
Confused, she lays her hand, palm upwards, beside her. Something is placed in her hand and her fingers close over it. The vibrator.
“You can use it if you want,” Mulder says.
Scully doesn’t switch it on yet but she keeps it in her hand just in case.
The cap is opened then closed on the bottle, Mulder’s hand ghosts over her ass and the tops of her thighs sending more goosebumps over her skin.
“You ready?” he asks and Scully nods.
The lube is cold and Scully gasps at the contact. All her muscles involuntarily clenching.
“Relax…” he coaxes. His finger circles around and Scully let’s the feeling spread through her, relaxing herself. A finger is pushed in and she moans feeling the intrusion at an usual place. Her pussy clenches around nothing and she almost moans again with disappointment.
“Use the vibrator,” Mulder is saying to her. “It might help.”
She switches it on, the device coming to life in her hand. Mulder pushes in and out, opening her up. The first touch of the vibrator has a louder, longer moan falling from her mouth as the sensations run through her. Mulder uses the moment to push another finger in.
“That feel good?”
“Oh yeah,” Scully moans again, her eyes falling shut.
“Good.” He thrusts his fingers in and out a few more times. “I’m gonna go in now, okay?”
Scully nods, focusing on the pleasure ripping pleasantly through her body. No sooner has his fingers left her anus does she feel the head of his cock pushing into that space.
His cock. She could hardly believe it.
He pushes in slowly and Scully has a thought to how much he is probably holding back.
“How do I feel?” she asks him.
“Amazing,” he answers immediately. “So fucking tight. I just want to go all the way in.” He must of felt the sudden tension in her body. “I won’t, though.” He pushes in some more and audibly moans just for her. “I don’t think I’m gonna last long, Scully.” There’s almost a note of regret in his voice.
“It’s okay. I’ve already had two orgasms, you’ve had none.”
“Well worth the wait.”
There’s one final push before he’s in her completely. They both moan in unison. It stings a little but she could ignore that if she just focuses on the vibrations running through her folds.
“I’m gonna start to move. Tell me if I hurt you.”
He goes slowly, barely moving in and out of her. It starts hurting less the more he keeps at it, the lube keeping her asshole slick. Before long he’s thrusting in and out as normal, all pain melting away for indescribable pleasure. God, he’s so much better than that little pink dildo.
She’s coming again for a third time when she moves the vibrator up to her clit just as he thrusts back in. She holds the device against her, muscles fluttering all around her. Mulder pulls out of her, freeing her, and Scully falls against the mattress, shutting the vibrator off and throwing it away from her just as Mulder’s hot come spills all over her back.
Mulder falls beside her, a “Jesus fuck, Scully!” muffled by the pillow.
“We need to do that again sometime,” she says, already growing sleepy.
“ Oh definitely.”
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